SCCM (2011-2019) Database
Rear Wiper Switch Present (RWS)
Lane Departure Enabled (LD)
Stalk Heated Wash Present Config (SHW)
Headlamp Switch Config (HS)724-01-01 *xxx-xxxx-xx
Rear Wiper Switch Present (RWS)
Lane Departure Enabled (LD)
Stalk Heated Wash Present Config (SHW)
Headlamp Switch Config (HS)
Lane Departure Enabled (LD)
Stalk Heated Wash Present Config (SHW)
Headlamp Switch Config (HS)
724-01-01 *xxx-xxxx-xx
724-01-01: *xxx-xxxx-xx
0=RWS Disabled, LD Disabled, SHW Disabled, HS Disabled
1=RWS Disabled, LD Disabled, SHW Disabled, HS Enabled
2=RWS Disabled, LD Disabled, SHW Enabled, HS Disabled
3=RWS Disabled, LD Disabled, SHW Enabled, HS Enabled
4=RWS Disabled, LD Enabled, SHW Disabled, HS Disabled
5=RWS Disabled, LD Enabled, SHW Disabled, HS Enabled
6=RWS Disabled, LD Enabled, SHW Enabled, HS Disabled
7=RWS Disabled, LD Enabled, SHW Enabled, HS Enabled
8=RWS Enabled, LD Disabled, SHW Disabled, HS Disabled
9=RWS Enabled, LD Disabled, SHW Disabled, HS Enabled
A=RWS Enabled, LD Disabled, SHW Enabled, HS Disabled
B=RWS Enabled, LD Disabled, SHW Enabled, HS Enabled
C=RWS Enabled, LD Enabled, SHW Disabled, HS Disabled
D=RWS Enabled, LD Enabled, SHW Disabled, HS Enabled
E=RWS Enabled, LD Enabled, SHW Enabled, HS Disabled
F=RWS Enabled, LD Enabled, SHW Enabled, HS Enabled
1=RWS Disabled, LD Disabled, SHW Disabled, HS Enabled
2=RWS Disabled, LD Disabled, SHW Enabled, HS Disabled
3=RWS Disabled, LD Disabled, SHW Enabled, HS Enabled
4=RWS Disabled, LD Enabled, SHW Disabled, HS Disabled
5=RWS Disabled, LD Enabled, SHW Disabled, HS Enabled
6=RWS Disabled, LD Enabled, SHW Enabled, HS Disabled
7=RWS Disabled, LD Enabled, SHW Enabled, HS Enabled
8=RWS Enabled, LD Disabled, SHW Disabled, HS Disabled
9=RWS Enabled, LD Disabled, SHW Disabled, HS Enabled
A=RWS Enabled, LD Disabled, SHW Enabled, HS Disabled
B=RWS Enabled, LD Disabled, SHW Enabled, HS Enabled
C=RWS Enabled, LD Enabled, SHW Disabled, HS Disabled
D=RWS Enabled, LD Enabled, SHW Disabled, HS Enabled
E=RWS Enabled, LD Enabled, SHW Enabled, HS Disabled
F=RWS Enabled, LD Enabled, SHW Enabled, HS Enabled
Dim Switch Config724-01-01 x*xx-xxxx-xx
Dim Switch Config
724-01-01 x*xx-xxxx-xx
724-01-01: x*xx-xxxx-xx
RSAS Present Config (RS)
ASAS Present Config (AS)
No SAS Present Config (NS)
Power Pedal Config (PP)724-01-01 xx*x-xxxx-xx
RSAS Present Config (RS)
ASAS Present Config (AS)
No SAS Present Config (NS)
Power Pedal Config (PP)
ASAS Present Config (AS)
No SAS Present Config (NS)
Power Pedal Config (PP)
724-01-01 xx*x-xxxx-xx
724-01-01: xx*x-xxxx-xx
