Sync 3 APIM Database
Smart DSP (DSP)
Auxiliary Audio Module (AAM)
Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS)
Rear Seat Entertainment (RSEM)DE00/7D0-01-01 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
Smart DSP (DSP)
Auxiliary Audio Module (AAM)
Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS)
Rear Seat Entertainment (RSEM)
Auxiliary Audio Module (AAM)
Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS)
Rear Seat Entertainment (RSEM)
DE00/7D0-01-01 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
DE00/7D0-01-01: *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
0=DSP Disabled, AAM Disabled, SDARS Disabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Disabled
1=DSP Disabled, AAM Disabled, SDARS Disabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Enabled
2=DSP Disabled, AAM Disabled, SDARS Enabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Disabled
3=DSP Disabled, AAM Disabled, SDARS Enabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Enabled
4=DSP Disabled, AAM Enabled, SDARS Disabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Disabled
5=DSP Disabled, AAM Enabled, SDARS Disabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Enabled
6=DSP Disabled, AAM Enabled, SDARS Enabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Disabled
7=DSP Disabled, AAM Enabled, SDARS Enabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Enabled
8=DSP Enabled, AAM Disabled, SDARS Disabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Disabled
9=DSP Enabled, AAM Disabled, SDARS Disabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Enabled
A=DSP Enabled, AAM Disabled, SDARS Enabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Disabled
B=DSP Enabled, AAM Disabled, SDARS Enabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Enabled
C=DSP Enabled, AAM Enabled, SDARS Disabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Disabled
D=DSP Enabled, AAM Enabled, SDARS Disabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Enabled
E=DSP Enabled, AAM Enabled, SDARS Enabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Disabled
F=DSP Enabled, AAM Enabled, SDARS Enabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Enabled
1=DSP Disabled, AAM Disabled, SDARS Disabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Enabled
2=DSP Disabled, AAM Disabled, SDARS Enabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Disabled
3=DSP Disabled, AAM Disabled, SDARS Enabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Enabled
4=DSP Disabled, AAM Enabled, SDARS Disabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Disabled
5=DSP Disabled, AAM Enabled, SDARS Disabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Enabled
6=DSP Disabled, AAM Enabled, SDARS Enabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Disabled
7=DSP Disabled, AAM Enabled, SDARS Enabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Enabled
8=DSP Enabled, AAM Disabled, SDARS Disabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Disabled
9=DSP Enabled, AAM Disabled, SDARS Disabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Enabled
A=DSP Enabled, AAM Disabled, SDARS Enabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Disabled
B=DSP Enabled, AAM Disabled, SDARS Enabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Enabled
C=DSP Enabled, AAM Enabled, SDARS Disabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Disabled
D=DSP Enabled, AAM Enabled, SDARS Disabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Enabled
E=DSP Enabled, AAM Enabled, SDARS Enabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Disabled
F=DSP Enabled, AAM Enabled, SDARS Enabled, Rear Seat Entertainment Enabled
SDARS (Satellite Digital Audio Receiver System) aka SiriusXM
AAM (Module is related to ACM)
AAM (Module is related to ACM)
Parking Distance Control (PDC) HMI
Reverse View Camera (RVC)
Illumination Strategy (I)DE00/7D0-01-01 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
Parking Distance Control (PDC) HMI
Reverse View Camera (RVC)
Illumination Strategy (I)
Reverse View Camera (RVC)
Illumination Strategy (I)
DE00/7D0-01-01 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
DE00/7D0-01-01: x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
0=Parking Sensor Display Disabled & Camera Disabled & DC HMI Disabled Illumination FNA
1=Parking Sensor Display Disabled & Camera Disabled DC HMI Disabled Illumination FoE
2=Parking Sensor Display Disabled & Camera Enabled DC HMI Disabled Illumination FNA
3=Parking Sensor Display Disabled & Camera Enabled DC HMI Disabled Illumination FoE
8=Parking Sensor Display Enabled & Camera Disabled DC HMI Enabled Illumination FNA
9=Parking Sensor Display Enabled & Camera Disabled DC HMI Enabled Illumination FoE
A=Parking Sensor Display Enabled, Camera Enabled, DC HMI Enabled, Illumination FNA
B=Parking Sensor Display Enabled, Camera Enabled, DC HMI Enabled, Illumination FoE
1=Parking Sensor Display Disabled & Camera Disabled DC HMI Disabled Illumination FoE
2=Parking Sensor Display Disabled & Camera Enabled DC HMI Disabled Illumination FNA
3=Parking Sensor Display Disabled & Camera Enabled DC HMI Disabled Illumination FoE
8=Parking Sensor Display Enabled & Camera Disabled DC HMI Enabled Illumination FNA
9=Parking Sensor Display Enabled & Camera Disabled DC HMI Enabled Illumination FoE
A=Parking Sensor Display Enabled, Camera Enabled, DC HMI Enabled, Illumination FNA
B=Parking Sensor Display Enabled, Camera Enabled, DC HMI Enabled, Illumination FoE
Reverse View Camera (RVC) (6.5/8/10" screens)
Extended Play (EP)
Extended Play Time (EPT)
Clock Master (CM)
10 Minute Clock (MC)
CAN Steering Wheel Control Switches (SWC)DE00/7D0-01-01 xx**-xxxx-xxxx
Extended Play (EP)
Extended Play Time (EPT)
Clock Master (CM)
10 Minute Clock (MC)
CAN Steering Wheel Control Switches (SWC)
Extended Play Time (EPT)
Clock Master (CM)
10 Minute Clock (MC)
CAN Steering Wheel Control Switches (SWC)
DE00/7D0-01-01 xx**-xxxx-xxxx
DE00/7D0-01-01: xx**-xxxx-xxxx
00=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
01=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
02=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
03=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
04=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
05=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
06=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
07=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
08=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
09=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
0A=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
0B=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
0C=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
0D=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
0E=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
0F=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
10=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
11=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
12=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
13=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
14=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
15=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
16=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
17=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
18=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
19=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
1A=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
1B=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
1C=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
1D=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
1E=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
1F=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
20=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
21=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
22=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
23=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
24=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
25=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
26=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
27=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
28=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
29=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
2A=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
2B=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
2C=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
2D=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
2E=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
2F=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
30=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
31=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
32=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
33=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
34=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
35=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
36=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
37=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
38=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
39=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
3A=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
3B=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
3C=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
3D=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
3E=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
3F=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
40=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
41=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
42=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
43=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
44=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
45=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
46=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
47=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
48=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
49=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
4A=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
4B=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
4C=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
4D=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
4E=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
4F=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
50=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
51=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
52=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
53=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
54=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
55=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
56=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
57=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
58=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
59=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
5A=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
5B=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
5C=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
5D=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
5E=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
5F=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
60=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
61=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
62=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
63=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
64=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
65=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
66=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
67=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
68=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
69=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
6A=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
6B=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
6C=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
6D=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
6E=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
6F=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
70=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
71=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
72=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
73=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
74=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
75=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
76=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
77=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
78=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
79=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
7A=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
7B=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
7C=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
7D=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
7E=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
7F=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
80=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
81=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
82=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
83=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
84=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
85=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
86=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
87=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
88=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
89=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
8A=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
8B=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
8C=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
8D=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
8E=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
8F=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
90=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
91=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
92=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
93=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
94=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
95=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
96=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
97=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
98=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
99=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
9A=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
9B=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
9C=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
9D=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
9E=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
9F=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
A0=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
A1=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
A2=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
A3=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
A4=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
A5=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
A6=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
A7=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
A8=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
A9=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
AA=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
AB=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
AC=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
AD=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
AE=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
AF=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
B0=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
B1=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
B2=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
B3=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
B4=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
B5=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
B6=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
B7=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
B8=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
B9=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
BA=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
BB=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
BC=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
BD=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
BE=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
BF=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
C0=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
C1=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
C2=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
C3=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
C4=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
C5=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
C6=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
C7=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
C8=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
C9=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
CA=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
CB=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
CC=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
CD=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
CE=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
CF=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
D0=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
D1=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
D2=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
D3=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
D4=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
D5=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
D6=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
D7=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
D8=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
D9=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
DA=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
DB=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
DC=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
DD=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
DE=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
DF=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
E0=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
E1=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
E2=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
E3=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
E4=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
E5=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
E6=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
E7=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
E8=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
E9=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
EA=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
EB=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
EC=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
ED=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
EE=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
EF=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
F0=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
F1=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
F2=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
F3=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
F4=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
F5=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
F6=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
F7=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
F8=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
F9=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
FA=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
FB=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
FC=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
FD=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
FE=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
FF=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
01=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
02=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
03=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
04=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
05=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
06=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
07=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
08=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
09=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
0A=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
0B=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
0C=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
0D=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
0E=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
0F=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
10=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
11=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
12=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
13=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
14=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
15=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
16=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
17=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
18=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
19=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
1A=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
1B=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
1C=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
1D=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
1E=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
1F=EP On, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
20=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
21=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
22=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
23=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
24=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
25=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
26=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
27=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
28=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
29=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
2A=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
2B=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
2C=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
2D=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
2E=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
2F=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
30=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
31=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
32=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
33=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
34=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
35=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
36=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
37=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
38=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
39=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
3A=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
3B=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
3C=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
3D=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
3E=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
3F=EP On, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
40=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
41=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
42=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
43=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
44=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
45=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
46=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
47=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
48=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
49=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
4A=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
4B=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
4C=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
4D=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
4E=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
4F=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
50=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
51=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
52=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
53=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
54=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
55=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
56=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
57=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
58=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
59=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
5A=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
5B=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
5C=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
5D=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
5E=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
5F=EP On, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
60=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
61=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
62=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
63=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
64=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
65=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
66=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
67=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
68=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
69=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
6A=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
6B=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
6C=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
6D=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
6E=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
6F=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
70=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
71=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
72=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
73=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
74=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
75=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
76=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
77=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
78=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
79=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
7A=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
7B=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
7C=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
7D=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
7E=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
7F=EP On, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
80=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
81=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
82=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
83=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
84=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
85=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
86=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
87=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
88=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
89=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
8A=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
8B=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
8C=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
8D=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
8E=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
8F=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
90=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
91=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
92=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
93=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
94=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
95=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
96=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
97=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
98=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
99=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
9A=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
9B=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
9C=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
9D=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
9E=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
9F=EP Off, EPT 20 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
A0=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
A1=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
A2=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
A3=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
A4=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
A5=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
A6=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
A7=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
A8=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
A9=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
AA=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
AB=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
AC=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
AD=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
AE=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
AF=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
B0=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
B1=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
B2=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
B3=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
B4=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
B5=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
B6=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
B7=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
B8=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
B9=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
BA=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
BB=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
BC=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
BD=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
BE=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
BF=EP Off, EPT 30 minutes (FNA), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
C0=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
C1=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
C2=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
C3=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
C4=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
C5=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
C6=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
C7=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
C8=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
C9=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
CA=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
CB=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
CC=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
CD=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
CE=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
CF=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
D0=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
D1=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
D2=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
D3=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
D4=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
D5=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
D6=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
D7=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
D8=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
D9=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
DA=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
DB=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
DC=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
DD=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
DE=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
DF=EP Off, EPT 40 minutes, CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
E0=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
E1=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
E2=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
E3=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
E4=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
E5=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
E6=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
E7=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM APIM (NA Market CGEA 1.2), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
E8=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
E9=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
EA=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
EB=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
EC=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
ED=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
EE=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
EF=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM BCM (C1MCA and CGEA 1.3), MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
F0=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
F1=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
F2=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
F3=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
F4=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
F5=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
F6=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
F7=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM IPC, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
F8=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC Not Available
F9=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
FA=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
FB=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Disabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
FC=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC Not Available
FD=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC CGEA SCCM
FE=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWMT - C1MCA and CGEA 1.3
FF=EP Off, EPT 60 minutes (FoE), CM Reserved, MC Enabled, SWC SWFC - C1MCA
Not available: (Do not log missing messages - HW SWC)
SWC CGEA SCCM: (Log missing messages against SWC)
SWMT = C1MCA and CGEA 1.3: (Cursors and OK Button over CAN)
SWFC = C1MCA: (With Function Buttons)
SWC CGEA SCCM: (Log missing messages against SWC)
SWMT = C1MCA and CGEA 1.3: (Cursors and OK Button over CAN)
SWFC = C1MCA: (With Function Buttons)
Auxiliary Input (AI)
Climate Control (CC)
Chime Strategy (CS)
Type of Volume Knob Display (TVK)DE00/7D0-01-01 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
Auxiliary Input (AI)
Climate Control (CC)
Chime Strategy (CS)
Type of Volume Knob Display (TVK)
Climate Control (CC)
Chime Strategy (CS)
Type of Volume Knob Display (TVK)
DE00/7D0-01-01 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
DE00/7D0-01-01: xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
0=Aux Audio Only, CGEA NA Climate Strategy, Chimes NA Strategy, Rotary Volume
1=Aux Audio Only, CGEA NA Climate Strategy, Chimes NA Strategy, Horizontal Volume
2=Aux Audio Only, CGEA NA Climate Strategy, Chimes EU Strategy, Rotary Volume
3=Aux Audio Only, CGEA NA Climate Strategy, Chimes EU Strategy, Horizontal Volume
4=Aux Audio Only, C1MCA EU Climate Strategy, Chimes NA Strategy, Rotary Volume
5=Aux Audio Only, C1MCA EU Climate Strategy, Chimes NA Strategy, Horizontal Volume
6=Aux Audio Only, C1MCA EU Climate Strategy, Chimes EU Strategy, Rotary Volume
7=Aux Audio Only, C1MCA EU Climate Strategy, Chimes EU Strategy, Horizontal Volume
8=Aux Audio/Video, CGEA NA Climate Strategy, Chimes NA Strategy, Rotary Volume
9=Aux Audio/Video, CGEA NA Climate Strategy, Chimes NA Strategy, Horizontal Volume
A=Aux Audio/Video, CGEA NA Climate Strategy, Chimes EU Strategy, Rotary Volume
B=Aux Audio/Video, CGEA NA Climate Strategy, Chimes EU Strategy, Horizontal Volume
C=Aux Audio/Video, C1MCA EU Climate Strategy, Chimes NA Strategy, Rotary Volume
D=Aux Audio/Video, C1MCA EU Climate Strategy, Chimes NA Strategy, Horizontal Volume
E=Aux Audio/Video, C1MCA EU Climate Strategy, Chimes EU Strategy, Rotary Volume
F=Aux Audio/Video, C1MCA EU Climate Strategy, Chimes EU Strategy, Horizontal Volume
1=Aux Audio Only, CGEA NA Climate Strategy, Chimes NA Strategy, Horizontal Volume
2=Aux Audio Only, CGEA NA Climate Strategy, Chimes EU Strategy, Rotary Volume
3=Aux Audio Only, CGEA NA Climate Strategy, Chimes EU Strategy, Horizontal Volume
4=Aux Audio Only, C1MCA EU Climate Strategy, Chimes NA Strategy, Rotary Volume
5=Aux Audio Only, C1MCA EU Climate Strategy, Chimes NA Strategy, Horizontal Volume
6=Aux Audio Only, C1MCA EU Climate Strategy, Chimes EU Strategy, Rotary Volume
7=Aux Audio Only, C1MCA EU Climate Strategy, Chimes EU Strategy, Horizontal Volume
8=Aux Audio/Video, CGEA NA Climate Strategy, Chimes NA Strategy, Rotary Volume
9=Aux Audio/Video, CGEA NA Climate Strategy, Chimes NA Strategy, Horizontal Volume
A=Aux Audio/Video, CGEA NA Climate Strategy, Chimes EU Strategy, Rotary Volume
B=Aux Audio/Video, CGEA NA Climate Strategy, Chimes EU Strategy, Horizontal Volume
C=Aux Audio/Video, C1MCA EU Climate Strategy, Chimes NA Strategy, Rotary Volume
D=Aux Audio/Video, C1MCA EU Climate Strategy, Chimes NA Strategy, Horizontal Volume
E=Aux Audio/Video, C1MCA EU Climate Strategy, Chimes EU Strategy, Rotary Volume
F=Aux Audio/Video, C1MCA EU Climate Strategy, Chimes EU Strategy, Horizontal Volume
Fader in Sound Menu (FSM)
Android Audio Projection Mode (AAPM)
Audio Mode - Bass/Mid/Treble Settings (BMTS)
Ignition Type (IT)DE00/7D0-01-01 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
Fader in Sound Menu (FSM)
Android Audio Projection Mode (AAPM)
Audio Mode - Bass/Mid/Treble Settings (BMTS)
Ignition Type (IT)
Android Audio Projection Mode (AAPM)
Audio Mode - Bass/Mid/Treble Settings (BMTS)
Ignition Type (IT)
DE00/7D0-01-01 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
DE00/7D0-01-01: xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
0=Fader in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Enabled, BMTS Universal Audio, IT Key
1=Fader in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Enabled, BMTS Universal Audio, IT Push Button
2=Fader in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Enabled, BMTS Unique Audio, IT Key
3=Fader in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Enabled, BMTS Unique Audio, IT Push Button
4=Fader in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Disabled, BMTS Universal Audio, IT Key
5=Fader in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Disabled, BMTS Universal Audio, IT Push Button
6=Fader in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Disabled, BMTS Unique Audio, IT Key
7=Fader in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Disabled, BMTS Unique Audio, IT Push Button
8=Fader Not in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Enabled, BMTS Universal Audio, IT Key
9=Fader Not in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Enabled, BMTS Universal Audio, IT Push Button
A=Fader Not in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Enabled, BMTS Unique Audio, IT Key
B=Fader Not in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Enabled, BMTS Unique Audio, IT Push Button
C=Fader Not in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Disabled, BMTS Universal Audio, IT Key
D=Fader Not in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Disabled, BMTS Universal Audio, IT Push Button
E=Fader Not in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Disabled, BMTS Unique Audio, IT Key
F=Fader Not in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Disabled, BMTS Unique Audio, IT Push Button
1=Fader in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Enabled, BMTS Universal Audio, IT Push Button
2=Fader in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Enabled, BMTS Unique Audio, IT Key
3=Fader in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Enabled, BMTS Unique Audio, IT Push Button
4=Fader in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Disabled, BMTS Universal Audio, IT Key
5=Fader in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Disabled, BMTS Universal Audio, IT Push Button
6=Fader in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Disabled, BMTS Unique Audio, IT Key
7=Fader in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Disabled, BMTS Unique Audio, IT Push Button
8=Fader Not in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Enabled, BMTS Universal Audio, IT Key
9=Fader Not in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Enabled, BMTS Universal Audio, IT Push Button
A=Fader Not in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Enabled, BMTS Unique Audio, IT Key
B=Fader Not in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Enabled, BMTS Unique Audio, IT Push Button
C=Fader Not in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Disabled, BMTS Universal Audio, IT Key
D=Fader Not in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Disabled, BMTS Universal Audio, IT Push Button
E=Fader Not in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Disabled, BMTS Unique Audio, IT Key
F=Fader Not in Sound Menu, AAPM Mode Disabled, BMTS Unique Audio, IT Push Button
Audio Mode Bass/Mid/Treble Settings:
Universal for audio modes - Audio settings are one setting for all sources.
Unique for audio modes - Audio settings are unique per source.
Universal for audio modes - Audio settings are one setting for all sources.
Unique for audio modes - Audio settings are unique per source.
Tuner Type [Dual Tuner or Single Tuner + Data Tuner] (TT)
Vehicle Driver Location (VDL)
WOW Seat (WS)
Traffic Message Channel (TMC)DE00/7D0-01-01 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
Tuner Type [Dual Tuner or Single Tuner + Data Tuner] (TT)
Vehicle Driver Location (VDL)
WOW Seat (WS)
Traffic Message Channel (TMC)
Vehicle Driver Location (VDL)
WOW Seat (WS)
Traffic Message Channel (TMC)
DE00/7D0-01-01 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
DE00/7D0-01-01: xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
0=TT Single, VDL: LHD, WS Not Present, TMC Disabled
1=TT Single, VDL: LHD, WS Not Present, TMC Enabled
2=TT Single, VDL: LHD, WS Present, TMC Disabled
3=TT Single, VDL: LHD, WS Present, TMC Enabled
4=TT Single, VDL: RHD, WS Not Present, TMC Disabled
5=TT Single, VDL: RHD, WS Not Present, TMC Enabled
6=TT Single, VDL: RHD, WS Present, TMC Disabled
7=TT Single, VDL: RHD, WS Present, TMC Enabled
8=TT Dual, VDL: LHD, WS Not Present, TMC Disabled
9=TT Dual, VDL: LHD, WS Not Present, TMC Enabled
A=TT Dual, VDL: LHD, WS Present, TMC Disabled
B=TT Dual, VDL: LHD, WS Present, TMC Enabled
C=TT Dual, VDL: RHD, WS Not Present, TMC Disabled
D=TT Dual, VDL: RHD, WS Not Present, TMC Enabled
E=TT Dual, VDL: RHD, WS Present, TMC Disabled
F=TT Dual, VDL: RHD, WS Present, TMC Enabled
1=TT Single, VDL: LHD, WS Not Present, TMC Enabled
2=TT Single, VDL: LHD, WS Present, TMC Disabled
3=TT Single, VDL: LHD, WS Present, TMC Enabled
4=TT Single, VDL: RHD, WS Not Present, TMC Disabled
5=TT Single, VDL: RHD, WS Not Present, TMC Enabled
6=TT Single, VDL: RHD, WS Present, TMC Disabled
7=TT Single, VDL: RHD, WS Present, TMC Enabled
8=TT Dual, VDL: LHD, WS Not Present, TMC Disabled
9=TT Dual, VDL: LHD, WS Not Present, TMC Enabled
A=TT Dual, VDL: LHD, WS Present, TMC Disabled
B=TT Dual, VDL: LHD, WS Present, TMC Enabled
C=TT Dual, VDL: RHD, WS Not Present, TMC Disabled
D=TT Dual, VDL: RHD, WS Not Present, TMC Enabled
E=TT Dual, VDL: RHD, WS Present, TMC Disabled
F=TT Dual, VDL: RHD, WS Present, TMC Enabled
Left Hand Drive (When user selects Driver HMI button, send driver occupancy mode CAN signal).
Right Hand Drive (When user selects Driver HMI button, send passenger occupancy mode CAN signal).
Right Hand Drive (When user selects Driver HMI button, send passenger occupancy mode CAN signal).
Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB)
Climate Front Zones (CFZ)
Steering Wheel Angle Sensor (SWAS)
HD Radio (HDR)DE00/7D0-01-01 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB)
Climate Front Zones (CFZ)
Steering Wheel Angle Sensor (SWAS)
HD Radio (HDR)
Climate Front Zones (CFZ)
Steering Wheel Angle Sensor (SWAS)
HD Radio (HDR)
DE00/7D0-01-01 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
DE00/7D0-01-01: xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
0=DAB Disabled, Dual Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Relative, HD Radio Disabled
1=DAB Disabled, Dual Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Relative, HD Radio Enabled
2=DAB Disabled, Dual Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Absolute, HD Radio Disabled
3=DAB Disabled, Dual Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Absolute, HD Radio Enabled
4=DAB Disabled, Single Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Relative, HD Radio Disabled
5=DAB Disabled, Single Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Relative, HD Radio Enabled
6=DAB Disabled, Single Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Absolute, HD Radio Disabled
7=DAB Disabled, Single Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Absolute, HD Radio Enabled
8=DAB Enabled, Dual Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Relative, HD Radio Disabled
9=DAB Enabled, Dual Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Relative, HD Radio Enabled
A=DAB Enabled, Dual Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Absolute, HD Radio Disabled
B=DAB Enabled, Dual Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Absolute, HD Radio Enabled
C=DAB Enabled, Single Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Relative, HD Radio Disabled
D=DAB Enabled, Single Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Relative, HD Radio Enabled
E=DAB Enabled, Single Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Absolute, HD Radio Disabled
F=DAB Enabled, Single Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Absolute, HD Radio Enabled
1=DAB Disabled, Dual Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Relative, HD Radio Enabled
2=DAB Disabled, Dual Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Absolute, HD Radio Disabled
3=DAB Disabled, Dual Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Absolute, HD Radio Enabled
4=DAB Disabled, Single Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Relative, HD Radio Disabled
5=DAB Disabled, Single Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Relative, HD Radio Enabled
6=DAB Disabled, Single Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Absolute, HD Radio Disabled
7=DAB Disabled, Single Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Absolute, HD Radio Enabled
8=DAB Enabled, Dual Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Relative, HD Radio Disabled
9=DAB Enabled, Dual Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Relative, HD Radio Enabled
A=DAB Enabled, Dual Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Absolute, HD Radio Disabled
B=DAB Enabled, Dual Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Absolute, HD Radio Enabled
C=DAB Enabled, Single Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Relative, HD Radio Disabled
D=DAB Enabled, Single Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Relative, HD Radio Enabled
E=DAB Enabled, Single Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Absolute, HD Radio Disabled
F=DAB Enabled, Single Zone, Steering Wheel Angle Absolute, HD Radio Enabled
Infotainment Controller Area Network (I-CAN) Diagnostics (ICAND)
Smart Auto-Climate (SA)
My Temp (MT) (Electronic Feature Panel (EFP) Hard Button Present)
Radio Tuner Market (RTM)DE00/7D0-01-01 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
Infotainment Controller Area Network (I-CAN) Diagnostics (ICAND)
Smart Auto-Climate (SA)
My Temp (MT) (Electronic Feature Panel (EFP) Hard Button Present)
Radio Tuner Market (RTM)
Smart Auto-Climate (SA)
My Temp (MT) (Electronic Feature Panel (EFP) Hard Button Present)
Radio Tuner Market (RTM)
DE00/7D0-01-01 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
DE00/7D0-01-01: xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
0=ICAND Off, Smart Auto Disabled, My Temp Not Available, Non RDS Market (NA)
1=ICAND Off, Smart Auto Disabled, My Temp Not Available, RDS Market (Europe, APA, SA)
2=ICAND Off, Smart Auto Disabled, My Temp Available, Non RDS Market (NA)
3=ICAND Off, Smart Auto Disabled, My Temp Available, RDS Market (Europe, APA, SA)
4=ICAND Off, Smart Auto Enabled, My Temp Not Available, Non RDS Market (NA)
5=ICAND Off, Smart Auto Enabled, My Temp Not Available, RDS Market (Europe, APA, SA)
6=ICAND Off, Smart Auto Enabled, My Temp Available, Non RDS Market (NA)
7=ICAND Off, Smart Auto Enabled, My Temp Available, RDS Market (Europe, APA, SA)
8=ICAND On, Smart Auto Disabled, My Temp Not Available, Non RDS Market (NA)
9=ICAND On, Smart Auto Disabled, My Temp Not Available, RDS Market (Europe, APA, SA)
A=ICAND On, Smart Auto Disabled, My Temp Available, Non RDS Market (NA)
B=ICAND On, Smart Auto Disabled, My Temp Available, RDS Market (Europe, APA, SA)
C=ICAND On, Smart Auto Enabled, My Temp Not Available, Non RDS Market (NA)
D=ICAND On, Smart Auto Enabled, My Temp Not Available, RDS Market (Europe, APA, SA)
E=ICAND On, Smart Auto Enabled, My Temp Available, Non RDS Market (NA)
F=ICAND On, Smart Auto Enabled, My Temp Available, RDS Market (Europe, APA, SA)
1=ICAND Off, Smart Auto Disabled, My Temp Not Available, RDS Market (Europe, APA, SA)
2=ICAND Off, Smart Auto Disabled, My Temp Available, Non RDS Market (NA)
3=ICAND Off, Smart Auto Disabled, My Temp Available, RDS Market (Europe, APA, SA)
4=ICAND Off, Smart Auto Enabled, My Temp Not Available, Non RDS Market (NA)
5=ICAND Off, Smart Auto Enabled, My Temp Not Available, RDS Market (Europe, APA, SA)
6=ICAND Off, Smart Auto Enabled, My Temp Available, Non RDS Market (NA)
7=ICAND Off, Smart Auto Enabled, My Temp Available, RDS Market (Europe, APA, SA)
8=ICAND On, Smart Auto Disabled, My Temp Not Available, Non RDS Market (NA)
9=ICAND On, Smart Auto Disabled, My Temp Not Available, RDS Market (Europe, APA, SA)
A=ICAND On, Smart Auto Disabled, My Temp Available, Non RDS Market (NA)
B=ICAND On, Smart Auto Disabled, My Temp Available, RDS Market (Europe, APA, SA)
C=ICAND On, Smart Auto Enabled, My Temp Not Available, Non RDS Market (NA)
D=ICAND On, Smart Auto Enabled, My Temp Not Available, RDS Market (Europe, APA, SA)
E=ICAND On, Smart Auto Enabled, My Temp Available, Non RDS Market (NA)
F=ICAND On, Smart Auto Enabled, My Temp Available, RDS Market (Europe, APA, SA)
Rear Climate (RC) Controls
Heated Steering Wheel (HSW)
Heated/Cooled Seats HMI (HSHMI)DE00/7D0-01-01 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
Rear Climate (RC) Controls
Heated Steering Wheel (HSW)
Heated/Cooled Seats HMI (HSHMI)
Heated Steering Wheel (HSW)
Heated/Cooled Seats HMI (HSHMI)
DE00/7D0-01-01 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
DE00/7D0-01-01: xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
0=Rear Climate Not Available, HSW Not Available (or Hard Button Control), None (Hard Buttons Only or None)
1=Rear Climate Not Available, HSW Not Available (or Hard Button Control), Heated Only (2-Level if equipped)
2=Rear Climate Not Available, HSW Not Available (or Hard Button Control), Heated/Cooled
3=Rear Climate Not Available, HSW Not Available (or Hard Button Control), Heated Only (3-LEVEL)
4=Rear Climate Not Available, HSW Available, None (Hard Buttons Only or None)
5=Rear Climate Not Available, HSW Available, Heated Only (2-Level if equipped)
6=Rear Climate Not Available, HSW Available, Heated/Cooled
7=Rear Climate Not Available, HSW Available, Heated Only (3-LEVEL)
8=Rear Climate Available, HSW Not Available (or Hard Button Control), None (Hard Buttons Only or None)
9=Rear Climate Available, HSW Not Available (or Hard Button Control), Heated Only (2-Level if equipped)
A=Rear Climate Available, HSW Not Available (or Hard Button Control), Heated/Cooled
B=Rear Climate Available, HSW Not Available (or Hard Button Control), Heated Only (3-LEVEL)
C=Rear Climate Available, HSW Available, None (Hard Buttons Only or None)
D=Rear Climate Available, HSW Available, Heated Only (2-Level if equipped)
E=Rear Climate Available, HSW Available, Heated/Cooled
F=Rear Climate Available, HSW Available, Heated Only (3-LEVEL)
1=Rear Climate Not Available, HSW Not Available (or Hard Button Control), Heated Only (2-Level if equipped)
2=Rear Climate Not Available, HSW Not Available (or Hard Button Control), Heated/Cooled
3=Rear Climate Not Available, HSW Not Available (or Hard Button Control), Heated Only (3-LEVEL)
4=Rear Climate Not Available, HSW Available, None (Hard Buttons Only or None)
5=Rear Climate Not Available, HSW Available, Heated Only (2-Level if equipped)
6=Rear Climate Not Available, HSW Available, Heated/Cooled
7=Rear Climate Not Available, HSW Available, Heated Only (3-LEVEL)
8=Rear Climate Available, HSW Not Available (or Hard Button Control), None (Hard Buttons Only or None)
9=Rear Climate Available, HSW Not Available (or Hard Button Control), Heated Only (2-Level if equipped)
A=Rear Climate Available, HSW Not Available (or Hard Button Control), Heated/Cooled
B=Rear Climate Available, HSW Not Available (or Hard Button Control), Heated Only (3-LEVEL)
C=Rear Climate Available, HSW Available, None (Hard Buttons Only or None)
D=Rear Climate Available, HSW Available, Heated Only (2-Level if equipped)
E=Rear Climate Available, HSW Available, Heated/Cooled
F=Rear Climate Available, HSW Available, Heated Only (3-LEVEL)
Thanks to Bill32399 for testing the heated seat settings on CGEA 1.2 with a Sync 3 retrofit.
Brand Identification (B)
Hybrid (HEV)
USB1 Open Self Test Detection (USBOSTD)DE00/7D0-01-02 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
Brand Identification (B)
Hybrid (HEV)
USB1 Open Self Test Detection (USBOSTD)
Hybrid (HEV)
USB1 Open Self Test Detection (USBOSTD)
DE00/7D0-01-02 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
DE00/7D0-01-02: *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
0=B Ford, Not a Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Enabled
1=B Ford, Not a Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Disabled
2=B Ford, Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Enabled
3=B Ford, Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Disabled
4=B Reserved, Not a Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Enabled
5=B Reserved, Not a Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Disabled
6=B Reserved, Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Enabled
7=B Reserved, Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Disabled
8=B Lincoln, Not a Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Enabled
9=B Lincoln, Not a Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Disabled
A=B Lincoln, Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Enabled
B=B Lincoln, Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Disabled
C=B Configurable SplashScreen, Not a Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Enabled
D=B Configurable SplashScreen, Not a Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Disabled
E=B Configurable SplashScreen, Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Enabled
F=B Configurable SplashScreen, Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Disabled
1=B Ford, Not a Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Disabled
2=B Ford, Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Enabled
3=B Ford, Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Disabled
4=B Reserved, Not a Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Enabled
5=B Reserved, Not a Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Disabled
6=B Reserved, Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Enabled
7=B Reserved, Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Disabled
8=B Lincoln, Not a Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Enabled
9=B Lincoln, Not a Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Disabled
A=B Lincoln, Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Enabled
B=B Lincoln, Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Disabled
C=B Configurable SplashScreen, Not a Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Enabled
D=B Configurable SplashScreen, Not a Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Disabled
E=B Configurable SplashScreen, Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Enabled
F=B Configurable SplashScreen, Hybrid (HEV) Vehicle, USBOSTD Disabled
Brand Identification Sets Theme Master Enable Value.
Navigation Application (Telenav/NNG)
Rear Electronic Feature Panel (REFP) (Rear EFP with Rotary Volume Knob)DE00/7D0-01-02 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
Navigation Application (Telenav/NNG)
Rear Electronic Feature Panel (REFP) (Rear EFP with Rotary Volume Knob)
Navigation Application (Telenav/NNG)
Rear Electronic Feature Panel (REFP) (Rear EFP with Rotary Volume Knob)
DE00/7D0-01-02 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
DE00/7D0-01-02: x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
0=USB2 Disabled, Navigation Disabled, Rear EFP Disabled
1=USB2 Disabled, Navigation Disabled, Rear EFP Enabled
2=USB2 Disabled, Navigation Enabled (Telenav Common HMI), Rear EFP Disabled
3=USB2 Disabled, Navigation Enabled (Telenav Common HMI), Rear EFP Enabled
4=USB2 Disabled, Navigation Enabled (NNG External HMI), Rear EFP Disabled
5=USB2 Disabled, Navigation Enabled (NNG External HMI), Rear EFP Enabled
6=USB2 Disabled, Navigation Application Enabled (External Telenav HMI), Rear EFP Not Available
7=USB2 Disabled, Navigation Application Enabled (External Telenav HMI), Rear EFP Available
8=USB2 Enabled, Navigation Disabled, Rear EFP Disabled
9=USB2 Enabled, Navigation Disabled, Rear EFP Enabled
A=USB2 Enabled, Navigation Enabled (Telenav Common HMI), Rear EFP Disabled
B=USB2 Enabled, Navigation Enabled (Telenav Common HMI), Rear EFP Enabled
C=USB2 Enabled, Navigation Enabled (NNG External HMI), Rear EFP Disabled
D=USB2 Enabled, Navigation Enabled (NNG External HMI), Rear EFP Enabled
E=USB2 Enabled, Navigation Application Enabled (External Telenav HMI), Rear EFP Not Available
F=USB2 Enabled, Navigation Application Enabled (External Telenav HMI), Rear EFP Available
1=USB2 Disabled, Navigation Disabled, Rear EFP Enabled
2=USB2 Disabled, Navigation Enabled (Telenav Common HMI), Rear EFP Disabled
3=USB2 Disabled, Navigation Enabled (Telenav Common HMI), Rear EFP Enabled
4=USB2 Disabled, Navigation Enabled (NNG External HMI), Rear EFP Disabled
5=USB2 Disabled, Navigation Enabled (NNG External HMI), Rear EFP Enabled
6=USB2 Disabled, Navigation Application Enabled (External Telenav HMI), Rear EFP Not Available
7=USB2 Disabled, Navigation Application Enabled (External Telenav HMI), Rear EFP Available
8=USB2 Enabled, Navigation Disabled, Rear EFP Disabled
9=USB2 Enabled, Navigation Disabled, Rear EFP Enabled
A=USB2 Enabled, Navigation Enabled (Telenav Common HMI), Rear EFP Disabled
B=USB2 Enabled, Navigation Enabled (Telenav Common HMI), Rear EFP Enabled
C=USB2 Enabled, Navigation Enabled (NNG External HMI), Rear EFP Disabled
D=USB2 Enabled, Navigation Enabled (NNG External HMI), Rear EFP Enabled
E=USB2 Enabled, Navigation Application Enabled (External Telenav HMI), Rear EFP Not Available
F=USB2 Enabled, Navigation Application Enabled (External Telenav HMI), Rear EFP Available
NAV APIM is physically different, enabling navigation on a NON-NAV APIM will cause errors.
*USB2 setting has been removed in Sync 3.4.
*USB2 setting has been removed in Sync 3.4.
