IPC Visteon L3 Database

# of Fuel Senders
AEIS Without Override (Regulatory - CARB)
720-01-01 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx


720-01-01: *xxx-xxxx-xxxx


0=1 Sender, 2WD, AEIS Disabled
1=1 Sender, 2WD, AEIS Enabled
2=1 Sender, 4WD, AEIS Disabled
3=1 Sender, 4WD, AEIS Enabled
4=1 Sender, AWD, AEIS Disabled
5=1 Sender, AWD, AEIS Enabled
6=1 Sender, Not Used, AEIS Disabled
7=1 Sender, Not Used, AEIS Enabled
8=2 Senders, 2WD, AEIS Disabled
9=2 Senders, 2WD, AEIS Enabled
A=2 Senders, 4WD, AEIS Disabled
B=2 Senders, 4WD, AEIS Enabled
C=2 Senders, AWD, AEIS Disabled
D=2 Senders, AWD, AEIS Enabled
E=2 Senders, Not Used, AEIS Disabled
F=2 Senders, Not Used, AEIS Enabled

Auto Engine Idle Shutdown (AEIS) With Override
ABS Config
ACC Menu Config
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)
720-01-01 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx


720-01-01: x*xx-xxxx-xxxx


0=AEIS Disabled, ABS Disabled, ACC Menu Disabled, ACC Disabled
1=AEIS Disabled, ABS Disabled, ACC Menu Disabled, ACC Enabled
2=AEIS Disabled, ABS Disabled, ACC Menu Enabled, ACC Disabled
3=AEIS Disabled, ABS Disabled, ACC Menu Enabled, ACC Enabled
4=AEIS Disabled, ABS Enabled, ACC Menu Disabled, ACC Disabled
5=AEIS Disabled, ABS Enabled, ACC Menu Disabled, ACC Enabled
6=AEIS Disabled, ABS Enabled, ACC Menu Enabled, ACC Disabled
7=AEIS Disabled, ABS Enabled, ACC Menu Enabled, ACC Enabled
8=AEIS Enabled, ABS Disabled, ACC Menu Disabled, ACC Disabled
9=AEIS Enabled, ABS Disabled, ACC Menu Disabled, ACC Enabled
A=AEIS Enabled, ABS Disabled, ACC Menu Enabled, ACC Disabled
B=AEIS Enabled, ABS Disabled, ACC Menu Enabled, ACC Enabled
C=AEIS Enabled, ABS Enabled, ACC Menu Disabled, ACC Disabled
D=AEIS Enabled, ABS Enabled, ACC Menu Disabled, ACC Enabled
E=AEIS Enabled, ABS Enabled, ACC Menu Enabled, ACC Disabled
F=AEIS Enabled, ABS Enabled, ACC Menu Enabled, ACC Enabled

Adaptive Head Lamps Control (AHL)
Adjustable Speed Limiting Device (ASLD)
AdvanceTrac Control (AC)
AFE Metric Display Type
720-01-01 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx


720-01-01: xx*x-xxxx-xxxx


0=AHL Disabled, ASLD Disabled, AC Disabled, AFE L/100km
1=AHL Disabled, ASLD Disabled, AC Disabled, AFE km/L
2=AHL Disabled, ASLD Disabled, AC Enabled, AFE L/100km
3=AHL Disabled, ASLD Disabled, AC Enabled, AFE km/L
4=AHL Disabled, ASLD Enabled, AC Disabled, AFE L/100km
5=AHL Disabled, ASLD Enabled, AC Disabled, AFE km/L
6=AHL Disabled, ASLD Enabled, AC Enabled, AFE L/100km
7=AHL Disabled, ASLD Enabled, AC Enabled, AFE km/L
8=AHL Enabled, ASLD Disabled, AC Disabled, AFE L/100km
9=AHL Enabled, ASLD Disabled, AC Disabled, AFE km/L
A=AHL Enabled, ASLD Disabled, AC Enabled, AFE L/100km
B=AHL Enabled, ASLD Disabled, AC Enabled, AFE km/L
C=AHL Enabled, ASLD Enabled, AC Disabled, AFE L/100km
D=AHL Enabled, ASLD Enabled, AC Disabled, AFE km/L
E=AHL Enabled, ASLD Enabled, AC Enabled, AFE L/100km
F=AHL Enabled, ASLD Enabled, AC Enabled, AFE km/L