0=RS Disabled, AS Disabled, NS Disabled, PP Disabled
1=RS Disabled, AS Disabled, NS Disabled, PP Enabled
2=RS Disabled, AS Disabled, NS Enabled, PP Disabled
3=RS Disabled, AS Disabled, NS Enabled, PP Enabled
4=RS Disabled, AS Enabled, NS Disabled, PP Disabled
5=RS Disabled, AS Enabled, NS Disabled, PP Enabled
6=RS Disabled, AS Enabled, NS Enabled, PP Disabled
7=RS Disabled, AS Enabled, NS Enabled, PP Enabled
8=RS Enabled, AS Disabled, NS Disabled, PP Disabled
9=RS Enabled, AS Disabled, NS Disabled, PP Enabled
A=RS Enabled, AS Disabled, NS Enabled, PP Disabled
B=RS Enabled, AS Disabled, NS Enabled, PP Enabled
C=RS Enabled, AS Enabled, NS Disabled, PP Disabled
D=RS Enabled, AS Enabled, NS Disabled, PP Enabled
E=RS Enabled, AS Enabled, NS Enabled, PP Disabled
F=RS Enabled, AS Enabled, NS Enabled, PP Enabled
1=RS Disabled, AS Disabled, NS Disabled, PP Enabled
2=RS Disabled, AS Disabled, NS Enabled, PP Disabled
3=RS Disabled, AS Disabled, NS Enabled, PP Enabled
4=RS Disabled, AS Enabled, NS Disabled, PP Disabled
5=RS Disabled, AS Enabled, NS Disabled, PP Enabled
6=RS Disabled, AS Enabled, NS Enabled, PP Disabled
7=RS Disabled, AS Enabled, NS Enabled, PP Enabled
8=RS Enabled, AS Disabled, NS Disabled, PP Disabled
9=RS Enabled, AS Disabled, NS Disabled, PP Enabled
A=RS Enabled, AS Disabled, NS Enabled, PP Disabled
B=RS Enabled, AS Disabled, NS Enabled, PP Enabled
C=RS Enabled, AS Enabled, NS Disabled, PP Disabled
D=RS Enabled, AS Enabled, NS Disabled, PP Enabled
E=RS Enabled, AS Enabled, NS Enabled, PP Disabled
F=RS Enabled, AS Enabled, NS Enabled, PP Enabled
SAS = Steering Angle Sensor
Tilt Config
Tele Config
Hall Sensors Present (HS)724-01-01 xxx*-xxxx-xx
Tilt Config
Tele Config
Hall Sensors Present (HS)
Tele Config
Hall Sensors Present (HS)
724-01-01 xxx*-xxxx-xx
724-01-01: xxx*-xxxx-xx
0=Tilt Disabled, Tele Disabled, HS Disabled
2=Tilt Disabled, Tele Disabled, HS Enabled
4=Tilt Disabled, Tele Enabled, HS Disabled
6=Tilt Disabled, Tele Enabled, HS Enabled
8=Tilt Enabled, Tele Disabled, HS Disabled
A=Tilt Enabled, Tele Disabled, HS Enabled
C=Tilt Enabled, Tele Enabled, HS Disabled
E=Tilt Enabled, Tele Enabled, HS Enabled
2=Tilt Disabled, Tele Disabled, HS Enabled
4=Tilt Disabled, Tele Enabled, HS Disabled
6=Tilt Disabled, Tele Enabled, HS Enabled
8=Tilt Enabled, Tele Disabled, HS Disabled
A=Tilt Enabled, Tele Disabled, HS Enabled
C=Tilt Enabled, Tele Enabled, HS Disabled
E=Tilt Enabled, Tele Enabled, HS Enabled
EE Tilt Enable Config
EE Tele Enable Config
EE Pedal Enable Config724-01-01 xxxx-*xxx-xx
EE Tilt Enable Config
EE Tele Enable Config