SD Slot*
Display Speed Limit in HMI (DSLHMI)
Start/Stop Vehicle (SSV)
Transmission Type (TT)DE00/7D0-01-02 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
SD Slot*
Display Speed Limit in HMI (DSLHMI)
Start/Stop Vehicle (SSV)
Transmission Type (TT)
Display Speed Limit in HMI (DSLHMI)
Start/Stop Vehicle (SSV)
Transmission Type (TT)
DE00/7D0-01-02 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
DE00/7D0-01-02: xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
0=SD Slot Present, Speed Limit in HMI Enabled, Non-SSV, Automatic
1=SD Slot Present, Speed Limit in HMI Enabled, Non-SSV, Manual
2=SD Slot Present, Speed Limit in HMI Enabled, SSV, Automatic
3=SD Slot Present, Speed Limit in HMI Enabled, SSV, Manual
4=SD Slot Present, Speed Limit in HMI Disabled, Non-SSV, Automatic
5=SD Slot Present, Speed Limit in HMI Disabled, Non-SSV, Manual
6=SD Slot Present, Speed Limit in HMI Disabled, SSV, Automatic
7=SD Slot Present, Speed Limit in HMI Disabled, SSV, Manual
8=SD Slot Not Present, Speed Limit in HMI Enabled, Non-SSV, Automatic
9=SD Slot Not Present, Speed Limit in HMI Enabled, Non-SSV, Manual
A=SD Slot Not Present, Speed Limit in HMI Enabled, SSV, Automatic
B=SD Slot Not Present, Speed Limit in HMI Enabled, SSV, Manual
C=SD Slot Not Present, Speed Limit in HMI Disabled, Non-SSV, Automatic
D=SD Slot Not Present, Speed Limit in HMI Disabled, Non-SSV, Manual
E=SD Slot Not Present, Speed Limit in HMI Disabled, SSV, Automatic
F=SD Slot Not Present, Speed Limit in HMI Disabled, SSV, Manual
1=SD Slot Present, Speed Limit in HMI Enabled, Non-SSV, Manual
2=SD Slot Present, Speed Limit in HMI Enabled, SSV, Automatic
3=SD Slot Present, Speed Limit in HMI Enabled, SSV, Manual
4=SD Slot Present, Speed Limit in HMI Disabled, Non-SSV, Automatic
5=SD Slot Present, Speed Limit in HMI Disabled, Non-SSV, Manual
6=SD Slot Present, Speed Limit in HMI Disabled, SSV, Automatic
7=SD Slot Present, Speed Limit in HMI Disabled, SSV, Manual
8=SD Slot Not Present, Speed Limit in HMI Enabled, Non-SSV, Automatic
9=SD Slot Not Present, Speed Limit in HMI Enabled, Non-SSV, Manual
A=SD Slot Not Present, Speed Limit in HMI Enabled, SSV, Automatic
B=SD Slot Not Present, Speed Limit in HMI Enabled, SSV, Manual
C=SD Slot Not Present, Speed Limit in HMI Disabled, Non-SSV, Automatic
D=SD Slot Not Present, Speed Limit in HMI Disabled, Non-SSV, Manual
E=SD Slot Not Present, Speed Limit in HMI Disabled, SSV, Automatic
F=SD Slot Not Present, Speed Limit in HMI Disabled, SSV, Manual
*SD Slot setting has been removed in Sync 3.4.
ECALL Message Stratergy (ECALLMS)
Non-Metric Units for Nav (NMUNAV)
Ambient Lighting (AL)
Door Keypad Menu (DKM)DE00/7D0-01-02 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
ECALL Message Stratergy (ECALLMS)
Non-Metric Units for Nav (NMUNAV)
Ambient Lighting (AL)
Door Keypad Menu (DKM)
Non-Metric Units for Nav (NMUNAV)
Ambient Lighting (AL)
Door Keypad Menu (DKM)
DE00/7D0-01-02 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
DE00/7D0-01-02: xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
0=ECALL NA Strategy (CGEA 1.2), Miles/Feet, AL Not Available, DKM Not Available
1=ECALL NA Strategy (CGEA 1.2), Miles/Feet, AL Not Available, DKM Available
2=ECALL NA Strategy (CGEA 1.2), Miles/Feet, AL Available, DKM Not Available
3=ECALL NA Strategy (CGEA 1.2), Miles/Feet, AL Available, DKM Available
4=ECALL NA Strategy (CGEA 1.2), Miles/Yards, AL Not Available, DKM Not Available
5=ECALL NA Strategy (CGEA 1.2), Miles/Yards, AL Not Available, DKM Available
6=ECALL NA Strategy (CGEA 1.2), Miles/Yards, AL Available, DKM Not Available
7=ECALL NA Strategy (CGEA 1.2), Miles/Yards, AL Available, DKM Available
8=ECALL EU Strategy (CGEA 1.3 or C1MCA), Miles/Feet, AL Not Available, DKM Not Available
9=ECALL EU Strategy (CGEA 1.3 or C1MCA), Miles/Feet, AL Not Available, DKM Available
A=ECALL EU Strategy (CGEA 1.3 or C1MCA), Miles/Feet, AL Available, DKM Not Available
B=ECALL EU Strategy (CGEA 1.3 or C1MCA), Miles/Feet, AL Available, DKM Available
C=ECALL EU Strategy (CGEA 1.3 or C1MCA), Miles/Yards, AL Not Available, DKM Not Available
D=ECALL EU Strategy (CGEA 1.3 or C1MCA), Miles/Yards, AL Not Available, DKM Available
E=ECALL EU Strategy (CGEA 1.3 or C1MCA), Miles/Yards, AL Available, DKM Not Available
F=ECALL EU Strategy (CGEA 1.3 or C1MCA), Miles/Yards, AL Available, DKM Available
1=ECALL NA Strategy (CGEA 1.2), Miles/Feet, AL Not Available, DKM Available
2=ECALL NA Strategy (CGEA 1.2), Miles/Feet, AL Available, DKM Not Available
3=ECALL NA Strategy (CGEA 1.2), Miles/Feet, AL Available, DKM Available
4=ECALL NA Strategy (CGEA 1.2), Miles/Yards, AL Not Available, DKM Not Available
5=ECALL NA Strategy (CGEA 1.2), Miles/Yards, AL Not Available, DKM Available
6=ECALL NA Strategy (CGEA 1.2), Miles/Yards, AL Available, DKM Not Available
7=ECALL NA Strategy (CGEA 1.2), Miles/Yards, AL Available, DKM Available
8=ECALL EU Strategy (CGEA 1.3 or C1MCA), Miles/Feet, AL Not Available, DKM Not Available
9=ECALL EU Strategy (CGEA 1.3 or C1MCA), Miles/Feet, AL Not Available, DKM Available
A=ECALL EU Strategy (CGEA 1.3 or C1MCA), Miles/Feet, AL Available, DKM Not Available
B=ECALL EU Strategy (CGEA 1.3 or C1MCA), Miles/Feet, AL Available, DKM Available
C=ECALL EU Strategy (CGEA 1.3 or C1MCA), Miles/Yards, AL Not Available, DKM Not Available
D=ECALL EU Strategy (CGEA 1.3 or C1MCA), Miles/Yards, AL Not Available, DKM Available
E=ECALL EU Strategy (CGEA 1.3 or C1MCA), Miles/Yards, AL Available, DKM Not Available
F=ECALL EU Strategy (CGEA 1.3 or C1MCA), Miles/Yards, AL Available, DKM Available
Fuel Type (FT)
Hardware Steering Wheel Controls (SWC)DE00/7D0-01-02 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
Fuel Type (FT)
Hardware Steering Wheel Controls (SWC)
Hardware Steering Wheel Controls (SWC)
DE00/7D0-01-02 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
DE00/7D0-01-02: xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
0=Gas Vehicle, SWAC Not Available
1=Gas Vehicle, SWAC with Volume, PTT, etc. (Variant C)
2=Gas Vehicle, SWAC with Mode, Seek, etc. (Variant A)
4=Diesel Vehicle, SWAC Not Available
5=Diesel Vehicle, SWAC with Volume, PTT, etc. (Variant C)
6=Diesel Vehicle, SWAC with Mode, Seek, etc. (Variant A)
8=CNG Vehicle, SWAC Not Available
9=CNG Vehicle, SWAC with Volume, PTT, etc. (Variant C)
A=CNG Vehicle, SWAC with Mode, Seek, etc. (Variant A)
C=Electric Vehicle (BEV), SWAC Not Available
D=Electric Vehicle (BEV), SWAC with Volume, PTT, etc. (Variant C)
E=Electric Vehicle (BEV), SWAC with Mode, Seek, etc. (Variant A)
1=Gas Vehicle, SWAC with Volume, PTT, etc. (Variant C)
2=Gas Vehicle, SWAC with Mode, Seek, etc. (Variant A)
4=Diesel Vehicle, SWAC Not Available
5=Diesel Vehicle, SWAC with Volume, PTT, etc. (Variant C)
6=Diesel Vehicle, SWAC with Mode, Seek, etc. (Variant A)
8=CNG Vehicle, SWAC Not Available
9=CNG Vehicle, SWAC with Volume, PTT, etc. (Variant C)
A=CNG Vehicle, SWAC with Mode, Seek, etc. (Variant A)
C=Electric Vehicle (BEV), SWAC Not Available
D=Electric Vehicle (BEV), SWAC with Volume, PTT, etc. (Variant C)
E=Electric Vehicle (BEV), SWAC with Mode, Seek, etc. (Variant A)
Mode Man Icon [Climate] (MMI)
Climate Control Type (CCT)
Surround Sound Available in Occupancy Mode (SSA)
Nav Repeater Format (NRF)DE00/7D0-01-02 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
Mode Man Icon [Climate] (MMI)
Climate Control Type (CCT)
Surround Sound Available in Occupancy Mode (SSA)
Nav Repeater Format (NRF)
Climate Control Type (CCT)
Surround Sound Available in Occupancy Mode (SSA)
Nav Repeater Format (NRF)
DE00/7D0-01-02 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
DE00/7D0-01-02: xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
0=MMI Disabled, CCT Automatic, SSA Available, NRF Motorola Format
1=MMI Disabled, CCT Automatic, SSA Available, NRF Intel Format
2=MMI Disabled, CCT Automatic, SSA Not Available, NRF Motorola Format
3=MMI Disabled, CCT Automatic, SSA Not Available, NRF Intel Format
4=MMI Disabled, CCT Manual, SSA Available, NRF Motorola Format
5=MMI Disabled, CCT Manual, SSA Available, NRF Intel Format
6=MMI Disabled, CCT Manual, SSA Not Available, NRF Motorola Format
7=MMI Disabled, CCT Manual, SSA Not Available, NRF Intel Format
8=MMI Enabled, CCT Automatic, SSA Available, NRF Motorola Format
9=MMI Enabled, CCT Automatic, SSA Available, NRF Intel Format
A=MMI Enabled, CCT Automatic, SSA Not Available, NRF Motorola Format
B=MMI Enabled, CCT Automatic, SSA Not Available, NRF Intel Format
C=MMI Enabled, CCT Manual, SSA Available, NRF Motorola Format
D=MMI Enabled, CCT Manual, SSA Available, NRF Intel Format
E=MMI Enabled, CCT Manual, SSA Not Available, NRF Motorola Format
F=MMI Enabled, CCT Manual, SSA Not Available, NRF Intel Format
1=MMI Disabled, CCT Automatic, SSA Available, NRF Intel Format
2=MMI Disabled, CCT Automatic, SSA Not Available, NRF Motorola Format
3=MMI Disabled, CCT Automatic, SSA Not Available, NRF Intel Format
4=MMI Disabled, CCT Manual, SSA Available, NRF Motorola Format
5=MMI Disabled, CCT Manual, SSA Available, NRF Intel Format
6=MMI Disabled, CCT Manual, SSA Not Available, NRF Motorola Format
7=MMI Disabled, CCT Manual, SSA Not Available, NRF Intel Format
8=MMI Enabled, CCT Automatic, SSA Available, NRF Motorola Format
9=MMI Enabled, CCT Automatic, SSA Available, NRF Intel Format
A=MMI Enabled, CCT Automatic, SSA Not Available, NRF Motorola Format
B=MMI Enabled, CCT Automatic, SSA Not Available, NRF Intel Format
C=MMI Enabled, CCT Manual, SSA Available, NRF Motorola Format
D=MMI Enabled, CCT Manual, SSA Available, NRF Intel Format
E=MMI Enabled, CCT Manual, SSA Not Available, NRF Motorola Format
F=MMI Enabled, CCT Manual, SSA Not Available, NRF Intel Format
Plug-in High Efficiency Vehicle (PHEV)
Recirc Icon (RI)
Ford Works (FW)
Front Camera (FC)DE00/7D0-01-02 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
Plug-in High Efficiency Vehicle (PHEV)
Recirc Icon (RI)
Ford Works (FW)
Front Camera (FC)
Recirc Icon (RI)
Ford Works (FW)
Front Camera (FC)
DE00/7D0-01-02 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
DE00/7D0-01-02: xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
0=PHEV Not Available, RI Disabled, FW Not Available, FC Not Available
1=PHEV Not Available, RI Disabled, FW Not Available, FC Available
2=PHEV Not Available, RI Disabled, FW Available, FC Not Available
3=PHEV Not Available, RI Disabled, FW Available, FC Available
4=PHEV Not Available, RI Enabled, FW Not Available, FC Not Available
5=PHEV Not Available, RI Enabled, FW Not Available, FC Available
6=PHEV Not Available, RI Enabled, FW Available, FC Not Available
7=PHEV Not Available, RI Enabled, FW Available, FC Available
8=PHEV Available, RI Disabled, FW Not Available, FC Not Available
9=PHEV Available, RI Disabled, FW Not Available, FC Available
A=PHEV Available, RI Disabled, FW Available, FC Not Available
B=PHEV Available, RI Disabled, FW Available, FC Available
C=PHEV Available, RI Enabled, FW Not Available, FC Not Available
D=PHEV Available, RI Enabled, FW Not Available, FC Available
E=PHEV Available, RI Enabled, FW Available, FC Not Available
F=PHEV Available, RI Enabled, FW Available, FC Available
1=PHEV Not Available, RI Disabled, FW Not Available, FC Available
2=PHEV Not Available, RI Disabled, FW Available, FC Not Available
3=PHEV Not Available, RI Disabled, FW Available, FC Available
4=PHEV Not Available, RI Enabled, FW Not Available, FC Not Available
5=PHEV Not Available, RI Enabled, FW Not Available, FC Available
6=PHEV Not Available, RI Enabled, FW Available, FC Not Available
7=PHEV Not Available, RI Enabled, FW Available, FC Available
8=PHEV Available, RI Disabled, FW Not Available, FC Not Available
9=PHEV Available, RI Disabled, FW Not Available, FC Available
A=PHEV Available, RI Disabled, FW Available, FC Not Available
B=PHEV Available, RI Disabled, FW Available, FC Available
C=PHEV Available, RI Enabled, FW Not Available, FC Not Available
D=PHEV Available, RI Enabled, FW Not Available, FC Available
E=PHEV Available, RI Enabled, FW Available, FC Not Available
F=PHEV Available, RI Enabled, FW Available, FC Available
Number of Bladders (NB) (MCS or WOW Seat)
External CD (ECD)DE00/7D0-01-02 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
Number of Bladders (NB) (MCS or WOW Seat)
External CD (ECD)
Number of Bladders (NB) (MCS or WOW Seat)
External CD (ECD)
DE00/7D0-01-02 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
DE00/7D0-01-02: xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
0=DM6 Off, 9 Bladders, ECD Not Present
1=DM6 Off, 9 Bladders, ECD Present
2=DM6 Off, 3 Bladders, ECD Not Present
3=DM6 Off, 3 Bladders, ECD Present
4=DM6 Off, 7 Bladders, ECD Not Present
5=DM6 Off, 7 Bladders, ECD Present
6=DM6 Off, 11 Bladders, ECD Not Present
7=DM6 Off, 11 Bladders, ECD Present
8=DM6 On, 9 Bladders, ECD Not Present
9=DM6 On, 9 Bladders, ECD Present
A=DM6 On, 3 Bladders, ECD Not Present
B=DM6 On, 3 Bladders, ECD Present
C=DM6 On, 7 Bladders, ECD Not Present
D=DM6 On, 7 Bladders, ECD Present
E=DM6 On, 11 Bladders, ECD Not Present
F=DM6 On, 11 Bladders, ECD Present
1=DM6 Off, 9 Bladders, ECD Present
2=DM6 Off, 3 Bladders, ECD Not Present
3=DM6 Off, 3 Bladders, ECD Present
4=DM6 Off, 7 Bladders, ECD Not Present
5=DM6 Off, 7 Bladders, ECD Present
6=DM6 Off, 11 Bladders, ECD Not Present
7=DM6 Off, 11 Bladders, ECD Present
8=DM6 On, 9 Bladders, ECD Not Present
9=DM6 On, 9 Bladders, ECD Present
A=DM6 On, 3 Bladders, ECD Not Present
B=DM6 On, 3 Bladders, ECD Present
C=DM6 On, 7 Bladders, ECD Not Present
D=DM6 On, 7 Bladders, ECD Present
E=DM6 On, 11 Bladders, ECD Not Present
F=DM6 On, 11 Bladders, ECD Present
Common Global Electrical Architecture Version (CGEAV)
Heated Windshield HMI (HWHMI)
Rear Climate Type (RCT)DE00/7D0-01-02 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
Common Global Electrical Architecture Version (CGEAV)
Heated Windshield HMI (HWHMI)
Rear Climate Type (RCT)
Heated Windshield HMI (HWHMI)
Rear Climate Type (RCT)
DE00/7D0-01-02 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
DE00/7D0-01-02: xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
0=CGEA 1.2 or C1MCA, Heated Windshield Disabled, Rear Climate Manual w/o Air Flow Mode
1=CGEA 1.2 or C1MCA, Heated Windshield Disabled, Rear Climate Manual w/Air Flow Mode
2=CGEA 1.2 or C1MCA, Heated Windshield Disabled, Rear Climate Automatic
3=CGEA 1.2 or C1MCA, Heated Windshield Disabled, Rear Climate Fan Only
4=CGEA 1.2 or C1MCA, Heated Windshield Enabled, Rear Climate Manual w/o Air Flow Mode
5=CGEA 1.2 or C1MCA, Heated Windshield Enabled, Rear Climate Manual w/Air Flow Mode
6=CGEA 1.2 or C1MCA, Heated Windshield Enabled, Rear Climate Automatic
7=CGEA 1.2 or C1MCA, Heated Windshield Enabled, Rear Climate Fan Only
8=CGEA 1.3, Heated Windshield Disabled, Rear Climate Manual w/o Air Flow Mode
9=CGEA 1.3, Heated Windshield Disabled, Rear Climate Manual w/Air Flow Mode
A=CGEA 1.3, Heated Windshield Disabled, Rear Climate Automatic
B=CGEA 1.3, Heated Windshield Disabled, Rear Climate Fan Only
C=CGEA 1.3, Heated Windshield Enabled, Rear Climate Manual w/o Air Flow Mode
D=CGEA 1.3, Heated Windshield Enabled, Rear Climate Manual w/Air Flow Mode
E=CGEA 1.3, Heated Windshield Enabled, Rear Climate Automatic
F=CGEA 1.3, Heated Windshield Enabled, Rear Climate Fan Only
1=CGEA 1.2 or C1MCA, Heated Windshield Disabled, Rear Climate Manual w/Air Flow Mode
2=CGEA 1.2 or C1MCA, Heated Windshield Disabled, Rear Climate Automatic
3=CGEA 1.2 or C1MCA, Heated Windshield Disabled, Rear Climate Fan Only
4=CGEA 1.2 or C1MCA, Heated Windshield Enabled, Rear Climate Manual w/o Air Flow Mode
5=CGEA 1.2 or C1MCA, Heated Windshield Enabled, Rear Climate Manual w/Air Flow Mode
6=CGEA 1.2 or C1MCA, Heated Windshield Enabled, Rear Climate Automatic
7=CGEA 1.2 or C1MCA, Heated Windshield Enabled, Rear Climate Fan Only
8=CGEA 1.3, Heated Windshield Disabled, Rear Climate Manual w/o Air Flow Mode
9=CGEA 1.3, Heated Windshield Disabled, Rear Climate Manual w/Air Flow Mode
A=CGEA 1.3, Heated Windshield Disabled, Rear Climate Automatic
B=CGEA 1.3, Heated Windshield Disabled, Rear Climate Fan Only
C=CGEA 1.3, Heated Windshield Enabled, Rear Climate Manual w/o Air Flow Mode
D=CGEA 1.3, Heated Windshield Enabled, Rear Climate Manual w/Air Flow Mode
E=CGEA 1.3, Heated Windshield Enabled, Rear Climate Automatic
F=CGEA 1.3, Heated Windshield Enabled, Rear Climate Fan Only
Sirius Travel Link (TL)
NAV Repeater Conformance (NAVRC)
Legacy Multi-contoured Seats (LMS)DE00/7D0-01-02 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
Sirius Travel Link (TL)
NAV Repeater Conformance (NAVRC)
Legacy Multi-contoured Seats (LMS)
NAV Repeater Conformance (NAVRC)
Legacy Multi-contoured Seats (LMS)
DE00/7D0-01-02 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
DE00/7D0-01-02: xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
0=Travel Link Disabled, Nav Repeater Off, Multi-Contour Seats Disabled
1=Travel Link Disabled, Nav Repeater Off, Multi-Contour Seats Enabled
2=Travel Link Disabled, Nav Repeater Current, Multi-Contour Seats Disabled
3=Travel Link Disabled, Nav Repeater Current, Multi-Contour Seats Enabled
4=Travel Link Disabled, Nav Repeater HUD Support, Multi-Contour Seats Disabled
5=Travel Link Disabled, Nav Repeater HUD Support, Multi-Contour Seats Enabled
8=Travel Link Enabled, Nav Repeater Off, Multi-Contour Seats Disabled
9=Travel Link Enabled, Nav Repeater Off, Multi-Contour Seats Enabled
A=Travel Link Enabled, Nav Repeater Current, Multi-Contour Seats Disabled
B=Travel Link Enabled, Nav Repeater Current, Multi-Contour Seats Enabled
C=Travel Link Enabled, Nav Repeater HUD Support, Multi-Contour Seats Disabled
D=Travel Link Enabled, Nav Repeater HUD Support, Multi-Contour Seats Enabled
1=Travel Link Disabled, Nav Repeater Off, Multi-Contour Seats Enabled
2=Travel Link Disabled, Nav Repeater Current, Multi-Contour Seats Disabled
3=Travel Link Disabled, Nav Repeater Current, Multi-Contour Seats Enabled
4=Travel Link Disabled, Nav Repeater HUD Support, Multi-Contour Seats Disabled
5=Travel Link Disabled, Nav Repeater HUD Support, Multi-Contour Seats Enabled
8=Travel Link Enabled, Nav Repeater Off, Multi-Contour Seats Disabled
9=Travel Link Enabled, Nav Repeater Off, Multi-Contour Seats Enabled
A=Travel Link Enabled, Nav Repeater Current, Multi-Contour Seats Disabled
B=Travel Link Enabled, Nav Repeater Current, Multi-Contour Seats Enabled
C=Travel Link Enabled, Nav Repeater HUD Support, Multi-Contour Seats Disabled
D=Travel Link Enabled, Nav Repeater HUD Support, Multi-Contour Seats Enabled
Ford Multi Contour Seats video:
Country Code / Region SettingDE01/7D0-02-01 ****-xxxx-xxxx
Country Code / Region Setting
DE01/7D0-02-01 ****-xxxx-xxxx
Select a country to get your AsBuilt value
DE01/7D0-02-01: ****-xxxx-xxxx
Country Code / Region Setting
Changing the country code is inherently problematic, as differences in hardware revisions and firmware will likely cause issues. Users frequently report issues after changing the country code, so expect the same. Change of country code will also affect other already configured options. Support is not offered for region changes for this reason.
See further details here:
See further details here:
Boot Screen Animations Sync Versions 3.0 thru 3.4
(Splash Screens)DE01/7D0-02-01 xxxx-**xx-xxxx
Boot Screen Animations Sync Versions 3.0 thru 3.4
(Splash Screens)
(Splash Screens)
DE01/7D0-02-01 xxxx-**xx-xxxx
DE01/7D0-02-01: xxxx-**xx-xxxx
Boot Screen Animations Sync Versions 3.0 thru 3.3
Sync 3.0 thru 3.3 Boot Animations can use either version of the Ford or Lincoln themes at 7D0-03-01. OEM Configuration is shown.
00=Default/not programmed
01=Ford/Lincoln (Default under 3.0 thru 3.3)
02=Not Used
03=Lincoln Black Label (Lincoln-Timeless Theme w/Black Label Animation)
04=Lincoln Presidential (Lincoln-Timeless Theme w/Presidential Animation)
05=Raptor Ford Performance (Ford-Timeless Theme w/Raptor Animation)
06=Mustang Ford Performance (Ford-Timeless Theme w/Mustang Animation)
07=GT350R Shelby (Ford-Timeless Theme w/Shelby Animation)
08=Vignale ClassicTheme (Ford-Classic Theme w/Vignale Animation)
09=Shelby Mustang R1 (Ford-Timeless Theme w/Shelby Racing Animation)
0A=Ford Boot Screen with Lincoln Theme (Enables Ford Boot Screen with Lincoln Theme Enabled)
0B=ST (Ford Performance) - Sport Technology (Ford-Timeless Theme w/ST Animation)
0C=RS (Ford Performance) - Rallye Sport (Ford-Timeless Theme w/RS Animation)
0D=GT (Ford Performance) - Grand Touring (Ford-Timeless Theme w/GT Animation)
0E=Lincoln Continental (Lincoln-Next Theme w/Continental Animation)
0F=Lincoln Navigator (MY18+ with 10" Display) (Lincoln-Next Theme w/Navigator Animation)
Boot Screen Animations Sync Version 3.4
Sync 3.4 Boot Animations can use either the Ford MY20 Theme or Lincoln MY20 Theme at 7D0-03-01. OEM Configuration is shown.
00=Default/Not Programmed (Not Used in 3.4)
01=Ford/Lincoln (Not Used in 3.4)
02=Not Used (Not Used in 3.4)
03=Lincoln Black Label (Lincoln-MY20 Theme w/Black Label Animation)
04=Lincoln Presidential (Lincoln-MY20 Theme w/Presidential Animation)
05=Raptor Ford Performance (Ford-MY20 Theme w/Raptor Animation)
06=Mustang Ford Performance (Non-Shelby) (Ford-MY20 Theme w/Mustang Animation)
07=GT350R Shelby (Ford-MY20 Theme w/Shelby Animation)
08=Vignale (Ford-MY20 Theme w/Vignale Animation)
09=Shelby Mustang R1 (Ford-MY20 Theme w/Shelby Racing Animation)
0A=Obsolete (Not Used in 3.4)
0B=ST (Ford Performance) - Sport Technology (Ford-MY20 Theme w/ST Animation)
0C=RS (Ford Performance) - Rallye Sport (Ford-MY20 Theme w/RS Animation)
0D=Obsolete (Not Used in 3.4)
0E=Lincoln Continental (Lincoln-MY20 Theme w/Continental Animation)
0F=Lincoln Navigator (Lincoln-10L-MY20 Theme w/Navigator Animation)
10=EVO (Ford Performance) (Ford-MY20 Theme w/EVO Animation)
11=Aviator (Lincoln-10L-MY20 Theme w/U611 (Aviator) Animation)
12=Explorer (Ford-10P-MY20 Theme w/U625 (Explorer) Animation)
13=Corsair (Lincoln-MY20 Theme w/CX483 (Corsair) Animation)
14=Nautilus (Lincoln-MY20 Theme w/U540 (Nautilus) Animation)
15=Active (Ford-MY20 w/Active animation)
16=ST Line (Ford-MY20 w/ST Line animation)
17=Bronco (Ford-MY20 Theme w/CX430 (Bronco) Animation)
Sync 3.0 thru 3.3 Boot Animations can use either version of the Ford or Lincoln themes at 7D0-03-01. OEM Configuration is shown.
00=Default/not programmed
01=Ford/Lincoln (Default under 3.0 thru 3.3)
02=Not Used
03=Lincoln Black Label (Lincoln-Timeless Theme w/Black Label Animation)
04=Lincoln Presidential (Lincoln-Timeless Theme w/Presidential Animation)
05=Raptor Ford Performance (Ford-Timeless Theme w/Raptor Animation)
06=Mustang Ford Performance (Ford-Timeless Theme w/Mustang Animation)
07=GT350R Shelby (Ford-Timeless Theme w/Shelby Animation)
08=Vignale ClassicTheme (Ford-Classic Theme w/Vignale Animation)
09=Shelby Mustang R1 (Ford-Timeless Theme w/Shelby Racing Animation)
0A=Ford Boot Screen with Lincoln Theme (Enables Ford Boot Screen with Lincoln Theme Enabled)
0B=ST (Ford Performance) - Sport Technology (Ford-Timeless Theme w/ST Animation)
0C=RS (Ford Performance) - Rallye Sport (Ford-Timeless Theme w/RS Animation)
0D=GT (Ford Performance) - Grand Touring (Ford-Timeless Theme w/GT Animation)
0E=Lincoln Continental (Lincoln-Next Theme w/Continental Animation)
0F=Lincoln Navigator (MY18+ with 10" Display) (Lincoln-Next Theme w/Navigator Animation)
Boot Screen Animations Sync Version 3.4
Sync 3.4 Boot Animations can use either the Ford MY20 Theme or Lincoln MY20 Theme at 7D0-03-01. OEM Configuration is shown.
00=Default/Not Programmed (Not Used in 3.4)
01=Ford/Lincoln (Not Used in 3.4)
02=Not Used (Not Used in 3.4)
03=Lincoln Black Label (Lincoln-MY20 Theme w/Black Label Animation)
04=Lincoln Presidential (Lincoln-MY20 Theme w/Presidential Animation)
05=Raptor Ford Performance (Ford-MY20 Theme w/Raptor Animation)
06=Mustang Ford Performance (Non-Shelby) (Ford-MY20 Theme w/Mustang Animation)
07=GT350R Shelby (Ford-MY20 Theme w/Shelby Animation)
08=Vignale (Ford-MY20 Theme w/Vignale Animation)
09=Shelby Mustang R1 (Ford-MY20 Theme w/Shelby Racing Animation)
0A=Obsolete (Not Used in 3.4)
0B=ST (Ford Performance) - Sport Technology (Ford-MY20 Theme w/ST Animation)
0C=RS (Ford Performance) - Rallye Sport (Ford-MY20 Theme w/RS Animation)
0D=Obsolete (Not Used in 3.4)
0E=Lincoln Continental (Lincoln-MY20 Theme w/Continental Animation)
0F=Lincoln Navigator (Lincoln-10L-MY20 Theme w/Navigator Animation)
10=EVO (Ford Performance) (Ford-MY20 Theme w/EVO Animation)
11=Aviator (Lincoln-10L-MY20 Theme w/U611 (Aviator) Animation)
12=Explorer (Ford-10P-MY20 Theme w/U625 (Explorer) Animation)
13=Corsair (Lincoln-MY20 Theme w/CX483 (Corsair) Animation)
14=Nautilus (Lincoln-MY20 Theme w/U540 (Nautilus) Animation)
15=Active (Ford-MY20 w/Active animation)
16=ST Line (Ford-MY20 w/ST Line animation)
17=Bronco (Ford-MY20 Theme w/CX430 (Bronco) Animation)
Ford GT Theme (N/A Sync 3.2 afer MY18.5) Removed from build 3.0.19149 and above.
Vehicle Style (VS) in Camera ViewsDE01/7D0-02-01 xxxx-xx**-xxxx
Vehicle Style (VS) in Camera Views
DE01/7D0-02-01 xxxx-xx**-xxxx
DE01/7D0-02-01: xxxx-xx**-xxxx
01=Sedan โ PDC Car
03=Pickup Truck โ PDC Truck
05=Large Commercial Van - PDC Large Commercial Van
08=Small Commuter Van - PDC Large Commercial Van
09=EcoSport โ PDC EcoSport
0A=Fiesta โ PDC Fiesta
0B=Focus โ PDC Focus
0C=U611 (Aviator)
0D=U625 (Explorer)
0E=CX482 (Escape/Kuga)
0F=CX483 (Corsair)
10=CX430 (Bronco/Maverick)
01=Sedan โ PDC Car
03=Pickup Truck โ PDC Truck
05=Large Commercial Van - PDC Large Commercial Van
08=Small Commuter Van - PDC Large Commercial Van
09=EcoSport โ PDC EcoSport
0A=Fiesta โ PDC Fiesta
0B=Focus โ PDC Focus
0C=U611 (Aviator)
0D=U625 (Explorer)
0E=CX482 (Escape/Kuga)
0F=CX483 (Corsair)
10=CX430 (Bronco/Maverick)
Smart Data Link Connector (SDLC)
Vehicle Settings (B-car Only)
Rear View Camera (RVC) Split View
360 Camera ViewDE01/7D0-02-01 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
Smart Data Link Connector (SDLC)
Vehicle Settings (B-car Only)
Rear View Camera (RVC) Split View
360 Camera View
Vehicle Settings (B-car Only)
Rear View Camera (RVC) Split View
360 Camera View
DE01/7D0-02-01 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
DE01/7D0-02-01: xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
0=SDLC Not Present, B-car On, RVC SV Not Available, 360 CV Not Available
1=SDLC Not Present, B-car On, RVC SV Not Available, 360 CV Available
2=SDLC Not Present, B-car On, RVC SV Available, 360 CV Not Available
3=SDLC Not Present, B-car On, RVC SV Available, 360 CV Available
4=SDLC Not Present, B-car Off, RVC SV Not Available, 360 CV Not Available
5=SDLC Not Present, B-car Off, RVC SV Not Available, 360 CV Available
6=SDLC Not Present, B-car Off, RVC SV Available, 360 CV Not Available
7=SDLC Not Present, B-car Off, RVC SV Available, 360 CV Available
8=SDLC Present, B-car On, RVC SV Not Available, 360 CV Not Available
9=SDLC Present, B-car On, RVC SV Not Available, 360 CV Available
A=SDLC Present, B-car On, RVC SV Available, 360 CV Not Available
B=SDLC Present, B-car On, RVC SV Available, 360 CV Available
C=SDLC Present, B-car Off, RVC SV Not Available, 360 CV Not Available
D=SDLC Present, B-car Off, RVC SV Not Available, 360 CV Available
E=SDLC Present, B-car Off, RVC SV Available, 360 CV Not Available
F=SDLC Present, B-car Off, RVC SV Available, 360 CV Available
1=SDLC Not Present, B-car On, RVC SV Not Available, 360 CV Available
2=SDLC Not Present, B-car On, RVC SV Available, 360 CV Not Available
3=SDLC Not Present, B-car On, RVC SV Available, 360 CV Available
4=SDLC Not Present, B-car Off, RVC SV Not Available, 360 CV Not Available
5=SDLC Not Present, B-car Off, RVC SV Not Available, 360 CV Available
6=SDLC Not Present, B-car Off, RVC SV Available, 360 CV Not Available
7=SDLC Not Present, B-car Off, RVC SV Available, 360 CV Available
8=SDLC Present, B-car On, RVC SV Not Available, 360 CV Not Available
9=SDLC Present, B-car On, RVC SV Not Available, 360 CV Available
A=SDLC Present, B-car On, RVC SV Available, 360 CV Not Available
B=SDLC Present, B-car On, RVC SV Available, 360 CV Available
C=SDLC Present, B-car Off, RVC SV Not Available, 360 CV Not Available
D=SDLC Present, B-car Off, RVC SV Not Available, 360 CV Available
E=SDLC Present, B-car Off, RVC SV Available, 360 CV Not Available
F=SDLC Present, B-car Off, RVC SV Available, 360 CV Available
SDLC: If present, I-CAN Diagnostic will be turned off regardless of setting for I-CAN diagnostics.