AdvanceTrac Hardbutton Control (AHC)
AutoHighBeam Control (AHB)
Autolamp Delay (AD)
Autolock Control (AC)
720-01-01 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx


720-01-01: xxx*-xxxx-xxxx


0=AHC Disabled, AHB Disabled, AD Disabled, AC Disabled
1=AHC Disabled, AHB Disabled, AD Disabled, AC Enabled
2=AHC Disabled, AHB Disabled, AD Enabled, AC Disabled
3=AHC Disabled, AHB Disabled, AD Enabled, AC Enabled
4=AHC Disabled, AHB Enabled, AD Disabled, AC Disabled
5=AHC Disabled, AHB Enabled, AD Disabled, AC Enabled
6=AHC Disabled, AHB Enabled, AD Enabled, AC Disabled
7=AHC Disabled, AHB Enabled, AD Enabled, AC Enabled
8=AHC Enabled, AHB Disabled, AD Disabled, AC Disabled
9=AHC Enabled, AHB Disabled, AD Disabled, AC Enabled
A=AHC Enabled, AHB Disabled, AD Enabled, AC Disabled
B=AHC Enabled, AHB Disabled, AD Enabled, AC Enabled
C=AHC Enabled, AHB Enabled, AD Disabled, AC Disabled
D=AHC Enabled, AHB Enabled, AD Disabled, AC Enabled
E=AHC Enabled, AHB Enabled, AD Enabled, AC Disabled
F=AHC Enabled, AHB Enabled, AD Enabled, AC Enabled

Adaptive Headlamps Traffic (AHT)
Auto Relock (AR)
Auto Stop Start (ASS)
Auto Unlock Control (AUC)
720-01-01 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx


720-01-01: xxxx-*xxx-xxxx


0=AHT Disabled, AR Disabled, ASS Disabled, AUC Disabled
1=AHT Disabled, AR Disabled, ASS Disabled, AUC Enabled
2=AHT Disabled, AR Disabled, ASS Enabled, AUC Disabled
3=AHT Disabled, AR Disabled, ASS Enabled, AUC Enabled
4=AHT Disabled, AR Enabled, ASS Disabled, AUC Disabled
5=AHT Disabled, AR Enabled, ASS Disabled, AUC Enabled
6=AHT Disabled, AR Enabled, ASS Enabled, AUC Disabled
7=AHT Disabled, AR Enabled, ASS Enabled, AUC Enabled
8=AHT Enabled, AR Disabled, ASS Disabled, AUC Disabled
9=AHT Enabled, AR Disabled, ASS Disabled, AUC Enabled
A=AHT Enabled, AR Disabled, ASS Enabled, AUC Disabled
B=AHT Enabled, AR Disabled, ASS Enabled, AUC Enabled
C=AHT Enabled, AR Enabled, ASS Disabled, AUC Disabled
D=AHT Enabled, AR Enabled, ASS Disabled, AUC Enabled
E=AHT Enabled, AR Enabled, ASS Enabled, AUC Disabled
F=AHT Enabled, AR Enabled, ASS Enabled, AUC Enabled

Avg Speed RPM (ASR)
Avg Speed Display (ASD)
AWD Gauge Feature (AGF)
ECO Speed Control (ESC)
720-01-01 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx


720-01-01: xxxx-x*xx-xxxx


0=ASR Disabled, ASD Disabled, AGF Disabled, ESC Disabled
1=ASR Disabled, ASD Disabled, AGF Disabled, ESC Enabled
2=ASR Disabled, ASD Disabled, AGF Enabled, ESC Disabled
3=ASR Disabled, ASD Disabled, AGF Enabled, ESC Enabled
4=ASR Disabled, ASD Enabled, AGF Disabled, ESC Disabled
5=ASR Disabled, ASD Enabled, AGF Disabled, ESC Enabled
6=ASR Disabled, ASD Enabled, AGF Enabled, ESC Disabled
7=ASR Disabled, ASD Enabled, AGF Enabled, ESC Enabled
8=ASR Enabled, ASD Disabled, AGF Disabled, ESC Disabled
9=ASR Enabled, ASD Disabled, AGF Disabled, ESC Enabled
A=ASR Enabled, ASD Disabled, AGF Enabled, ESC Disabled
B=ASR Enabled, ASD Disabled, AGF Enabled, ESC Enabled
C=ASR Enabled, ASD Enabled, AGF Disabled, ESC Disabled
D=ASR Enabled, ASD Enabled, AGF Disabled, ESC Enabled
E=ASR Enabled, ASD Enabled, AGF Enabled, ESC Disabled
F=ASR Enabled, ASD Enabled, AGF Enabled, ESC Enabled

Backup/Reverse Warning Chime (BWC)
Driver Beltmider (DB)
Passenger Beltminder (PB)
Mid Pass Beltminder (MPB)
720-01-01 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx


720-01-01: xxxx-xx*x-xxxx


0=BWC Disabled, DB Disabled, PB Disabled, MPB Disabled
1=BWC Disabled, DB Disabled, PB Disabled, MPB Enabled
2=BWC Disabled, DB Disabled, PB Enabled, MPB Disabled
3=BWC Disabled, DB Disabled, PB Enabled, MPB Enabled
4=BWC Disabled, DB Enabled, PB Disabled, MPB Disabled
5=BWC Disabled, DB Enabled, PB Disabled, MPB Enabled
6=BWC Disabled, DB Enabled, PB Enabled, MPB Disabled
7=BWC Disabled, DB Enabled, PB Enabled, MPB Enabled
8=BWC Enabled, DB Disabled, PB Disabled, MPB Disabled
9=BWC Enabled, DB Disabled, PB Disabled, MPB Enabled
A=BWC Enabled, DB Disabled, PB Enabled, MPB Disabled
B=BWC Enabled, DB Disabled, PB Enabled, MPB Enabled
C=BWC Enabled, DB Enabled, PB Disabled, MPB Disabled
D=BWC Enabled, DB Enabled, PB Disabled, MPB Enabled
E=BWC Enabled, DB Enabled, PB Enabled, MPB Disabled
F=BWC Enabled, DB Enabled, PB Enabled, MPB Enabled

Continuously Controlled Damping (CCD) Control Function (CCDCF)
Chime Generator (CG)
City Safety (CS)
720-01-01 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx


720-01-01: xxxx-xxx*-xxxx


0=CCDCF Disabled, CG Cluster only, CS Disabled
1=CCDCF Disabled, CG Cluster only, CS Enabled
2=CCDCF Disabled, CG Audio, Dual, CS Disabled
3=CCDCF Disabled, CG Audio, Dual, CS Enabled
4=CCDCF Disabled, CG Audio, Single, CS Disabled
5=CCDCF Disabled, CG Audio, Single, CS Enabled
6=CCDCF Disabled, CG Not Used, CS Disabled
7=CCDCF Disabled, CG Not Used, CS Enabled
8=CCDCF Enabled, CG Cluster only, CS Disabled
9=CCDCF Enabled, CG Cluster only, CS Enabled
A=CCDCF Enabled, CG Audio, Dual, CS Disabled
B=CCDCF Enabled, CG Audio, Dual, CS Enabled
C=CCDCF Enabled, CG Audio, Single, CS Disabled
D=CCDCF Enabled, CG Audio, Single, CS Enabled
E=CCDCF Enabled, CG Not Used, CS Disabled
F=CCDCF Enabled, CG Not Used, CS Enabled

Approach Detection Control Function (ADCF)
GPS Compass
Courtesy Wipe After Wash (CWAW)
Cross Traffic Alert (CTA)
720-01-01 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx


720-01-01: xxxx-xxxx-*xxx


0=ADCF Disabled, Magnetic Compass, CWAW Disabled, CTA Disabled
1=ADCF Disabled, Magnetic Compass, CWAW Disabled, CTA Enabled
2=ADCF Disabled, Magnetic Compass, CWAW Enabled, CTA Disabled
3=ADCF Disabled, Magnetic Compass, CWAW Enabled, CTA Enabled
4=ADCF Disabled, GPS Compass from Sync, CWAW Disabled, CTA Disabled
5=ADCF Disabled, GPS Compass from Sync, CWAW Disabled, CTA Enabled
6=ADCF Disabled, GPS Compass from Sync, CWAW Enabled, CTA Disabled
7=ADCF Disabled, GPS Compass from Sync, CWAW Enabled, CTA Enabled
8=ADCF Enabled, Magnetic Compass, CWAW Disabled, CTA Disabled
9=ADCF Enabled, Magnetic Compass, CWAW Disabled, CTA Enabled
A=ADCF Enabled, Magnetic Compass, CWAW Enabled, CTA Disabled
B=ADCF Enabled, Magnetic Compass, CWAW Enabled, CTA Enabled
C=ADCF Enabled, GPS Compass from Sync, CWAW Disabled, CTA Disabled
D=ADCF Enabled, GPS Compass from Sync, CWAW Disabled, CTA Enabled
E=ADCF Enabled, GPS Compass from Sync, CWAW Enabled, CTA Disabled
F=ADCF Enabled, GPS Compass from Sync, CWAW Enabled, CTA Enabled

AutoPark (AP)
Auto High Beam Telltale (AHB)
Efficiency Achievement Level (EAL)
720-01-01 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx


720-01-01: xxxx-xxxx-x*xx


0=AP Disabled, AHB Disabled, EAL Disabled
1=AP Disabled, AHB Disabled, EAL Enabled
2=AP Disabled, AHB Enabled, EAL Disabled
3=AP Disabled, AHB Enabled, EAL Enabled
4=AP Enabled NA, AHB Disabled, EAL Disabled
5=AP Enabled NA, AHB Disabled, EAL Enabled
6=AP Enabled NA, AHB Enabled, EAL Disabled
7=AP Enabled NA, AHB Enabled, EAL Enabled
8=AP Enabled ECE, AHB Disabled, EAL Disabled
9=AP Enabled ECE, AHB Disabled, EAL Enabled
A=AP Enabled ECE, AHB Enabled, EAL Disabled
B=AP Enabled ECE, AHB Enabled, EAL Enabled
C=AP Enabled HMI in Cluster, AHB Disabled, EAL Disabled
D=AP Enabled HMI in Cluster, AHB Disabled, EAL Enabled
E=AP Enabled HMI in Cluster, AHB Enabled, EAL Disabled
F=AP Enabled HMI in Cluster, AHB Enabled, EAL Enabled

DateTime Strategy (DTS)
DTE Sensitivity Menu (DSM)
EV Enhanced GPS (EEG)
720-01-02 *xxx-xxxx


720-01-02: *xxx-xxxx


0=DTS Julian Day, DSM Disabled, EEG Disabled
1=DTS Julian Day, DSM Disabled, EEG Enabled
2=DTS Julian Day, DSM Enabled, EEG Disabled
3=DTS Julian Day, DSM Enabled, EEG Enabled
4=DTS Day of Month, DSM Disabled, EEG Disabled
5=DTS Day of Month, DSM Disabled, EEG Enabled
6=DTS Day of Month, DSM Enabled, EEG Disabled
7=DTS Day of Month, DSM Enabled, EEG Enabled
8=DTS Other, DSM Disabled, EEG Disabled
9=DTS Other, DSM Disabled, EEG Enabled
A=DTS Other, DSM Enabled, EEG Disabled
B=DTS Other, DSM Enabled, EEG Enabled
C=DTS Not Used, DSM Disabled, EEG Disabled
D=DTS Not Used, DSM Disabled, EEG Enabled
E=DTS Not Used, DSM Enabled, EEG Disabled
F=DTS Not Used, DSM Enabled, EEG Enabled