EE Pedal Enable Config
EE Tele Enable Config
EE Pedal Enable Config
724-01-01 xxxx-*xxx-xx
724-01-01: xxxx-*xxx-xx
0=EE Tilt Disabled, EE Tele Disabled, EE Pedal Disabled
2=EE Tilt Disabled, EE Tele Disabled, EE Pedal Enabled
4=EE Tilt Disabled, EE Tele Enabled, EE Pedal Disabled
6=EE Tilt Disabled, EE Tele Enabled, EE Pedal Enabled
8=EE Tilt Enabled, EE Tele Disabled, EE Pedal Disabled
A=EE Tilt Enabled, EE Tele Disabled, EE Pedal Enabled
C=EE Tilt Enabled, EE Tele Enabled, EE Pedal Disabled
E=EE Tilt Enabled, EE Tele Enabled, EE Pedal Enabled
2=EE Tilt Disabled, EE Tele Disabled, EE Pedal Enabled
4=EE Tilt Disabled, EE Tele Enabled, EE Pedal Disabled
6=EE Tilt Disabled, EE Tele Enabled, EE Pedal Enabled
8=EE Tilt Enabled, EE Tele Disabled, EE Pedal Disabled
A=EE Tilt Enabled, EE Tele Disabled, EE Pedal Enabled
C=EE Tilt Enabled, EE Tele Enabled, EE Pedal Disabled
E=EE Tilt Enabled, EE Tele Enabled, EE Pedal Enabled
Cancel Blink Number
Electronic Turn Signal Cancel Config (On Until Cancelled (OUC))724-01-01 xxxx-x*xx-xx
Cancel Blink Number
Electronic Turn Signal Cancel Config (On Until Cancelled (OUC))
Electronic Turn Signal Cancel Config (On Until Cancelled (OUC))
724-01-01 xxxx-x*xx-xx
724-01-01: xxxx-x*xx-xx
0=0 Flash, OUC False
1=0 Flash, OUC True
2=1 Flash, OUC False
3=1 Flash, OUC True
4=2 Flashes, OUC False
5=2 Flashes, OUC True
6=3 Flashes, OUC False
7=3 Flashes, OUC True
8=4 Flashes, OUC False
9=4 Flashes, OUC True
A=5 Flashes, OUC False
B=5 Flashes, OUC True
C=6 Flashes, OUC False
D=6 Flashes, OUC True
E=7 Flashes, OUC False
F=7 Flashes, OUC True
1=0 Flash, OUC True
2=1 Flash, OUC False
3=1 Flash, OUC True
4=2 Flashes, OUC False
5=2 Flashes, OUC True
6=3 Flashes, OUC False
7=3 Flashes, OUC True
8=4 Flashes, OUC False
9=4 Flashes, OUC True
A=5 Flashes, OUC False
B=5 Flashes, OUC True
C=6 Flashes, OUC False
D=6 Flashes, OUC True
E=7 Flashes, OUC False
F=7 Flashes, OUC True
Trailer will add 2 additional flashes when attached.
Cancel Yaw Rate Config724-01-01 xxxx-xx**-xx
Cancel Yaw Rate Config
724-01-01 xxxx-xx**-xx
724-01-01: xxxx-xx**-xx
Cancel Yaw Rate Cfg
HaveBeenLIN Config (HBL)
SCM Speed Dependant Enabled (SD)
SCM Neutral Disabled AutoWipe (NDAW)
SCM Init AutoWipe on Reset (AWR)724-02-01 *xxx-xxxx-xx
HaveBeenLIN Config (HBL)
SCM Speed Dependant Enabled (SD)
SCM Neutral Disabled AutoWipe (NDAW)
SCM Init AutoWipe on Reset (AWR)
SCM Speed Dependant Enabled (SD)
SCM Neutral Disabled AutoWipe (NDAW)
SCM Init AutoWipe on Reset (AWR)
724-02-01 *xxx-xxxx-xx
724-02-01: *xxx-xxxx-xx