B299 Platfom (Subcompact) Strategy
Hill Start Assist (B-Car Only)
ESP Setting (B-Car Only)DE01/7D0-02-01 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
B299 Platfom (Subcompact) Strategy
Hill Start Assist (B-Car Only)
ESP Setting (B-Car Only)
Hill Start Assist (B-Car Only)
ESP Setting (B-Car Only)
DE01/7D0-02-01 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
DE01/7D0-02-01: xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
0=B299 Strategy Not Available, DAFVC Not Available, Hill Start (B-Car) Off, ESP (B-Car) Off
1=B299 Strategy Not Available, DAFVC Not Available, Hill Start (B-Car) Off, ESP (B-Car) On
2=B299 Strategy Not Available, DAFVC Not Available, Hill Start (B-Car) On, ESP (B-Car) Off
3=B299 Strategy Not Available, DAFVC Not Available, Hill Start (B-Car) On, ESP (B-Car) On
4=B299 Strategy Not Available, DAFVC Available, Hill Start (B-Car) Off, ESP (B-Car) Off
5=B299 Strategy Not Available, DAFVC Available, Hill Start (B-Car) Off, ESP (B-Car) On
6=B299 Strategy Not Available, DAFVC Available, Hill Start (B-Car) On, ESP (B-Car) Off
7=B299 Strategy Not Available, DAFVC Available, Hill Start (B-Car) On, ESP (B-Car) On
8=B299 Strategy Available, DAFVC Not Available, Hill Start (B-Car) Off, ESP (B-Car) Off
9=B299 Strategy Available, DAFVC Not Available, Hill Start (B-Car) Off, ESP (B-Car) On
A=B299 Strategy Available, DAFVC Not Available, Hill Start (B-Car) On, ESP (B-Car) Off
B=B299 Strategy Available, DAFVC Not Available, Hill Start (B-Car) On, ESP (B-Car) On
C=B299 Strategy Available, DAFVC Available, Hill Start (B-Car) Off, ESP (B-Car) Off
D=B299 Strategy Available, DAFVC Available, Hill Start (B-Car) Off, ESP (B-Car) On
E=B299 Strategy Available, DAFVC Available, Hill Start (B-Car) On, ESP (B-Car) Off
F=B299 Strategy Available, DAFVC Available, Hill Start (B-Car) On, ESP (B-Car) On
1=B299 Strategy Not Available, DAFVC Not Available, Hill Start (B-Car) Off, ESP (B-Car) On
2=B299 Strategy Not Available, DAFVC Not Available, Hill Start (B-Car) On, ESP (B-Car) Off
3=B299 Strategy Not Available, DAFVC Not Available, Hill Start (B-Car) On, ESP (B-Car) On
4=B299 Strategy Not Available, DAFVC Available, Hill Start (B-Car) Off, ESP (B-Car) Off
5=B299 Strategy Not Available, DAFVC Available, Hill Start (B-Car) Off, ESP (B-Car) On
6=B299 Strategy Not Available, DAFVC Available, Hill Start (B-Car) On, ESP (B-Car) Off
7=B299 Strategy Not Available, DAFVC Available, Hill Start (B-Car) On, ESP (B-Car) On
8=B299 Strategy Available, DAFVC Not Available, Hill Start (B-Car) Off, ESP (B-Car) Off
9=B299 Strategy Available, DAFVC Not Available, Hill Start (B-Car) Off, ESP (B-Car) On
A=B299 Strategy Available, DAFVC Not Available, Hill Start (B-Car) On, ESP (B-Car) Off
B=B299 Strategy Available, DAFVC Not Available, Hill Start (B-Car) On, ESP (B-Car) On
C=B299 Strategy Available, DAFVC Available, Hill Start (B-Car) Off, ESP (B-Car) Off
D=B299 Strategy Available, DAFVC Available, Hill Start (B-Car) Off, ESP (B-Car) On
E=B299 Strategy Available, DAFVC Available, Hill Start (B-Car) On, ESP (B-Car) Off
F=B299 Strategy Available, DAFVC Available, Hill Start (B-Car) On, ESP (B-Car) On
DAFVC=Driver Assist Front View Camera
ESP Hard Button Timer - B-Car Platfom (Subcompact) Only
Message Center HMI - B-Car Platfom (Subcompact) Only
List Browser (LB)DE01/7D0-02-02 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
ESP Hard Button Timer - B-Car Platfom (Subcompact) Only
Message Center HMI - B-Car Platfom (Subcompact) Only
List Browser (LB)
Message Center HMI - B-Car Platfom (Subcompact) Only
List Browser (LB)
DE01/7D0-02-02 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
DE01/7D0-02-02: *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
0=ESP Hard Button Timer FoE, Message Center HMI Off, List Browser Navigation and Media
1=ESP Hard Button Timer FoE, Message Center HMI Off, List Browser Navigation Only
2=ESP Hard Button Timer FoE, Message Center HMI Off, List Browser None
4=ESP Hard Button Timer FoE, Message Center HMI On, List Browser Navigation and Media
5=ESP Hard Button Timer FoE, Message Center HMI On, List Browser Navigation Only
6=ESP Hard Button Timer FoE, Message Center HMI On, List Browser None
8=ESP Hard Button Timer FNA, Message Center HMI Off, List Browser Navigation and Media
9=ESP Hard Button Timer FNA, Message Center HMI Off, List Browser Navigation Only
A=ESP Hard Button Timer FNA, Message Center HMI Off, List Browser None
C=ESP Hard Button Timer FNA, Message Center HMI On, List Browser Navigation and Media
D=ESP Hard Button Timer FNA, Message Center HMI On, List Browser Navigation Only
E=ESP Hard Button Timer FNA, Message Center HMI On, List Browser None
1=ESP Hard Button Timer FoE, Message Center HMI Off, List Browser Navigation Only
2=ESP Hard Button Timer FoE, Message Center HMI Off, List Browser None
4=ESP Hard Button Timer FoE, Message Center HMI On, List Browser Navigation and Media
5=ESP Hard Button Timer FoE, Message Center HMI On, List Browser Navigation Only
6=ESP Hard Button Timer FoE, Message Center HMI On, List Browser None
8=ESP Hard Button Timer FNA, Message Center HMI Off, List Browser Navigation and Media
9=ESP Hard Button Timer FNA, Message Center HMI Off, List Browser Navigation Only
A=ESP Hard Button Timer FNA, Message Center HMI Off, List Browser None
C=ESP Hard Button Timer FNA, Message Center HMI On, List Browser Navigation and Media
D=ESP Hard Button Timer FNA, Message Center HMI On, List Browser Navigation Only
E=ESP Hard Button Timer FNA, Message Center HMI On, List Browser None
Electronic Horizon (EH)
V363 Strategy (Transit Platform)
Outside Temperature HMI (OATHMI)
Flank Guard HMI (FGHMI)DE01/7D0-02-02 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
Electronic Horizon (EH)
V363 Strategy (Transit Platform)
Outside Temperature HMI (OATHMI)
Flank Guard HMI (FGHMI)
V363 Strategy (Transit Platform)
Outside Temperature HMI (OATHMI)
Flank Guard HMI (FGHMI)
DE01/7D0-02-02 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
DE01/7D0-02-02: x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
0=Electronic Horizon Off, V363 Off, OATHMI Off, FGHMI Off
1=Electronic Horizon Off, V363 Off, OATHMI Off, FGHMI On
2=Electronic Horizon Off, V363 Off, OATHMI On, FGHMI Off
3=Electronic Horizon Off, V363 Off, OATHMI On, FGHMI On
4=Electronic Horizon Off, V363 On, OATHMI Off, FGHMI Off
5=Electronic Horizon Off, V363 On, OATHMI Off, FGHMI On
6=Electronic Horizon Off, V363 On, OATHMI On, FGHMI Off
7=Electronic Horizon Off, V363 On, OATHMI On, FGHMI On
8=Electronic Horizon On, V363 Off, OATHMI Off, FGHMI Off
9=Electronic Horizon On, V363 Off, OATHMI Off, FGHMI On
A=Electronic Horizon On, V363 Off, OATHMI On, FGHMI Off
B=Electronic Horizon On, V363 Off, OATHMI On, FGHMI On
C=Electronic Horizon On, V363 On, OATHMI Off, FGHMI Off
D=Electronic Horizon On, V363 On, OATHMI Off, FGHMI On
E=Electronic Horizon On, V363 On, OATHMI On, FGHMI Off
F=Electronic Horizon On, V363 On, OATHMI On, FGHMI On
1=Electronic Horizon Off, V363 Off, OATHMI Off, FGHMI On
2=Electronic Horizon Off, V363 Off, OATHMI On, FGHMI Off
3=Electronic Horizon Off, V363 Off, OATHMI On, FGHMI On
4=Electronic Horizon Off, V363 On, OATHMI Off, FGHMI Off
5=Electronic Horizon Off, V363 On, OATHMI Off, FGHMI On
6=Electronic Horizon Off, V363 On, OATHMI On, FGHMI Off
7=Electronic Horizon Off, V363 On, OATHMI On, FGHMI On
8=Electronic Horizon On, V363 Off, OATHMI Off, FGHMI Off
9=Electronic Horizon On, V363 Off, OATHMI Off, FGHMI On
A=Electronic Horizon On, V363 Off, OATHMI On, FGHMI Off
B=Electronic Horizon On, V363 Off, OATHMI On, FGHMI On
C=Electronic Horizon On, V363 On, OATHMI Off, FGHMI Off
D=Electronic Horizon On, V363 On, OATHMI Off, FGHMI On
E=Electronic Horizon On, V363 On, OATHMI On, FGHMI Off
F=Electronic Horizon On, V363 On, OATHMI On, FGHMI On
See guide on CyanLabs Forum for enabling Flank Guard on Sync 2 to Sync 3 conversion.
V363 Strategy (TCA=Transit Connect Architecture) should only be enabled on Transit platform vehicles, as this will cause issues with compass and navigation systems on other platforms.
V363 Strategy (TCA=Transit Connect Architecture) should only be enabled on Transit platform vehicles, as this will cause issues with compass and navigation systems on other platforms.
Charge Port Lock (CPL)
Parking Brake Type (PBT)
Electronic Stability Control (ESC) (ST Vehicles Only)
Rain Sensor (B-Car Platfom Only)DE01/7D0-02-02 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
Charge Port Lock (CPL)
Parking Brake Type (PBT)
Electronic Stability Control (ESC) (ST Vehicles Only)
Rain Sensor (B-Car Platfom Only)
Parking Brake Type (PBT)
Electronic Stability Control (ESC) (ST Vehicles Only)
Rain Sensor (B-Car Platfom Only)
DE01/7D0-02-02 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
DE01/7D0-02-02: xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
0=CPL Disabled, PBT Mechanical, ESC Disabled, Rain Sensor Disabled
1=CPL Disabled, PBT Mechanical, ESC Disabled, Rain Sensor Enabled
2=CPL Disabled, PBT Mechanical, ESC Enabled, Rain Sensor Disabled
3=CPL Disabled, PBT Mechanical, ESC Enabled, Rain Sensor Enabled
4=CPL Disabled, PBT Electronic, ESC Disabled, Rain Sensor Disabled
5=CPL Disabled, PBT Electronic, ESC Disabled, Rain Sensor Enabled
6=CPL Disabled, PBT Electronic, ESC Enabled, Rain Sensor Disabled
7=CPL Disabled, PBT Electronic, ESC Enabled, Rain Sensor Enabled
8=CPL Enabled, PBT Mechanical, ESC Disabled, Rain Sensor Disabled
9=CPL Enabled, PBT Mechanical, ESC Disabled, Rain Sensor Enabled
A=CPL Enabled, PBT Mechanical, ESC Enabled, Rain Sensor Disabled
B=CPL Enabled, PBT Mechanical, ESC Enabled, Rain Sensor Enabled
C=CPL Enabled, PBT Electronic, ESC Disabled, Rain Sensor Disabled
D=CPL Enabled, PBT Electronic, ESC Disabled, Rain Sensor Enabled
E=CPL Enabled, PBT Electronic, ESC Enabled, Rain Sensor Disabled
F=CPL Enabled, PBT Electronic, ESC Enabled, Rain Sensor Enabled
1=CPL Disabled, PBT Mechanical, ESC Disabled, Rain Sensor Enabled
2=CPL Disabled, PBT Mechanical, ESC Enabled, Rain Sensor Disabled
3=CPL Disabled, PBT Mechanical, ESC Enabled, Rain Sensor Enabled
4=CPL Disabled, PBT Electronic, ESC Disabled, Rain Sensor Disabled
5=CPL Disabled, PBT Electronic, ESC Disabled, Rain Sensor Enabled
6=CPL Disabled, PBT Electronic, ESC Enabled, Rain Sensor Disabled
7=CPL Disabled, PBT Electronic, ESC Enabled, Rain Sensor Enabled
8=CPL Enabled, PBT Mechanical, ESC Disabled, Rain Sensor Disabled
9=CPL Enabled, PBT Mechanical, ESC Disabled, Rain Sensor Enabled
A=CPL Enabled, PBT Mechanical, ESC Enabled, Rain Sensor Disabled
B=CPL Enabled, PBT Mechanical, ESC Enabled, Rain Sensor Enabled
C=CPL Enabled, PBT Electronic, ESC Disabled, Rain Sensor Disabled
D=CPL Enabled, PBT Electronic, ESC Disabled, Rain Sensor Enabled
E=CPL Enabled, PBT Electronic, ESC Enabled, Rain Sensor Disabled
F=CPL Enabled, PBT Electronic, ESC Enabled, Rain Sensor Enabled
Hazard Spot Warning (HSW)
MyKey Settings - B-Car Platfom (Subcompact) Only
Trailer Backup Assist (TBA)
Rear Defrost (RD)DE01/7D0-02-02 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
Hazard Spot Warning (HSW)
MyKey Settings - B-Car Platfom (Subcompact) Only
Trailer Backup Assist (TBA)
Rear Defrost (RD)
MyKey Settings - B-Car Platfom (Subcompact) Only
Trailer Backup Assist (TBA)
Rear Defrost (RD)
DE01/7D0-02-02 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
DE01/7D0-02-02: xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
0=Hazard Spot Not Available, MyKey Not Available, TBA Not Available, RD On
1=Hazard Spot Not Available, MyKey Not Available, TBA Not Available, RD Off
2=Hazard Spot Not Available, MyKey Not Available, TBA Available, RD On
3=Hazard Spot Not Available, MyKey Not Available, TBA Available, RD Off
4=Hazard Spot Not Available, MyKey Available, TBA Not Available, RD On
5=Hazard Spot Not Available, MyKey Available, TBA Not Available, RD Off
6=Hazard Spot Not Available, MyKey Available, TBA Available, RD On
7=Hazard Spot Not Available, MyKey Available, TBA Available, RD Off
8=Hazard Spot Available, MyKey Not Available, TBA Not Available, RD On
9=Hazard Spot Available, MyKey Not Available, TBA Not Available, RD Off
A=Hazard Spot Available, MyKey Not Available, TBA Available, RD On
B=Hazard Spot Available, MyKey Not Available, TBA Available, RD Off
C=Hazard Spot Available, MyKey Available, TBA Not Available, RD On
D=Hazard Spot Available, MyKey Available, TBA Not Available, RD Off
E=Hazard Spot Available, MyKey Available, TBA Available, RD On
F=Hazard Spot Available, MyKey Available, TBA Available, RD Off
1=Hazard Spot Not Available, MyKey Not Available, TBA Not Available, RD Off
2=Hazard Spot Not Available, MyKey Not Available, TBA Available, RD On
3=Hazard Spot Not Available, MyKey Not Available, TBA Available, RD Off
4=Hazard Spot Not Available, MyKey Available, TBA Not Available, RD On
5=Hazard Spot Not Available, MyKey Available, TBA Not Available, RD Off
6=Hazard Spot Not Available, MyKey Available, TBA Available, RD On
7=Hazard Spot Not Available, MyKey Available, TBA Available, RD Off
8=Hazard Spot Available, MyKey Not Available, TBA Not Available, RD On
9=Hazard Spot Available, MyKey Not Available, TBA Not Available, RD Off
A=Hazard Spot Available, MyKey Not Available, TBA Available, RD On
B=Hazard Spot Available, MyKey Not Available, TBA Available, RD Off
C=Hazard Spot Available, MyKey Available, TBA Not Available, RD On
D=Hazard Spot Available, MyKey Available, TBA Not Available, RD Off
E=Hazard Spot Available, MyKey Available, TBA Available, RD On
F=Hazard Spot Available, MyKey Available, TBA Available, RD Off
Deep Sleep (DS)
Revel Sound System (Lincoln) (RSS)
Parking Distance Control Architecture (PDCA) (CGEA 1.3/CIMCA)
Telematic Control Unit (TCU)DE01/7D0-02-02 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
Deep Sleep (DS)
Revel Sound System (Lincoln) (RSS)
Parking Distance Control Architecture (PDCA) (CGEA 1.3/CIMCA)
Telematic Control Unit (TCU)
Revel Sound System (Lincoln) (RSS)
Parking Distance Control Architecture (PDCA) (CGEA 1.3/CIMCA)
Telematic Control Unit (TCU)
DE01/7D0-02-02 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
DE01/7D0-02-02: xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
0=DS Off, RSS Not Present, PDCA CGEA 1.3, TCU Not Present
1=DS Off, RSS Not Present, PDCA CGEA 1.3, TCU Present
2=DS Off, RSS Not Present, PDCA CIMCA, TCU Not Present
3=DS Off, RSS Not Present, PDCA CIMCA, TCU Present
4=DS Off, RSS Present, PDCA CGEA 1.3, TCU Not Present
5=DS Off, RSS Present, PDCA CGEA 1.3, TCU Present
6=DS Off, RSS Present, PDCA CIMCA, TCU Not Present
7=DS Off, RSS Present, PDCA CIMCA, TCU Present
8=DS On, RSS Not Present, PDCA CGEA 1.3, TCU Not Present
9=DS On, RSS Not Present, PDCA CGEA 1.3, TCU Present
A=DS On, RSS Not Present, PDCA CIMCA, TCU Not Present
B=DS On, RSS Not Present, PDCA CIMCA, TCU Present
C=DS On, RSS Present, PDCA CGEA 1.3, TCU Not Present
D=DS On, RSS Present, PDCA CGEA 1.3, TCU Present
E=DS On, RSS Present, PDCA CIMCA, TCU Not Present
F=DS On, RSS Present, PDCA CIMCA, TCU Present
1=DS Off, RSS Not Present, PDCA CGEA 1.3, TCU Present
2=DS Off, RSS Not Present, PDCA CIMCA, TCU Not Present
3=DS Off, RSS Not Present, PDCA CIMCA, TCU Present
4=DS Off, RSS Present, PDCA CGEA 1.3, TCU Not Present
5=DS Off, RSS Present, PDCA CGEA 1.3, TCU Present
6=DS Off, RSS Present, PDCA CIMCA, TCU Not Present
7=DS Off, RSS Present, PDCA CIMCA, TCU Present
8=DS On, RSS Not Present, PDCA CGEA 1.3, TCU Not Present
9=DS On, RSS Not Present, PDCA CGEA 1.3, TCU Present
A=DS On, RSS Not Present, PDCA CIMCA, TCU Not Present
B=DS On, RSS Not Present, PDCA CIMCA, TCU Present
C=DS On, RSS Present, PDCA CGEA 1.3, TCU Not Present
D=DS On, RSS Present, PDCA CGEA 1.3, TCU Present
E=DS On, RSS Present, PDCA CIMCA, TCU Not Present
F=DS On, RSS Present, PDCA CIMCA, TCU Present
Deep Sleep is a Sync 3.4 feature: Sync Connect (TCU) stays active all of the time to allow remote connection. When the vehicle is unused for approx 14 days, the vehicle will enter 'Deep Sleep' which disabled the TCU to prevent battery drain. Deep sleep can also be activated if the vehicles battery is below a particular level. If you see deep sleep being enabled frequently, consider charging or replacing your vehicle battery.
Multi Camera Strategy Camera Toggle Button (MCSCTB)
Trailer Reverse Guidance (TRG)
Camera High Mount Stop Light (CHMSL) Camera
Aux Camera (AC)DE01/7D0-02-02 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
Multi Camera Strategy Camera Toggle Button (MCSCTB)
Trailer Reverse Guidance (TRG)
Camera High Mount Stop Light (CHMSL) Camera
Aux Camera (AC)
Trailer Reverse Guidance (TRG)
Camera High Mount Stop Light (CHMSL) Camera
Aux Camera (AC)
DE01/7D0-02-02 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
DE01/7D0-02-02: xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
0=MCSCTB Hard, TRG Disabled, CHMSL Disabled, Aux Camera Disabled
1=MCSCTB Hard, TRG Disabled, CHMSL Disabled, Aux Camera Enabled
2=MCSCTB Hard, TRG Disabled, CHMSL Enabled, Aux Camera Disabled
3=MCSCTB Hard, TRG Disabled, CHMSL Enabled, Aux Camera Enabled
4=MCSCTB Hard, TRG Enabled, CHMSL Disabled, Aux Camera Disabled
5=MCSCTB Hard, TRG Enabled, CHMSL Disabled, Aux Camera Enabled
6=MCSCTB Hard, TRG Enabled, CHMSL Enabled, Aux Camera Disabled
7=MCSCTB Hard, TRG Enabled, CHMSL Enabled, Aux Camera Enabled
8=MCSCTB Soft, TRG Disabled, CHMSL Disabled, Aux Camera Disabled
9=MCSCTB Soft, TRG Disabled, CHMSL Disabled, Aux Camera Enabled
A=MCSCTB Soft, TRG Disabled, CHMSL Enabled, Aux Camera Disabled
B=MCSCTB Soft, TRG Disabled, CHMSL Enabled, Aux Camera Enabled
C=MCSCTB Soft, TRG Enabled, CHMSL Disabled, Aux Camera Disabled
D=MCSCTB Soft, TRG Enabled, CHMSL Disabled, Aux Camera Enabled
E=MCSCTB Soft, TRG Enabled, CHMSL Disabled, Aux Camera Disabled
F=MCSCTB Soft, TRG Enabled, CHMSL Enabled, Aux Camera Enabled
1=MCSCTB Hard, TRG Disabled, CHMSL Disabled, Aux Camera Enabled
2=MCSCTB Hard, TRG Disabled, CHMSL Enabled, Aux Camera Disabled
3=MCSCTB Hard, TRG Disabled, CHMSL Enabled, Aux Camera Enabled
4=MCSCTB Hard, TRG Enabled, CHMSL Disabled, Aux Camera Disabled
5=MCSCTB Hard, TRG Enabled, CHMSL Disabled, Aux Camera Enabled
6=MCSCTB Hard, TRG Enabled, CHMSL Enabled, Aux Camera Disabled
7=MCSCTB Hard, TRG Enabled, CHMSL Enabled, Aux Camera Enabled
8=MCSCTB Soft, TRG Disabled, CHMSL Disabled, Aux Camera Disabled
9=MCSCTB Soft, TRG Disabled, CHMSL Disabled, Aux Camera Enabled
A=MCSCTB Soft, TRG Disabled, CHMSL Enabled, Aux Camera Disabled
B=MCSCTB Soft, TRG Disabled, CHMSL Enabled, Aux Camera Enabled
C=MCSCTB Soft, TRG Enabled, CHMSL Disabled, Aux Camera Disabled
D=MCSCTB Soft, TRG Enabled, CHMSL Disabled, Aux Camera Enabled
E=MCSCTB Soft, TRG Enabled, CHMSL Disabled, Aux Camera Disabled
F=MCSCTB Soft, TRG Enabled, CHMSL Enabled, Aux Camera Enabled
Autostore/Mixed Mode Presets (A)
Electronic Horizon Type (EHT)
Integrated Control Panel (ICP) (EFP) Type
Integrated Control Panel (ICP) (EFP) BrandingDE01/7D0-02-02 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
Autostore/Mixed Mode Presets (A)
Electronic Horizon Type (EHT)
Integrated Control Panel (ICP) (EFP) Type
Integrated Control Panel (ICP) (EFP) Branding
Electronic Horizon Type (EHT)
Integrated Control Panel (ICP) (EFP) Type
Integrated Control Panel (ICP) (EFP) Branding
DE01/7D0-02-02 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
DE01/7D0-02-02: xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
0=Autostore Enabled (Normal Presets), EH: MPP + Stubs, ICP (EFP) Type: EFP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Non-Branded
1=Autostore Enabled (Normal Presets), EH: MPP + Stubs, ICP (EFP) Type: EFP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Branded
2=Autostore Enabled (Normal Presets), EH: MPP + Stubs, ICP (EFP) Type: ICP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Non-Branded
3=Autostore Enabled (Normal Presets), EH: MPP + Stubs, ICP (EFP) Type: ICP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Branded
4=Autostore Enabled (Normal Presets), EH: MPP + Stub+Exp, ICP (EFP) Type: EFP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Non-Branded
5=Autostore Enabled (Normal Presets), EH: MPP + Stub+Exp, ICP (EFP) Type: EFP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Branded
6=Autostore Enabled (Normal Presets), EH: MPP + Stub+Exp, ICP (EFP) Type: ICP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Non-Branded
7=Autostore Enabled (Normal Presets), EH: MPP + Stub+Exp, ICP (EFP) Type: ICP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Branded
8=Autostore Disabled (Mixed Mode Presets), EH: MPP + Stubs, ICP (EFP) Type: EFP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Non-Branded
9=Autostore Disabled (Mixed Mode Presets), EH: MPP + Stubs, ICP (EFP) Type: EFP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Branded
A=Autostore Disabled (Mixed Mode Presets), EH: MPP + Stubs, ICP (EFP) Type: ICP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Non-Branded
B=Autostore Disabled (Mixed Mode Presets), EH: MPP + Stubs, ICP (EFP) Type: ICP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Branded
C=Autostore Disabled (Mixed Mode Presets), EH: MPP + Stub+Exp, ICP (EFP) Type: EFP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Non-Branded
D=Autostore Disabled (Mixed Mode Presets), EH: MPP + Stub+Exp, ICP (EFP) Type: EFP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Branded
E=Autostore Disabled (Mixed Mode Presets), EH: MPP + Stub+Exp, ICP (EFP) Type: ICP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Non-Branded
F=Autostore Disabled (Mixed Mode Presets), EH: MPP + Stub+Exp, ICP (EFP) Type: ICP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Branded
1=Autostore Enabled (Normal Presets), EH: MPP + Stubs, ICP (EFP) Type: EFP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Branded
2=Autostore Enabled (Normal Presets), EH: MPP + Stubs, ICP (EFP) Type: ICP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Non-Branded
3=Autostore Enabled (Normal Presets), EH: MPP + Stubs, ICP (EFP) Type: ICP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Branded
4=Autostore Enabled (Normal Presets), EH: MPP + Stub+Exp, ICP (EFP) Type: EFP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Non-Branded
5=Autostore Enabled (Normal Presets), EH: MPP + Stub+Exp, ICP (EFP) Type: EFP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Branded
6=Autostore Enabled (Normal Presets), EH: MPP + Stub+Exp, ICP (EFP) Type: ICP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Non-Branded
7=Autostore Enabled (Normal Presets), EH: MPP + Stub+Exp, ICP (EFP) Type: ICP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Branded
8=Autostore Disabled (Mixed Mode Presets), EH: MPP + Stubs, ICP (EFP) Type: EFP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Non-Branded
9=Autostore Disabled (Mixed Mode Presets), EH: MPP + Stubs, ICP (EFP) Type: EFP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Branded
A=Autostore Disabled (Mixed Mode Presets), EH: MPP + Stubs, ICP (EFP) Type: ICP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Non-Branded
B=Autostore Disabled (Mixed Mode Presets), EH: MPP + Stubs, ICP (EFP) Type: ICP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Branded
C=Autostore Disabled (Mixed Mode Presets), EH: MPP + Stub+Exp, ICP (EFP) Type: EFP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Non-Branded
D=Autostore Disabled (Mixed Mode Presets), EH: MPP + Stub+Exp, ICP (EFP) Type: EFP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Branded
E=Autostore Disabled (Mixed Mode Presets), EH: MPP + Stub+Exp, ICP (EFP) Type: ICP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Non-Branded
F=Autostore Disabled (Mixed Mode Presets), EH: MPP + Stub+Exp, ICP (EFP) Type: ICP, ICP(EFP) Brand: Branded
Autostore is normal presets with discreete banks for each source such as AM or FM radio, SiriusXM, DAB, etc.
Mixed Mode presets does not utilize the discrete banks, rather you can store any source in any position.
To utilize mixed mode presets, you must turn off autostore.
See 7D0-08-02 xxxx xx*x xx-- to adjust Number of Mixed Mode Presets Per Page.
See this information video on mixed mode presets:
Mixed Mode presets does not utilize the discrete banks, rather you can store any source in any position.
To utilize mixed mode presets, you must turn off autostore.
See 7D0-08-02 xxxx xx*x xx-- to adjust Number of Mixed Mode Presets Per Page.
See this information video on mixed mode presets:
Integrated Control Panel (ICP) (EFP) Network
Online Traffic for SA/China (OT)
Brazil Frequency Supported by Radio (BF)DE01/7D0-02-02 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
Integrated Control Panel (ICP) (EFP) Network
Online Traffic for SA/China (OT)
Brazil Frequency Supported by Radio (BF)
Online Traffic for SA/China (OT)
Brazil Frequency Supported by Radio (BF)
DE01/7D0-02-02 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
DE01/7D0-02-02: xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
0=ICP (EFP) Net: CAN, ECALL Enabled, OT SA/China Disabled, Brazil Frequency Not Supported
1=ICP (EFP) Net: CAN, ECALL Enabled, OT SA/China Disabled, Brazil Frequency Supported
2=ICP (EFP) Net: CAN, ECALL Enabled, OT SA/China Enabled, Brazil Frequency Not Supported
3=ICP (EFP) Net: CAN, ECALL Enabled, OT SA/China Enabled, Brazil Frequency Supported
4=ICP (EFP) Net: CAN, ECALL Disabled, OT SA/China Disabled, Brazil Frequency Not Supported
5=ICP (EFP) Net: CAN, ECALL Disabled, OT SA/China Disabled, Brazil Frequency Supported
6=ICP (EFP) Net: CAN, ECALL Disabled, OT SA/China Enabled, Brazil Frequency Not Supported
7=ICP (EFP) Net: CAN, ECALL Disabled, OT SA/China Enabled, Brazil Frequency Supported
8=ICP (EFP) Net: LIN, ECALL Enabled, OT SA/China Disabled, Brazil Frequency Not Supported
9=ICP (EFP) Net: LIN, ECALL Enabled, OT SA/China Disabled, Brazil Frequency Supported
A=ICP (EFP) Net: LIN, ECALL Enabled, OT SA/China Enabled, Brazil Frequency Not Supported
B=ICP (EFP) Net: LIN, ECALL Enabled, OT SA/China Enabled, Brazil Frequency Supported
C=ICP (EFP) Net: LIN, ECALL Disabled, OT SA/China Disabled, Brazil Frequency Not Supported
D=ICP (EFP) Net: LIN, ECALL Disabled, OT SA/China Disabled, Brazil Frequency Supported
E=ICP (EFP) Net: LIN, ECALL Disabled, OT SA/China Enabled, Brazil Frequency Not Supported
F=ICP (EFP) Net: LIN, ECALL Disabled, OT SA/China Enabled, Brazil Frequency Supported
1=ICP (EFP) Net: CAN, ECALL Enabled, OT SA/China Disabled, Brazil Frequency Supported
2=ICP (EFP) Net: CAN, ECALL Enabled, OT SA/China Enabled, Brazil Frequency Not Supported
3=ICP (EFP) Net: CAN, ECALL Enabled, OT SA/China Enabled, Brazil Frequency Supported
4=ICP (EFP) Net: CAN, ECALL Disabled, OT SA/China Disabled, Brazil Frequency Not Supported
5=ICP (EFP) Net: CAN, ECALL Disabled, OT SA/China Disabled, Brazil Frequency Supported
6=ICP (EFP) Net: CAN, ECALL Disabled, OT SA/China Enabled, Brazil Frequency Not Supported
7=ICP (EFP) Net: CAN, ECALL Disabled, OT SA/China Enabled, Brazil Frequency Supported
8=ICP (EFP) Net: LIN, ECALL Enabled, OT SA/China Disabled, Brazil Frequency Not Supported
9=ICP (EFP) Net: LIN, ECALL Enabled, OT SA/China Disabled, Brazil Frequency Supported
A=ICP (EFP) Net: LIN, ECALL Enabled, OT SA/China Enabled, Brazil Frequency Not Supported
B=ICP (EFP) Net: LIN, ECALL Enabled, OT SA/China Enabled, Brazil Frequency Supported
C=ICP (EFP) Net: LIN, ECALL Disabled, OT SA/China Disabled, Brazil Frequency Not Supported
D=ICP (EFP) Net: LIN, ECALL Disabled, OT SA/China Disabled, Brazil Frequency Supported
E=ICP (EFP) Net: LIN, ECALL Disabled, OT SA/China Enabled, Brazil Frequency Not Supported
F=ICP (EFP) Net: LIN, ECALL Disabled, OT SA/China Enabled, Brazil Frequency Supported
EFP=Electronic Feature Panel (Front Bezel)
AM Longwave (LW)/DAB L-Band
Enhanced Memory (EM)
CGEA1.3+ Illumination Strategy (CGEAIS)
Illumination Change Step/Gradual (ICSG)DE01/7D0-02-02 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
AM Longwave (LW)/DAB L-Band
Enhanced Memory (EM)
CGEA1.3+ Illumination Strategy (CGEAIS)
Illumination Change Step/Gradual (ICSG)
Enhanced Memory (EM)
CGEA1.3+ Illumination Strategy (CGEAIS)
Illumination Change Step/Gradual (ICSG)
DE01/7D0-02-02 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
DE01/7D0-02-02: xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
0=LW/DAB Enabled, ENH Memory Disabled, Non-CGEA 1.3+ Illumination, Step
1=LW/DAB Enabled, ENH Memory Disabled, Non-CGEA 1.3+ Illumination, Gradual
2=LW/DAB Enabled, ENH Memory Disabled, CGEA 1.3+ Illumination Strategy, Step
3=LW/DAB Enabled, ENH Memory Disabled, CGEA 1.3+ Illumination Strategy, Gradual
4=LW/DAB Enabled, ENH Memory Enabled, Non-CGEA 1.3+ Illumination, Step
5=LW/DAB Enabled, ENH Memory Enabled, Non-CGEA 1.3+ Illumination, Gradual
6=LW/DAB Enabled, ENH Memory Enabled, CGEA 1.3+ Illumination Strategy, Step
7=LW/DAB Enabled, ENH Memory Enabled, CGEA 1.3+ Illumination Strategy, Gradual
8=LW/DAB Disabled, ENH Memory Disabled, Non-CGEA 1.3+ Illumination, Step
9=LW/DAB Disabled, ENH Memory Disabled, Non-CGEA 1.3+ Illumination, Gradual
A=LW/DAB Disabled, ENH Memory Disabled, CGEA 1.3+ Illumination Strategy, Step
B=LW/DAB Disabled, ENH Memory Disabled, CGEA 1.3+ Illumination Strategy, Gradual
C=LW/DAB Disabled, ENH Memory Enabled, Non-CGEA 1.3+ Illumination, Step
D=LW/DAB Disabled, ENH Memory Enabled, Non-CGEA 1.3+ Illumination, Gradual
E=LW/DAB Disabled, ENH Memory Enabled, CGEA 1.3+ Illumination Strategy, Step
F=LW/DAB Disabled, ENH Memory Enabled, CGEA 1.3+ Illumination Strategy, Gradual
1=LW/DAB Enabled, ENH Memory Disabled, Non-CGEA 1.3+ Illumination, Gradual
2=LW/DAB Enabled, ENH Memory Disabled, CGEA 1.3+ Illumination Strategy, Step
3=LW/DAB Enabled, ENH Memory Disabled, CGEA 1.3+ Illumination Strategy, Gradual
4=LW/DAB Enabled, ENH Memory Enabled, Non-CGEA 1.3+ Illumination, Step
5=LW/DAB Enabled, ENH Memory Enabled, Non-CGEA 1.3+ Illumination, Gradual
6=LW/DAB Enabled, ENH Memory Enabled, CGEA 1.3+ Illumination Strategy, Step
7=LW/DAB Enabled, ENH Memory Enabled, CGEA 1.3+ Illumination Strategy, Gradual
8=LW/DAB Disabled, ENH Memory Disabled, Non-CGEA 1.3+ Illumination, Step
9=LW/DAB Disabled, ENH Memory Disabled, Non-CGEA 1.3+ Illumination, Gradual
A=LW/DAB Disabled, ENH Memory Disabled, CGEA 1.3+ Illumination Strategy, Step
B=LW/DAB Disabled, ENH Memory Disabled, CGEA 1.3+ Illumination Strategy, Gradual
C=LW/DAB Disabled, ENH Memory Enabled, Non-CGEA 1.3+ Illumination, Step
D=LW/DAB Disabled, ENH Memory Enabled, Non-CGEA 1.3+ Illumination, Gradual
E=LW/DAB Disabled, ENH Memory Enabled, CGEA 1.3+ Illumination Strategy, Step
F=LW/DAB Disabled, ENH Memory Enabled, CGEA 1.3+ Illumination Strategy, Gradual
Enhanced Memory enables a menu in settings for 'Personal Profiles'.
Personal profiles are multiple configurable options in 2019+ vehicles such as seats, climate controls etc.
This setting is known to disable other feature controls such as ambient lighting when enabled on non-compatible vehicles, and will require hardware replacement to make the Personal Profiles function correctly.
Personal profiles are multiple configurable options in 2019+ vehicles such as seats, climate controls etc.
This setting is known to disable other feature controls such as ambient lighting when enabled on non-compatible vehicles, and will require hardware replacement to make the Personal Profiles function correctly.
Chime Diagnostic Alert PopUp (CDAP)
Cross Traffic Alert (CTA)
Number of Personalisations (NOP)DE01/7D0-02-02 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
Chime Diagnostic Alert PopUp (CDAP)
Cross Traffic Alert (CTA)
Number of Personalisations (NOP)
Cross Traffic Alert (CTA)
Number of Personalisations (NOP)
DE01/7D0-02-02 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
DE01/7D0-02-02: xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
0=CDAP Disabled, CTA Disabled, NOP Disabled
1=CDAP Disabled, CTA Disabled, NOP Two
2=CDAP Disabled, CTA Disabled, NOP Three
3=CDAP Disabled, CTA Disabled, NOP four
4=CDAP Disabled, CTA Enabled, NOP Disabled
5=CDAP Disabled, CTA Enabled, NOP Two
6=CDAP Disabled, CTA Enabled, NOP Three
7=CDAP Disabled, CTA Enabled, NOP four
8=CDAP Enabled, CTA Disabled, NOP Disabled
9=CDAP Enabled, CTA Disabled, NOP Two
A=CDAP Enabled, CTA Disabled, NOP Three
B=CDAP Enabled, CTA Disabled, NOP four
C=CDAP Enabled, CTA Enabled, NOP Disabled
D=CDAP Enabled, CTA Enabled, NOP Two
E=CDAP Enabled, CTA Enabled, NOP Three
F=CDAP Enabled, CTA Enabled, NOP four
1=CDAP Disabled, CTA Disabled, NOP Two
2=CDAP Disabled, CTA Disabled, NOP Three
3=CDAP Disabled, CTA Disabled, NOP four
4=CDAP Disabled, CTA Enabled, NOP Disabled
5=CDAP Disabled, CTA Enabled, NOP Two
6=CDAP Disabled, CTA Enabled, NOP Three
7=CDAP Disabled, CTA Enabled, NOP four
8=CDAP Enabled, CTA Disabled, NOP Disabled
9=CDAP Enabled, CTA Disabled, NOP Two
A=CDAP Enabled, CTA Disabled, NOP Three
B=CDAP Enabled, CTA Disabled, NOP four
C=CDAP Enabled, CTA Enabled, NOP Disabled
D=CDAP Enabled, CTA Enabled, NOP Two
E=CDAP Enabled, CTA Enabled, NOP Three
F=CDAP Enabled, CTA Enabled, NOP four
Number of Personalisations (NOP) is related to 'Personal Profiles' settings above.