Door Content (DC)
Driver Alert System (DAS)
Driver Side - Left Hand Drive (LHD) / Right Hand Drive (RHD)
720-01-02 x*xx-xxxx


720-01-02: x*xx-xxxx


0=DC Door, DAS Disabled, Driver Side LHD
1=DC Door, DAS Disabled, Driver Side RHD
2=DC Door, DAS Enabled, Driver Side LHD
3=DC Door, DAS Enabled, Driver Side RHD
4=DC Liftgate/Liftglass, DAS Disabled, Driver Side LHD
5=DC Liftgate/Liftglass, DAS Disabled, Driver Side RHD
6=DC Liftgate/Liftglass, DAS Enabled, Driver Side LHD
7=DC Liftgate/Liftglass, DAS Enabled, Driver Side RHD
8=DC Liftgate, DAS Disabled, Driver Side LHD
9=DC Liftgate, DAS Disabled, Driver Side RHD
A=DC Liftgate, DAS Enabled, Driver Side LHD
B=DC Liftgate, DAS Enabled, Driver Side RHD
C=DC Trunk, DAS Disabled, Driver Side LHD
D=DC Trunk, DAS Disabled, Driver Side RHD
E=DC Trunk, DAS Enabled, Driver Side LHD
F=DC Trunk, DAS Enabled, Driver Side RHD

TC Type
Global Clock 12/24 Hour
Engine/Ignition On Chime (IOC)
720-01-02 xx*x-xxxx


720-01-02: xx*x-xxxx


0=TC NA, GC 12 Hour, IOC Disabled
1=TC NA, GC 12 Hour, IOC Straight Gas/Diesel
2=TC NA, GC 12 Hour, IOC Electric/HEV/SS
3=TC NA, GC 12 Hour, IOC Not Used
4=TC NA, GC 24 Hour, IOC Disabled
5=TC NA, GC 24 Hour, IOC Straight Gas/Diesel
6=TC NA, GC 24 Hour, IOC Electric/HEV/SS
7=TC NA, GC 24 Hour, IOC Not Used
8=TC EU, GC 12 Hour, IOC Disabled
9=TC EU, GC 12 Hour, IOC Straight Gas/Diesel
A=TC EU, GC 12 Hour, IOC Electric/HEV/SS
B=TC EU, GC 12 Hour, IOC Not Used
C=TC EU, GC 24 Hour, IOC Disabled
D=TC EU, GC 24 Hour, IOC Straight Gas/Diesel
E=TC EU, GC 24 Hour, IOC Electric/HEV/SS
F=TC EU, GC 24 Hour, IOC Not Used

Easy Entry/Exit (EE)
Electric Parking Brake (EPB)
Electric Power Assist Steering (EPAS)
ESC RSC Chime Warning
720-01-02 xxx*-xxxx


720-01-02: xxx*-xxxx


0=EE Disabled, EPB Disabled, EPAS Disabled, ESC Disabled
1=EE Disabled, EPB Disabled, EPAS Disabled, ESC Enabled
2=EE Disabled, EPB Disabled, EPAS Enabled, ESC Disabled
3=EE Disabled, EPB Disabled, EPAS Enabled, ESC Enabled
4=EE Disabled, EPB Enabled, EPAS Disabled, ESC Disabled
5=EE Disabled, EPB Enabled, EPAS Disabled, ESC Enabled
6=EE Disabled, EPB Enabled, EPAS Enabled, ESC Disabled
7=EE Disabled, EPB Enabled, EPAS Enabled, ESC Enabled
8=EE Enabled, EPB Disabled, EPAS Disabled, ESC Disabled
9=EE Enabled, EPB Disabled, EPAS Disabled, ESC Enabled
A=EE Enabled, EPB Disabled, EPAS Enabled, ESC Disabled
B=EE Enabled, EPB Disabled, EPAS Enabled, ESC Enabled
C=EE Enabled, EPB Enabled, EPAS Disabled, ESC Disabled
D=EE Enabled, EPB Enabled, EPAS Disabled, ESC Enabled
E=EE Enabled, EPB Enabled, EPAS Enabled, ESC Disabled
F=EE Enabled, EPB Enabled, EPAS Enabled, ESC Enabled