0=HBL False, SD False, NDAW False, AWR False
1=HBL False, SD False, NDAW False, AWR True
2=HBL False, SD False, NDAW True, AWR False
3=HBL False, SD False, NDAW True, AWR True
4=HBL False, SD True, NDAW False, AWR False
5=HBL False, SD True, NDAW False, AWR True
6=HBL False, SD True, NDAW True, AWR False
7=HBL False, SD True, NDAW True, AWR True
8=HBL True, SD False, NDAW False, AWR False
9=HBL True, SD False, NDAW False, AWR True
A=HBL True, SD False, NDAW True, AWR False
B=HBL True, SD False, NDAW True, AWR True
C=HBL True, SD True, NDAW False, AWR False
D=HBL True, SD True, NDAW False, AWR True
E=HBL True, SD True, NDAW True, AWR False
F=HBL True, SD True, NDAW True, AWR True
1=HBL False, SD False, NDAW False, AWR True
2=HBL False, SD False, NDAW True, AWR False
3=HBL False, SD False, NDAW True, AWR True
4=HBL False, SD True, NDAW False, AWR False
5=HBL False, SD True, NDAW False, AWR True
6=HBL False, SD True, NDAW True, AWR False
7=HBL False, SD True, NDAW True, AWR True
8=HBL True, SD False, NDAW False, AWR False
9=HBL True, SD False, NDAW False, AWR True
A=HBL True, SD False, NDAW True, AWR False
B=HBL True, SD False, NDAW True, AWR True
C=HBL True, SD True, NDAW False, AWR False
D=HBL True, SD True, NDAW False, AWR True
E=HBL True, SD True, NDAW True, AWR False
F=HBL True, SD True, NDAW True, AWR True
SCM Init Off To AutoWipe (OTAW)
SCM Rear Wipe Liftgate Ajar Enabled (WLA)
SCM Load Shed Heat Wash (LSHW)
SCM Load Shed Volt Heat Wash (LSVHW)724-02-01 x*xx-xxxx-xx
SCM Init Off To AutoWipe (OTAW)
SCM Rear Wipe Liftgate Ajar Enabled (WLA)
SCM Load Shed Heat Wash (LSHW)
SCM Load Shed Volt Heat Wash (LSVHW)
SCM Rear Wipe Liftgate Ajar Enabled (WLA)
SCM Load Shed Heat Wash (LSHW)
SCM Load Shed Volt Heat Wash (LSVHW)
724-02-01 x*xx-xxxx-xx
724-02-01: x*xx-xxxx-xx
0=OTAW False, WLA False, LSHW False, LSVHW False
1=OTAW False, WLA False, LSHW False LSVHW True
2=OTAW False, WLA False, LSHW True LSVHW False
3=OTAW False, WLA False, LSHW True LSVHW True
4=OTAW False, WLA True, LSHW False LSVHW False
5=OTAW False, WLA True, LSHW False LSVHW True
6=OTAW False, WLA True, LSHW True LSVHW False
7=OTAW False, WLA True, LSHW True LSVHW True
8=OTAW True, WLA False, LSHW False LSVHW False
9=OTAW True, WLA False, LSHW False LSVHW True
A=OTAW True, WLA False, LSHW True LSVHW False
B=OTAW True, WLA False, LSHW True LSVHW True
C=OTWA True, WLA True, LSHW False LSVHW False
D=OTWA True, WLA True, LSHW False LSVHW True
E=OTWA True, WLA True, LSHW True LSVHW False
F=OTWA True, WLA True, LSHW True LSVHW True
1=OTAW False, WLA False, LSHW False LSVHW True