Wireless Accessory Charging Module (WACM)
Hotspot Capable Modem (HCM)
RVC Split-View (RVC)
Online Traffic (OT)
Calm Screen (CS)
Enhanced DAB (EDAB)
AA OE Channel Feature (AACF)
DE01/7D0-02-03 **xx-xx
Wireless Accessory Charging Module (WACM)
Hotspot Capable Modem (HCM)
RVC Split-View (RVC)
Online Traffic (OT)
Calm Screen (CS)
Enhanced DAB (EDAB)
AA OE Channel Feature (AACF)
Hotspot Capable Modem (HCM)
RVC Split-View (RVC)
Online Traffic (OT)
Calm Screen (CS)
Enhanced DAB (EDAB)
AA OE Channel Feature (AACF)
DE01/7D0-02-03 **xx-xx
DE01/7D0-02-03: **xx-xx
00=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
01=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
02=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
03=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
04=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
05=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
06=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
07=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
08=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
09=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
0A=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
0B=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
0C=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
0D=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
0E=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
0F=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
10=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
11=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
12=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
13=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
14=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
15=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
16=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
17=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
18=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
19=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
1A=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
1B=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
1C=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
1D=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
1E=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
1F=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
20=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
21=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
22=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
23=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
24=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
25=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
26=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
27=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
28=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
29=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
2A=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
2B=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
2C=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
2D=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
2E=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
2F=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
30=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
31=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
32=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
33=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
34=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
35=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
36=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
37=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
38=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
39=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
3A=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
3B=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
3C=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
3D=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
3E=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
3F=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
40=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
41=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
42=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
43=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
44=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
45=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
46=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
47=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
48=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
49=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
4A=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
4B=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
4C=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
4D=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
4E=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
4F=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
50=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
51=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
52=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
53=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
54=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
55=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
56=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
57=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
58=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
59=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
5A=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
5B=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
5C=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
5D=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
5E=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
5F=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
60=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
61=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
62=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
63=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
64=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
65=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
66=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
67=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
68=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
69=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
6A=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
6B=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
6C=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
6D=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
6E=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
6F=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
70=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
71=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
72=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
73=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
74=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
75=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
76=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
77=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
78=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
79=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
7A=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
7B=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
7C=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
7D=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
7E=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
7F=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
80=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
81=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
82=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
83=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
84=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
85=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
86=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
87=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
88=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
89=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
8A=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
8B=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
8C=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
8D=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
8E=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
8F=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
90=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
91=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
92=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
93=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
94=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
95=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
96=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
97=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
98=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
99=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
9A=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
9B=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
9C=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
9D=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
9E=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
9F=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
A0=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
A1=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
A2=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
A3=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
A4=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
A5=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
A6=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
A7=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
A8=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
A9=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
AA=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
AB=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
AC=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
AD=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
AE=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
AF=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
B0=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
B1=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
B2=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
B3=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
B4=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
B5=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
B6=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
B7=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
B8=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
B9=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
BA=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
BB=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
BC=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
BD=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
BE=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
BF=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
C0=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
C1=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
C2=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
C3=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
C4=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
C5=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
C6=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
C7=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
C8=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
C9=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
CA=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
CB=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
CC=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
CD=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
CE=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
CF=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
D0=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
D1=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
D2=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
D3=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
D4=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
D5=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
D6=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
D7=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
D8=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
D9=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
DA=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
DB=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
DC=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
DD=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
DE=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
DF=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
E0=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
E1=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
E2=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
E3=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
E4=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
E5=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
E6=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
E7=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
E8=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
E9=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
EA=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
EB=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
EC=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
ED=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
EE=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
EF=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
F0=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
F1=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
F2=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
F3=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
F4=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
F5=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
F6=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
F7=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
F8=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
F9=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
FA=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
FB=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
FC=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
FD=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
FE=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
FF=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
01=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
02=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
03=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
04=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
05=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
06=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
07=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
08=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
09=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
0A=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
0B=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
0C=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
0D=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
0E=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
0F=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
10=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
11=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
12=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
13=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
14=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
15=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
16=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
17=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
18=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
19=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
1A=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
1B=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
1C=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
1D=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
1E=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
1F=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
20=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
21=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
22=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
23=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
24=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
25=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
26=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
27=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
28=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
29=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
2A=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
2B=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
2C=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
2D=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
2E=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
2F=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
30=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
31=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
32=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
33=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
34=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
35=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
36=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
37=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
38=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
39=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
3A=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
3B=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
3C=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
3D=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
3E=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
3F=WACM Not Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
40=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
41=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
42=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
43=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
44=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
45=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
46=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
47=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
48=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
49=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
4A=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
4B=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
4C=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
4D=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
4E=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
4F=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
50=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
51=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
52=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
53=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
54=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
55=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
56=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
57=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
58=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
59=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
5A=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
5B=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
5C=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
5D=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
5E=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
5F=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
60=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
61=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
62=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
63=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
64=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
65=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
66=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
67=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
68=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
69=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
6A=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
6B=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
6C=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
6D=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
6E=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
6F=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
70=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
71=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
72=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
73=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
74=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
75=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
76=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
77=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
78=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
79=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
7A=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
7B=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
7C=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
7D=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
7E=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
7F=WACM Not Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
80=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
81=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
82=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
83=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
84=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
85=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
86=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
87=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
88=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
89=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
8A=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
8B=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
8C=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
8D=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
8E=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
8F=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
90=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
91=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
92=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
93=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
94=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
95=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
96=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
97=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
98=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
99=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
9A=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
9B=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
9C=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
9D=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
9E=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
9F=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
A0=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
A1=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
A2=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
A3=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
A4=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
A5=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
A6=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
A7=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
A8=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
A9=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
AA=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
AB=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
AC=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
AD=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
AE=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
AF=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
B0=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
B1=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
B2=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
B3=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
B4=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
B5=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
B6=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
B7=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
B8=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
B9=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
BA=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
BB=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
BC=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
BD=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
BE=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
BF=WACM Present, HCM Not Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
C0=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
C1=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
C2=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
C3=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
C4=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
C5=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
C6=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
C7=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
C8=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
C9=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
CA=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
CB=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
CC=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
CD=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
CE=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
CF=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
D0=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
D1=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
D2=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
D3=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
D4=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
D5=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
D6=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
D7=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
D8=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
D9=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
DA=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
DB=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
DC=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
DD=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
DE=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
DF=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Not Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
E0=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
E1=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
E2=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
E3=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
E4=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
E5=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
E6=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
E7=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT (TPEG) Not Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
E8=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
E9=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
EA=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
EB=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
EC=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
ED=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
EE=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
EF=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Modem (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
F0=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
F1=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
F2=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
F3=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
F4=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
F5=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
F6=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
F7=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT App (TPEG) Available, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
F8=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
F9=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
FA=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
FB=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Disabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
FC=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Enabled
FD=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Disabled, AACF Disabled
FE=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Enabled
FF=WACM Present, HCM Present, RVC Present, OT Reserved, CS Enabled, EDAB Enabled, AACF Disabled
Bluetooth Pairing Timeout (BTPT)DE01/7D0-02-03 xx**-xx
Bluetooth Pairing Timeout (BTPT)
DE01/7D0-02-03 xx**-xx
DE01/7D0-02-03: xx**-xx
BT Pairing Timeout (sec)
Wheel Tick Frequency (WTF)DE02/7D0-03-01 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
Wheel Tick Frequency (WTF)
DE02/7D0-03-01 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
DE02/7D0-03-01: *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
0=20ms (Default Sync 3)
2=40ms (Default Sync 2)
2=40ms (Default Sync 2)
GPS Antenna Location/Mount Type (GPSMT)DE02/7D0-03-01 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
GPS Antenna Location/Mount Type (GPSMT)
DE02/7D0-03-01 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
DE02/7D0-03-01: x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
0=Roof Mount (UK Default)
1=Instrument Panel (IP) Mount (Non Heated Windscreen)
2=Instrument Panel (IP) Mount (Heated Windscreen)
3=Windshield Mount (Non-Heated Windscreen)
4=Windshield Mount (Heated Windscreen)
1=Instrument Panel (IP) Mount (Non Heated Windscreen)
2=Instrument Panel (IP) Mount (Heated Windscreen)
3=Windshield Mount (Non-Heated Windscreen)
4=Windshield Mount (Heated Windscreen)
Vehicle (V)DE02/7D0-03-01 xx**-xxxx-xxxx
Vehicle (V)
DE02/7D0-03-01 xx**-xxxx-xxxx
DE02/7D0-03-01: xx**-xxxx-xxxx
01=C344 (C-Max Hybrid)
02=C346/C519 (Focus Electric)
03=CD391 (Ford Mondeo/Fusion Hybrid)
04=CD533 (Lincoln MKZ Hybrid)
05=U611 (Aviator)
06=U625 (Explorer)
07=CX482 (Escape/Kuga)
08=CX483 (Corsair)
01=C344 (C-Max Hybrid)
02=C346/C519 (Focus Electric)
03=CD391 (Ford Mondeo/Fusion Hybrid)
04=CD533 (Lincoln MKZ Hybrid)
05=U611 (Aviator)
06=U625 (Explorer)
07=CX482 (Escape/Kuga)
08=CX483 (Corsair)
Visual Design Variants (VDV) Sync Versions 3.0 thru 3.4DE02/7D0-03-01 xxxx-**xx-xxxx
Visual Design Variants (VDV) Sync Versions 3.0 thru 3.4
DE02/7D0-03-01 xxxx-**xx-xxxx
DE02/7D0-03-01: xxxx-**xx-xxxx
Visual Themes Sync Versions 3.0 thru 3.3
00=Ford Classic (Blue Theme, Multi-colored Buttons) (Default Theme Ford)
01=Ford Timeless (Blue Theme, Blue Buttons)
02=Lincoln Timeless (Gold Theme, Black Icons)
03=Lincoln Next (Gold Theme, White Icons) (Default Theme Lincoln)
04=Ford GT (All Blue Theme for 2017 Ford GT) (N/A Sync 3.2 after My18.5)
Visual Themes Sync Version 3.4
In Sync 3.4 there are 2 themes (Ford MY20, Lincoln MY20) with 2 screen variations per theme (6.5"/8", 10"). See 7D0-02-01 for custom Boot Screen Animations.
00=Ford MY20 (6.5"/8" Screens) (Old Ford Classic, in 3.4 sets Ford MY20 theme with custom Boot Screen)
01=Obsolete (Old Ford Timeless, in 3.4 sets Ford MY20 theme with custom Boot Screen)
02=Obsolete (Old Lincoln Timeless, in 3.4 sets Lincoln MY20 theme with custom Boot Screen)
03=Lincoln MY20 (6.5"/8" Screens) (Old Lincoln Next, in 3.4 sets Lincoln MY20 theme with custom Boot Screen)
04=Obsolete (Old Ford GT Blue Theme, in 3.4 sets Ford MY20 theme with custom Boot Screen)
05=Obsolete (Legacy setting for Lincoln MY20 8" Landscape)
06=Obsolete (Legacy setting for Ford MY20 8" Landscape)
07=Lincoln 10L MY20 (10" Landscape) (Lincoln 10L MY20 10" Landscape theme with custom Boot Screen)
08=Ford 10P MY20 (10" Portrait) (Ford 10P MY20 10" Portrait theme with custom Boot Screen)
00=Ford Classic (Blue Theme, Multi-colored Buttons) (Default Theme Ford)
01=Ford Timeless (Blue Theme, Blue Buttons)
02=Lincoln Timeless (Gold Theme, Black Icons)
03=Lincoln Next (Gold Theme, White Icons) (Default Theme Lincoln)
04=Ford GT (All Blue Theme for 2017 Ford GT) (N/A Sync 3.2 after My18.5)
Visual Themes Sync Version 3.4
In Sync 3.4 there are 2 themes (Ford MY20, Lincoln MY20) with 2 screen variations per theme (6.5"/8", 10"). See 7D0-02-01 for custom Boot Screen Animations.
00=Ford MY20 (6.5"/8" Screens) (Old Ford Classic, in 3.4 sets Ford MY20 theme with custom Boot Screen)
01=Obsolete (Old Ford Timeless, in 3.4 sets Ford MY20 theme with custom Boot Screen)
02=Obsolete (Old Lincoln Timeless, in 3.4 sets Lincoln MY20 theme with custom Boot Screen)
03=Lincoln MY20 (6.5"/8" Screens) (Old Lincoln Next, in 3.4 sets Lincoln MY20 theme with custom Boot Screen)
04=Obsolete (Old Ford GT Blue Theme, in 3.4 sets Ford MY20 theme with custom Boot Screen)
05=Obsolete (Legacy setting for Lincoln MY20 8" Landscape)
06=Obsolete (Legacy setting for Ford MY20 8" Landscape)
07=Lincoln 10L MY20 (10" Landscape) (Lincoln 10L MY20 10" Landscape theme with custom Boot Screen)
08=Ford 10P MY20 (10" Portrait) (Ford 10P MY20 10" Portrait theme with custom Boot Screen)
To change between brands, the Theme Master Enable must be set appropriately.
Ford Theme (All Sync Versions)
7D0-01-02: 0xxx xxxx xxxx
Lincoln Theme (All Sync Versions)
7D0-01-02: 8xxx xxxx xxxx
Sync 3.0 thru 3.3.
Themes Requiring Ford Master Enable:
00=Ford Classic (Blue Theme, Multi-colored Buttons)
01=Ford Timeless (Blue Theme, Blue Buttons)
Themes Requiring Lincoln Master Enable:
02=Lincoln Timeless (Gold Theme, Black Icons)
03=Lincoln Next (Gold Theme, White Icons)
Sync 3.4.
Themes Requiring Ford Master Enable:
00=Ford MY20 (6.5"/8" Screens)
08=Ford 10P MY20 (10" Portrait)
Themes Requiring Lincoln Master Enable:
03=Lincoln MY20 (6.5"/8" Screens)
07=Lincoln 10L MY20 (10" Landscape)
For CGEA 1.3 vehicles with Multi-Color Ambient Lighting, the ambient lighting color mapping must be set appropriately.
BCM Module:
726-31-02 xxxx 00xx xxxx Ford Ambient Lighting Colors
726-31-02 xxxx 07xx xxxx Lincoln Ambient Lighting Colors
Ford Theme (All Sync Versions)
7D0-01-02: 0xxx xxxx xxxx
Lincoln Theme (All Sync Versions)
7D0-01-02: 8xxx xxxx xxxx
Sync 3.0 thru 3.3.
Themes Requiring Ford Master Enable:
00=Ford Classic (Blue Theme, Multi-colored Buttons)
01=Ford Timeless (Blue Theme, Blue Buttons)
Themes Requiring Lincoln Master Enable:
02=Lincoln Timeless (Gold Theme, Black Icons)
03=Lincoln Next (Gold Theme, White Icons)
Sync 3.4.
Themes Requiring Ford Master Enable:
00=Ford MY20 (6.5"/8" Screens)
08=Ford 10P MY20 (10" Portrait)
Themes Requiring Lincoln Master Enable:
03=Lincoln MY20 (6.5"/8" Screens)
07=Lincoln 10L MY20 (10" Landscape)
For CGEA 1.3 vehicles with Multi-Color Ambient Lighting, the ambient lighting color mapping must be set appropriately.
BCM Module:
726-31-02 xxxx 00xx xxxx Ford Ambient Lighting Colors
726-31-02 xxxx 07xx xxxx Lincoln Ambient Lighting Colors
Drivetrain Type (DT)DE02/7D0-03-01 xxxx-xx**-xxxx
Drivetrain Type (DT)
DE02/7D0-03-01 xxxx-xx**-xxxx
DE02/7D0-03-01: xxxx-xx**-xxxx
4=Dually 2WD
5=Dually 4WD
4=Dually 2WD
5=Dually 4WD
Day/Night Palette Delay (DNPD)DE02/7D0-03-01 xxxx-xxxx-**xx
Day/Night Palette Delay (DNPD)
DE02/7D0-03-01 xxxx-xxxx-**xx
DE02/7D0-03-01: xxxx-xxxx-**xx
Night-Day Palette Delay (sec)
1E=30 sec
3C=60 sec
5A=90 sec
1E=30 sec
3C=60 sec
5A=90 sec
Delay speed of changing from day/night theme.
Audio Player (AP)DE03/7D0-04-01 **xx-xxxx-xxxx
Audio Player (AP)
DE03/7D0-04-01 **xx-xxxx-xxxx
DE03/7D0-04-01: **xx-xxxx-xxxx
00=No Media
02=CD Changer MP3
03=DVD MP3
04=CD Harddrive
02=CD Changer MP3
03=DVD MP3
04=CD Harddrive
Setting the value to '00' will remove the CD selection button from Sync 3.
Bluetooth Audio Profile Index (BAPI)DE03/7D0-04-01 xx**-**xx-xxxx
Bluetooth Audio Profile Index (BAPI)
DE03/7D0-04-01 xx**-**xx-xxxx
DE03/7D0-04-01: xx**-**xx-xxxx
0000=BAPI Profile 1 (Default)
0001=BAPI U502 Ford Explorer (Ext Amp)
0002=BAPI MKZ (Ext Amp)
0003=BAPI U387 Edge
0004=BAPI C344 CMAX (Int Amp)
0005=BAPI D258 Taurus (Ext Amp)
0006=BAPI C520 Escape (Ext Amp)
0007=BAPI B299 Fiesta (Ext Amp)
0008=BAPI U222 Expedition (Ext Amp)
0009=BAPI S550 Mustang (Ext Amp)
000A=BAPI V363N Transit (Int Amp)
000B=BAPI C346N Focus / Generic Compact
000C=BAPI Generic Small Xover (Int Amp)
000D=BAPI Generic Small Xover (Ext Amp)
000E=BAPI Generic Large Sedan
000F=BAPI Generic Large SUV
0010=BAPI U228 Lincoln Navigator
0011=BAPI D471 Flex (Ext Amp)
0012=BAPI D472 MKT (Ext Amp)
0013BAPI C346N Focus ST (Int Amp)
0014=BAPI P552 F150 with Sony Audio
0017=BAPI EU Edge CD539X
0018=BAPI EU Explorer U502
0019=BAPI EU Fiesta B299
001A=BAPI EU Focus C346E
001B=BAPI EU Galaxy CD390E Smax CD539E
001C=BAPI EU Kuga C520E
001D=BAPI EU Mondeo CD391E
001E=BAPI EU Mustang S550
001F=BAPI EU Transit 363E
0020=BAPI EU Transit Connect V408
0021=BAPI U540 MKX/Nautilus
0022=BAPI D568C Taurus (China)
0023=BAPI U375A LHD Everest (Thailand)
0024=BAPI U375A RHD Everest
0025=BAPI P375A LHD Ranger (Thailand)
0026=BAPI P375A RHD Ranger
0029=BAPI Ford GT
002A=BAPI V362 OHC Transit Custom MK8
002B=BAPI V362 HL Transit Custom MK8
002C=BAPI B460 Transit Courier
002D=BAPI B562 HL Figo
002E=BAPI B562 OHC Figo
002F=BAPI P375 Ranger DoubleCab
0030=BAPI U375 Everest MoonRoof
0031=BAPI U375 Everest Standard Roof
0032=BAPI P473 Superduty
0033=BAPI P375 Ranger DBL (Branded)
0034=BAPI P375 Ranger DBL (Unbranded)
0035=BAPI MY19 D568 Branded (New Mic Location)
0036=BAPI MY19 D568 Unbranded (New Mic Location)
0037=BAPI V363N Transit HL mic
0038=BAPI CX727 Mustang Mach-E
0039=BAPI U725 Bronco
0001=BAPI U502 Ford Explorer (Ext Amp)
0002=BAPI MKZ (Ext Amp)
0003=BAPI U387 Edge
0004=BAPI C344 CMAX (Int Amp)
0005=BAPI D258 Taurus (Ext Amp)
0006=BAPI C520 Escape (Ext Amp)
0007=BAPI B299 Fiesta (Ext Amp)
0008=BAPI U222 Expedition (Ext Amp)
0009=BAPI S550 Mustang (Ext Amp)
000A=BAPI V363N Transit (Int Amp)
000B=BAPI C346N Focus / Generic Compact
000C=BAPI Generic Small Xover (Int Amp)
000D=BAPI Generic Small Xover (Ext Amp)
000E=BAPI Generic Large Sedan
000F=BAPI Generic Large SUV
0010=BAPI U228 Lincoln Navigator
0011=BAPI D471 Flex (Ext Amp)
0012=BAPI D472 MKT (Ext Amp)
0013BAPI C346N Focus ST (Int Amp)
0014=BAPI P552 F150 with Sony Audio
0017=BAPI EU Edge CD539X
0018=BAPI EU Explorer U502
0019=BAPI EU Fiesta B299
001A=BAPI EU Focus C346E
001B=BAPI EU Galaxy CD390E Smax CD539E
001C=BAPI EU Kuga C520E
001D=BAPI EU Mondeo CD391E
001E=BAPI EU Mustang S550
001F=BAPI EU Transit 363E
0020=BAPI EU Transit Connect V408
0021=BAPI U540 MKX/Nautilus
0022=BAPI D568C Taurus (China)
0023=BAPI U375A LHD Everest (Thailand)
0024=BAPI U375A RHD Everest
0025=BAPI P375A LHD Ranger (Thailand)
0026=BAPI P375A RHD Ranger
0029=BAPI Ford GT
002A=BAPI V362 OHC Transit Custom MK8
002B=BAPI V362 HL Transit Custom MK8
002C=BAPI B460 Transit Courier
002D=BAPI B562 HL Figo
002E=BAPI B562 OHC Figo
002F=BAPI P375 Ranger DoubleCab
0030=BAPI U375 Everest MoonRoof
0031=BAPI U375 Everest Standard Roof
0032=BAPI P473 Superduty
0033=BAPI P375 Ranger DBL (Branded)
0034=BAPI P375 Ranger DBL (Unbranded)
0035=BAPI MY19 D568 Branded (New Mic Location)
0036=BAPI MY19 D568 Unbranded (New Mic Location)
0037=BAPI V363N Transit HL mic
0038=BAPI CX727 Mustang Mach-E
0039=BAPI U725 Bronco
This setting is used to conform the Bluetooth audio to the vehicle options.
Climate Domain (CD)
Fan Repeater (FR)
Temperature Repeater (TR)
Status Bar Temperature (SBT)DE03/7D0-04-01 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
Climate Domain (CD)
Fan Repeater (FR)
Temperature Repeater (TR)
Status Bar Temperature (SBT)
Fan Repeater (FR)
Temperature Repeater (TR)
Status Bar Temperature (SBT)
DE03/7D0-04-01 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
DE03/7D0-04-01: xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
0=Climate Domain On (Automatic), Fan Repeater On, Temp Repeater On, Status Bar Temp On
1=Climate Domain On (Automatic), Fan Repeater On, Temp Repeater On, Status Bar Temp Off
2=Climate Domain On (Automatic), Fan Repeater On, Temp Repeater Off, Status Bar Temp On
3=Climate Domain On (Automatic), Fan Repeater On, Temp Repeater Off, Status Bar Temp Off
4=Climate Domain On (Automatic), Fan Repeater Off, Temp Repeater On, Status Bar Temp On
5=Climate Domain On (Automatic), Fan Repeater Off, Temp Repeater On, Status Bar Temp Off
6=Climate Domain On (Automatic), Fan Repeater Off, Temp Repeater Off, Status Bar Temp On
7=Climate Domain On (Automatic), Fan Repeater Off, Temp Repeater Off, Status Bar Temp Off
8=Climate Domain Off (Manual), Fan Repeater On, Temp Repeater On, Status Bar Temp On
9=Climate Domain Off (Manual), Fan Repeater On, Temp Repeater On, Status Bar Temp Off
A=Climate Domain Off (Manual), Fan Repeater On, Temp Repeater Off, Status Bar Temp On
B=Climate Domain Off (Manual), Fan Repeater On, Temp Repeater Off, Status Bar Temp Off
C=Climate Domain Off (Manual), Fan Repeater Off, Temp Repeater On, Status Bar Temp On
D=Climate Domain Off (Manual), Fan Repeater Off, Temp Repeater On, Status Bar Temp Off
E=Climate Domain Off (Manual), Fan Repeater Off, Temp Repeater Off, Status Bar Temp On
F=Climate Domain Off (Manual), Fan Repeater Off, Temp Repeater Off, Status Bar Temp Off
1=Climate Domain On (Automatic), Fan Repeater On, Temp Repeater On, Status Bar Temp Off
2=Climate Domain On (Automatic), Fan Repeater On, Temp Repeater Off, Status Bar Temp On
3=Climate Domain On (Automatic), Fan Repeater On, Temp Repeater Off, Status Bar Temp Off
4=Climate Domain On (Automatic), Fan Repeater Off, Temp Repeater On, Status Bar Temp On
5=Climate Domain On (Automatic), Fan Repeater Off, Temp Repeater On, Status Bar Temp Off
6=Climate Domain On (Automatic), Fan Repeater Off, Temp Repeater Off, Status Bar Temp On
7=Climate Domain On (Automatic), Fan Repeater Off, Temp Repeater Off, Status Bar Temp Off
8=Climate Domain Off (Manual), Fan Repeater On, Temp Repeater On, Status Bar Temp On
9=Climate Domain Off (Manual), Fan Repeater On, Temp Repeater On, Status Bar Temp Off
A=Climate Domain Off (Manual), Fan Repeater On, Temp Repeater Off, Status Bar Temp On
B=Climate Domain Off (Manual), Fan Repeater On, Temp Repeater Off, Status Bar Temp Off
C=Climate Domain Off (Manual), Fan Repeater Off, Temp Repeater On, Status Bar Temp On
D=Climate Domain Off (Manual), Fan Repeater Off, Temp Repeater On, Status Bar Temp Off
E=Climate Domain Off (Manual), Fan Repeater Off, Temp Repeater Off, Status Bar Temp On
F=Climate Domain Off (Manual), Fan Repeater Off, Temp Repeater Off, Status Bar Temp Off
Legacy Climate (LC) (Climate Control Repeater)DE03/7D0-04-01 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
Legacy Climate (LC) (Climate Control Repeater)
DE03/7D0-04-01 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
DE03/7D0-04-01: xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
0=Enable Climate Control Repeater for Dual Climate Control
1=Disable Climate Control Repeater for Dual Climate Control
2=Enable Climate Control Repeater for Single Climate Control
3=Disable Climate Control Repeater for Single Climate Control
4=E8 Program
1=Disable Climate Control Repeater for Dual Climate Control
2=Enable Climate Control Repeater for Single Climate Control
3=Disable Climate Control Repeater for Single Climate Control
4=E8 Program
Legacy Climate (Climate Control Repeater)
This is only affected when EU Climate Control Strategy is selected in 7D0-01-01 xxxx-*xxx-xx--
Note: The values below refer to double bit setting: 7D0-04-01 xxxx-xx**-xxxx
For 3.2 and lower:
*0: Enable Climate Control Repeater for Dual Climate Control
*1: Disable Climate Control Repeater
For 3.3/3.4:
*0: Enable Climate Control Repeater for Dual Climate Control
*1: Disable Climate Control Repeater for Dual Climate Control
*2: Enable Climate Control Repeater for Single Climate Control
*3: Disable Climate Control Repeater for Single Climate Control
*4: E8 Program
Note: To disable climate an additional change is needed in 7D0-01-01: xxxx-xxx*-xxxx from dual to single zone.
Master Reset is required for the changes to take effect.
This is only affected when EU Climate Control Strategy is selected in 7D0-01-01 xxxx-*xxx-xx--
Note: The values below refer to double bit setting: 7D0-04-01 xxxx-xx**-xxxx
For 3.2 and lower:
*0: Enable Climate Control Repeater for Dual Climate Control
*1: Disable Climate Control Repeater
For 3.3/3.4:
*0: Enable Climate Control Repeater for Dual Climate Control
*1: Disable Climate Control Repeater for Dual Climate Control
*2: Enable Climate Control Repeater for Single Climate Control
*3: Disable Climate Control Repeater for Single Climate Control
*4: E8 Program
Note: To disable climate an additional change is needed in 7D0-01-01: xxxx-xxx*-xxxx from dual to single zone.
Master Reset is required for the changes to take effect.
Bluetooth Vehicle Nameplate ID (BVNI)DE03/7D0-04-01 xxxx-xxxx-**xx
Bluetooth Vehicle Nameplate ID (BVNI)
DE03/7D0-04-01 xxxx-xxxx-**xx
DE03/7D0-04-01: xxxx-xxxx-**xx
01=Ford Fiesta
02=Ford Focus
03=Ford Fusion
04=Ford C-Max
05=Ford Taurus
06=Ford Mustang
07=Ford EcoSport
08=Ford Escape
09=Ford Edge
0A=Ford Flex
0B=Ford Explorer
0C=Ford Expedition
0D=Ford Ranger
0E=Ford F150
0F=Ford F250
10=Ford F350
11=Ford F450
12=Ford F550
13=Ford Transit Connect
14=Ford Transit
15=Ford E150
16=Ford E350
17=Ford F650
18=Ford F750
19=Lincoln MKZ
1A=Lincoln MKS
1B=Lincoln MKC
1C=Lincoln MKX
1D=Lincoln MKT
1E=Lincoln Navigator
1F=Ford Ka
20=Ford Fiesta
21=Ford Transit Courier
22=Ford B-Max
23=Ford Grand C-Max
24=Ford Mondeo
25=Ford Kuga
26=Ford S-Max
27=Ford Galaxy
28=Ford Figo
29=Ford Escort
2A=Ford Falcon
2B=Ford Everest
2C=Ford Territory
2D=Ford Raptor
2E=Lincoln Continental
2F=Ford GT
30=Ford Endeavour
31=Ford Fiesta ST
32=Ford Focus ST
33=Ford Focus RS
34=Lincoln Aviator
35=Lincoln Corsair
36=Ford Endura.
37=Ford Bronco
38=Lincoln Nautilus
39=Ford Puma
3A=Lincoln Aviator Coupe
3B=Ford Tourneo Connect
3C=Ford Tourneo Custom
3D=Shelby GT350
3E=Shelby GT500
3F=Ford Bronco Sport
40=Mustang Mach-E
41=Ford Maverick
42=Ford F-600
01=Ford Fiesta
02=Ford Focus
03=Ford Fusion
04=Ford C-Max
05=Ford Taurus
06=Ford Mustang
07=Ford EcoSport
08=Ford Escape
09=Ford Edge
0A=Ford Flex
0B=Ford Explorer
0C=Ford Expedition
0D=Ford Ranger
0E=Ford F150
0F=Ford F250
10=Ford F350
11=Ford F450
12=Ford F550
13=Ford Transit Connect
14=Ford Transit
15=Ford E150
16=Ford E350
17=Ford F650
18=Ford F750
19=Lincoln MKZ
1A=Lincoln MKS
1B=Lincoln MKC
1C=Lincoln MKX
1D=Lincoln MKT
1E=Lincoln Navigator
1F=Ford Ka
20=Ford Fiesta
21=Ford Transit Courier
22=Ford B-Max
23=Ford Grand C-Max
24=Ford Mondeo
25=Ford Kuga
26=Ford S-Max
27=Ford Galaxy
28=Ford Figo
29=Ford Escort
2A=Ford Falcon
2B=Ford Everest
2C=Ford Territory
2D=Ford Raptor
2E=Lincoln Continental
2F=Ford GT
30=Ford Endeavour
31=Ford Fiesta ST
32=Ford Focus ST
33=Ford Focus RS
34=Lincoln Aviator
35=Lincoln Corsair
36=Ford Endura.
37=Ford Bronco
38=Lincoln Nautilus
39=Ford Puma
3A=Lincoln Aviator Coupe
3B=Ford Tourneo Connect
3C=Ford Tourneo Custom
3D=Shelby GT350
3E=Shelby GT500
3F=Ford Bronco Sport
40=Mustang Mach-E
41=Ford Maverick
42=Ford F-600
Bluetooth Paired Name of the Vehicle.
Advance Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) Feature LevelDE03/7D0-04-02 **xx-xx
Advance Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) Feature Level
DE03/7D0-04-02 **xx-xx
DE03/7D0-04-02: **xx-xx
00=Electronic Horizon Off
01=Electronic Horizon for Informational Use Only
02=Electronic Horizon for Non Active + Curve/Slope
03=Electronic Horizon for Active (less Curve/Slope)
04=Electronic Horizon for Active (with Curve/Slope)
01=Electronic Horizon for Informational Use Only
02=Electronic Horizon for Non Active + Curve/Slope
03=Electronic Horizon for Active (less Curve/Slope)
04=Electronic Horizon for Active (with Curve/Slope)
Parking Assistance (PA):
Active Park Assist (APA)
Park Out Assist (POA)
Perpendicular Park Assist (PPA)
Semi-Auto Parallel Park Assist (SAPP)DE03/7D0-04-02 xx**-xx
Parking Assistance (PA):
Active Park Assist (APA)
Park Out Assist (POA)
Perpendicular Park Assist (PPA)
Semi-Auto Parallel Park Assist (SAPP)
Active Park Assist (APA)
Park Out Assist (POA)
Perpendicular Park Assist (PPA)
Semi-Auto Parallel Park Assist (SAPP)
DE03/7D0-04-02 xx**-xx
DE03/7D0-04-02: xx**-xx
01=Rear PDC (4 Sensors)
02=Rear/Front PDC (8 Sensors)
03=Rear/Front PDC SAPP (NA HMI)
04=Rear SAPP (NA HMI)
05=Front/Rear PDC SAPP (EU HMI)
06=Rear SAPP (EU HMI)
07=Rear/Front PDC with APA (12 Sensors) (APA + SAAP + PPA + POA)
08=APA Lite (SAPP) (10 or less Sensors) (Parallel Park Only)
09=APA Lite Plus (SAPP/POA) (10 Sensors) (Parallel and Park Out Only)
0A=APACSI (12 Sensors) (APA + SAAP + PPA + POA)
0B=FAPA (12 Sensors) (APA + SAAP + PPA + POA)
01=Rear PDC (4 Sensors)
02=Rear/Front PDC (8 Sensors)
03=Rear/Front PDC SAPP (NA HMI)
04=Rear SAPP (NA HMI)
05=Front/Rear PDC SAPP (EU HMI)
06=Rear SAPP (EU HMI)
07=Rear/Front PDC with APA (12 Sensors) (APA + SAAP + PPA + POA)
08=APA Lite (SAPP) (10 or less Sensors) (Parallel Park Only)
09=APA Lite Plus (SAPP/POA) (10 Sensors) (Parallel and Park Out Only)
0A=APACSI (12 Sensors) (APA + SAAP + PPA + POA)
0B=FAPA (12 Sensors) (APA + SAAP + PPA + POA)
For Sync2 to Sync3 upgrade and auto park, please note you must carry out a firmware update to the PAM module and change asbuilt. You will get errors when trying to use this otherwise. There is a guide on the main forum detailing this.
Vehicle Specific InformationDE04/7D0-05-01 ****-****-**xx
Vehicle Specific Information
DE04/7D0-05-01 ****-****-**xx
DE04/7D0-05-01: ****-****-**xx
7D0-05-01 - #### - xxxx - xxxx - Front Track
7D0-05-01 - xxxx - #### - xxxx - Rear Track
7D0-05-01 - xxxx - xxxx - ##xx - Wheel Base
7D0-05-02 - ##xx - Wheel Base (cont.)
7D0-05-01 - xxxx - #### - xxxx - Rear Track
7D0-05-01 - xxxx - xxxx - ##xx - Wheel Base
7D0-05-02 - ##xx - Wheel Base (cont.)