Forward Collision Warning (FCW)
Flex Fuel Vehicle (FFV)
Front Fog Lamp Indicator (FF)
720-01-02 xxxx-*xxx


720-01-02: xxxx-*xxx


0=FCW None, FFV Disabled, FF Disabled
1=FCW None, FFV Disabled, FF Enabled
2=FCW None, FFV Enabled, FF Disabled
3=FCW None, FFV Enabled, FF Enabled
4=FCW FCW, FFV Disabled, FF Disabled
5=FCW FCW, FFV Disabled, FF Enabled
6=FCW FCW, FFV Enabled, FF Disabled
7=FCW FCW, FFV Enabled, FF Enabled
8=FCW FCW+FDA, FFV Disabled, FF Disabled
9=FCW FCW+FDA, FFV Disabled, FF Enabled
A=FCW FCW+FDA, FFV Enabled, FF Disabled
B=FCW FCW+FDA, FFV Enabled, FF Enabled
C=FCW Truck FCW, FFV Disabled, FF Disabled
D=FCW Truck FCW, FFV Disabled, FF Enabled
E=FCW Truck FCW, FFV Enabled, FF Disabled
F=FCW Truck FCW, FFV Enabled, FF Enabled

Frost Telltale (FT)
FoE Seatbelt Warning Strategy (FSWS)
FE Format Menu (FE)
720-01-02 xxxx-x*xx


720-01-02: xxxx-x*xx


0=FT Disabled, FFH Disabled, FSWS Disabled, FE Disabled
1=FT Disabled, FFH Disabled, FSWS Disabled, FE Enabled
2=FT Disabled, FFH Disabled, FSWS Enabled, FE Disabled
3=FT Disabled, FFH Disabled, FSWS Enabled, FE Enabled
4=FT Disabled, FFH Enabled, FSWS Disabled, FE Disabled
5=FT Disabled, FFH Enabled, FSWS Disabled, FE Enabled
6=FT Disabled, FFH Enabled, FSWS Enabled, FE Disabled
7=FT Disabled, FFH Enabled, FSWS Enabled, FE Enabled
8=FT Enabled, FFH Disabled, FSWS Disabled, FE Disabled
9=FT Enabled, FFH Disabled, FSWS Disabled, FE Enabled
A=FT Enabled, FFH Disabled, FSWS Enabled, FE Disabled
B=FT Enabled, FFH Disabled, FSWS Enabled, FE Enabled
C=FT Enabled, FFH Enabled, FSWS Disabled, FE Disabled
D=FT Enabled, FFH Enabled, FSWS Disabled, FE Enabled
E=FT Enabled, FFH Enabled, FSWS Enabled, FE Disabled
F=FT Enabled, FFH Enabled, FSWS Enabled, FE Enabled

Gallon Display Type (GDT)
Gear Select (GS)
Global Window Open (GWO)
Global Window Close (GWC)
720-02-01 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx


720-02-01: *xxx-xxxx-xxxx


0=GDT U.S., GS Non-SST, GWO Disabled, GWC Disabled
1=GDT U.S., GS Non-SST, GWO Disabled, GWC Enabled
2=GDT U.S., GS Non-SST, GWO Enabled, GWC Disabled
3=GDT U.S., GS Non-SST, GWO Enabled, GWC Enabled
4=GDT U.S., GS SST, GWO Disabled, GWC Disabled
5=GDT U.S., GS SST, GWO Disabled, GWC Enabled
6=GDT U.S., GS SST, GWO Enabled, GWC Disabled
7=GDT U.S., GS SST, GWO Enabled, GWC Enabled
8=GDT UK, GS Non-SST, GWO Disabled, GWC Disabled
9=GDT UK, GS Non-SST, GWO Disabled, GWC Enabled
A=GDT UK, GS Non-SST, GWO Enabled, GWC Disabled
B=GDT UK, GS Non-SST, GWO Enabled, GWC Enabled
C=GDT UK, GS SST, GWO Disabled, GWC Disabled
D=GDT UK, GS SST, GWO Disabled, GWC Enabled
E=GDT UK, GS SST, GWO Enabled, GWC Disabled
F=GDT UK, GS SST, GWO Enabled, GWC Enabled