2=OTAW False, WLA False, LSHW True LSVHW False
3=OTAW False, WLA False, LSHW True LSVHW True
4=OTAW False, WLA True, LSHW False LSVHW False
5=OTAW False, WLA True, LSHW False LSVHW True
6=OTAW False, WLA True, LSHW True LSVHW False
7=OTAW False, WLA True, LSHW True LSVHW True
8=OTAW True, WLA False, LSHW False LSVHW False
9=OTAW True, WLA False, LSHW False LSVHW True
A=OTAW True, WLA False, LSHW True LSVHW False
B=OTAW True, WLA False, LSHW True LSVHW True
C=OTWA True, WLA True, LSHW False LSVHW False
D=OTWA True, WLA True, LSHW False LSVHW True
E=OTWA True, WLA True, LSHW True LSVHW False
F=OTWA True, WLA True, LSHW True LSVHW True
SCM Rear Wipe Time724-02-01 xx*x-xxxx-xx
SCM Rear Wipe Time
724-02-01 xx*x-xxxx-xx
724-02-01: xx*x-xxxx-xx
SCM Rain Sensor ID724-02-01 xxx*-xxxx-xx
SCM Rain Sensor ID
724-02-01 xxx*-xxxx-xx
724-02-01: xxx*-xxxx-xx
SCM Rain Sensor ID
SCM Courtesy Wipe Time (CWT)
SCM Wash Before Wipe Time (WBWT)724-02-01 xxxx-*xxx-xx
SCM Courtesy Wipe Time (CWT)
SCM Wash Before Wipe Time (WBWT)
SCM Wash Before Wipe Time (WBWT)
724-02-01 xxxx-*xxx-xx
724-02-01: xxxx-*xxx-xx
0=CWT 1 sec, WBWT 100ms
1=CWT 1 sec, WBWT 250ms
2=CWT 1 sec, WBWT 400ms
3=CWT 1 sec, WBWT 550ms
4=CWT 2 sec, WBWT 100ms
5=CWT 2 sec, WBWT 250ms
6=CWT 2 sec, WBWT 400ms
7=CWT 2 sec, WBWT 550ms
8=CWT 3 sec, WBWT 100ms
9=CWT 3 sec, WBWT 250ms
A=CWT 3 sec, WBWT 400ms
B=CWT 3 sec, WBWT 550ms
C=CWT 4 sec, WBWT 100ms
D=CWT 4 sec, WBWT 250ms
E=CWT 4 sec, WBWT 400ms
F=CWT 4 sec, WBWT 550ms
1=CWT 1 sec, WBWT 250ms
2=CWT 1 sec, WBWT 400ms
3=CWT 1 sec, WBWT 550ms
4=CWT 2 sec, WBWT 100ms
5=CWT 2 sec, WBWT 250ms
6=CWT 2 sec, WBWT 400ms
7=CWT 2 sec, WBWT 550ms
8=CWT 3 sec, WBWT 100ms
9=CWT 3 sec, WBWT 250ms
A=CWT 3 sec, WBWT 400ms
B=CWT 3 sec, WBWT 550ms
C=CWT 4 sec, WBWT 100ms
D=CWT 4 sec, WBWT 250ms
E=CWT 4 sec, WBWT 400ms
F=CWT 4 sec, WBWT 550ms
SFWM Present
RSM Present
HWM Present724-02-01 xxxx-x*xx-xx
SFWM Present
RSM Present
HWM Present
RSM Present
HWM Present
724-02-01 xxxx-x*xx-xx
724-02-01: xxxx-x*xx-xx
0=SFWM Disabled, RSM Disabled, HWM Disabled
2=SFWM Disabled, RSM Disabled, HWM Enabled
4=SFWM Disabled, RSM Enabled, HWM Disabled
6=SFWM Disabled, RSM Enabled, HWM Enabled
8=SFWM Enabled, RSM Disabled, HWM Disabled
A=SFWM Enabled, RSM Disabled, HWM Enabled
C=SFWM Enabled, RSM Enabled, HWM Disabled
E=SFWM Enabled, RSM Enabled, HWM Enabled
2=SFWM Disabled, RSM Disabled, HWM Enabled
4=SFWM Disabled, RSM Enabled, HWM Disabled
6=SFWM Disabled, RSM Enabled, HWM Enabled
8=SFWM Enabled, RSM Disabled, HWM Disabled
A=SFWM Enabled, RSM Disabled, HWM Enabled