Front Track (Inches) (HEX = DEC X .01 = VALUE)
RearTrack (Inches) (HEX = DEC X .01 = VALUE)
Wheel Base (Inches) (HEX=DECx0.01+0=Value)
This is the value of 7D0-05-01 ####-####-XX## and 7D0-05-01 XX##. (HEX=XXXX)
RearTrack (Inches) (HEX = DEC X .01 = VALUE)
Wheel Base (Inches) (HEX=DECx0.01+0=Value)
This is the value of 7D0-05-01 ####-####-XX## and 7D0-05-01 XX##. (HEX=XXXX)
Internal Gyro (IG)
Gyro on Bus (GoB)
Ambient Light Type (ALT)
Reverse Gear (RG)DE05/7D0-06-01 *xxx-xx
Internal Gyro (IG)
Gyro on Bus (GoB)
Ambient Light Type (ALT)
Reverse Gear (RG)
Gyro on Bus (GoB)
Ambient Light Type (ALT)
Reverse Gear (RG)
DE05/7D0-06-01 *xxx-xx
DE05/7D0-06-01: *xxx-xx
0=IG Not Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Pantone, RG Legacy
1=IG Not Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Pantone, RG New
2=IG Not Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Single Color, RG Legacy
3=IG Not Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Single Color, RG New
4=IG Not Present, GoB Present, ALT Pantone, RG Legacy
5=IG Not Present, GoB Present, ALT Pantone, RG New
6=IG Not Present, GoB Present, ALT Single Color, RG Legacy
7=IG Not Present, GoB Present, ALT Single Color, RG New
8=IG Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Pantone, RG Legacy
9=IG Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Pantone, RG New
A=IG Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Single Color, RG Legacy
B=IG Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Single Color, RG New
C=IG Present, GoB Present, ALT Pantone, RG Legacy
D=IG Present, GoB Present, ALT Pantone, RG New
E=IG Present, GoB Present, ALT Single Color, RG Legacy
F=IG Present, GoB Present, ALT Single Color, RG New
1=IG Not Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Pantone, RG New
2=IG Not Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Single Color, RG Legacy
3=IG Not Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Single Color, RG New
4=IG Not Present, GoB Present, ALT Pantone, RG Legacy
5=IG Not Present, GoB Present, ALT Pantone, RG New
6=IG Not Present, GoB Present, ALT Single Color, RG Legacy
7=IG Not Present, GoB Present, ALT Single Color, RG New
8=IG Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Pantone, RG Legacy
9=IG Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Pantone, RG New
A=IG Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Single Color, RG Legacy
B=IG Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Single Color, RG New
C=IG Present, GoB Present, ALT Pantone, RG Legacy
D=IG Present, GoB Present, ALT Pantone, RG New
E=IG Present, GoB Present, ALT Single Color, RG Legacy
F=IG Present, GoB Present, ALT Single Color, RG New
Additional notes provided for different varieties:
2018 and earlier vehicle without ambient lighting:
6=IG Not Present, GoB Present, ALT Single Color, RG Legacy (Non NAV APIM)
A=IG Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Single Color, RG Legacy (NAV APIM)
2018 and earlier vehicle with ambient lighting:
4=IG Not Present, GoB Present, ALT Pantone, RG Legacy (Non NAV APIM)
8=IG Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Pantone, RG Legacy (NAV APIM)
2019+ vehicle without ambient lighting:
7=IG Not Present, GoB Present, ALT Single Color, RG New (Non NAV APIM)
B=IG Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Single Color, RG New (NAV APIM)
2019+ vehicle with ambient lighting:
5=IG Not Present, GoB Present, ALT Pantone, RG New (Non NAV APIM)
9=IG Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Pantone, RG New (NAV APIM)
2018 and earlier vehicle without ambient lighting:
6=IG Not Present, GoB Present, ALT Single Color, RG Legacy (Non NAV APIM)
A=IG Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Single Color, RG Legacy (NAV APIM)
2018 and earlier vehicle with ambient lighting:
4=IG Not Present, GoB Present, ALT Pantone, RG Legacy (Non NAV APIM)
8=IG Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Pantone, RG Legacy (NAV APIM)
2019+ vehicle without ambient lighting:
7=IG Not Present, GoB Present, ALT Single Color, RG New (Non NAV APIM)
B=IG Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Single Color, RG New (NAV APIM)
2019+ vehicle with ambient lighting:
5=IG Not Present, GoB Present, ALT Pantone, RG New (Non NAV APIM)
9=IG Present, GoB Not Present, ALT Pantone, RG New (NAV APIM)
Phone As a Key (PAK)
Trailer Backup Assist 2 Feature (TBA)
Illumination Gateway Strategy (IGS)DE05/7D0-06-01 x*xx-xx
Phone As a Key (PAK)
Trailer Backup Assist 2 Feature (TBA)
Illumination Gateway Strategy (IGS)
Trailer Backup Assist 2 Feature (TBA)
Illumination Gateway Strategy (IGS)
DE05/7D0-06-01 x*xx-xx
DE05/7D0-06-01: x*xx-xx
0=PAK Not Present, TBA Not Available, IGS CGEA 1.3
1=PAK Not Present, TBA Not Available, IGS C1MCA
2=PAK Not Present, TBA Available with PSCM, IGS CGEA 1.3
3=PAK Not Present, TBA Available with PSCM, IGS C1MCA
4=PAK Not Present, TBA Available with IPMB, IGS CGEA 1.3
5=PAK Not Present, TBA Available with IPMB, IGS C1MCA
6=PAK Not Present, TBA reserved, IGS CGEA 1.3
7=PAK Not Present, TBA reserved, IGS C1MCA
8=PAK Present, TBA Not Available, IGS CGEA 1.3
9=PAK Present, TBA Not Available, IGS C1MCA
A=PAK Present, TBA Available with PSCM, IGS CGEA 1.3
B=PAK Present, TBA Available with PSCM, IGS C1MCA
C=PAK Present, TBA Available with IPMB, IGS CGEA 1.3
D=PAK Present, TBA Available with IPMB, IGS C1MCA
E=PAK Present, TBA reserved, IGS CGEA 1.3
F=PAK Present, TBA reserved, IGS C1MCA
1=PAK Not Present, TBA Not Available, IGS C1MCA
2=PAK Not Present, TBA Available with PSCM, IGS CGEA 1.3
3=PAK Not Present, TBA Available with PSCM, IGS C1MCA
4=PAK Not Present, TBA Available with IPMB, IGS CGEA 1.3
5=PAK Not Present, TBA Available with IPMB, IGS C1MCA
6=PAK Not Present, TBA reserved, IGS CGEA 1.3
7=PAK Not Present, TBA reserved, IGS C1MCA
8=PAK Present, TBA Not Available, IGS CGEA 1.3
9=PAK Present, TBA Not Available, IGS C1MCA
A=PAK Present, TBA Available with PSCM, IGS CGEA 1.3
B=PAK Present, TBA Available with PSCM, IGS C1MCA
C=PAK Present, TBA Available with IPMB, IGS CGEA 1.3
D=PAK Present, TBA Available with IPMB, IGS C1MCA
E=PAK Present, TBA reserved, IGS CGEA 1.3
F=PAK Present, TBA reserved, IGS C1MCA
Vehicle Specific InformationDE06/7D0-07 ****-****-**xx
Vehicle Specific Information
DE06/7D0-07 ****-****-**xx
DE06/7D0-07: ****-****-**xx
7D0-07-01 - ##xx - xxxx - xxxx - Vehicle Weight (Kg)
7D0-07-01 - xxx# - xxxx - xxxx - ECO Route Curve
7D0-07-01 - xxxx - ##xx - xxxx - Powertrain Efficiency (%)
7D0-07-01 - xxxx - xx## - xxxx - Regenerative Braking Efficiency Highway (%)
7D0-07-01 - xxxx - xxxx - ##xx - Regenerative Braking Efficiency City (%)
7D0-07-02 - #### - xxxx - xxxx - Install Angle of APIM for Accelerometer X (Deg)
7D0-07-02 - xxxx - #### - xxxx - Install Angle of APIM for Accelerometer Y (Deg)
7D0-07-02 - xxxx - xxxx - ##xx - Install Angle of APIM for Accelerometer Z (Deg)
7D0-07-03 - ##xx - xxxx - xxxx - Install Angle of APIM for Accelerometer Z (Deg) cont.
7D0-07-03 - xx## - xxxx - xxxx - Wheel Ticks to Revolution Front
7D0-07-03 - xxxx - ##xx - xxxx - Wheel Ticks to Revolution Rear
7D0-07-03 - xxxx - xx## - xxxx - Tire Circumference (cm)
7D0-07-03 - xxxx - xxxx - ##xx - Distance from IP to Rear Axle (cm)
7D0-07-04 - ##xx - Distance from IP to Rear Axle (cm) cont.
7D0-07-01 - xxx# - xxxx - xxxx - ECO Route Curve
7D0-07-01 - xxxx - ##xx - xxxx - Powertrain Efficiency (%)
7D0-07-01 - xxxx - xx## - xxxx - Regenerative Braking Efficiency Highway (%)
7D0-07-01 - xxxx - xxxx - ##xx - Regenerative Braking Efficiency City (%)
7D0-07-02 - #### - xxxx - xxxx - Install Angle of APIM for Accelerometer X (Deg)
7D0-07-02 - xxxx - #### - xxxx - Install Angle of APIM for Accelerometer Y (Deg)
7D0-07-02 - xxxx - xxxx - ##xx - Install Angle of APIM for Accelerometer Z (Deg)
7D0-07-03 - ##xx - xxxx - xxxx - Install Angle of APIM for Accelerometer Z (Deg) cont.
7D0-07-03 - xx## - xxxx - xxxx - Wheel Ticks to Revolution Front
7D0-07-03 - xxxx - ##xx - xxxx - Wheel Ticks to Revolution Rear
7D0-07-03 - xxxx - xx## - xxxx - Tire Circumference (cm)
7D0-07-03 - xxxx - xxxx - ##xx - Distance from IP to Rear Axle (cm)
7D0-07-04 - ##xx - Distance from IP to Rear Axle (cm) cont.
Vehicle Weight (Kg)
HEX=DECx100+0=Value (Kg)/0.45359237=Value (Lbs)
ECO Route Curve
HEX=DECx1+1=Value (unitless)
Powertrain Efficiency (%)
HEX=DECx0.39215+0=Value (%)
Regenerative Braking Efficiency Highway (%)
HEX=DECx0.39215+0=Value (%)
Regenerative Braking Efficiency City (%)
HEX=DECx0.39215+0=Value (%)
Install Angle of APIM for Accelerometer X (Deg)
HEX=DECx0.006+0=Value (degrees)
Install Angle of APIM for Accelerometer Y (Deg)
HEX=DECx0.006+0=Value (degrees)
Install Angle of APIM for Accelerometer Z (Deg)
HEX=DECx0.006+0=Value (degrees)
Wheel Ticks to Revolution Front
HEX=DECx1+40=Value (unitless)
Wheel Ticks to Revolution Rear
HEX=DECx1+40=Value (unitless)
Tire Circumference (cm)
HEX=DECx1+100=Value (cm) x0.393701=Value (in)
Distance from IP to Rear Axle (cm)
HEX=DECx1+100=Value (cm) x0.393701=Value (in)
HEX=DECx100+0=Value (Kg)/0.45359237=Value (Lbs)
ECO Route Curve
HEX=DECx1+1=Value (unitless)
Powertrain Efficiency (%)
HEX=DECx0.39215+0=Value (%)
Regenerative Braking Efficiency Highway (%)
HEX=DECx0.39215+0=Value (%)
Regenerative Braking Efficiency City (%)
HEX=DECx0.39215+0=Value (%)
Install Angle of APIM for Accelerometer X (Deg)
HEX=DECx0.006+0=Value (degrees)
Install Angle of APIM for Accelerometer Y (Deg)
HEX=DECx0.006+0=Value (degrees)
Install Angle of APIM for Accelerometer Z (Deg)
HEX=DECx0.006+0=Value (degrees)
Wheel Ticks to Revolution Front
HEX=DECx1+40=Value (unitless)
Wheel Ticks to Revolution Rear
HEX=DECx1+40=Value (unitless)
Tire Circumference (cm)
HEX=DECx1+100=Value (cm) x0.393701=Value (in)
Distance from IP to Rear Axle (cm)
HEX=DECx1+100=Value (cm) x0.393701=Value (in)
Powerfold Mirrors (PM)
Lane Change Indicator (LCI)
Deflation Detection System (DDS)
Park Lock Control (PLC)DE07/7D0-08-01 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
Powerfold Mirrors (PM)
Lane Change Indicator (LCI)
Deflation Detection System (DDS)
Park Lock Control (PLC)
Lane Change Indicator (LCI)
Deflation Detection System (DDS)
Park Lock Control (PLC)
DE07/7D0-08-01 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
DE07/7D0-08-01: *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
0=PM Off, LCI Off, DDS Off, PLC Off
1=PM Off, LCI Off, DDS Off, PLC On
2=PM Off, LCI Off, DDS On, PLC Off
3=PM Off, LCI Off, DDS On, PLC On
4=PM Off, LCI On, DDS Off, PLC Off
5=PM Off, LCI On, DDS Off, PLC On
6=PM Off, LCI On, DDS On, PLC Off
7=PM Off, LCI On, DDS On, PLC On
8=PM On, LCI Off, DDS Off, PLC Off
9=PM On, LCI Off, DDS Off, PLC On
A=PM On, LCI Off, DDS On, PLC Off
B=PM On, LCI Off, DDS On, PLC On
C=PM On, LCI On, DDS Off, PLC Off
D=PM On, LCI On, DDS Off, PLC On
E=PM On, LCI On, DDS On, PLC Off
1=PM Off, LCI Off, DDS Off, PLC On
2=PM Off, LCI Off, DDS On, PLC Off
3=PM Off, LCI Off, DDS On, PLC On
4=PM Off, LCI On, DDS Off, PLC Off
5=PM Off, LCI On, DDS Off, PLC On
6=PM Off, LCI On, DDS On, PLC Off
7=PM Off, LCI On, DDS On, PLC On
8=PM On, LCI Off, DDS Off, PLC Off
9=PM On, LCI Off, DDS Off, PLC On
A=PM On, LCI Off, DDS On, PLC Off
B=PM On, LCI Off, DDS On, PLC On
C=PM On, LCI On, DDS Off, PLC Off
D=PM On, LCI On, DDS Off, PLC On
E=PM On, LCI On, DDS On, PLC Off
Information Chimes (IC)
Warning Chimes (WC)
Active City Stop (ACS)
Alarm On Exit (AOE)DE07/7D0-08-01 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
Information Chimes (IC)
Warning Chimes (WC)
Active City Stop (ACS)
Alarm On Exit (AOE)
Warning Chimes (WC)
Active City Stop (ACS)
Alarm On Exit (AOE)
DE07/7D0-08-01 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
DE07/7D0-08-01: x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
0=IC Off, WC Off, ACS Off, AOE Off
1=IC Off, WC Off, ACS Off, AOE On
2=IC Off, WC Off, ACS On, AOE Off
3=IC Off, WC Off, ACS On, AOE On
4=IC Off, WC On, ACS Off, AOE Off
5=IC Off, WC On, ACS Off, AOE On
6=IC Off, WC On, ACS On, AOE Off
7=IC Off, WC On, ACS On, AOE On
8=IC On, WC Off, ACS Off, AOE Off
9=IC On, WC Off, ACS Off, AOE On
A=IC On, WC Off, ACS On, AOE Off
B=IC On, WC Off, ACS On, AOE On
C=IC On, WC On, ACS Off, AOE Off
D=IC On, WC On, ACS Off, AOE On
E=IC On, WC On, ACS On, AOE Off
F=IC On, WC On, ACS On, AOE On
1=IC Off, WC Off, ACS Off, AOE On
2=IC Off, WC Off, ACS On, AOE Off
3=IC Off, WC Off, ACS On, AOE On
4=IC Off, WC On, ACS Off, AOE Off
5=IC Off, WC On, ACS Off, AOE On
6=IC Off, WC On, ACS On, AOE Off
7=IC Off, WC On, ACS On, AOE On
8=IC On, WC Off, ACS Off, AOE Off
9=IC On, WC Off, ACS Off, AOE On
A=IC On, WC Off, ACS On, AOE Off
B=IC On, WC Off, ACS On, AOE On
C=IC On, WC On, ACS Off, AOE Off
D=IC On, WC On, ACS Off, AOE On
E=IC On, WC On, ACS On, AOE Off
F=IC On, WC On, ACS On, AOE On
Moodlight Mode (MM)
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
4.2inch HMI Menu Controller (4.2)
ECO Mode (EM)DE07/7D0-08-01 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
Moodlight Mode (MM)
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
4.2inch HMI Menu Controller (4.2)
ECO Mode (EM)
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
4.2inch HMI Menu Controller (4.2)
ECO Mode (EM)
DE07/7D0-08-01 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
DE07/7D0-08-01: xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
0=MM Off, TPMS Off, 4.2 Rotary Tune Knob with OK Button, EM Off
1=MM Off, TPMS Off, 4.2 Rotary Tune Knob with OK Button, EM On
2=MM Off, TPMS Off, 4.2 5-Way Controller, EM Off
3=MM Off, TPMS Off, 4.2 5-Way Controller, EM On
4=MM Off, TPMS On, 4.2 Rotary Tune Knob with OK Button, EM Off
5=MM Off, TPMS On, 4.2 Rotary Tune Knob with OK Button, EM On
6=MM Off, TPMS On, 4.2 5-Way Controller, EM Off
7=MM Off, TPMS On, 4.2 5-Way Controller, EM On
8=MM On, TPMS Off, 4.2 Rotary Tune Knob with OK Button, EM Off
9=MM On, TPMS Off, 4.2 Rotary Tune Knob with OK Button, EM On
A=MM On, TPMS Off, 4.2 5-Way Controller, EM Off
B=MM On, TPMS Off, 4.2 5-Way Controller, EM On
C=MM On, TPMS On, 4.2 Rotary Tune Knob with OK Button, EM Off
D=MM On, TPMS On, 4.2 Rotary Tune Knob with OK Button, EM On
E=MM On, TPMS On, 4.2 5-Way Controller, EM Off
F=MM On, TPMS On, 4.2 5-Way Controller, EM On
1=MM Off, TPMS Off, 4.2 Rotary Tune Knob with OK Button, EM On
2=MM Off, TPMS Off, 4.2 5-Way Controller, EM Off
3=MM Off, TPMS Off, 4.2 5-Way Controller, EM On
4=MM Off, TPMS On, 4.2 Rotary Tune Knob with OK Button, EM Off
5=MM Off, TPMS On, 4.2 Rotary Tune Knob with OK Button, EM On
6=MM Off, TPMS On, 4.2 5-Way Controller, EM Off
7=MM Off, TPMS On, 4.2 5-Way Controller, EM On
8=MM On, TPMS Off, 4.2 Rotary Tune Knob with OK Button, EM Off
9=MM On, TPMS Off, 4.2 Rotary Tune Knob with OK Button, EM On
A=MM On, TPMS Off, 4.2 5-Way Controller, EM Off
B=MM On, TPMS Off, 4.2 5-Way Controller, EM On
C=MM On, TPMS On, 4.2 Rotary Tune Knob with OK Button, EM Off
D=MM On, TPMS On, 4.2 Rotary Tune Knob with OK Button, EM On
E=MM On, TPMS On, 4.2 5-Way Controller, EM Off
F=MM On, TPMS On, 4.2 5-Way Controller, EM On
Mobile Navigation (MN)
Message Set (MS)
X40 Setting (X40)
Customer Connectivity Setting (CCS)DE07/7D0-08-01 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
Mobile Navigation (MN)
Message Set (MS)
X40 Setting (X40)
Customer Connectivity Setting (CCS)
Message Set (MS)
X40 Setting (X40)
Customer Connectivity Setting (CCS)
DE07/7D0-08-01 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
DE07/7D0-08-01: xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
0=MN Enabled, MS Legacy, X40: Pre X40 SDARS, CCS Disabled
1=MN Enabled, MS Legacy, X40: Pre X40 SDARS, CCS Enabled
2=MN Enabled, MS Legacy, X40: X40 SDARS, CCS Disabled
3=MN Enabled, MS Legacy, X40: X40 SDARS, CCS Enabled
4=MN Enabled, MS New, X40: Pre X40 SDARS, CCS Disabled
5=MN Enabled, MS New, X40: Pre X40 SDARS, CCS Enabled
6=MN Enabled, MS New, X40: X40 SDARS, CCS Disabled
7=MN Enabled, MS New, X40: X40 SDARS, CCS Enabled
8=MN Disabled, MS Legacy, X40: Pre X40 SDARS, CCS Disabled
9=MN Disabled, MS Legacy, X40: Pre X40 SDARS, CCS Enabled
A=MN Disabled, MS Legacy, X40: X40 SDARS, CCS Disabled
B=MN Disabled, MS Legacy, X40: X40 SDARS, CCS Enabled
C=MN Disabled, MS New, X40: Pre X40 SDARS, CCS Disabled
D=MN Disabled, MS New, X40: Pre X40 SDARS, CCS Enabled
E=MN Disabled, MS New, X40: X40 SDARS, CCS Disabled
F=MN Disabled, MS New, X40: X40 SDARS, CCS Enabled
1=MN Enabled, MS Legacy, X40: Pre X40 SDARS, CCS Enabled
2=MN Enabled, MS Legacy, X40: X40 SDARS, CCS Disabled
3=MN Enabled, MS Legacy, X40: X40 SDARS, CCS Enabled
4=MN Enabled, MS New, X40: Pre X40 SDARS, CCS Disabled
5=MN Enabled, MS New, X40: Pre X40 SDARS, CCS Enabled
6=MN Enabled, MS New, X40: X40 SDARS, CCS Disabled
7=MN Enabled, MS New, X40: X40 SDARS, CCS Enabled
8=MN Disabled, MS Legacy, X40: Pre X40 SDARS, CCS Disabled
9=MN Disabled, MS Legacy, X40: Pre X40 SDARS, CCS Enabled
A=MN Disabled, MS Legacy, X40: X40 SDARS, CCS Disabled
B=MN Disabled, MS Legacy, X40: X40 SDARS, CCS Enabled
C=MN Disabled, MS New, X40: Pre X40 SDARS, CCS Disabled
D=MN Disabled, MS New, X40: Pre X40 SDARS, CCS Enabled
E=MN Disabled, MS New, X40: X40 SDARS, CCS Disabled
F=MN Disabled, MS New, X40: X40 SDARS, CCS Enabled
SDARS = Satellite Digital Audio Receiver System (SiriusXM)
B479 Strategy (Fiesta) (BS)
Eheat (E)
Quad Zone - Climate (QZ)
Auto Air Refresh (AAR)DE07/7D0-08-01 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
B479 Strategy (Fiesta) (BS)
Eheat (E)
Quad Zone - Climate (QZ)
Auto Air Refresh (AAR)
Eheat (E)
Quad Zone - Climate (QZ)
Auto Air Refresh (AAR)
DE07/7D0-08-01 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
DE07/7D0-08-01: xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
0=BS Disabled, Eheat Disabled, QZ Disabled, AAR Disabled
1=BS Disabled, Eheat Disabled, QZ Disabled, AAR Enabled
2=BS Disabled, Eheat Disabled, QZ Enabled, AAR Disabled
3=BS Disabled, Eheat Disabled, QZ Enabled, AAR Enabled
4=BS Disabled, Eheat Enabled, QZ Disabled, AAR Disabled
5=BS Disabled, Eheat Enabled, QZ Disabled, AAR Enabled
6=BS Disabled, Eheat Enabled, QZ Enabled, AAR Disabled
7=BS Disabled, Eheat Enabled, QZ Enabled, AAR Enabled
8=BS Enabled, Eheat Disabled, QZ Disabled, AAR Disabled
9=BS Enabled, Eheat Disabled, QZ Disabled, AAR Enabled
A=BS Enabled, Eheat Disabled, QZ Enabled, AAR Disabled
B=BS Enabled, Eheat Disabled, QZ Enabled, AAR Enabled
C=BS Enabled, Eheat Enabled, QZ Disabled, AAR Disabled
D=BS Enabled, Eheat Enabled, QZ Disabled, AAR Enabled
E=BS Enabled, Eheat Enabled, QZ Enabled, AAR Disabled
F=BS Enabled, Eheat Enabled, QZ Enabled, AAR Enabled
1=BS Disabled, Eheat Disabled, QZ Disabled, AAR Enabled
2=BS Disabled, Eheat Disabled, QZ Enabled, AAR Disabled
3=BS Disabled, Eheat Disabled, QZ Enabled, AAR Enabled
4=BS Disabled, Eheat Enabled, QZ Disabled, AAR Disabled
5=BS Disabled, Eheat Enabled, QZ Disabled, AAR Enabled
6=BS Disabled, Eheat Enabled, QZ Enabled, AAR Disabled
7=BS Disabled, Eheat Enabled, QZ Enabled, AAR Enabled
8=BS Enabled, Eheat Disabled, QZ Disabled, AAR Disabled
9=BS Enabled, Eheat Disabled, QZ Disabled, AAR Enabled
A=BS Enabled, Eheat Disabled, QZ Enabled, AAR Disabled
B=BS Enabled, Eheat Disabled, QZ Enabled, AAR Enabled
C=BS Enabled, Eheat Enabled, QZ Disabled, AAR Disabled
D=BS Enabled, Eheat Enabled, QZ Disabled, AAR Enabled
E=BS Enabled, Eheat Enabled, QZ Enabled, AAR Disabled
F=BS Enabled, Eheat Enabled, QZ Enabled, AAR Enabled
PM Sensor for Auto Air Refresh (PM)
Digital Rear View Camera (RVC)
Boundary Alert (BA)
Reverse Brake Assist (RBA)DE07/7D0-08-01 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
PM Sensor for Auto Air Refresh (PM)
Digital Rear View Camera (RVC)
Boundary Alert (BA)
Reverse Brake Assist (RBA)
Digital Rear View Camera (RVC)
Boundary Alert (BA)
Reverse Brake Assist (RBA)
DE07/7D0-08-01 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
DE07/7D0-08-01: xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
0=PM 2.5, RVC Analog, BA Disabled, RBA Disabled
1=PM 2.5, RVC Analog, BA Disabled, RBA Enabled
2=PM 2.5, RVC Analog, BA Enabled, RBA Disabled
3=PM 2.5, RVC Analog, BA Enabled, RBA Enabled
4=PM 2.5, RVC Digital, BA Disabled, RBA Disabled
5=PM 2.5, RVC Digital, BA Disabled, RBA Enabled
6=PM 2.5, RVC Digital, BA Enabled, RBA Disabled
7=PM 2.5, RVC Digital, BA Enabled, RBA Enabled
8=PM 10, RVC Analog, BA Disabled, RBA Disabled
9=PM 10, RVC Analog, BA Disabled, RBA Enabled
A=PM 10, RVC Analog, BA Enabled, RBA Disabled
B=PM 10, RVC Analog, BA Enabled, RBA Enabled
C=PM 10, RVC Digital, BA Disabled, RBA Disabled
D=PM 10, RVC Digital, BA Disabled, RBA Enabled
E=PM 10, RVC Digital, BA Enabled, RBA Disabled
F=PM 10, RVC Digital, BA Enabled, RBA Enabled
1=PM 2.5, RVC Analog, BA Disabled, RBA Enabled
2=PM 2.5, RVC Analog, BA Enabled, RBA Disabled
3=PM 2.5, RVC Analog, BA Enabled, RBA Enabled
4=PM 2.5, RVC Digital, BA Disabled, RBA Disabled
5=PM 2.5, RVC Digital, BA Disabled, RBA Enabled
6=PM 2.5, RVC Digital, BA Enabled, RBA Disabled
7=PM 2.5, RVC Digital, BA Enabled, RBA Enabled
8=PM 10, RVC Analog, BA Disabled, RBA Disabled
9=PM 10, RVC Analog, BA Disabled, RBA Enabled
A=PM 10, RVC Analog, BA Enabled, RBA Disabled
B=PM 10, RVC Analog, BA Enabled, RBA Enabled
C=PM 10, RVC Digital, BA Disabled, RBA Disabled
D=PM 10, RVC Digital, BA Disabled, RBA Enabled
E=PM 10, RVC Digital, BA Enabled, RBA Disabled
F=PM 10, RVC Digital, BA Enabled, RBA Enabled
TCU Reset (TCUR)
Enhanced MCS (EMCS)
Power Lumbar (PL)
EV Type (EV)
Powerflow Type (PT)DE07/7D0-08-01 xxxx-xx**-xxxx
TCU Reset (TCUR)
Enhanced MCS (EMCS)
Power Lumbar (PL)
EV Type (EV)
Powerflow Type (PT)
TCU Reset (TCUR)
Enhanced MCS (EMCS)
Power Lumbar (PL)
EV Type (EV)
Powerflow Type (PT)
DE07/7D0-08-01 xxxx-xx**-xxxx
DE07/7D0-08-01: xxxx-xx**-xxxx
00=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT None
01=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
02=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS
03=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
04=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT None
05=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT MHT
06=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS
07=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
08=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
09=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
0A=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
0B=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
0C=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
0D=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
0E=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
0F=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
10=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
11=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
12=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
13=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
14=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
15=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
16=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
17=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
18=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT None
19=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
1A=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS
1B=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
1C=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT None
1D=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT MHT
1E=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS
1F=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
20=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT None
21=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
22=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS
23=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
24=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT None
25=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT MHT
26=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS
27=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
28=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
29=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
2A=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
2B=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
2C=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
2D=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
2E=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
2F=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
30=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
31=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
32=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
33=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
34=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
35=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
36=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
37=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
38=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT None
39=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
3A=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS
3B=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
3C=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT None
3D=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT MHT
3E=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS
3F=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
40=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT None
41=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
42=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS
43=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
44=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT None
45=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT MHT
46=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS
47=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
48=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
49=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
4A=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
4B=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
4C=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
4D=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
4E=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
4F=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
50=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
51=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
52=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
53=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
54=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
55=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
56=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
57=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
58=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT None
59=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
5A=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS
5B=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
5C=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT None
5D=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT MHT
5E=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS
5F=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
60=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT None
61=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
62=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS
63=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
64=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT None
65=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT MHT
66=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS
67=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
68=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
69=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
6A=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
6B=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
6C=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
6D=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
6E=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
6F=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
70=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
71=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
72=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
73=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
74=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
75=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
76=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
77=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
78=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT None
79=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
7A=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS
7B=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
7C=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT None
7D=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT MHT
7E=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS
7F=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
80=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT None
81=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
82=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS
83=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
84=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT None
85=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT MHT
86=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS
87=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
88=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
89=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
8A=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
8B=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
8C=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
8D=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
8E=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
8F=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
90=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
91=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
92=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
93=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
94=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
95=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
96=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
97=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
98=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT None
99=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
9A=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS
9B=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
9C=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT None
9D=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT MHT
9E=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS
9F=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
A0=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT None
A1=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
A2=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS
A3=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
A4=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT None
A5=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT MHT
A6=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS
A7=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
A8=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
A9=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
AA=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
AB=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
AC=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
AD=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
AE=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
AF=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
B0=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
B1=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
B2=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
B3=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
B4=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
B5=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
B6=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
B7=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
B8=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT None
B9=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
BA=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS
BB=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
BC=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT None
BD=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT MHT
BE=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS
BF=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
C0=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT None
C1=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
C2=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS
C3=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
C4=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT None
C5=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT MHT
C6=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS
C7=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
C8=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
C9=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
CA=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
CB=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
CC=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
CD=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
CE=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
CF=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
D0=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
D1=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
D2=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
D3=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
D4=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
D5=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
D6=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
D7=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
D8=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT None
D9=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
DA=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS
DB=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
DC=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT None
DD=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT MHT
DE=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS
DF=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
E0=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT None
E1=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
E2=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS
E3=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
E4=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT None
E5=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT MHT
E6=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS
E7=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
E8=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
E9=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
EA=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
EB=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
EC=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
ED=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
EE=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
EF=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
F0=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
F1=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
F2=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
F3=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
F4=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
F5=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
F6=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
F7=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
F8=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT None
F9=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
FA=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS
FB=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
FC=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT None
FD=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT MHT
FE=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS
FF=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
01=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
02=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS
03=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
04=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT None
05=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT MHT
06=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS
07=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
08=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
09=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
0A=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
0B=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
0C=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
0D=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
0E=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
0F=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
10=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
11=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
12=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
13=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
14=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
15=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
16=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
17=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
18=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT None
19=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
1A=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS
1B=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
1C=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT None
1D=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT MHT
1E=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS
1F=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
20=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT None
21=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
22=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS
23=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
24=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT None
25=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT MHT
26=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS
27=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
28=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
29=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
2A=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
2B=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
2C=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
2D=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
2E=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
2F=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
30=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
31=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
32=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
33=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
34=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
35=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
36=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
37=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
38=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT None
39=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
3A=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS
3B=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
3C=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT None
3D=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT MHT
3E=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS
3F=Icons Legacy, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
40=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT None
41=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
42=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS
43=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
44=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT None
45=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT MHT
46=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS
47=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
48=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
49=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
4A=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
4B=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
4C=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
4D=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
4E=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
4F=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
50=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
51=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
52=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
53=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
54=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
55=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
56=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
57=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
58=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT None
59=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
5A=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS
5B=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
5C=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT None
5D=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT MHT
5E=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS
5F=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
60=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT None
61=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
62=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS
63=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
64=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT None
65=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT MHT
66=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS
67=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
68=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
69=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
6A=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
6B=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
6C=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
6D=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
6E=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
6F=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
70=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
71=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
72=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
73=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
74=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
75=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
76=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
77=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
78=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT None
79=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
7A=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS
7B=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
7C=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT None
7D=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT MHT
7E=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS
7F=Icons Legacy, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
80=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT None
81=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
82=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS
83=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
84=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT None
85=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT MHT
86=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS
87=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
88=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
89=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
8A=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
8B=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
8C=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
8D=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
8E=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
8F=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
90=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
91=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
92=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
93=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
94=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
95=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
96=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
97=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
98=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT None
99=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
9A=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS
9B=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
9C=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT None
9D=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT MHT
9E=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS
9F=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
A0=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT None
A1=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
A2=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS
A3=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
A4=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT None
A5=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT MHT
A6=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS
A7=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
A8=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
A9=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
AA=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
AB=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
AC=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
AD=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
AE=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
AF=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
B0=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
B1=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
B2=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
B3=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
B4=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
B5=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
B6=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
B7=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
B8=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT None
B9=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
BA=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS
BB=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
BC=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT None
BD=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT MHT
BE=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS
BF=Icons New, TCUR Disabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
C0=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT None
C1=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
C2=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS
C3=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
C4=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT None
C5=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT MHT
C6=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS
C7=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
C8=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
C9=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
CA=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
CB=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
CC=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
CD=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
CE=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
CF=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
D0=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
D1=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
D2=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
D3=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
D4=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
D5=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
D6=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
D7=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
D8=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT None
D9=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
DA=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS
DB=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
DC=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT None
DD=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT MHT
DE=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS
DF=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Disabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
E0=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT None
E1=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
E2=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS
E3=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
E4=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT None
E5=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT MHT
E6=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS
E7=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Disabled, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
E8=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
E9=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
EA=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
EB=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
EC=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
ED=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
EE=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
EF=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 2 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
F0=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT None
F1=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
F2=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS
F3=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
F4=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT None
F5=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT MHT
F6=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS
F7=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL 4 Way Lumbar, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
F8=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT None
F9=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT MHT
FA=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS
FB=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT Legacy, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
FC=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT None
FD=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT MHT
FE=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS
FF=Icons New, TCUR Enabled, EMCS Enabled, PL Reserved, EVT New, PT PS w/ ERAD 4WD
Sound Immersion (Quantum 3D Surround) (SI)
Parking Hot Key (PHK)
Camera Hot Key (CHK)
Driver Assist Hot Key (DAHK)DE07/7D0-08-01 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
Sound Immersion (Quantum 3D Surround) (SI)
Parking Hot Key (PHK)
Camera Hot Key (CHK)
Driver Assist Hot Key (DAHK)
Parking Hot Key (PHK)
Camera Hot Key (CHK)
Driver Assist Hot Key (DAHK)
DE07/7D0-08-01 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
DE07/7D0-08-01: xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
0=SI Disabled, PHK Disabled, CHK Disabled, DAHK Disabled
1=SI Disabled, PHK Disabled, CHK Disabled, DAHK Enabled
2=SI Disabled, PHK Disabled, CHK Enabled, DAHK Disabled
3=SI Disabled, PHK Disabled, CHK Enabled, DAHK Enabled
