After spending quite a bit of time trying to get a headless XBMC server set up i finally succeeded, I am using ESXi with Xpenology, PfSense and Ubuntu. So here is a guide on getting XBMC running headless, Enjoy.
Install your debian based linux distribution.
Type the following commands in to the shell/SSH terminal.
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/unstable
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/xbmc-ppa-build-depends
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get build-dep xbmc
sudo apt-get install libtag1-de
- Now we can begin with the XBMC building.
- First we need to clone the github repo.
git clone git://
cd xbmc
- Now we can checkout and patch the cloned source.
git checkout 13.0-Gotham
git checkout -b local
git apply xbmc-server.patch
Next we run some more commands.
./configure --enable-shared-lib --disable-debug --disable-vdpau --disable-vaapi --disable-crystalhd --disable-vtbdecoder --disable-vtbdecoder --disable-openmax --disable-joystick --disable-xrandr --disable-rsxs --disable-projectm --disable-rtmp --disable-airplay --disable-airtunes --disable-dvdcss --disable-optical-drive --disable-libbluray --disable-libusb --disable-libcec --disable-libmp3lame --disable-libcap --disable-pulse --disable-alsa
Next we need to make and make install (REPLACE “X” with number of cpu cores in system.)
make -jX
make install
cp /lib/
cd xbmc
make -f make_xbmc-server all
make -f make_xbmcVideoLibraryScan all
sudo cp xbmc-server /usr/local/lib/xbmc/xbmc-server.bin
sudo cp xbmcVideoLibraryScan /usr/local/lib/xbmc/
Next we create a service and add it to the startup.
cd /etc/init.d
sudo wget
sudo nano xbmc
Replace the username with your username then press CTRL + X to save.
sudo chmod 744 xbmc
sudo update-rc.d xbmc defaults
Sorted, Now we can start the server and sort the remaining things out.
sudo service xbmc start
Wait around 10 seconds then stop the server.
sudo service xbmc stop
Now we need to enable the web server, feel free to use a different port if you prefer and change the password to whatever you wish (nano ~/.xbmc/userdata/guisettings.xml
cd ~/.xbmc/userdata/
sudo rm -rf ~/.xbmc/userdata/guisettings.xml
sudo wget
Now we set up the advancedsettings.xml file, used to configure mysql DB settings etc. XBMC Wiki for more information
sudo nano ~/.xbmc/userdata/advancedsettings.xml
Now we can just start the server again and it will connect to the existing DB (This guide assumes you have the DB all set up using a non-headless XBMC install and are just adding this headless XBMC to it).
sudo service xbmc-server start
That’s it all done, You can check the log by entering the following command.
sudo tail -f ~/.xbmc/temp/xbmc.log
- XBMC Team ofcourse
- XBMC Forum Member sparklyballs
- XBMC Forum Member brownbear1984
- XBMC Forum Member marshcroft
- XBMC Forum Member KRavEN
- XBMC Forum Member docmeth02
- XBMC Forum Member gutz-pilz
- All others who have supported this project.
- Original Thread where most information came from can be found here –