C=SFWM Enabled, RSM Enabled, HWM Disabled
E=SFWM Enabled, RSM Enabled, HWM Enabled
SCM Rear Wipe Reverse Wipe (WRW)
SCM Rain Sensing Enabled (RS)
SCM Courtesy Wipe Enabled (CW)724-02-01 xxxx-xx*x-xx
SCM Rear Wipe Reverse Wipe (WRW)
SCM Rain Sensing Enabled (RS)
SCM Courtesy Wipe Enabled (CW)
SCM Rain Sensing Enabled (RS)
SCM Courtesy Wipe Enabled (CW)
724-02-01 xxxx-xx*x-xx
724-02-01: xxxx-xx*x-xx
0=WRW Disabled, RS Disabled, CW Disabled
2=WRW Disabled, RS Disabled, CW Enabled
4=WRW Disabled, RS Enabled, CW Disabled
6=WRW Disabled, RS Enabled, CW Enabled
8=WRW Enabled, RS Disabled, CW Disabled
A=WRW Enabled, RS Disabled, CW Enabled
C=WRW Enabled, RS Enabled, CW Disabled
E=WRW Enabled, RS Enabled, CW Enabled
2=WRW Disabled, RS Disabled, CW Enabled
4=WRW Disabled, RS Enabled, CW Disabled
6=WRW Disabled, RS Enabled, CW Enabled
8=WRW Enabled, RS Disabled, CW Disabled
A=WRW Enabled, RS Disabled, CW Enabled
C=WRW Enabled, RS Enabled, CW Disabled
E=WRW Enabled, RS Enabled, CW Enabled
Not Used724-02-01 xxxx-xxx*-xx
Not Used
724-02-01 xxxx-xxx*-xx
724-02-01: xxxx-xxx*-xx
Not Used
Steering Wheel Switch Left Hand Config724-03-01 **xx-xxxx-xx
Steering Wheel Switch Left Hand Config
724-03-01 **xx-xxxx-xx
724-03-01: **xx-xxxx-xx
00=Analog Config/Unknown/Not Used
01=Ford High
02=Ford Base
03=Lincoln High
04=Lincoln Base
05=Legacy With OK
06=Legacy Phone Only
07=Legacy No MGM
01=Ford High
02=Ford Base
03=Lincoln High
04=Lincoln Base
05=Legacy With OK
06=Legacy Phone Only
07=Legacy No MGM
Steering Wheel Switch Right Hand Config724-03-01 xx**-xxxx-xx
Steering Wheel Switch Right Hand Config
724-03-01 xx**-xxxx-xx
724-03-01: xx**-xxxx-xx
00=Analog Config/Unknown/Not Used
01=Ford High
02=Ford Base
03=Lincoln High
04=Lincoln Base
05=Legacy With OK
06=Legacy Phone Only
07=Legacy No MGM
01=Ford High
02=Ford Base
03=Lincoln High
04=Lincoln Base
05=Legacy With OK
06=Legacy Phone Only
07=Legacy No MGM
AHBC Status Timer724-03-01 xxxx-**xx-xx
AHBC Status Timer
724-03-01 xxxx-**xx-xx
724-03-01: xxxx-**xx-xx
AHBC Status Timer
Encoder Tolerance724-03-01 xxxx-xx**-xx
Encoder Tolerance
724-03-01 xxxx-xx**-xx
724-03-01: xxxx-xx**-xx
Encoder Tolerance
Motor Delay Timer Config724-04-01 ****-xxxx-xx
Motor Delay Timer Config
724-04-01 ****-xxxx-xx
724-04-01: ****-xxxx-xx
Motor Delay Timer Cfg (ms)
Tilt Motor Stall Time Limit Config724-04-01 xxxx-****-xx
Tilt Motor Stall Time Limit Config
724-04-01 xxxx-****-xx
724-04-01: xxxx-****-xx
Tilt Motor Stall Time Limit Cfg (ms)
Tele Motor Stall Time Limit Config724-05-01 ****-xxxx-xx