4=SI Disabled, PHK Enabled, CHK Disabled, DAHK Disabled
5=SI Disabled, PHK Enabled, CHK Disabled, DAHK Enabled
6=SI Disabled, PHK Enabled, CHK Enabled, DAHK Disabled
7=SI Disabled, PHK Enabled, CHK Enabled, DAHK Enabled
8=SI Enabled, PHK Disabled, CHK Disabled, DAHK Disabled
9=SI Enabled, PHK Disabled, CHK Disabled, DAHK Enabled
A=SI Enabled, PHK Disabled, CHK Enabled, DAHK Disabled
B=SI Enabled, PHK Disabled, CHK Enabled, DAHK Enabled
C=SI Enabled, PHK Enabled, CHK Disabled, DAHK Disabled
D=SI Enabled, PHK Enabled, CHK Disabled, DAHK Enabled
E=SI Enabled, PHK Enabled, CHK Enabled, DAHK Disabled
F=SI Enabled, PHK Enabled, CHK Enabled, DAHK Enabled
1=SI Disabled, PHK Disabled, CHK Disabled, DAHK Enabled
2=SI Disabled, PHK Disabled, CHK Enabled, DAHK Disabled
3=SI Disabled, PHK Disabled, CHK Enabled, DAHK Enabled
4=SI Disabled, PHK Enabled, CHK Disabled, DAHK Disabled
5=SI Disabled, PHK Enabled, CHK Disabled, DAHK Enabled
6=SI Disabled, PHK Enabled, CHK Enabled, DAHK Disabled
7=SI Disabled, PHK Enabled, CHK Enabled, DAHK Enabled
8=SI Enabled, PHK Disabled, CHK Disabled, DAHK Disabled
9=SI Enabled, PHK Disabled, CHK Disabled, DAHK Enabled
A=SI Enabled, PHK Disabled, CHK Enabled, DAHK Disabled
B=SI Enabled, PHK Disabled, CHK Enabled, DAHK Enabled
C=SI Enabled, PHK Enabled, CHK Disabled, DAHK Disabled
D=SI Enabled, PHK Enabled, CHK Disabled, DAHK Enabled
E=SI Enabled, PHK Enabled, CHK Enabled, DAHK Disabled
F=SI Enabled, PHK Enabled, CHK Enabled, DAHK Enabled
Auto Hold (AH)
Video On Demand (VOD)
Dark Car Mode (DCM)
Power (Climate Overlay) (PCL)DE07/7D0-08-01 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
Auto Hold (AH)
Video On Demand (VOD)
Dark Car Mode (DCM)
Power (Climate Overlay) (PCL)
Video On Demand (VOD)
Dark Car Mode (DCM)
Power (Climate Overlay) (PCL)
DE07/7D0-08-01 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
DE07/7D0-08-01: xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
0=AH Disabled, VOD Disabled, DCM Disabled, PCL Disabled
1=AH Disabled, VOD Disabled, DCM Disabled, PCL Enabled
2=AH Disabled, VOD Disabled, DCM Enabled, PCL Disabled
3=AH Disabled, VOD Disabled, DCM Enabled, PCL Enabled
4=AH Disabled, VOD Enabled, DCM Disabled, PCL Disabled
5=AH Disabled, VOD Enabled, DCM Disabled, PCL Enabled
6=AH Disabled, VOD Enabled, DCM Enabled, PCL Disabled
7=AH Disabled, VOD Enabled, DCM Enabled, PCL Enabled
8=AH Enabled, VOD Disabled, DCM Disabled, PCL Disabled
9=AH Enabled, VOD Disabled, DCM Disabled, PCL Enabled
A=AH Enabled, VOD Disabled, DCM Enabled, PCL Disabled
B=AH Enabled, VOD Disabled, DCM Enabled, PCL Enabled
C=AH Enabled, VOD Enabled, DCM Disabled, PCL Disabled
D=AH Enabled, VOD Enabled, DCM Disabled, PCL Enabled
E=AH Enabled, VOD Enabled, DCM Enabled, PCL Disabled
F=AH Enabled, VOD Enabled, DCM Enabled, PCL Enabled
1=AH Disabled, VOD Disabled, DCM Disabled, PCL Enabled
2=AH Disabled, VOD Disabled, DCM Enabled, PCL Disabled
3=AH Disabled, VOD Disabled, DCM Enabled, PCL Enabled
4=AH Disabled, VOD Enabled, DCM Disabled, PCL Disabled
5=AH Disabled, VOD Enabled, DCM Disabled, PCL Enabled
6=AH Disabled, VOD Enabled, DCM Enabled, PCL Disabled
7=AH Disabled, VOD Enabled, DCM Enabled, PCL Enabled
8=AH Enabled, VOD Disabled, DCM Disabled, PCL Disabled
9=AH Enabled, VOD Disabled, DCM Disabled, PCL Enabled
A=AH Enabled, VOD Disabled, DCM Enabled, PCL Disabled
B=AH Enabled, VOD Disabled, DCM Enabled, PCL Enabled
C=AH Enabled, VOD Enabled, DCM Disabled, PCL Disabled
D=AH Enabled, VOD Enabled, DCM Disabled, PCL Enabled
E=AH Enabled, VOD Enabled, DCM Enabled, PCL Disabled
F=AH Enabled, VOD Enabled, DCM Enabled, PCL Enabled
HS4 Network (HS4N)
Dual (Climate Overlay)
Max Defrost (Climate Overlay)
Max A/C (Climate Overlay)DE07/7D0-08-02 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
HS4 Network (HS4N)
Dual (Climate Overlay)
Max Defrost (Climate Overlay)
Max A/C (Climate Overlay)
Dual (Climate Overlay)
Max Defrost (Climate Overlay)
Max A/C (Climate Overlay)
DE07/7D0-08-02 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
DE07/7D0-08-02: *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
0=HS4N Disabled, Dual Disabled, Max Defrost Disabled, Max A/C Disabled
1=HS4N Disabled, Dual Disabled, Max Defrost Disabled, Max A/C Enabled
2=HS4N Disabled, Dual Disabled, Max Defrost Enabled, Max A/C Disabled
3=HS4N Disabled, Dual Disabled, Max Defrost Enabled, Max A/C Enabled
4=HS4N Disabled, Dual Enabled, Max Defrost Disabled, Max A/C Disabled
5=HS4N Disabled, Dual Enabled, Max Defrost Disabled, Max A/C Enabled
6=HS4N Disabled, Dual Enabled, Max Defrost Enabled, Max A/C Disabled
7=HS4N Disabled, Dual Enabled, Max Defrost Enabled, Max A/C Enabled
8=HS4N Enabled, Dual Disabled, Max Defrost Disabled, Max A/C Disabled
9=HS4N Enabled, Dual Disabled, Max Defrost Disabled, Max A/C Enabled
A=HS4N Enabled, Dual Disabled, Max Defrost Enabled, Max A/C Disabled
B=HS4N Enabled, Dual Disabled, Max Defrost Enabled, Max A/C Enabled
C=HS4N Enabled, Dual Enabled, Max Defrost Disabled, Max A/C Disabled
D=HS4N Enabled, Dual Enabled, Max Defrost Disabled, Max A/C Enabled
E=HS4N Enabled, Dual Enabled, Max Defrost Enabled, Max A/C Disabled
F=HS4N Enabled, Dual Enabled, Max Defrost Enabled, Max A/C Enabled
1=HS4N Disabled, Dual Disabled, Max Defrost Disabled, Max A/C Enabled
2=HS4N Disabled, Dual Disabled, Max Defrost Enabled, Max A/C Disabled
3=HS4N Disabled, Dual Disabled, Max Defrost Enabled, Max A/C Enabled
4=HS4N Disabled, Dual Enabled, Max Defrost Disabled, Max A/C Disabled
5=HS4N Disabled, Dual Enabled, Max Defrost Disabled, Max A/C Enabled
6=HS4N Disabled, Dual Enabled, Max Defrost Enabled, Max A/C Disabled
7=HS4N Disabled, Dual Enabled, Max Defrost Enabled, Max A/C Enabled
8=HS4N Enabled, Dual Disabled, Max Defrost Disabled, Max A/C Disabled
9=HS4N Enabled, Dual Disabled, Max Defrost Disabled, Max A/C Enabled
A=HS4N Enabled, Dual Disabled, Max Defrost Enabled, Max A/C Disabled
B=HS4N Enabled, Dual Disabled, Max Defrost Enabled, Max A/C Enabled
C=HS4N Enabled, Dual Enabled, Max Defrost Disabled, Max A/C Disabled
D=HS4N Enabled, Dual Enabled, Max Defrost Disabled, Max A/C Enabled
E=HS4N Enabled, Dual Enabled, Max Defrost Enabled, Max A/C Disabled
F=HS4N Enabled, Dual Enabled, Max Defrost Enabled, Max A/C Enabled
Driver Only MCS (DMCS)
Wheel Count Message (WCM)
Local Hazard Information (LHI)DE07/7D0-08-02 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
Driver Only MCS (DMCS)
Wheel Count Message (WCM)
Local Hazard Information (LHI)
Wheel Count Message (WCM)
Local Hazard Information (LHI)
DE07/7D0-08-02 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
DE07/7D0-08-02: x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
0=DMCS Disabled, WCM New (27A), LHI Off
1=DMCS Disabled, WCM New (27A), LHI IPC Support Only
2=DMCS Disabled, WCM New (27A), LHI IPC + HUD Support
3=DMCS Disabled, WCM New (27A), LHI reserved
4=DMCS Disabled, WCM Legacy (91), LHI Off
5=DMCS Disabled, WCM Legacy (91), LHI IPC Support Only
6=DMCS Disabled, WCM Legacy (91), LHI IPC + HUD Support
7=DMCS Disabled, WCM Legacy (91), LHI reserved
8=DMCS Enabled, WCM New (27A), LHI Off
9=DMCS Enabled, WCM New (27A), LHI IPC Support Only
A=DMCS Enabled, WCM New (27A), LHI IPC + HUD Support
B=DMCS Enabled, WCM New (27A), LHI reserved
C=DMCS Enabled, WCM Legacy (91), LHI Off
D=DMCS Enabled, WCM Legacy (91), LHI IPC Support Only
E=DMCS Enabled, WCM Legacy (91), LHI IPC + HUD Support
F=DMCS Enabled, WCM Legacy (91), LHI reserved
1=DMCS Disabled, WCM New (27A), LHI IPC Support Only
2=DMCS Disabled, WCM New (27A), LHI IPC + HUD Support
3=DMCS Disabled, WCM New (27A), LHI reserved
4=DMCS Disabled, WCM Legacy (91), LHI Off
5=DMCS Disabled, WCM Legacy (91), LHI IPC Support Only
6=DMCS Disabled, WCM Legacy (91), LHI IPC + HUD Support
7=DMCS Disabled, WCM Legacy (91), LHI reserved
8=DMCS Enabled, WCM New (27A), LHI Off
9=DMCS Enabled, WCM New (27A), LHI IPC Support Only
A=DMCS Enabled, WCM New (27A), LHI IPC + HUD Support
B=DMCS Enabled, WCM New (27A), LHI reserved
C=DMCS Enabled, WCM Legacy (91), LHI Off
D=DMCS Enabled, WCM Legacy (91), LHI IPC Support Only
E=DMCS Enabled, WCM Legacy (91), LHI IPC + HUD Support
F=DMCS Enabled, WCM Legacy (91), LHI reserved
Digital Camera Vehicle Setting (DCVS)
Steering Angle (SA)
Driver Restriction Images (DRI)DE07/7D0-08-02 xx**-xxxx-xxxx
Digital Camera Vehicle Setting (DCVS)
Steering Angle (SA)
Driver Restriction Images (DRI)
Steering Angle (SA)
Driver Restriction Images (DRI)
DE07/7D0-08-02 xx**-xxxx-xxxx
DE07/7D0-08-02: xx**-xxxx-xxxx
00=DCVS Vehicle 1, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
01=DCVS Vehicle 1, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
02=DCVS Vehicle 1, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
03=DCVS Vehicle 1, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
04=DCVS Vehicle 2, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
05=DCVS Vehicle 2, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
06=DCVS Vehicle 2, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
07=DCVS Vehicle 2, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
08=DCVS Vehicle 3, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
09=DCVS Vehicle 3, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
0A=DCVS Vehicle 3, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
0B=DCVS Vehicle 3, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
0C=DCVS Vehicle 4, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
0D=DCVS Vehicle 4, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
0E=DCVS Vehicle 4, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
0F=DCVS Vehicle 4, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
10=DCVS Vehicle 5, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
11=DCVS Vehicle 5, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
12=DCVS Vehicle 5, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
13=DCVS Vehicle 5, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
14=DCVS Vehicle 6, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
15=DCVS Vehicle 6, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
16=DCVS Vehicle 6, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
17=DCVS Vehicle 6, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
18=DCVS Vehicle 7, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
19=DCVS Vehicle 7, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
1A=DCVS Vehicle 7, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
1B=DCVS Vehicle 7, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
1C=DCVS Vehicle 8, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
1D=DCVS Vehicle 8, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
1E=DCVS Vehicle 8, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
1F=DCVS Vehicle 8, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
20=DCVS Vehicle 9, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
21=DCVS Vehicle 9, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
22=DCVS Vehicle 9, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
23=DCVS Vehicle 9, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
24=DCVS Vehicle 10, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
25=DCVS Vehicle 10, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
26=DCVS Vehicle 10, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
27=DCVS Vehicle 10, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
28=DCVS Vehicle 11, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
29=DCVS Vehicle 11, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
2A=DCVS Vehicle 11, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
2B=DCVS Vehicle 11, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
2C=DCVS Vehicle 12, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
2D=DCVS Vehicle 12, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
2E=DCVS Vehicle 12, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
2F=DCVS Vehicle 12, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
30=DCVS Vehicle 13, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
31=DCVS Vehicle 13, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
32=DCVS Vehicle 13, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
33=DCVS Vehicle 13, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
34=DCVS Vehicle 14, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
35=DCVS Vehicle 14, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
36=DCVS Vehicle 14, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
37=DCVS Vehicle 14, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
38=DCVS Vehicle 15, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
39=DCVS Vehicle 15, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
3A=DCVS Vehicle 15, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
3B=DCVS Vehicle 15, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
3C=DCVS Vehicle 16, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
3D=DCVS Vehicle 16, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
3E=DCVS Vehicle 16, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
3F=DCVS Vehicle 16, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
40=DCVS Vehicle 17, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
41=DCVS Vehicle 17, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
42=DCVS Vehicle 17, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
43=DCVS Vehicle 17, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
44=DCVS Vehicle 18, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
45=DCVS Vehicle 18, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
46=DCVS Vehicle 18, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
47=DCVS Vehicle 18, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
48=DCVS Vehicle 19, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
49=DCVS Vehicle 19, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
4A=DCVS Vehicle 19, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
4B=DCVS Vehicle 19, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
4C=DCVS Vehicle 20, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
4D=DCVS Vehicle 20, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
4E=DCVS Vehicle 20, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
4F=DCVS Vehicle 20, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
50=DCVS Vehicle 21, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
51=DCVS Vehicle 21, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
52=DCVS Vehicle 21, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
53=DCVS Vehicle 21, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
54=DCVS Vehicle 22, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
55=DCVS Vehicle 22, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
56=DCVS Vehicle 22, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
57=DCVS Vehicle 22, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
58=DCVS Vehicle 23, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
59=DCVS Vehicle 23, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
5A=DCVS Vehicle 23, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
5B=DCVS Vehicle 23, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
5C=DCVS Vehicle 24, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
5D=DCVS Vehicle 24, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
5E=DCVS Vehicle 24, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
5F=DCVS Vehicle 24, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
60=DCVS Vehicle 25, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
61=DCVS Vehicle 25, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
62=DCVS Vehicle 25, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
63=DCVS Vehicle 25, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
64=DCVS Vehicle 26, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
65=DCVS Vehicle 26, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
66=DCVS Vehicle 26, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
67=DCVS Vehicle 26, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
68=DCVS Vehicle 27, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
69=DCVS Vehicle 27, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
6A=DCVS Vehicle 27, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
6B=DCVS Vehicle 27, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
6C=DCVS Vehicle 28, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
6D=DCVS Vehicle 28, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
6E=DCVS Vehicle 28, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
6F=DCVS Vehicle 28, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
70=DCVS Vehicle 29, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
71=DCVS Vehicle 29, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
72=DCVS Vehicle 29, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
73=DCVS Vehicle 29, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
74=DCVS Vehicle 30, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
75=DCVS Vehicle 30, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
76=DCVS Vehicle 30, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
77=DCVS Vehicle 30, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
78=DCVS Vehicle 31, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
79=DCVS Vehicle 31, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
7A=DCVS Vehicle 31, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
7B=DCVS Vehicle 31, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
7C=DCVS Vehicle 32, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
7D=DCVS Vehicle 32, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
7E=DCVS Vehicle 32, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
7F=DCVS Vehicle 32, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
80=DCVS Vehicle 33, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
81=DCVS Vehicle 33, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
82=DCVS Vehicle 33, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
83=DCVS Vehicle 33, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
84=DCVS Vehicle 34, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
85=DCVS Vehicle 34, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
86=DCVS Vehicle 34, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
87=DCVS Vehicle 34, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
88=DCVS Vehicle 35, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
89=DCVS Vehicle 35, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
8A=DCVS Vehicle 35, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
8B=DCVS Vehicle 35, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
8C=DCVS Vehicle 36, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
8D=DCVS Vehicle 36, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
8E=DCVS Vehicle 36, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
8F=DCVS Vehicle 36, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
90=DCVS Vehicle 37, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
91=DCVS Vehicle 37, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
92=DCVS Vehicle 37, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
93=DCVS Vehicle 37, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
94=DCVS Vehicle 38, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
95=DCVS Vehicle 38, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
96=DCVS Vehicle 38, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
97=DCVS Vehicle 38, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
98=DCVS Vehicle 39, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
99=DCVS Vehicle 39, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
9A=DCVS Vehicle 39, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
9B=DCVS Vehicle 39, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
9C=DCVS Vehicle 40, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
9D=DCVS Vehicle 40, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
9E=DCVS Vehicle 40, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
9F=DCVS Vehicle 40, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
A0=DCVS Vehicle 41, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
A1=DCVS Vehicle 41, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
A2=DCVS Vehicle 41, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
A3=DCVS Vehicle 41, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
A4=DCVS Vehicle 42, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
A5=DCVS Vehicle 42, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
A6=DCVS Vehicle 42, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
A7=DCVS Vehicle 42, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
A8=DCVS Vehicle 43, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
A9=DCVS Vehicle 43, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
AA=DCVS Vehicle 43, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
AB=DCVS Vehicle 43, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
AC=DCVS Vehicle 44, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
AD=DCVS Vehicle 44, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
AE=DCVS Vehicle 44, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
AF=DCVS Vehicle 44, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
B0=DCVS Vehicle 45, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
B1=DCVS Vehicle 45, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
B2=DCVS Vehicle 45, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
B3=DCVS Vehicle 45, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
B4=DCVS Vehicle 46, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
B5=DCVS Vehicle 46, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
B6=DCVS Vehicle 46, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
B7=DCVS Vehicle 46, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
B8=DCVS Vehicle 47, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
B9=DCVS Vehicle 47, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
BA=DCVS Vehicle 47, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
BB=DCVS Vehicle 47, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
BC=DCVS Vehicle 48, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
BD=DCVS Vehicle 48, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
BE=DCVS Vehicle 48, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
BF=DCVS Vehicle 48, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
C0=DCVS Vehicle 49, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
C1=DCVS Vehicle 49, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
C2=DCVS Vehicle 49, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
C3=DCVS Vehicle 49, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
C4=DCVS Vehicle 50, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
C5=DCVS Vehicle 50, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
C6=DCVS Vehicle 50, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
C7=DCVS Vehicle 50, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
C8=DCVS Vehicle 51, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
C9=DCVS Vehicle 51, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
CA=DCVS Vehicle 51, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
CB=DCVS Vehicle 51, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
CC=DCVS Vehicle 52, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
CD=DCVS Vehicle 52, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
CE=DCVS Vehicle 52, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
CF=DCVS Vehicle 52, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
D0=DCVS Vehicle 53, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
D1=DCVS Vehicle 53, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
D2=DCVS Vehicle 53, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
D3=DCVS Vehicle 53, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
D4=DCVS Vehicle 54, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
D5=DCVS Vehicle 54, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
D6=DCVS Vehicle 54, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
D7=DCVS Vehicle 54, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
D8=DCVS Vehicle 55, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
D9=DCVS Vehicle 55, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
DA=DCVS Vehicle 55, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
DB=DCVS Vehicle 55, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
DC=DCVS Vehicle 56, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
DD=DCVS Vehicle 56, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
DE=DCVS Vehicle 56, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
DF=DCVS Vehicle 56, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
E0=DCVS Vehicle 57, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
E1=DCVS Vehicle 57, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
E2=DCVS Vehicle 57, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
E3=DCVS Vehicle 57, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
E4=DCVS Vehicle 58, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
E5=DCVS Vehicle 58, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
E6=DCVS Vehicle 58, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
E7=DCVS Vehicle 58, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
E8=DCVS Vehicle 59, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
E9=DCVS Vehicle 59, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
EA=DCVS Vehicle 59, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
EB=DCVS Vehicle 59, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
EC=DCVS Vehicle 60, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
ED=DCVS Vehicle 60, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
EE=DCVS Vehicle 60, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
EF=DCVS Vehicle 60, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
F0=DCVS Vehicle 61, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
F1=DCVS Vehicle 61, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
F2=DCVS Vehicle 61, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
F3=DCVS Vehicle 61, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
F4=DCVS Vehicle 62, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
F5=DCVS Vehicle 62, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
F6=DCVS Vehicle 62, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
F7=DCVS Vehicle 62, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
F8=DCVS Vehicle 63, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
F9=DCVS Vehicle 63, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
FA=DCVS Vehicle 63, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
FB=DCVS Vehicle 63, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
FC=DCVS Vehicle 64, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
FD=DCVS Vehicle 64, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
FE=DCVS Vehicle 64, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
FF=DCVS Vehicle 64, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
01=DCVS Vehicle 1, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
02=DCVS Vehicle 1, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
03=DCVS Vehicle 1, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
04=DCVS Vehicle 2, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
05=DCVS Vehicle 2, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
06=DCVS Vehicle 2, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
07=DCVS Vehicle 2, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
08=DCVS Vehicle 3, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
09=DCVS Vehicle 3, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
0A=DCVS Vehicle 3, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
0B=DCVS Vehicle 3, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
0C=DCVS Vehicle 4, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
0D=DCVS Vehicle 4, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
0E=DCVS Vehicle 4, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
0F=DCVS Vehicle 4, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
10=DCVS Vehicle 5, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
11=DCVS Vehicle 5, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
12=DCVS Vehicle 5, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
13=DCVS Vehicle 5, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
14=DCVS Vehicle 6, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
15=DCVS Vehicle 6, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
16=DCVS Vehicle 6, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
17=DCVS Vehicle 6, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
18=DCVS Vehicle 7, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
19=DCVS Vehicle 7, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
1A=DCVS Vehicle 7, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
1B=DCVS Vehicle 7, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
1C=DCVS Vehicle 8, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
1D=DCVS Vehicle 8, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
1E=DCVS Vehicle 8, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
1F=DCVS Vehicle 8, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
20=DCVS Vehicle 9, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
21=DCVS Vehicle 9, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
22=DCVS Vehicle 9, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
23=DCVS Vehicle 9, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
24=DCVS Vehicle 10, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
25=DCVS Vehicle 10, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
26=DCVS Vehicle 10, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
27=DCVS Vehicle 10, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
28=DCVS Vehicle 11, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
29=DCVS Vehicle 11, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
2A=DCVS Vehicle 11, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
2B=DCVS Vehicle 11, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
2C=DCVS Vehicle 12, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
2D=DCVS Vehicle 12, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
2E=DCVS Vehicle 12, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
2F=DCVS Vehicle 12, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
30=DCVS Vehicle 13, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
31=DCVS Vehicle 13, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
32=DCVS Vehicle 13, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
33=DCVS Vehicle 13, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
34=DCVS Vehicle 14, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
35=DCVS Vehicle 14, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
36=DCVS Vehicle 14, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
37=DCVS Vehicle 14, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
38=DCVS Vehicle 15, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
39=DCVS Vehicle 15, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
3A=DCVS Vehicle 15, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
3B=DCVS Vehicle 15, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
3C=DCVS Vehicle 16, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
3D=DCVS Vehicle 16, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
3E=DCVS Vehicle 16, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
3F=DCVS Vehicle 16, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
40=DCVS Vehicle 17, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
41=DCVS Vehicle 17, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
42=DCVS Vehicle 17, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
43=DCVS Vehicle 17, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
44=DCVS Vehicle 18, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
45=DCVS Vehicle 18, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
46=DCVS Vehicle 18, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
47=DCVS Vehicle 18, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
48=DCVS Vehicle 19, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
49=DCVS Vehicle 19, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
4A=DCVS Vehicle 19, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
4B=DCVS Vehicle 19, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
4C=DCVS Vehicle 20, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
4D=DCVS Vehicle 20, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
4E=DCVS Vehicle 20, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
4F=DCVS Vehicle 20, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
50=DCVS Vehicle 21, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
51=DCVS Vehicle 21, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
52=DCVS Vehicle 21, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
53=DCVS Vehicle 21, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
54=DCVS Vehicle 22, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
55=DCVS Vehicle 22, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
56=DCVS Vehicle 22, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
57=DCVS Vehicle 22, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
58=DCVS Vehicle 23, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
59=DCVS Vehicle 23, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
5A=DCVS Vehicle 23, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
5B=DCVS Vehicle 23, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
5C=DCVS Vehicle 24, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
5D=DCVS Vehicle 24, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
5E=DCVS Vehicle 24, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
5F=DCVS Vehicle 24, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
60=DCVS Vehicle 25, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
61=DCVS Vehicle 25, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
62=DCVS Vehicle 25, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
63=DCVS Vehicle 25, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
64=DCVS Vehicle 26, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
65=DCVS Vehicle 26, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
66=DCVS Vehicle 26, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
67=DCVS Vehicle 26, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
68=DCVS Vehicle 27, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
69=DCVS Vehicle 27, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
6A=DCVS Vehicle 27, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
6B=DCVS Vehicle 27, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
6C=DCVS Vehicle 28, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
6D=DCVS Vehicle 28, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
6E=DCVS Vehicle 28, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
6F=DCVS Vehicle 28, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
70=DCVS Vehicle 29, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
71=DCVS Vehicle 29, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
72=DCVS Vehicle 29, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
73=DCVS Vehicle 29, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
74=DCVS Vehicle 30, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
75=DCVS Vehicle 30, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
76=DCVS Vehicle 30, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
77=DCVS Vehicle 30, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
78=DCVS Vehicle 31, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
79=DCVS Vehicle 31, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
7A=DCVS Vehicle 31, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
7B=DCVS Vehicle 31, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
7C=DCVS Vehicle 32, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
7D=DCVS Vehicle 32, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
7E=DCVS Vehicle 32, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
7F=DCVS Vehicle 32, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
80=DCVS Vehicle 33, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
81=DCVS Vehicle 33, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
82=DCVS Vehicle 33, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
83=DCVS Vehicle 33, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
84=DCVS Vehicle 34, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
85=DCVS Vehicle 34, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
86=DCVS Vehicle 34, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
87=DCVS Vehicle 34, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
88=DCVS Vehicle 35, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
89=DCVS Vehicle 35, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
8A=DCVS Vehicle 35, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
8B=DCVS Vehicle 35, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
8C=DCVS Vehicle 36, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
8D=DCVS Vehicle 36, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
8E=DCVS Vehicle 36, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
8F=DCVS Vehicle 36, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
90=DCVS Vehicle 37, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
91=DCVS Vehicle 37, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
92=DCVS Vehicle 37, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
93=DCVS Vehicle 37, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
94=DCVS Vehicle 38, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
95=DCVS Vehicle 38, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
96=DCVS Vehicle 38, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
97=DCVS Vehicle 38, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
98=DCVS Vehicle 39, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
99=DCVS Vehicle 39, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
9A=DCVS Vehicle 39, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
9B=DCVS Vehicle 39, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
9C=DCVS Vehicle 40, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
9D=DCVS Vehicle 40, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
9E=DCVS Vehicle 40, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
9F=DCVS Vehicle 40, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
A0=DCVS Vehicle 41, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
A1=DCVS Vehicle 41, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
A2=DCVS Vehicle 41, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
A3=DCVS Vehicle 41, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
A4=DCVS Vehicle 42, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
A5=DCVS Vehicle 42, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
A6=DCVS Vehicle 42, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
A7=DCVS Vehicle 42, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
A8=DCVS Vehicle 43, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
A9=DCVS Vehicle 43, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
AA=DCVS Vehicle 43, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
AB=DCVS Vehicle 43, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
AC=DCVS Vehicle 44, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
AD=DCVS Vehicle 44, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
AE=DCVS Vehicle 44, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
AF=DCVS Vehicle 44, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
B0=DCVS Vehicle 45, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
B1=DCVS Vehicle 45, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
B2=DCVS Vehicle 45, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
B3=DCVS Vehicle 45, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
B4=DCVS Vehicle 46, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
B5=DCVS Vehicle 46, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
B6=DCVS Vehicle 46, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
B7=DCVS Vehicle 46, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
B8=DCVS Vehicle 47, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
B9=DCVS Vehicle 47, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
BA=DCVS Vehicle 47, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
BB=DCVS Vehicle 47, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
BC=DCVS Vehicle 48, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
BD=DCVS Vehicle 48, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
BE=DCVS Vehicle 48, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
BF=DCVS Vehicle 48, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
C0=DCVS Vehicle 49, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
C1=DCVS Vehicle 49, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
C2=DCVS Vehicle 49, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
C3=DCVS Vehicle 49, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
C4=DCVS Vehicle 50, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
C5=DCVS Vehicle 50, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
C6=DCVS Vehicle 50, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
C7=DCVS Vehicle 50, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
C8=DCVS Vehicle 51, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
C9=DCVS Vehicle 51, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
CA=DCVS Vehicle 51, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
CB=DCVS Vehicle 51, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
CC=DCVS Vehicle 52, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
CD=DCVS Vehicle 52, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
CE=DCVS Vehicle 52, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
CF=DCVS Vehicle 52, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
D0=DCVS Vehicle 53, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
D1=DCVS Vehicle 53, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
D2=DCVS Vehicle 53, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
D3=DCVS Vehicle 53, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
D4=DCVS Vehicle 54, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
D5=DCVS Vehicle 54, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
D6=DCVS Vehicle 54, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
D7=DCVS Vehicle 54, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
D8=DCVS Vehicle 55, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
D9=DCVS Vehicle 55, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
DA=DCVS Vehicle 55, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
DB=DCVS Vehicle 55, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
DC=DCVS Vehicle 56, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
DD=DCVS Vehicle 56, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
DE=DCVS Vehicle 56, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
DF=DCVS Vehicle 56, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
E0=DCVS Vehicle 57, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
E1=DCVS Vehicle 57, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
E2=DCVS Vehicle 57, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
E3=DCVS Vehicle 57, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
E4=DCVS Vehicle 58, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
E5=DCVS Vehicle 58, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
E6=DCVS Vehicle 58, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
E7=DCVS Vehicle 58, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
E8=DCVS Vehicle 59, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
E9=DCVS Vehicle 59, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
EA=DCVS Vehicle 59, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
EB=DCVS Vehicle 59, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
EC=DCVS Vehicle 60, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
ED=DCVS Vehicle 60, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
EE=DCVS Vehicle 60, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
EF=DCVS Vehicle 60, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
F0=DCVS Vehicle 61, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
F1=DCVS Vehicle 61, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
F2=DCVS Vehicle 61, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
F3=DCVS Vehicle 61, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
F4=DCVS Vehicle 62, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
F5=DCVS Vehicle 62, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
F6=DCVS Vehicle 62, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
F7=DCVS Vehicle 62, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
F8=DCVS Vehicle 63, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
F9=DCVS Vehicle 63, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
FA=DCVS Vehicle 63, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
FB=DCVS Vehicle 63, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
FC=DCVS Vehicle 64, SA Pinion, DRI Allowed
FD=DCVS Vehicle 64, SA Pinion, DRI Restricted
FE=DCVS Vehicle 64, SA Wheel, DRI Allowed
FF=DCVS Vehicle 64, SA Wheel, DRI Restricted
Backup Start Passcode (BSP) LBI Support
Gracenote (GN)
APACSI Signal StrategyDE07/7D0-08-02 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
Backup Start Passcode (BSP) LBI Support
Gracenote (GN)
APACSI Signal Strategy
Gracenote (GN)
APACSI Signal Strategy
DE07/7D0-08-02 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
DE07/7D0-08-02: xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
0=BSP Disabled, GN Enabled, APACSI Disabled
1=BSP Disabled, GN Enabled, APACSI Enabled(1)
2=BSP Disabled, GN Enabled, APACSI Enabled(2)
3=BSP Disabled, GN Enabled, APACSI Enabled(3)
4=BSP Disabled, GN Disabled, APACSI Disabled
5=BSP Disabled, GN Disabled, APACSI Enabled(1)
6=BSP Disabled, GN Disabled, APACSI Enabled(2)
7=BSP Disabled, GN Disabled, APACSI Enabled(3)
8=BSP Enabled, GN Enabled, APACSI Disabled
9=BSP Enabled, GN Enabled, APACSI Enabled(1)
A=BSP Enabled, GN Enabled, APACSI Enabled(2)
B=BSP Enabled, GN Enabled, APACSI Enabled(3)
C=BSP Enabled, GN Disabled, APACSI Disabled
D=BSP Enabled, GN Disabled, APACSI Enabled(1)
E=BSP Enabled, GN Disabled, APACSI Enabled(2)
F=BSP Enabled, GN Disabled, APACSI Enabled(3)
1=BSP Disabled, GN Enabled, APACSI Enabled(1)
2=BSP Disabled, GN Enabled, APACSI Enabled(2)
3=BSP Disabled, GN Enabled, APACSI Enabled(3)
4=BSP Disabled, GN Disabled, APACSI Disabled
5=BSP Disabled, GN Disabled, APACSI Enabled(1)
6=BSP Disabled, GN Disabled, APACSI Enabled(2)
7=BSP Disabled, GN Disabled, APACSI Enabled(3)
8=BSP Enabled, GN Enabled, APACSI Disabled
9=BSP Enabled, GN Enabled, APACSI Enabled(1)
A=BSP Enabled, GN Enabled, APACSI Enabled(2)
B=BSP Enabled, GN Enabled, APACSI Enabled(3)
C=BSP Enabled, GN Disabled, APACSI Disabled
D=BSP Enabled, GN Disabled, APACSI Enabled(1)
E=BSP Enabled, GN Disabled, APACSI Enabled(2)
F=BSP Enabled, GN Disabled, APACSI Enabled(3)
APACSI enable(1)=ApaTrgtDist_D_Stat signal is not supported.
APACSI enable(2)=ApaMsgTxt_D_Rq is not supported.
APACSI enable(3)=Both ApaMsgTxt_D_Rq and ApaTrgDist_D_Stat signals are not supported.
APACSI enable(2)=ApaMsgTxt_D_Rq is not supported.
APACSI enable(3)=Both ApaMsgTxt_D_Rq and ApaTrgDist_D_Stat signals are not supported.
Illumination Power Transitiions (IPT)
Cloud Based Routing (CBR)
Cloud Based Routing Fuel (CBRF)
Cloud Based Routing Weather (CBRW)DE07/7D0-08-02 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
Illumination Power Transitiions (IPT)
Cloud Based Routing (CBR)
Cloud Based Routing Fuel (CBRF)
Cloud Based Routing Weather (CBRW)
Cloud Based Routing (CBR)
Cloud Based Routing Fuel (CBRF)
Cloud Based Routing Weather (CBRW)
DE07/7D0-08-02 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
DE07/7D0-08-02: xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
0=IPT On, CBR Enabled, CBRF Enabled, CBRW Enabled
1=IPT On, CBR Enabled, CBRF Enabled, CBRW Disabled
2=IPT On, CBR Enabled, CBRF Disabled, CBRW Enabled
3=IPT On, CBR Enabled, CBRF Disabled, CBRW Disabled
4=IPT On, CBR Disabled, CBRF Enabled, CBRW Enabled
5=IPT On, CBR Disabled, CBRF Enabled, CBRW Disabled
6=IPT On, CBR Disabled, CBRF Disabled, CBRW Enabled
7=IPT On, CBR Disabled, CBRF Disabled, CBRW Disabled
8=IPT Off, CBR Enabled, CBRF Enabled, CBRW Enabled
9=IPT Off, CBR Enabled, CBRF Enabled, CBRW Disabled
A=IPT Off, CBR Enabled, CBRF Disabled, CBRW Enabled
B=IPT Off, CBR Enabled, CBRF Disabled, CBRW Disabled
C=IPT Off, CBR Disabled, CBRF Enabled, CBRW Enabled
D=IPT Off, CBR Disabled, CBRF Enabled, CBRW Disabled
E=IPT Off, CBR Disabled, CBRF Disabled, CBRW Enabled
F=IPT Off, CBR Disabled, CBRF Disabled, CBRW Disabled
1=IPT On, CBR Enabled, CBRF Enabled, CBRW Disabled
2=IPT On, CBR Enabled, CBRF Disabled, CBRW Enabled
3=IPT On, CBR Enabled, CBRF Disabled, CBRW Disabled
4=IPT On, CBR Disabled, CBRF Enabled, CBRW Enabled
5=IPT On, CBR Disabled, CBRF Enabled, CBRW Disabled
6=IPT On, CBR Disabled, CBRF Disabled, CBRW Enabled
7=IPT On, CBR Disabled, CBRF Disabled, CBRW Disabled
8=IPT Off, CBR Enabled, CBRF Enabled, CBRW Enabled
9=IPT Off, CBR Enabled, CBRF Enabled, CBRW Disabled
A=IPT Off, CBR Enabled, CBRF Disabled, CBRW Enabled
B=IPT Off, CBR Enabled, CBRF Disabled, CBRW Disabled
C=IPT Off, CBR Disabled, CBRF Enabled, CBRW Enabled
D=IPT Off, CBR Disabled, CBRF Enabled, CBRW Disabled
E=IPT Off, CBR Disabled, CBRF Disabled, CBRW Enabled
F=IPT Off, CBR Disabled, CBRF Disabled, CBRW Disabled
Number of Mixed Mode Presets Per Page (NMMPPP)
P558 Views at Speed (PVS)
B&O Tone Touch HMI (BO)
DE07/7D0-08-02 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
Number of Mixed Mode Presets Per Page (NMMPPP)
P558 Views at Speed (PVS)
B&O Tone Touch HMI (BO)
P558 Views at Speed (PVS)
B&O Tone Touch HMI (BO)
DE07/7D0-08-02 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
DE07/7D0-08-02: xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
0=NMMPPP 6 Presets per Page, PVS Disable, BO Disable
1=NMMPPP 6 Presets per Page, PVS Disable, BO Enabled
2=NMMPPP 6 Presets per Page, PVS Enabled, BO Disable
3=NMMPPP 6 Presets per Page, PVS Enabled, BO Enabled
4=NMMPPP 5 Presets per Page, PVS Disable, BO Disable
5=NMMPPP 5 Presets per Page, PVS Disable, BO Enabled
6=NMMPPP 5 Presets per Page, PVS Enabled, BO Disable
7=NMMPPP 5 Presets per Page, PVS Enabled, BO Enabled
8=NMMPPP 10 Presets Per Page, PVS Disable, BO Disable
9=NMMPPP 10 Presets Per Page, PVS Disable, BO Enabled
A=NMMPPP 10 Presets Per Page, PVS Enabled, BO Disable
B=NMMPPP 10 Presets Per Page, PVS Enabled, BO Enabled
C=NMMPPP Reserved, PVS Disable, BO Disable
D=NMMPPP Reserved, PVS Disable, BO Enabled
E=NMMPPP Reserved, PVS Enabled, BO Disable
F=NMMPPP Reserved, PVS Enabled, BO Enabled
1=NMMPPP 6 Presets per Page, PVS Disable, BO Enabled
2=NMMPPP 6 Presets per Page, PVS Enabled, BO Disable
3=NMMPPP 6 Presets per Page, PVS Enabled, BO Enabled
4=NMMPPP 5 Presets per Page, PVS Disable, BO Disable
5=NMMPPP 5 Presets per Page, PVS Disable, BO Enabled
6=NMMPPP 5 Presets per Page, PVS Enabled, BO Disable
7=NMMPPP 5 Presets per Page, PVS Enabled, BO Enabled
8=NMMPPP 10 Presets Per Page, PVS Disable, BO Disable
9=NMMPPP 10 Presets Per Page, PVS Disable, BO Enabled
A=NMMPPP 10 Presets Per Page, PVS Enabled, BO Disable
B=NMMPPP 10 Presets Per Page, PVS Enabled, BO Enabled
C=NMMPPP Reserved, PVS Disable, BO Disable
D=NMMPPP Reserved, PVS Disable, BO Enabled
E=NMMPPP Reserved, PVS Enabled, BO Disable
F=NMMPPP Reserved, PVS Enabled, BO Enabled
LIN11-X (count)DE07/7D0-08-02 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
LIN11-X (count)
DE07/7D0-08-02 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
DE07/7D0-08-02: xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
LIN11-X (count). Number of Times for LIN Scheduler 11.
APIM does not support LIN Schedule 11; value will be ignored.
LIN12-Y (count)DE07/7D0-08-02 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
LIN12-Y (count)
DE07/7D0-08-02 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
DE07/7D0-08-02: xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
LIN12-Y (count). Number of Times for LIN Scheduler 12.