Tele Motor Stall Time Limit Config
724-05-01 ****-xxxx-xx
724-05-01: ****-xxxx-xx
Tele Motor Stall Time Limit Cfg (ms)
Pedal Motor Stall Time Limit Config724-05-01 xxxx-****-xx
Pedal Motor Stall Time Limit Config
724-05-01 xxxx-****-xx
724-05-01: xxxx-****-xx
Pedal Motor Stall Time Limit Cfg (ms)
Pedal Motor Stall Current Config724-06-01 ****-xxxx-xx
Pedal Motor Stall Current Config
724-06-01 ****-xxxx-xx
724-06-01: ****-xxxx-xx
Pedal Motor Stall Current Cfg
Tilt Motor Stall Current Config724-06-01 xxxx-****-xx
Tilt Motor Stall Current Config
724-06-01 xxxx-****-xx
724-06-01: xxxx-****-xx
Tilt Motor Stall Current Cfg
Tele Motor Stall Current Config724-07-01 ****-xxxx-xx
Tele Motor Stall Current Config
724-07-01 ****-xxxx-xx
724-07-01: ****-xxxx-xx
Tele Motor Stall Current Cfg
DTC Mask Byte 0 (mask)724-07-01 xxxx-**xx-xx
DTC Mask Byte 0 (mask)
724-07-01 xxxx-**xx-xx
724-07-01: xxxx-**xx-xx
DTC Mask Byte 0 (mask)
DTC Mask Byte 1 (mask)724-07-01 xxxx-xx**-xx
DTC Mask Byte 1 (mask)
724-07-01 xxxx-xx**-xx
724-07-01: xxxx-xx**-xx
DTC Mask Byte 1 (mask)
DTC Mask Byte 2 (mask)724-08-01 **xx-xxxx-xx
DTC Mask Byte 2 (mask)
724-08-01 **xx-xxxx-xx
724-08-01: **xx-xxxx-xx
DTC Mask Byte 2 (mask)
DTC Mask Byte 3 (mask)724-08-01 xx**-xxxx-xx
DTC Mask Byte 3 (mask)
724-08-01 xx**-xxxx-xx
724-08-01: xx**-xxxx-xx
DTC Mask Byte 3 (mask)
DTC Mask Byte 4 (mask)724-08-01 xxxx-**xx-xx
DTC Mask Byte 4 (mask)
724-08-01 xxxx-**xx-xx
724-08-01: xxxx-**xx-xx
DTC Mask Byte 4 (mask)
DTC Mask Byte 5 (mask)724-08-01 xxxx-xx**-xx
DTC Mask Byte 5 (mask)
724-08-01 xxxx-xx**-xx
724-08-01: xxxx-xx**-xx
DTC Mask Byte 5 (mask)
DTC Mask Byte 6 (mask)724-09-01 **xx-xxxx-xx
DTC Mask Byte 6 (mask)
724-09-01 **xx-xxxx-xx
724-09-01: **xx-xxxx-xx
DTC Mask Byte 6 (mask)
DTC Mask Byte 7 (mask)724-09-01 xx**-xxxx-xx
DTC Mask Byte 7 (mask)
724-09-01 xx**-xxxx-xx
724-09-01: xx**-xxxx-xx
DTC Mask Byte 7 (mask)
DTC Mask Byte 8 (mask)724-09-01 xxxx-**xx-xx
DTC Mask Byte 8 (mask)
724-09-01 xxxx-**xx-xx
724-09-01: xxxx-**xx-xx
DTC Mask Byte 8 (mask)
DTC Mask Byte 9 (mask)724-09-01 xxxx-xx**-xx
DTC Mask Byte 9 (mask)
724-09-01 xxxx-xx**-xx
724-09-01: xxxx-xx**-xx
DTC Mask Byte 9 (mask)
The data contained in this database applies to Steering Column Control Module (SCCM) for 2011-2019 CGEA 1.2 Ford/Lincoln vehicles. There may be differences due to vehicle model, firmware revision, and region.
Part Numbers: ****-3F944-**.
Applicable models: BC3T-*, EL3T-*, etc.

Ford F-150 Platinum FX-4 (2015)
United States, Canada & Mexico
Electronics/Electrical Engineer, MSEE
Joined 4 July 2020