LIN13-Z (count)DE07/7D0-08-02 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
LIN13-Z (count)
DE07/7D0-08-02 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
DE07/7D0-08-02: xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
LIN13-Z (count). Number of Times for LIN Scheduler 13.
Auto Engine Idle Shutdown (AEIS) Without Override (AEISWO)
AEIS With Override (AEISW)
ACC Menu (ACC)
Adaptive Headlamps Control Function (AHLCF) DE08/7D0-09-01 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
Auto Engine Idle Shutdown (AEIS) Without Override (AEISWO)
AEIS With Override (AEISW)
ACC Menu (ACC)
Adaptive Headlamps Control Function (AHLCF)
AEIS With Override (AEISW)
ACC Menu (ACC)
Adaptive Headlamps Control Function (AHLCF)
DE08/7D0-09-01 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-01: *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
0=AEISWO Disabled, AEISW Disabled, ACC Disabled, AHLCF Disabled
1=AEISWO Disabled, AEISW Disabled, ACC Disabled, AHLCF Enabled
2=AEISWO Disabled, AEISW Disabled, ACC Enabled, AHLCF Disabled
3=AEISWO Disabled, AEISW Disabled, ACC Enabled, AHLCF Enabled
4=AEISWO Disabled, AEISW Enabled, ACC Disabled, AHLCF Disabled
5=AEISWO Disabled, AEISW Enabled, ACC Disabled, AHLCF Enabled
6=AEISWO Disabled, AEISW Enabled, ACC Enabled, AHLCF Disabled
7=AEISWO Disabled, AEISW Enabled, ACC Enabled, AHLCF Enabled
8=AEISWO Enabled, AEISW Disabled, ACC Disabled, AHLCF Disabled
9=AEISWO Enabled, AEISW Disabled, ACC Disabled, AHLCF Enabled
A=AEISWO Enabled, AEISW Disabled, ACC Enabled, AHLCF Disabled
B=AEISWO Enabled, AEISW Disabled, ACC Enabled, AHLCF Enabled
C=AEISWO Enabled, AEISW Enabled, ACC Disabled, AHLCF Disabled
D=AEISWO Enabled, AEISW Enabled, ACC Disabled, AHLCF Enabled
E=AEISWO Enabled, AEISW Enabled, ACC Enabled, AHLCF Disabled
F=AEISWO Enabled, AEISW Enabled, ACC Enabled, AHLCF Enabled
1=AEISWO Disabled, AEISW Disabled, ACC Disabled, AHLCF Enabled
2=AEISWO Disabled, AEISW Disabled, ACC Enabled, AHLCF Disabled
3=AEISWO Disabled, AEISW Disabled, ACC Enabled, AHLCF Enabled
4=AEISWO Disabled, AEISW Enabled, ACC Disabled, AHLCF Disabled
5=AEISWO Disabled, AEISW Enabled, ACC Disabled, AHLCF Enabled
6=AEISWO Disabled, AEISW Enabled, ACC Enabled, AHLCF Disabled
7=AEISWO Disabled, AEISW Enabled, ACC Enabled, AHLCF Enabled
8=AEISWO Enabled, AEISW Disabled, ACC Disabled, AHLCF Disabled
9=AEISWO Enabled, AEISW Disabled, ACC Disabled, AHLCF Enabled
A=AEISWO Enabled, AEISW Disabled, ACC Enabled, AHLCF Disabled
B=AEISWO Enabled, AEISW Disabled, ACC Enabled, AHLCF Enabled
C=AEISWO Enabled, AEISW Enabled, ACC Disabled, AHLCF Disabled
D=AEISWO Enabled, AEISW Enabled, ACC Disabled, AHLCF Enabled
E=AEISWO Enabled, AEISW Enabled, ACC Enabled, AHLCF Disabled
F=AEISWO Enabled, AEISW Enabled, ACC Enabled, AHLCF Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Adjustable Speed Limiter Device (ASLD)
AdvanceTrac Control Function (ATCF)
Auto High Beam Control Function (AHBCF)
Autolamp Delay (AD)DE08/7D0-09-01 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
Adjustable Speed Limiter Device (ASLD)
AdvanceTrac Control Function (ATCF)
Auto High Beam Control Function (AHBCF)
Autolamp Delay (AD)
AdvanceTrac Control Function (ATCF)
Auto High Beam Control Function (AHBCF)
Autolamp Delay (AD)
DE08/7D0-09-01 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-01: x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
0=ASLD Disabled, ATCF Disabled, AHBCF Disabled, AD Disabled
1=ASLD Disabled, ATCF Disabled, AHBCF Disabled, AD Enabled
2=ASLD Disabled, ATCF Disabled, AHBCF Enabled, AD Disabled
3=ASLD Disabled, ATCF Disabled, AHBCF Enabled, AD Enabled
4=ASLD Disabled, ATCF Enabled, AHBCF Disabled, AD Disabled
5=ASLD Disabled, ATCF Enabled, AHBCF Disabled, AD Enabled
6=ASLD Disabled, ATCF Enabled, AHBCF Enabled, AD Disabled
7=ASLD Disabled, ATCF Enabled, AHBCF Enabled, AD Enabled
8=ASLD Enabled, ATCF Disabled, AHBCF Disabled, AD Disabled
9=ASLD Enabled, ATCF Disabled, AHBCF Disabled, AD Enabled
A=ASLD Enabled, ATCF Disabled, AHBCF Enabled, AD Disabled
B=ASLD Enabled, ATCF Disabled, AHBCF Enabled, AD Enabled
C=ASLD Enabled, ATCF Enabled, AHBCF Disabled, AD Disabled
D=ASLD Enabled, ATCF Enabled, AHBCF Disabled, AD Enabled
E=ASLD Enabled, ATCF Enabled, AHBCF Enabled, AD Disabled
F=ASLD Enabled, ATCF Enabled, AHBCF Enabled, AD Enabled
1=ASLD Disabled, ATCF Disabled, AHBCF Disabled, AD Enabled
2=ASLD Disabled, ATCF Disabled, AHBCF Enabled, AD Disabled
3=ASLD Disabled, ATCF Disabled, AHBCF Enabled, AD Enabled
4=ASLD Disabled, ATCF Enabled, AHBCF Disabled, AD Disabled
5=ASLD Disabled, ATCF Enabled, AHBCF Disabled, AD Enabled
6=ASLD Disabled, ATCF Enabled, AHBCF Enabled, AD Disabled
7=ASLD Disabled, ATCF Enabled, AHBCF Enabled, AD Enabled
8=ASLD Enabled, ATCF Disabled, AHBCF Disabled, AD Disabled
9=ASLD Enabled, ATCF Disabled, AHBCF Disabled, AD Enabled
A=ASLD Enabled, ATCF Disabled, AHBCF Enabled, AD Disabled
B=ASLD Enabled, ATCF Disabled, AHBCF Enabled, AD Enabled
C=ASLD Enabled, ATCF Enabled, AHBCF Disabled, AD Disabled
D=ASLD Enabled, ATCF Enabled, AHBCF Disabled, AD Enabled
E=ASLD Enabled, ATCF Enabled, AHBCF Enabled, AD Disabled
F=ASLD Enabled, ATCF Enabled, AHBCF Enabled, AD Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Autolock Control Function (ALCF)
Adaptive Headlamps Traffic (AHT)
Auto Relock (AR)
Autounlock Control Function (ACF)DE08/7D0-09-01 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
Autolock Control Function (ALCF)
Adaptive Headlamps Traffic (AHT)
Auto Relock (AR)
Autounlock Control Function (ACF)
Adaptive Headlamps Traffic (AHT)
Auto Relock (AR)
Autounlock Control Function (ACF)
DE08/7D0-09-01 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-01: xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
0=ALCF Disabled, AHT Disabled, AR Disabled, ACF Disabled
1=ALCF Disabled, AHT Disabled, AR Disabled, ACF Enabled
2=ALCF Disabled, AHT Disabled, AR Enabled, ACF Disabled
3=ALCF Disabled, AHT Disabled, AR Enabled, ACF Enabled
4=ALCF Disabled, AHT Enabled, AR Disabled, ACF Disabled
5=ALCF Disabled, AHT Enabled, AR Disabled, ACF Enabled
6=ALCF Disabled, AHT Enabled, AR Enabled, ACF Disabled
7=ALCF Disabled, AHT Enabled, AR Enabled, ACF Enabled
8=ALCF Enabled, AHT Disabled, AR Disabled, ACF Disabled
9=ALCF Enabled, AHT Disabled, AR Disabled, ACF Enabled
A=ALCF Enabled, AHT Disabled, AR Enabled, ACF Disabled
B=ALCF Enabled, AHT Disabled, AR Enabled, ACF Enabled
C=ALCF Enabled, AHT Enabled, AR Disabled, ACF Disabled
D=ALCF Enabled, AHT Enabled, AR Disabled, ACF Enabled
E=ALCF Enabled, AHT Enabled, AR Enabled, ACF Disabled
F=ALCF Enabled, AHT Enabled, AR Enabled, ACF Enabled
1=ALCF Disabled, AHT Disabled, AR Disabled, ACF Enabled
2=ALCF Disabled, AHT Disabled, AR Enabled, ACF Disabled
3=ALCF Disabled, AHT Disabled, AR Enabled, ACF Enabled
4=ALCF Disabled, AHT Enabled, AR Disabled, ACF Disabled
5=ALCF Disabled, AHT Enabled, AR Disabled, ACF Enabled
6=ALCF Disabled, AHT Enabled, AR Enabled, ACF Disabled
7=ALCF Disabled, AHT Enabled, AR Enabled, ACF Enabled
8=ALCF Enabled, AHT Disabled, AR Disabled, ACF Disabled
9=ALCF Enabled, AHT Disabled, AR Disabled, ACF Enabled
A=ALCF Enabled, AHT Disabled, AR Enabled, ACF Disabled
B=ALCF Enabled, AHT Disabled, AR Enabled, ACF Enabled
C=ALCF Enabled, AHT Enabled, AR Disabled, ACF Disabled
D=ALCF Enabled, AHT Enabled, AR Disabled, ACF Enabled
E=ALCF Enabled, AHT Enabled, AR Enabled, ACF Disabled
F=ALCF Enabled, AHT Enabled, AR Enabled, ACF Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
City Safety (CS)
Approach Detection Control Function (ADCF)
Courtesy Wipe After Wash (CWAW)
Driver Alert System (DAS)DE08/7D0-09-01 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
City Safety (CS)
Approach Detection Control Function (ADCF)
Courtesy Wipe After Wash (CWAW)
Driver Alert System (DAS)
Approach Detection Control Function (ADCF)
Courtesy Wipe After Wash (CWAW)
Driver Alert System (DAS)
DE08/7D0-09-01 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-01: xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
0=CS Disabled, ADCF Disabled, CWAW Disabled, DAS Disabled
1=CS Disabled, ADCF Disabled, CWAW Disabled, DAS Enabled
2=CS Disabled, ADCF Disabled, CWAW Enabled, DAS Disabled
3=CS Disabled, ADCF Disabled, CWAW Enabled, DAS Enabled
4=CS Disabled, ADCF Enabled, CWAW Disabled, DAS Disabled
5=CS Disabled, ADCF Enabled, CWAW Disabled, DAS Enabled
6=CS Disabled, ADCF Enabled, CWAW Enabled, DAS Disabled
7=CS Disabled, ADCF Enabled, CWAW Enabled, DAS Enabled
8=CS Enabled, ADCF Disabled, CWAW Disabled, DAS Disabled
9=CS Enabled, ADCF Disabled, CWAW Disabled, DAS Enabled
A=CS Enabled, ADCF Disabled, CWAW Enabled, DAS Disabled
B=CS Enabled, ADCF Disabled, CWAW Enabled, DAS Enabled
C=CS Enabled, ADCF Enabled, CWAW Disabled, DAS Disabled
D=CS Enabled, ADCF Enabled, CWAW Disabled, DAS Enabled
E=CS Enabled, ADCF Enabled, CWAW Enabled, DAS Disabled
F=CS Enabled, ADCF Enabled, CWAW Enabled, DAS Enabled
1=CS Disabled, ADCF Disabled, CWAW Disabled, DAS Enabled
2=CS Disabled, ADCF Disabled, CWAW Enabled, DAS Disabled
3=CS Disabled, ADCF Disabled, CWAW Enabled, DAS Enabled
4=CS Disabled, ADCF Enabled, CWAW Disabled, DAS Disabled
5=CS Disabled, ADCF Enabled, CWAW Disabled, DAS Enabled
6=CS Disabled, ADCF Enabled, CWAW Enabled, DAS Disabled
7=CS Disabled, ADCF Enabled, CWAW Enabled, DAS Enabled
8=CS Enabled, ADCF Disabled, CWAW Disabled, DAS Disabled
9=CS Enabled, ADCF Disabled, CWAW Disabled, DAS Enabled
A=CS Enabled, ADCF Disabled, CWAW Enabled, DAS Disabled
B=CS Enabled, ADCF Disabled, CWAW Enabled, DAS Enabled
C=CS Enabled, ADCF Enabled, CWAW Disabled, DAS Disabled
D=CS Enabled, ADCF Enabled, CWAW Disabled, DAS Enabled
E=CS Enabled, ADCF Enabled, CWAW Enabled, DAS Disabled
F=CS Enabled, ADCF Enabled, CWAW Enabled, DAS Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Easy Entry/Exit (EEE)
Forward Collision Warning (FCW)
Fuel Operated Heater (FOH)DE08/7D0-09-01 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
Easy Entry/Exit (EEE)
Forward Collision Warning (FCW)
Fuel Operated Heater (FOH)
Forward Collision Warning (FCW)
Fuel Operated Heater (FOH)
DE08/7D0-09-01 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-01: xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
0=EEE Disabled, FCW None, FOH Disabled
1=EEE Disabled, FCW None, FOH Enabled
2=EEE Disabled, FCW FCW, FOH Disabled
3=EEE Disabled, FCW FCW, FOH Enabled
4=EEE Disabled, FCW FCW+FDA, FOH Disabled
5=EEE Disabled, FCW FCW+FDA, FOH Enabled
6=EEE Disabled, FCW Unused, FOH Disabled
7=EEE Disabled, FCW Unused, FOH Enabled
8=EEE Enabled, FCW None, FOH Disabled
9=EEE Enabled, FCW None, FOH Enabled
A=EEE Enabled, FCW FCW, FOH Disabled
B=EEE Enabled, FCW FCW, FOH Enabled
C=EEE Enabled, FCW FCW+FDA, FOH Disabled
D=EEE Enabled, FCW FCW+FDA, FOH Enabled
E=EEE Enabled, FCW Unused, FOH Disabled
F=EEE Enabled, FCW Unused, FOH Enabled
1=EEE Disabled, FCW None, FOH Enabled
2=EEE Disabled, FCW FCW, FOH Disabled
3=EEE Disabled, FCW FCW, FOH Enabled
4=EEE Disabled, FCW FCW+FDA, FOH Disabled
5=EEE Disabled, FCW FCW+FDA, FOH Enabled
6=EEE Disabled, FCW Unused, FOH Disabled
7=EEE Disabled, FCW Unused, FOH Enabled
8=EEE Enabled, FCW None, FOH Disabled
9=EEE Enabled, FCW None, FOH Enabled
A=EEE Enabled, FCW FCW, FOH Disabled
B=EEE Enabled, FCW FCW, FOH Enabled
C=EEE Enabled, FCW FCW+FDA, FOH Disabled
D=EEE Enabled, FCW FCW+FDA, FOH Enabled
E=EEE Enabled, FCW Unused, FOH Disabled
F=EEE Enabled, FCW Unused, FOH Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Global Window Open (GWO)
Global Window Close (GWC)
Daytime Running Lamps Control Function (DRLCF)
Temporary Mobility Kit (TMK)DE08/7D0-09-01 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
Global Window Open (GWO)
Global Window Close (GWC)
Daytime Running Lamps Control Function (DRLCF)
Temporary Mobility Kit (TMK)
Global Window Close (GWC)
Daytime Running Lamps Control Function (DRLCF)
Temporary Mobility Kit (TMK)
DE08/7D0-09-01 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-01: xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
0=GWO Disabled, GWC Disabled, DRLCF Disabled, TMK Disabled
1=GWO Disabled, GWC Disabled, DRLCF Disabled, TMK Enabled
2=GWO Disabled, GWC Disabled, DRLCF Enabled, TMK Disabled
3=GWO Disabled, GWC Disabled, DRLCF Enabled, TMK Enabled
4=GWO Disabled, GWC Enabled, DRLCF Disabled, TMK Disabled
5=GWO Disabled, GWC Enabled, DRLCF Disabled, TMK Enabled
6=GWO Disabled, GWC Enabled, DRLCF Enabled, TMK Disabled
7=GWO Disabled, GWC Enabled, DRLCF Enabled, TMK Enabled
8=GWO Enabled, GWC Disabled, DRLCF Disabled, TMK Disabled
9=GWO Enabled, GWC Disabled, DRLCF Disabled, TMK Enabled
A=GWO Enabled, GWC Disabled, DRLCF Enabled, TMK Disabled
B=GWO Enabled, GWC Disabled, DRLCF Enabled, TMK Enabled
C=GWO Enabled, GWC Enabled, DRLCF Disabled, TMK Disabled
D=GWO Enabled, GWC Enabled, DRLCF Disabled, TMK Enabled
E=GWO Enabled, GWC Enabled, DRLCF Enabled, TMK Disabled
F=GWO Enabled, GWC Enabled, DRLCF Enabled, TMK Enabled
1=GWO Disabled, GWC Disabled, DRLCF Disabled, TMK Enabled
2=GWO Disabled, GWC Disabled, DRLCF Enabled, TMK Disabled
3=GWO Disabled, GWC Disabled, DRLCF Enabled, TMK Enabled
4=GWO Disabled, GWC Enabled, DRLCF Disabled, TMK Disabled
5=GWO Disabled, GWC Enabled, DRLCF Disabled, TMK Enabled
6=GWO Disabled, GWC Enabled, DRLCF Enabled, TMK Disabled
7=GWO Disabled, GWC Enabled, DRLCF Enabled, TMK Enabled
8=GWO Enabled, GWC Disabled, DRLCF Disabled, TMK Disabled
9=GWO Enabled, GWC Disabled, DRLCF Disabled, TMK Enabled
A=GWO Enabled, GWC Disabled, DRLCF Enabled, TMK Disabled
B=GWO Enabled, GWC Disabled, DRLCF Enabled, TMK Enabled
C=GWO Enabled, GWC Enabled, DRLCF Disabled, TMK Disabled
D=GWO Enabled, GWC Enabled, DRLCF Disabled, TMK Enabled
E=GWO Enabled, GWC Enabled, DRLCF Enabled, TMK Disabled
F=GWO Enabled, GWC Enabled, DRLCF Enabled, TMK Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Mirrors Autofold (MA)
Mirrors Reverse Tilt (MRT)
Do Not Disturb (DND)
Fuel Operated Park Heater (FOPH)DE08/7D0-09-01 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
Mirrors Autofold (MA)
Mirrors Reverse Tilt (MRT)
Do Not Disturb (DND)
Fuel Operated Park Heater (FOPH)
Mirrors Reverse Tilt (MRT)
Do Not Disturb (DND)
Fuel Operated Park Heater (FOPH)
DE08/7D0-09-01 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-01: xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
0=MA Disabled, MRT Disabled, DND Disabled, FOPH Disabled
1=MA Disabled, MRT Disabled, DND Disabled, FOPH Enabled
2=MA Disabled, MRT Disabled, DND Enabled, FOPH Disabled
3=MA Disabled, MRT Disabled, DND Enabled, FOPH Enabled
4=MA Disabled, MRT Enabled, DND Disabled, FOPH Disabled
5=MA Disabled, MRT Enabled, DND Disabled, FOPH Enabled
6=MA Disabled, MRT Enabled, DND Enabled, FOPH Disabled
7=MA Disabled, MRT Enabled, DND Enabled, FOPH Enabled
8=MA Enabled, MRT Disabled, DND Disabled, FOPH Disabled
9=MA Enabled, MRT Disabled, DND Disabled, FOPH Enabled
A=MA Enabled, MRT Disabled, DND Enabled, FOPH Disabled
B=MA Enabled, MRT Disabled, DND Enabled, FOPH Enabled
C=MA Enabled, MRT Enabled, DND Disabled, FOPH Disabled
D=MA Enabled, MRT Enabled, DND Disabled, FOPH Enabled
E=MA Enabled, MRT Enabled, DND Enabled, FOPH Disabled
F=MA Enabled, MRT Enabled, DND Enabled, FOPH Enabled
1=MA Disabled, MRT Disabled, DND Disabled, FOPH Enabled
2=MA Disabled, MRT Disabled, DND Enabled, FOPH Disabled
3=MA Disabled, MRT Disabled, DND Enabled, FOPH Enabled
4=MA Disabled, MRT Enabled, DND Disabled, FOPH Disabled
5=MA Disabled, MRT Enabled, DND Disabled, FOPH Enabled
6=MA Disabled, MRT Enabled, DND Enabled, FOPH Disabled
7=MA Disabled, MRT Enabled, DND Enabled, FOPH Enabled
8=MA Enabled, MRT Disabled, DND Disabled, FOPH Disabled
9=MA Enabled, MRT Disabled, DND Disabled, FOPH Enabled
A=MA Enabled, MRT Disabled, DND Enabled, FOPH Disabled
B=MA Enabled, MRT Disabled, DND Enabled, FOPH Enabled
C=MA Enabled, MRT Enabled, DND Disabled, FOPH Disabled
D=MA Enabled, MRT Enabled, DND Disabled, FOPH Enabled
E=MA Enabled, MRT Enabled, DND Enabled, FOPH Disabled
F=MA Enabled, MRT Enabled, DND Enabled, FOPH Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
One/Two Stage Unlocking (OTSU)
Perimeter Alarm w/Reduced Guard Control Function (PARGCF)
Power Liftgate Control Function (PLCF)
Rear Reverse Gear Wipe (RRGW)DE08/7D0-09-01 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
One/Two Stage Unlocking (OTSU)
Perimeter Alarm w/Reduced Guard Control Function (PARGCF)
Power Liftgate Control Function (PLCF)
Rear Reverse Gear Wipe (RRGW)
Perimeter Alarm w/Reduced Guard Control Function (PARGCF)
Power Liftgate Control Function (PLCF)
Rear Reverse Gear Wipe (RRGW)
DE08/7D0-09-01 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-01: xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
0=OTSU Disabled, PARGCF Disabled, PLCF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
1=OTSU Disabled, PARGCF Disabled, PLCF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
2=OTSU Disabled, PARGCF Disabled, PLCF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
3=OTSU Disabled, PARGCF Disabled, PLCF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
4=OTSU Disabled, PARGCF Enabled, PLCF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
5=OTSU Disabled, PARGCF Enabled, PLCF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
6=OTSU Disabled, PARGCF Enabled, PLCF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
7=OTSU Disabled, PARGCF Enabled, PLCF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
8=OTSU Enabled, PARGCF Disabled, PLCF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
9=OTSU Enabled, PARGCF Disabled, PLCF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
A=OTSU Enabled, PARGCF Disabled, PLCF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
B=OTSU Enabled, PARGCF Disabled, PLCF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
C=OTSU Enabled, PARGCF Enabled, PLCF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
D=OTSU Enabled, PARGCF Enabled, PLCF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
E=OTSU Enabled, PARGCF Enabled, PLCF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
F=OTSU Enabled, PARGCF Enabled, PLCF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
1=OTSU Disabled, PARGCF Disabled, PLCF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
2=OTSU Disabled, PARGCF Disabled, PLCF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
3=OTSU Disabled, PARGCF Disabled, PLCF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
4=OTSU Disabled, PARGCF Enabled, PLCF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
5=OTSU Disabled, PARGCF Enabled, PLCF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
6=OTSU Disabled, PARGCF Enabled, PLCF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
7=OTSU Disabled, PARGCF Enabled, PLCF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
8=OTSU Enabled, PARGCF Disabled, PLCF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
9=OTSU Enabled, PARGCF Disabled, PLCF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
A=OTSU Enabled, PARGCF Disabled, PLCF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
B=OTSU Enabled, PARGCF Disabled, PLCF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
C=OTSU Enabled, PARGCF Enabled, PLCF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
D=OTSU Enabled, PARGCF Enabled, PLCF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
E=OTSU Enabled, PARGCF Enabled, PLCF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
F=OTSU Enabled, PARGCF Enabled, PLCF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Remote Start - Climate Settings (RSCS)
Remote Start - Driver Seat (RSDS)
Remote Start - Feature (RSF)
Remote Start - Passenger Seat (RSPS)DE08/7D0-09-01 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
Remote Start - Climate Settings (RSCS)
Remote Start - Driver Seat (RSDS)
Remote Start - Feature (RSF)
Remote Start - Passenger Seat (RSPS)
Remote Start - Driver Seat (RSDS)
Remote Start - Feature (RSF)
Remote Start - Passenger Seat (RSPS)
DE08/7D0-09-01 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
DE08/7D0-09-01: xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
0=RSCS Disabled, RSDS Disabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Disabled
1=RSCS Disabled, RSDS Disabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Enabled
2=RSCS Disabled, RSDS Disabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Disabled
3=RSCS Disabled, RSDS Disabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Enabled
4=RSCS Disabled, RSDS Enabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Disabled
5=RSCS Disabled, RSDS Enabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Enabled
6=RSCS Disabled, RSDS Enabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Disabled
7=RSCS Disabled, RSDS Enabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Enabled
8=RSCS Enabled, RSDS Disabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Disabled
9=RSCS Enabled, RSDS Disabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Enabled
A=RSCS Enabled, RSDS Disabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Disabled
B=RSCS Enabled, RSDS Disabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Enabled
C=RSCS Enabled, RSDS Enabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Disabled
D=RSCS Enabled, RSDS Enabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Enabled
E=RSCS Enabled, RSDS Enabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Disabled
F=RSCS Enabled, RSDS Enabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Enabled
1=RSCS Disabled, RSDS Disabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Enabled
2=RSCS Disabled, RSDS Disabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Disabled
3=RSCS Disabled, RSDS Disabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Enabled
4=RSCS Disabled, RSDS Enabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Disabled
5=RSCS Disabled, RSDS Enabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Enabled
6=RSCS Disabled, RSDS Enabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Disabled
7=RSCS Disabled, RSDS Enabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Enabled
8=RSCS Enabled, RSDS Disabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Disabled
9=RSCS Enabled, RSDS Disabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Enabled
A=RSCS Enabled, RSDS Disabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Disabled
B=RSCS Enabled, RSDS Disabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Enabled
C=RSCS Enabled, RSDS Enabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Disabled
D=RSCS Enabled, RSDS Enabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Enabled
E=RSCS Enabled, RSDS Enabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Disabled
F=RSCS Enabled, RSDS Enabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Enabled
Vehicle must be equipped with factory remote start for Remote Start functions.
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Remote Start - Rear Defrost (RSRD)
Remote Start - Steering Wheel (RSSW)
Side Detect (SD)
Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA)DE08/7D0-09-01 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
Remote Start - Rear Defrost (RSRD)
Remote Start - Steering Wheel (RSSW)
Side Detect (SD)
Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA)
Remote Start - Steering Wheel (RSSW)
Side Detect (SD)
Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA)
DE08/7D0-09-01 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
DE08/7D0-09-01: xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
0=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Disabled, SD Disabled, ISA Disabled
1=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Disabled, SD Disabled, ISA Enabled
2=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Disabled, SD Enabled, ISA Disabled
3=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Disabled, SD Enabled, ISA Enabled
4=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Enabled, SD Disabled, ISA Disabled
5=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Enabled, SD Disabled, ISA Enabled
6=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Enabled, SD Enabled, ISA Disabled
7=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Enabled, SD Enabled, ISA Enabled
8=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Disabled, SD Disabled, ISA Disabled
9=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Disabled, SD Disabled, ISA Enabled
A=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Disabled, SD Enabled, ISA Disabled
B=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Disabled, SD Enabled, ISA Enabled
C=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Enabled, SD Disabled, ISA Disabled
D=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Enabled, SD Disabled, ISA Enabled
E=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Enabled, SD Enabled, ISA Disabled
F=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Enabled, SD Enabled, ISA Enabled
1=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Disabled, SD Disabled, ISA Enabled
2=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Disabled, SD Enabled, ISA Disabled
3=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Disabled, SD Enabled, ISA Enabled
4=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Enabled, SD Disabled, ISA Disabled
5=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Enabled, SD Disabled, ISA Enabled
6=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Enabled, SD Enabled, ISA Disabled
7=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Enabled, SD Enabled, ISA Enabled
8=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Disabled, SD Disabled, ISA Disabled
9=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Disabled, SD Disabled, ISA Enabled
A=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Disabled, SD Enabled, ISA Disabled
B=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Disabled, SD Enabled, ISA Enabled
C=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Enabled, SD Disabled, ISA Disabled
D=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Enabled, SD Disabled, ISA Enabled
E=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Enabled, SD Enabled, ISA Disabled
F=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Enabled, SD Enabled, ISA Enabled
Vehicle must be equipped with factory remote start for Remote Start functions.
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Trailer Sway (TS)
Front Collision Warning - On Menu (FCWOM)
Intelligent Access Menu (IAM)
Silent Mode Control Function (SMCF)DE08/7D0-09-02 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
Trailer Sway (TS)
Front Collision Warning - On Menu (FCWOM)
Intelligent Access Menu (IAM)
Silent Mode Control Function (SMCF)
Front Collision Warning - On Menu (FCWOM)
Intelligent Access Menu (IAM)
Silent Mode Control Function (SMCF)
DE08/7D0-09-02 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-02: *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
0=TS Disabled, FCWOM Disabled, IAM Disabled, SMCF Disabled
1=TS Disabled, FCWOM Disabled, IAM Disabled, SMCF Enabled
2=TS Disabled, FCWOM Disabled, IAM Enabled, SMCF Disabled
3=TS Disabled, FCWOM Disabled, IAM Enabled, SMCF Enabled
4=TS Disabled, FCWOM Enabled, IAM Disabled, SMCF Disabled
5=TS Disabled, FCWOM Enabled, IAM Disabled, SMCF Enabled
6=TS Disabled, FCWOM Enabled, IAM Enabled, SMCF Disabled
7=TS Disabled, FCWOM Enabled, IAM Enabled, SMCF Enabled
8=TS Enabled, FCWOM Disabled, IAM Disabled, SMCF Disabled
9=TS Enabled, FCWOM Disabled, IAM Disabled, SMCF Enabled
A=TS Enabled, FCWOM Disabled, IAM Enabled, SMCF Disabled
B=TS Enabled, FCWOM Disabled, IAM Enabled, SMCF Enabled
C=TS Enabled, FCWOM Enabled, IAM Disabled, SMCF Disabled
D=TS Enabled, FCWOM Enabled, IAM Disabled, SMCF Enabled
E=TS Enabled, FCWOM Enabled, IAM Enabled, SMCF Disabled
F=TS Enabled, FCWOM Enabled, IAM Enabled, SMCF Enabled
1=TS Disabled, FCWOM Disabled, IAM Disabled, SMCF Enabled
2=TS Disabled, FCWOM Disabled, IAM Enabled, SMCF Disabled
3=TS Disabled, FCWOM Disabled, IAM Enabled, SMCF Enabled
4=TS Disabled, FCWOM Enabled, IAM Disabled, SMCF Disabled
5=TS Disabled, FCWOM Enabled, IAM Disabled, SMCF Enabled
6=TS Disabled, FCWOM Enabled, IAM Enabled, SMCF Disabled
7=TS Disabled, FCWOM Enabled, IAM Enabled, SMCF Enabled
8=TS Enabled, FCWOM Disabled, IAM Disabled, SMCF Disabled
9=TS Enabled, FCWOM Disabled, IAM Disabled, SMCF Enabled
A=TS Enabled, FCWOM Disabled, IAM Enabled, SMCF Disabled
B=TS Enabled, FCWOM Disabled, IAM Enabled, SMCF Enabled
C=TS Enabled, FCWOM Enabled, IAM Disabled, SMCF Disabled
D=TS Enabled, FCWOM Enabled, IAM Disabled, SMCF Enabled
E=TS Enabled, FCWOM Enabled, IAM Enabled, SMCF Disabled
F=TS Enabled, FCWOM Enabled, IAM Enabled, SMCF Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Police Enhanced Feature Speed (PEFS)DE08/7D0-09-02 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
Police Enhanced Feature Speed (PEFS)
DE08/7D0-09-02 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-02: x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Police Enhanced Feature Speed (PEFS)
Forward Collision Warning - Braking On/Off (FCWB)
Locking Feedback Audible (LFA)
Locking Feedback Visual (LFV)DE08/7D0-09-02 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
Police Enhanced Feature Speed (PEFS)
Forward Collision Warning - Braking On/Off (FCWB)
Locking Feedback Audible (LFA)
Locking Feedback Visual (LFV)
Forward Collision Warning - Braking On/Off (FCWB)
Locking Feedback Audible (LFA)
Locking Feedback Visual (LFV)
DE08/7D0-09-02 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-02: xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
0=PEFS Disabled, FCWB Disabled, LFA Disabled, LFV Disabled
1=PEFS Disabled, FCWB Disabled, LFA Disabled, LFV Enabled
2=PEFS Disabled, FCWB Disabled, LFA Enabled, LFV Disabled
3=PEFS Disabled, FCWB Disabled, LFA Enabled, LFV Enabled
4=PEFS Disabled, FCWB Enabled, LFA Disabled, LFV Disabled
5=PEFS Disabled, FCWB Enabled, LFA Disabled, LFV Enabled
6=PEFS Disabled, FCWB Enabled, LFA Enabled, LFV Disabled
7=PEFS Disabled, FCWB Enabled, LFA Enabled, LFV Enabled
8=PEFS Enabled, FCWB Disabled, LFA Disabled, LFV Disabled
9=PEFS Enabled, FCWB Disabled, LFA Disabled, LFV Enabled
A=PEFS Enabled, FCWB Disabled, LFA Enabled, LFV Disabled
B=PEFS Enabled, FCWB Disabled, LFA Enabled, LFV Enabled
C=PEFS Enabled, FCWB Enabled, LFA Disabled, LFV Disabled
D=PEFS Enabled, FCWB Enabled, LFA Disabled, LFV Enabled
E=PEFS Enabled, FCWB Enabled, LFA Enabled, LFV Disabled
F=PEFS Enabled, FCWB Enabled, LFA Enabled, LFV Enabled
1=PEFS Disabled, FCWB Disabled, LFA Disabled, LFV Enabled
2=PEFS Disabled, FCWB Disabled, LFA Enabled, LFV Disabled
3=PEFS Disabled, FCWB Disabled, LFA Enabled, LFV Enabled
4=PEFS Disabled, FCWB Enabled, LFA Disabled, LFV Disabled
5=PEFS Disabled, FCWB Enabled, LFA Disabled, LFV Enabled
6=PEFS Disabled, FCWB Enabled, LFA Enabled, LFV Disabled
7=PEFS Disabled, FCWB Enabled, LFA Enabled, LFV Enabled
8=PEFS Enabled, FCWB Disabled, LFA Disabled, LFV Disabled
9=PEFS Enabled, FCWB Disabled, LFA Disabled, LFV Enabled
A=PEFS Enabled, FCWB Disabled, LFA Enabled, LFV Disabled
B=PEFS Enabled, FCWB Disabled, LFA Enabled, LFV Enabled
C=PEFS Enabled, FCWB Enabled, LFA Disabled, LFV Disabled
D=PEFS Enabled, FCWB Enabled, LFA Disabled, LFV Enabled
E=PEFS Enabled, FCWB Enabled, LFA Enabled, LFV Disabled
F=PEFS Enabled, FCWB Enabled, LFA Enabled, LFV Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Evasive Steering Assist (ESA)
Lane Assist Haptic Intensity (LAHI)
Intelligent Adaptive Cruise Control (IACC)
Adaptive Headlamps Feature (AHF) DE08/7D0-09-02 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
Evasive Steering Assist (ESA)
Lane Assist Haptic Intensity (LAHI)
Intelligent Adaptive Cruise Control (IACC)
Adaptive Headlamps Feature (AHF)
Lane Assist Haptic Intensity (LAHI)
Intelligent Adaptive Cruise Control (IACC)
Adaptive Headlamps Feature (AHF)
DE08/7D0-09-02 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-02: xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
0=ESA Disabled, LAHI Disabled, IACC Disabled, AHF Disabled
1=ESA Disabled, LAHI Disabled, IACC Disabled, AHF Enabled
2=ESA Disabled, LAHI Disabled, IACC Enabled, AHF Disabled
3=ESA Disabled, LAHI Disabled, IACC Enabled, AHF Enabled
4=ESA Disabled, LAHI Enabled, IACC Disabled, AHF Disabled
5=ESA Disabled, LAHI Enabled, IACC Disabled, AHF Enabled
6=ESA Disabled, LAHI Enabled, IACC Enabled, AHF Disabled
7=ESA Disabled, LAHI Enabled, IACC Enabled, AHF Enabled
8=ESA Enabled, LAHI Disabled, IACC Disabled, AHF Disabled
9=ESA Enabled, LAHI Disabled, IACC Disabled, AHF Enabled
A=ESA Enabled, LAHI Disabled, IACC Enabled, AHF Disabled
B=ESA Enabled, LAHI Disabled, IACC Enabled, AHF Enabled
C=ESA Enabled, LAHI Enabled, IACC Disabled, AHF Disabled
D=ESA Enabled, LAHI Enabled, IACC Disabled, AHF Enabled
E=ESA Enabled, LAHI Enabled, IACC Enabled, AHF Disabled
F=ESA Enabled, LAHI Enabled, IACC Enabled, AHF Enabled
1=ESA Disabled, LAHI Disabled, IACC Disabled, AHF Enabled
2=ESA Disabled, LAHI Disabled, IACC Enabled, AHF Disabled
3=ESA Disabled, LAHI Disabled, IACC Enabled, AHF Enabled
4=ESA Disabled, LAHI Enabled, IACC Disabled, AHF Disabled
5=ESA Disabled, LAHI Enabled, IACC Disabled, AHF Enabled
6=ESA Disabled, LAHI Enabled, IACC Enabled, AHF Disabled
7=ESA Disabled, LAHI Enabled, IACC Enabled, AHF Enabled
8=ESA Enabled, LAHI Disabled, IACC Disabled, AHF Disabled
9=ESA Enabled, LAHI Disabled, IACC Disabled, AHF Enabled
A=ESA Enabled, LAHI Disabled, IACC Enabled, AHF Disabled
B=ESA Enabled, LAHI Disabled, IACC Enabled, AHF Enabled
C=ESA Enabled, LAHI Enabled, IACC Disabled, AHF Disabled
D=ESA Enabled, LAHI Enabled, IACC Disabled, AHF Enabled
E=ESA Enabled, LAHI Enabled, IACC Enabled, AHF Disabled
F=ESA Enabled, LAHI Enabled, IACC Enabled, AHF Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Lane Change Assist (LCA)
Lane Keeping Sensitivity (LKS)
Advanced Trac Hard Button Control (ATHBC)DE08/7D0-09-02 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
Lane Change Assist (LCA)
Lane Keeping Sensitivity (LKS)
Advanced Trac Hard Button Control (ATHBC)
Lane Keeping Sensitivity (LKS)
Advanced Trac Hard Button Control (ATHBC)
DE08/7D0-09-02 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-02: xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
0=LCA Disabled, LKS Disabled, ATHBC Disabled
1=LCA Disabled, LKS Disabled, ATHBC Enabled
2=LCA Disabled, LKS Enabled, ATHBC Disabled
3=LCA Disabled, LKS Enabled, ATHBC Enabled
4=LCA Enabled, LKS Disabled, ATHBC Disabled
5=LCA Enabled, LKS Disabled, ATHBC Enabled
6=LCA Enabled, LKS Enabled, ATHBC Disabled
7=LCA Enabled, LKS Enabled, ATHBC Enabled
8=LCA Euro N Cap, LKS Disabled, ATHBC Disabled
9=LCA Euro N Cap, LKS Disabled, ATHBC Enabled
A=LCA Euro N Cap, LKS Enabled, ATHBC Disabled
B=LCA Euro N Cap, LKS Enabled, ATHBC Enabled
C=LCA Reserved, LKS Disabled, ATHBC Disabled
D=LCA Reserved, LKS Disabled, ATHBC Enabled
E=LCA Reserved, LKS Enabled, ATHBC Disabled
F=LCA Reserved, LKS Enabled, ATHBC Enabled
1=LCA Disabled, LKS Disabled, ATHBC Enabled
2=LCA Disabled, LKS Enabled, ATHBC Disabled
3=LCA Disabled, LKS Enabled, ATHBC Enabled
4=LCA Enabled, LKS Disabled, ATHBC Disabled
5=LCA Enabled, LKS Disabled, ATHBC Enabled
6=LCA Enabled, LKS Enabled, ATHBC Disabled
7=LCA Enabled, LKS Enabled, ATHBC Enabled
8=LCA Euro N Cap, LKS Disabled, ATHBC Disabled
9=LCA Euro N Cap, LKS Disabled, ATHBC Enabled
A=LCA Euro N Cap, LKS Enabled, ATHBC Disabled
B=LCA Euro N Cap, LKS Enabled, ATHBC Enabled
C=LCA Reserved, LKS Disabled, ATHBC Disabled
D=LCA Reserved, LKS Disabled, ATHBC Enabled
E=LCA Reserved, LKS Enabled, ATHBC Disabled
F=LCA Reserved, LKS Enabled, ATHBC Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Traction Control/IVD/RSC (TC)
Adaptive Cruise (AC)
TSR NCAP Adaptations (TSR)DE08/7D0-09-02 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
Traction Control/IVD/RSC (TC)
Adaptive Cruise (AC)
TSR NCAP Adaptations (TSR)
Adaptive Cruise (AC)
TSR NCAP Adaptations (TSR)
DE08/7D0-09-02 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-02: xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
0=TC Disabled, AC Disabled, TSR Disabled
1=TC Disabled, AC Disabled, TSR Enabled
2=TC Disabled, AC Enabled, TSR Disabled
3=TC Disabled, AC Enabled, TSR Enabled
4=TC TC, AC Disabled, TSR Disabled
5=TC TC, AC Disabled, TSR Enabled
6=TC TC, AC Enabled, TSR Disabled
7=TC TC, AC Enabled, TSR Enabled
8=TC IVD, AC Disabled, TSR Disabled
9=TC IVD, AC Disabled, TSR Enabled
A=TC IVD, AC Enabled, TSR Disabled
B=TC IVD, AC Enabled, TSR Enabled
C=TC RSC, AC Disabled, TSR Disabled
D=TC RSC, AC Disabled, TSR Enabled
E=TC RSC, AC Enabled, TSR Disabled
F=TC RSC, AC Enabled, TSR Enabled
1=TC Disabled, AC Disabled, TSR Enabled
2=TC Disabled, AC Enabled, TSR Disabled
3=TC Disabled, AC Enabled, TSR Enabled
4=TC TC, AC Disabled, TSR Disabled
5=TC TC, AC Disabled, TSR Enabled
6=TC TC, AC Enabled, TSR Disabled
7=TC TC, AC Enabled, TSR Enabled
8=TC IVD, AC Disabled, TSR Disabled
9=TC IVD, AC Disabled, TSR Enabled
A=TC IVD, AC Enabled, TSR Disabled
B=TC IVD, AC Enabled, TSR Enabled
C=TC RSC, AC Disabled, TSR Disabled
D=TC RSC, AC Disabled, TSR Enabled
E=TC RSC, AC Enabled, TSR Disabled
F=TC RSC, AC Enabled, TSR Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
TSR Overspeed Chime (TSROC)
Tow Haul (TH)
Trailer Blind Spot (TBS)
Wrong Way Alert (WWA)DE08/7D0-09-02 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
TSR Overspeed Chime (TSROC)
Tow Haul (TH)
Trailer Blind Spot (TBS)
Wrong Way Alert (WWA)
Tow Haul (TH)
Trailer Blind Spot (TBS)
Wrong Way Alert (WWA)
DE08/7D0-09-02 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-02: xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
0=TSROC Disabled, TH Disabled, TBS Disabled, WWA Disabled
1=TSROC Disabled, TH Disabled, TBS Disabled, WWA Enabled
2=TSROC Disabled, TH Disabled, TBS Enabled, WWA Disabled
3=TSROC Disabled, TH Disabled, TBS Enabled, WWA Enabled
4=TSROC Disabled, TH Enabled, TBS Disabled, WWA Disabled
5=TSROC Disabled, TH Enabled, TBS Disabled, WWA Enabled
6=TSROC Disabled, TH Enabled, TBS Enabled, WWA Disabled
7=TSROC Disabled, TH Enabled, TBS Enabled, WWA Enabled
8=TSROC Enabled, TH Disabled, TBS Disabled, WWA Disabled
9=TSROC Enabled, TH Disabled, TBS Disabled, WWA Enabled
A=TSROC Enabled, TH Disabled, TBS Enabled, WWA Disabled
B=TSROC Enabled, TH Disabled, TBS Enabled, WWA Enabled
C=TSROC Enabled, TH Enabled, TBS Disabled, WWA Disabled
D=TSROC Enabled, TH Enabled, TBS Disabled, WWA Enabled
E=TSROC Enabled, TH Enabled, TBS Enabled, WWA Disabled
F=TSROC Enabled, TH Enabled, TBS Enabled, WWA Enabled
1=TSROC Disabled, TH Disabled, TBS Disabled, WWA Enabled
2=TSROC Disabled, TH Disabled, TBS Enabled, WWA Disabled
3=TSROC Disabled, TH Disabled, TBS Enabled, WWA Enabled
4=TSROC Disabled, TH Enabled, TBS Disabled, WWA Disabled
5=TSROC Disabled, TH Enabled, TBS Disabled, WWA Enabled
6=TSROC Disabled, TH Enabled, TBS Enabled, WWA Disabled
7=TSROC Disabled, TH Enabled, TBS Enabled, WWA Enabled
8=TSROC Enabled, TH Disabled, TBS Disabled, WWA Disabled
9=TSROC Enabled, TH Disabled, TBS Disabled, WWA Enabled
A=TSROC Enabled, TH Disabled, TBS Enabled, WWA Disabled
B=TSROC Enabled, TH Disabled, TBS Enabled, WWA Enabled
C=TSROC Enabled, TH Enabled, TBS Disabled, WWA Disabled
D=TSROC Enabled, TH Enabled, TBS Disabled, WWA Enabled
E=TSROC Enabled, TH Enabled, TBS Enabled, WWA Disabled
F=TSROC Enabled, TH Enabled, TBS Enabled, WWA Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Hill Descent Control (HDC)
Lock Menu โ Switch Inhibit (LMSI)
Running Board Control Function (RBCF)DE08/7D0-09-02 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
Hill Descent Control (HDC)
Lock Menu โ Switch Inhibit (LMSI)
Running Board Control Function (RBCF)
Lock Menu โ Switch Inhibit (LMSI)
Running Board Control Function (RBCF)
DE08/7D0-09-02 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-02: xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
0=HDC Disabled, LMSI Disabled, RBCF Disabled
1=HDC Disabled, LMSI Disabled, RBCF Enabled
4=HDC Disabled, LMSI Enabled, RBCF Disabled
5=HDC Disabled, LMSI Enabled, RBCF Enabled
8=HDC Enabled, LMSI Disabled, RBCF Disabled
9=HDC Enabled, LMSI Disabled, RBCF Enabled
C=HDC Enabled, LMSI Enabled, RBCF Disabled
D=HDC Enabled, LMSI Enabled, RBCF Enabled
1=HDC Disabled, LMSI Disabled, RBCF Enabled
4=HDC Disabled, LMSI Enabled, RBCF Disabled
5=HDC Disabled, LMSI Enabled, RBCF Enabled
8=HDC Enabled, LMSI Disabled, RBCF Disabled
9=HDC Enabled, LMSI Disabled, RBCF Enabled
C=HDC Enabled, LMSI Enabled, RBCF Disabled
D=HDC Enabled, LMSI Enabled, RBCF Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Park Lock Control Allow (PLCA)
Auto Start-Stop (ASS)
Perimeter Alarm Guard Reminder (PAGR)DE08/7D0-09-02 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
Park Lock Control Allow (PLCA)
Auto Start-Stop (ASS)
Perimeter Alarm Guard Reminder (PAGR)
Auto Start-Stop (ASS)
Perimeter Alarm Guard Reminder (PAGR)
DE08/7D0-09-02 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
DE08/7D0-09-02: xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
0=PLCA Less Park Lock Control, ASS Disabled, PAGR Disabled
1=PLCA Less Park Lock Control, ASS Disabled, PAGR Enabled
2=PLCA Less Park Lock Control, ASS Enabled, PAGR Disabled
3=PLCA Less Park Lock Control, ASS Enabled, PAGR Enabled
4=PLCA SUST Enable For Parking, ASS Disabled, PAGR Disabled
5=PLCA SUST Enable For Parking, ASS Disabled, PAGR Enabled
6=PLCA SUST Enable For Parking, ASS Enabled, PAGR Disabled
7=PLCA SUST Enable For Parking, ASS Enabled, PAGR Enabled
8=PLCA Temp Enable For Towing, ASS Disabled, PAGR Disabled
9=PLCA Temp Enable For Towing, ASS Disabled, PAGR Enabled
A=PLCA Temp Enable For Towing, ASS Enabled, PAGR Disabled
B=PLCA Temp Enable For Towing, ASS Enabled, PAGR Enabled
C=PLCA For Either Parking or Towing, ASS Disabled, PAGR Disabled
D=PLCA For Either Parking or Towing, ASS Disabled, PAGR Enabled
E=PLCA For Either Parking or Towing, ASS Enabled, PAGR Disabled
F=PLCA For Either Parking or Towing, ASS Enabled, PAGR Enabled
1=PLCA Less Park Lock Control, ASS Disabled, PAGR Enabled
2=PLCA Less Park Lock Control, ASS Enabled, PAGR Disabled
3=PLCA Less Park Lock Control, ASS Enabled, PAGR Enabled
4=PLCA SUST Enable For Parking, ASS Disabled, PAGR Disabled
5=PLCA SUST Enable For Parking, ASS Disabled, PAGR Enabled
6=PLCA SUST Enable For Parking, ASS Enabled, PAGR Disabled
7=PLCA SUST Enable For Parking, ASS Enabled, PAGR Enabled
8=PLCA Temp Enable For Towing, ASS Disabled, PAGR Disabled
9=PLCA Temp Enable For Towing, ASS Disabled, PAGR Enabled
A=PLCA Temp Enable For Towing, ASS Enabled, PAGR Disabled
B=PLCA Temp Enable For Towing, ASS Enabled, PAGR Enabled
C=PLCA For Either Parking or Towing, ASS Disabled, PAGR Disabled
D=PLCA For Either Parking or Towing, ASS Disabled, PAGR Enabled
E=PLCA For Either Parking or Towing, ASS Enabled, PAGR Disabled
F=PLCA For Either Parking or Towing, ASS Enabled, PAGR Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Traffic Sign RecognitiOn (TSR)
TPMS by Location (TPMSL)
TPMS Placard Pressure Display (TPPD)
Centerstack Settings (CS)DE08/7D0-09-02 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
Traffic Sign RecognitiOn (TSR)
TPMS by Location (TPMSL)
TPMS Placard Pressure Display (TPPD)
Centerstack Settings (CS)
TPMS by Location (TPMSL)
TPMS Placard Pressure Display (TPPD)
Centerstack Settings (CS)
DE08/7D0-09-02 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
DE08/7D0-09-02: xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
0=TSR Disabled, TPMSL Disabled, TPPD Disabled, CS Disabled
1=TSR Disabled, TPMSL Disabled, TPPD Disabled, CS Enabled
2=TSR Disabled, TPMSL Disabled, TPPD Enabled, CS Disabled
3=TSR Disabled, TPMSL Disabled, TPPD Enabled, CS Enabled
4=TSR Disabled, TPMSL Enabled, TPPD Disabled, CS Disabled
5=TSR Disabled, TPMSL Enabled, TPPD Disabled, CS Enabled
6=TSR Disabled, TPMSL Enabled, TPPD Enabled, CS Disabled
7=TSR Disabled, TPMSL Enabled, TPPD Enabled, CS Enabled
8=TSR Enabled, TPMSL Disabled, TPPD Disabled, CS Disabled
9=TSR Enabled, TPMSL Disabled, TPPD Disabled, CS Enabled
A=TSR Enabled, TPMSL Disabled, TPPD Enabled, CS Disabled
B=TSR Enabled, TPMSL Disabled, TPPD Enabled, CS Enabled
C=TSR Enabled, TPMSL Enabled, TPPD Disabled, CS Disabled
D=TSR Enabled, TPMSL Enabled, TPPD Disabled, CS Enabled
E=TSR Enabled, TPMSL Enabled, TPPD Enabled, CS Disabled
F=TSR Enabled, TPMSL Enabled, TPPD Enabled, CS Enabled
1=TSR Disabled, TPMSL Disabled, TPPD Disabled, CS Enabled
2=TSR Disabled, TPMSL Disabled, TPPD Enabled, CS Disabled
3=TSR Disabled, TPMSL Disabled, TPPD Enabled, CS Enabled
4=TSR Disabled, TPMSL Enabled, TPPD Disabled, CS Disabled
5=TSR Disabled, TPMSL Enabled, TPPD Disabled, CS Enabled
6=TSR Disabled, TPMSL Enabled, TPPD Enabled, CS Disabled
7=TSR Disabled, TPMSL Enabled, TPPD Enabled, CS Enabled
8=TSR Enabled, TPMSL Disabled, TPPD Disabled, CS Disabled
9=TSR Enabled, TPMSL Disabled, TPPD Disabled, CS Enabled
A=TSR Enabled, TPMSL Disabled, TPPD Enabled, CS Disabled
B=TSR Enabled, TPMSL Disabled, TPPD Enabled, CS Enabled
C=TSR Enabled, TPMSL Enabled, TPPD Disabled, CS Disabled
D=TSR Enabled, TPMSL Enabled, TPPD Disabled, CS Enabled
E=TSR Enabled, TPMSL Enabled, TPPD Enabled, CS Disabled
F=TSR Enabled, TPMSL Enabled, TPPD Enabled, CS Enabled
Centerstack Settings must be set to "CS Enabled" to allow 7D0-09-xx settings to display.
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Predictive Lights (PL)
LaneAssist NCAP Aid (LANCAPA)
LaneAssist NCAP Alert (LANCAPA)
Key Free (KF)
Grade Assist (GA)
One/Two Stage Unlocking โ Passenger/Commercial (OTSU)DE08/7D0-09-03 **xx-xxxx-xxxx
Predictive Lights (PL)
LaneAssist NCAP Aid (LANCAPA)
LaneAssist NCAP Alert (LANCAPA)
Key Free (KF)
Grade Assist (GA)
One/Two Stage Unlocking โ Passenger/Commercial (OTSU)
LaneAssist NCAP Aid (LANCAPA)
LaneAssist NCAP Alert (LANCAPA)
Key Free (KF)
Grade Assist (GA)
One/Two Stage Unlocking โ Passenger/Commercial (OTSU)
DE08/7D0-09-03 **xx-xxxx-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-03: **xx-xxxx-xxxx
00=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
01=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
02=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
03=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
04=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
05=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
06=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
07=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
08=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
09=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
0A=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
0B=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
0C=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
0D=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
0E=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
0F=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
10=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
11=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
12=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
13=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
14=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
15=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
16=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
17=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
18=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
19=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
1A=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
1B=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
1C=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
1D=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
1E=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
1F=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
20=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
21=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
22=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
23=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
24=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
25=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
26=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
27=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
28=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
29=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
2A=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
2B=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
2C=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
2D=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
2E=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
2F=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
30=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
31=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
32=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
33=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
34=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
35=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
36=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
37=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
38=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
39=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
3A=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
3B=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
3C=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
3D=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
3E=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
3F=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
40=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
41=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
42=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
43=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
44=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
45=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
46=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
47=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
48=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
49=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
4A=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
4B=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
4C=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
4D=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
4E=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
4F=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
50=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
51=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
52=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
53=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
54=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
55=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
56=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
57=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
58=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
59=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
5A=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
5B=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
5C=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
5D=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
5E=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
5F=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
60=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
61=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
62=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
63=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
64=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
65=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
66=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
67=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
68=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
69=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
6A=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
6B=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
6C=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
6D=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
6E=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
6F=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
70=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
71=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
72=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
73=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
74=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
75=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
76=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
77=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
78=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
79=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
7A=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
7B=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
7C=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
7D=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
7E=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
7F=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
80=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
81=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
82=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
83=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
84=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
85=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
86=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
87=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
88=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
89=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
8A=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
8B=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
8C=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
8D=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
8E=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
8F=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
90=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
91=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
92=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
93=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
94=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
95=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
96=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
97=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
98=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
99=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
9A=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
9B=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
9C=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
9D=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
9E=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
9F=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
A0=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
A1=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
A2=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
A3=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
A4=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
A5=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
A6=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
A7=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
A8=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
A9=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
AA=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
AB=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
AC=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
AD=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
AE=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
AF=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
B0=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
B1=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
B2=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
B3=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
B4=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
B5=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
B6=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
B7=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
B8=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
B9=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
BA=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
BB=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
BC=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
BD=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
BE=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
BF=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
C0=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
C1=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
C2=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
C3=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
C4=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
C5=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
C6=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
C7=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
C8=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
C9=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
CA=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
CB=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
CC=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
CD=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
CE=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
CF=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
D0=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
D1=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
D2=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
D3=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
D4=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
D5=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
D6=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
D7=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
D8=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
D9=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
DA=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
DB=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
DC=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
DD=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
DE=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
DF=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
E0=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
E1=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
E2=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
E3=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
E4=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
E5=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
E6=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
E7=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
E8=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
E9=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
EA=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
EB=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
EC=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
ED=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
EE=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
EF=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
F0=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
F1=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
F2=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
F3=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
F4=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
F5=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
F6=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
F7=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
F8=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
F9=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
FA=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
FB=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
FC=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
FD=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
FE=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
FF=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
01=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
02=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
03=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
04=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
05=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
06=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
07=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
08=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
09=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
0A=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
0B=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
0C=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
0D=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
0E=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
0F=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
10=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
11=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
12=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
13=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
14=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
15=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
16=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
17=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
18=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
19=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
1A=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
1B=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
1C=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
1D=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
1E=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
1F=PL Disabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
20=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
21=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
22=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
23=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
24=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
25=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
26=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
27=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
28=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
29=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
2A=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
2B=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
2C=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
2D=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
2E=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
2F=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
30=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
31=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
32=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
33=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
34=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
35=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
36=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
37=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
38=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
39=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
3A=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
3B=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
3C=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
3D=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
3E=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
3F=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
40=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
41=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
42=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
43=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
44=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
45=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
46=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
47=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
48=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
49=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
4A=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
4B=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
4C=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
4D=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
4E=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
4F=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
50=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
51=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
52=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
53=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
54=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
55=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
56=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
57=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
58=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
59=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
5A=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
5B=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
5C=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
5D=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
5E=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
5F=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
60=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
61=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
62=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
63=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
64=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
65=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
66=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
67=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
68=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
69=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
6A=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
6B=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
6C=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
6D=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
6E=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
6F=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
70=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
71=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
72=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
73=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
74=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
75=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
76=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
77=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
78=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
79=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
7A=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
7B=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
7C=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
7D=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
7E=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
7F=PL Disabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
80=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
81=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
82=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
83=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
84=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
85=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
86=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
87=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
88=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
89=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
8A=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
8B=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
8C=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
8D=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
8E=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
8F=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
90=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
91=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
92=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
93=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
94=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
95=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
96=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
97=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
98=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
99=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
9A=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
9B=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
9C=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
9D=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
9E=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
9F=PL Enabled, LANCAPA Disabled (Aid), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
A0=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
A1=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
A2=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
A3=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
A4=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
A5=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
A6=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
A7=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
A8=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
A9=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
AA=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
AB=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
AC=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
AD=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
AE=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
AF=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
B0=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
B1=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
B2=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
B3=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
B4=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
B5=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
B6=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
B7=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
B8=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
B9=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
BA=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
BB=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
BC=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
BD=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
BE=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
BF=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 1 (Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
C0=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
C1=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
C2=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
C3=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
C4=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
C5=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
C6=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
C7=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
C8=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
C9=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
CA=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
CB=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
CC=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
CD=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
CE=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
CF=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
D0=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
D1=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
D2=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
D3=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
D4=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
D5=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
D6=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
D7=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
D8=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
D9=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
DA=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
DB=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
DC=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
DD=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
DE=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
DF=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 2 (Off, Reduced, Enhanced), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
E0=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
E1=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
E2=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
E3=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
E4=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
E5=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
E6=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
E7=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA Disabled (Alert), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
E8=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
E9=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
EA=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
EB=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
EC=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
ED=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
EE=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
EF=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 1 (High, Normal, Low, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
F0=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
F1=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
F2=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
F3=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
F4=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
F5=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
F6=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
F7=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 2 (On, Off), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
F8=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
F9=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
FA=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
FB=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF IA, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
FC=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
FD=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Disabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
FE=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (One/Two State HMI)
FF=PL Enabled, LANCAPA 3 (Off, On), LANCAPA 3 (High, Normal, Low), KF Key Free, GA Enabled, OTSU (Global Unlock HMI)
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Auto High Beam Menu (AHBM)
Air Suspension SUMA Control Function (ASCF)
Air Suspension Auto Height SUMA (ASAH)DE08/7D0-09-03 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
Auto High Beam Menu (AHBM)
Air Suspension SUMA Control Function (ASCF)
Air Suspension Auto Height SUMA (ASAH)
Air Suspension SUMA Control Function (ASCF)
Air Suspension Auto Height SUMA (ASAH)
DE08/7D0-09-03 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-03: xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
0=AHBM Disabled, ASCF Disabled, ASAH Disabled
1=AHBM Disabled, ASCF Disabled, ASAH Enabled
2=AHBM Disabled, ASCF Enabled, ASAH Disabled
3=AHBM Disabled, ASCF Enabled, ASAH Enabled
4=AHBM Auto High Beams, ASCF Disabled, ASAH Disabled
5=AHBM Auto High Beams, ASCF Disabled, ASAH Enabled
6=AHBM Auto High Beams, ASCF Enabled, ASAH Disabled
7=AHBM Auto High Beams, ASCF Enabled, ASAH Enabled
8=AHBM Glare Free High Beams, ASCF Disabled, ASAH Disabled
9=AHBM Glare Free High Beams, ASCF Disabled, ASAH Enabled
A=AHBM Glare Free High Beams, ASCF Enabled, ASAH Disabled
B=AHBM Glare Free High Beams, ASCF Enabled, ASAH Enabled
C=AHBM Adaptive Driving Beams, ASCF Disabled, ASAH Disabled
D=AHBM Adaptive Driving Beams, ASCF Disabled, ASAH Enabled
E=AHBM Adaptive Driving Beams, ASCF Enabled, ASAH Disabled
F=AHBM Adaptive Driving Beams, ASCF Enabled, ASAH Enabled
1=AHBM Disabled, ASCF Disabled, ASAH Enabled
2=AHBM Disabled, ASCF Enabled, ASAH Disabled
3=AHBM Disabled, ASCF Enabled, ASAH Enabled
4=AHBM Auto High Beams, ASCF Disabled, ASAH Disabled
5=AHBM Auto High Beams, ASCF Disabled, ASAH Enabled
6=AHBM Auto High Beams, ASCF Enabled, ASAH Disabled
7=AHBM Auto High Beams, ASCF Enabled, ASAH Enabled
8=AHBM Glare Free High Beams, ASCF Disabled, ASAH Disabled
9=AHBM Glare Free High Beams, ASCF Disabled, ASAH Enabled
A=AHBM Glare Free High Beams, ASCF Enabled, ASAH Disabled
B=AHBM Glare Free High Beams, ASCF Enabled, ASAH Enabled
C=AHBM Adaptive Driving Beams, ASCF Disabled, ASAH Disabled
D=AHBM Adaptive Driving Beams, ASCF Disabled, ASAH Enabled
E=AHBM Adaptive Driving Beams, ASCF Enabled, ASAH Disabled
F=AHBM Adaptive Driving Beams, ASCF Enabled, ASAH Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Blindspot Trailer Tow Lite (BTTL)
Passenger Airbag Settings (PAS)
mHEV Start Stop Threshold Control Function (MHEV)
Air SuspensiOn Cargo Loading SUMA (ASCL)DE08/7D0-09-03 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
Blindspot Trailer Tow Lite (BTTL)
Passenger Airbag Settings (PAS)
mHEV Start Stop Threshold Control Function (MHEV)
Air SuspensiOn Cargo Loading SUMA (ASCL)
Passenger Airbag Settings (PAS)
mHEV Start Stop Threshold Control Function (MHEV)
Air SuspensiOn Cargo Loading SUMA (ASCL)
DE08/7D0-09-03 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-03: xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
0=BTTL Disabled, PAS Disabled, MHEV Disabled, ASCL Disabled
1=BTTL Disabled, PAS Disabled, MHEV Disabled, ASCL Enabled
2=BTTL Disabled, PAS Disabled, MHEV Enabled, ASCL Disabled
3=BTTL Disabled, PAS Disabled, MHEV Enabled, ASCL Enabled
4=BTTL Disabled, PAS Enabled, MHEV Disabled, ASCL Disabled
5=BTTL Disabled, PAS Enabled, MHEV Disabled, ASCL Enabled
6=BTTL Disabled, PAS Enabled, MHEV Enabled, ASCL Disabled
7=BTTL Disabled, PAS Enabled, MHEV Enabled, ASCL Enabled
8=BTTL Enabled, PAS Disabled, MHEV Disabled, ASCL Disabled
9=BTTL Enabled, PAS Disabled, MHEV Disabled, ASCL Enabled
A=BTTL Enabled, PAS Disabled, MHEV Enabled, ASCL Disabled
B=BTTL Enabled, PAS Disabled, MHEV Enabled, ASCL Enabled
C=BTTL Enabled, PAS Enabled, MHEV Disabled, ASCL Disabled
D=BTTL Enabled, PAS Enabled, MHEV Disabled, ASCL Enabled
E=BTTL Enabled, PAS Enabled, MHEV Enabled, ASCL Disabled
F=BTTL Enabled, PAS Enabled, MHEV Enabled, ASCL Enabled
1=BTTL Disabled, PAS Disabled, MHEV Disabled, ASCL Enabled
2=BTTL Disabled, PAS Disabled, MHEV Enabled, ASCL Disabled
3=BTTL Disabled, PAS Disabled, MHEV Enabled, ASCL Enabled
4=BTTL Disabled, PAS Enabled, MHEV Disabled, ASCL Disabled
5=BTTL Disabled, PAS Enabled, MHEV Disabled, ASCL Enabled
6=BTTL Disabled, PAS Enabled, MHEV Enabled, ASCL Disabled
7=BTTL Disabled, PAS Enabled, MHEV Enabled, ASCL Enabled
8=BTTL Enabled, PAS Disabled, MHEV Disabled, ASCL Disabled
9=BTTL Enabled, PAS Disabled, MHEV Disabled, ASCL Enabled
A=BTTL Enabled, PAS Disabled, MHEV Enabled, ASCL Disabled
B=BTTL Enabled, PAS Disabled, MHEV Enabled, ASCL Enabled
C=BTTL Enabled, PAS Enabled, MHEV Disabled, ASCL Disabled
D=BTTL Enabled, PAS Enabled, MHEV Disabled, ASCL Enabled
E=BTTL Enabled, PAS Enabled, MHEV Enabled, ASCL Disabled
F=BTTL Enabled, PAS Enabled, MHEV Enabled, ASCL Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
(Reserved for Future Use)DE08/7D0-09-03 xxx-****-**xx
(Reserved for Future Use)
DE08/7D0-09-03 xxx-****-**xx
DE08/7D0-09-03: xxx-****-**xx
(Reserved for Future Use)DE08/7D0-09-04 ****-****-xxxx
(Reserved for Future Use)
DE08/7D0-09-04 ****-****-xxxx
DE08/7D0-09-04: ****-****-xxxx
Climate Auto Seats (CAS)
VR for Radio Tuner (Gen 4.1 radios only) [VRRT]
Driver Restriction Passenger Exception (DRPE)
Sync Help (SH)DE08/7D0-09-04 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
Climate Auto Seats (CAS)
VR for Radio Tuner (Gen 4.1 radios only) [VRRT]
Driver Restriction Passenger Exception (DRPE)
Sync Help (SH)
VR for Radio Tuner (Gen 4.1 radios only) [VRRT]
Driver Restriction Passenger Exception (DRPE)
Sync Help (SH)
DE08/7D0-09-04 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
DE08/7D0-09-04: xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
0=CAS Disabled, VRRT Disabled, DRPE Disabled, SH Disabled
1=CAS Disabled, VRRT Disabled, DRPE Disabled, SH Enabled
2=CAS Disabled, VRRT Disabled, DRPE Enabled, SH Disabled
3=CAS Disabled, VRRT Disabled, DRPE Enabled, SH Enabled
4=CAS Disabled, VRRT Enabled, DRPE Disabled, SH Disabled
5=CAS Disabled, VRRT Enabled, DRPE Disabled, SH Enabled
6=CAS Disabled, VRRT Enabled, DRPE Enabled, SH Disabled
7=CAS Disabled, VRRT Enabled, DRPE Enabled, SH Enabled
8=CAS Enabled, VRRT Disabled, DRPE Disabled, SH Disabled
9=CAS Enabled, VRRT Disabled, DRPE Disabled, SH Enabled
A=CAS Enabled, VRRT Disabled, DRPE Enabled, SH Disabled
B=CAS Enabled, VRRT Disabled, DRPE Enabled, SH Enabled
C=CAS Enabled, VRRT Enabled, DRPE Disabled, SH Disabled
D=CAS Enabled, VRRT Enabled, DRPE Disabled, SH Enabled
E=CAS Enabled, VRRT Enabled, DRPE Enabled, SH Disabled
F=CAS Enabled, VRRT Enabled, DRPE Enabled, SH Enabled
1=CAS Disabled, VRRT Disabled, DRPE Disabled, SH Enabled
2=CAS Disabled, VRRT Disabled, DRPE Enabled, SH Disabled
3=CAS Disabled, VRRT Disabled, DRPE Enabled, SH Enabled
4=CAS Disabled, VRRT Enabled, DRPE Disabled, SH Disabled
5=CAS Disabled, VRRT Enabled, DRPE Disabled, SH Enabled
6=CAS Disabled, VRRT Enabled, DRPE Enabled, SH Disabled
7=CAS Disabled, VRRT Enabled, DRPE Enabled, SH Enabled
8=CAS Enabled, VRRT Disabled, DRPE Disabled, SH Disabled
9=CAS Enabled, VRRT Disabled, DRPE Disabled, SH Enabled
A=CAS Enabled, VRRT Disabled, DRPE Enabled, SH Disabled
B=CAS Enabled, VRRT Disabled, DRPE Enabled, SH Enabled
C=CAS Enabled, VRRT Enabled, DRPE Disabled, SH Disabled
D=CAS Enabled, VRRT Enabled, DRPE Disabled, SH Enabled
E=CAS Enabled, VRRT Enabled, DRPE Enabled, SH Disabled
F=CAS Enabled, VRRT Enabled, DRPE Enabled, SH Enabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
Driver Restriction Passenger Exception (DRPE) enabled will allow the front seat passenger in a moving vehicle to operate the navigation and other restricted features.
Driver Restriction Passenger Exception (DRPE) enabled will allow the front seat passenger in a moving vehicle to operate the navigation and other restricted features.
Reduced Capability (RedCap)
Enhanced Station Browse (ESB) (AHU 4.1)
Rear Seat Occupant Alert (RSO)
AM Tuner (AMT)DE08/7D0-09-04 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
Reduced Capability (RedCap)
Enhanced Station Browse (ESB) (AHU 4.1)
Rear Seat Occupant Alert (RSO)
AM Tuner (AMT)
Enhanced Station Browse (ESB) (AHU 4.1)
Rear Seat Occupant Alert (RSO)
AM Tuner (AMT)
DE08/7D0-09-04 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
DE08/7D0-09-04: xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
0=Redcap Disabled, ESB Disabled, RSO Disabled, AMT Enabled
1=Redcap Disabled, ESB Disabled, RSO Disabled, AMT Disabled
2=Redcap Disabled, ESB Disabled, RSO Enabled, AMT Enabled
3=Redcap Disabled, ESB Disabled, RSO Enabled, AMT Disabled
4=Redcap Disabled, ESB Enabled, RSO Disabled, AMT Enabled
5=Redcap Disabled, ESB Enabled, RSO Disabled, AMT Disabled
6=Redcap Disabled, ESB Enabled, RSO Enabled, AMT Enabled
7=Redcap Disabled, ESB Enabled, RSO Enabled, AMT Disabled
8=Redcap Enabled, ESB Disabled, RSO Disabled, AMT Enabled
9=Redcap Enabled, ESB Disabled, RSO Disabled, AMT Disabled
A=Redcap Enabled, ESB Disabled, RSO Enabled, AMT Enabled
B=Redcap Enabled, ESB Disabled, RSO Enabled, AMT Disabled
C=Redcap Enabled, ESB Enabled, RSO Disabled, AMT Enabled
D=Redcap Enabled, ESB Enabled, RSO Disabled, AMT Disabled
E=Redcap Enabled, ESB Enabled, RSO Enabled, AMT Enabled
F=Redcap Enabled, ESB Enabled, RSO Enabled, AMT Disabled
1=Redcap Disabled, ESB Disabled, RSO Disabled, AMT Disabled
2=Redcap Disabled, ESB Disabled, RSO Enabled, AMT Enabled
3=Redcap Disabled, ESB Disabled, RSO Enabled, AMT Disabled
4=Redcap Disabled, ESB Enabled, RSO Disabled, AMT Enabled
5=Redcap Disabled, ESB Enabled, RSO Disabled, AMT Disabled
6=Redcap Disabled, ESB Enabled, RSO Enabled, AMT Enabled
7=Redcap Disabled, ESB Enabled, RSO Enabled, AMT Disabled
8=Redcap Enabled, ESB Disabled, RSO Disabled, AMT Enabled
9=Redcap Enabled, ESB Disabled, RSO Disabled, AMT Disabled
A=Redcap Enabled, ESB Disabled, RSO Enabled, AMT Enabled
B=Redcap Enabled, ESB Disabled, RSO Enabled, AMT Disabled
C=Redcap Enabled, ESB Enabled, RSO Disabled, AMT Enabled
D=Redcap Enabled, ESB Enabled, RSO Disabled, AMT Disabled
E=Redcap Enabled, ESB Enabled, RSO Enabled, AMT Enabled
F=Redcap Enabled, ESB Enabled, RSO Enabled, AMT Disabled
7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E*
AM Tuner (AMT) setting will add or remove the AM selection button from Sync 3.
AM Tuner (AMT) setting will add or remove the AM selection button from Sync 3.
The data contained in this database applies to the Sync 3 APIM with Sync 3 V3.4.*. There may be differences due to APIM vintage, vehicle model, and region.
Asbuilt data 7D0-09-xx generally requires APIM Strategy firmware 1U5T-14G374-E* to be active.
Decode your own AsBuilt file
To begin either upload your own AsBuilt file or search out database below
Supported Filetypes
ForScan .ABT
ETIS AsBuilt
APIM AsBuilt Decoder by consp
Converted for web by moderator Jiminald!

Ford F-150 Platinum FX-4 (2015)
United States, Canada & Mexico
Electronics/Electrical Engineer, MSEE
Joined 4 July 2020