Hood Ajar Warning (HAW)
Fuel History Display (FHD)
IFE Fuel Consumed Per Hour Display (IFE)
IFE Display (ID)
720-02-01 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx


720-02-01: x*xx-xxxx-xxxx


0=HAW Disabled, FHD Disabled, IFE Disabled, ID Disabled
1=HAW Disabled, FHD Disabled, IFE Disabled, ID Enabled
2=HAW Disabled, FHD Disabled, IFE Enabled, ID Disabled
3=HAW Disabled, FHD Disabled, IFE Enabled, ID Enabled
4=HAW Disabled, FHD Enabled, IFE Disabled, ID Disabled
5=HAW Disabled, FHD Enabled, IFE Disabled, ID Enabled
6=HAW Disabled, FHD Enabled, IFE Enabled, ID Disabled
7=HAW Disabled, FHD Enabled, IFE Enabled, ID Enabled
8=HAW Enabled, FHD Disabled, IFE Disabled, ID Disabled
9=HAW Enabled, FHD Disabled, IFE Disabled, ID Enabled
A=HAW Enabled, FHD Disabled, IFE Enabled, ID Disabled
B=HAW Enabled, FHD Disabled, IFE Enabled, ID Enabled
C=HAW Enabled, FHD Enabled, IFE Disabled, ID Disabled
D=HAW Enabled, FHD Enabled, IFE Disabled, ID Enabled
E=HAW Enabled, FHD Enabled, IFE Enabled, ID Disabled
F=HAW Enabled, FHD Enabled, IFE Enabled, ID Enabled

Key In Ignition Warning Chime (KIWC)
DRL Control Function (DRL)
Lane Assist (LA)
720-02-01 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx


720-02-01: xx*x-xxxx-xxxx


0=KIWC Disabled, DRL Disabled, LA Disabled
1=KIWC Disabled, DRL Disabled, LA LDW
2=KIWC Disabled, DRL Disabled, LA Full LDW+LKA
3=KIWC Disabled, DRL Disabled, LA Not Used
4=KIWC Disabled, DRL Enabled, LA Disabled
5=KIWC Disabled, DRL Enabled, LA LDW
6=KIWC Disabled, DRL Enabled, LA Full LDW+LKA
7=KIWC Disabled, DRL Enabled, LA Not Used
8=KIWC Enabled, DRL Disabled, LA Disabled
9=KIWC Enabled, DRL Disabled, LA LDW
A=KIWC Enabled, DRL Disabled, LA Full LDW+LKA
B=KIWC Enabled, DRL Disabled, LA Not Used
C=KIWC Enabled, DRL Enabled, LA Disabled
D=KIWC Enabled, DRL Enabled, LA LDW
E=KIWC Enabled, DRL Enabled, LA Full LDW+LKA
F=KIWC Enabled, DRL Enabled, LA Not Used

Low Washer Fluid (LWF)
Brazil Cold Start Reservoir (BCSR)
Hill Start Assist Telltake (HSA)
720-02-01 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx


720-02-01: xxx*-xxxx-xxxx


0=LOT Disabled, LWF Disabled, BCSR Disabled, HSA Disabled
1=LOT Disabled, LWF Disabled, BCSR Disabled, HSA Enabled
2=LOT Disabled, LWF Disabled, BCSR Enabled, HSA Disabled
3=LOT Disabled, LWF Disabled, BCSR Enabled, HSA Enabled
4=LOT Disabled, LWF Enabled, BCSR Disabled, HSA Disabled
5=LOT Disabled, LWF Enabled, BCSR Disabled, HSA Enabled
6=LOT Disabled, LWF Enabled, BCSR Enabled, HSA Disabled
7=LOT Disabled, LWF Enabled, BCSR Enabled, HSA Enabled
8=LOT Enabled, LWF Disabled, BCSR Disabled, HSA Disabled
9=LOT Enabled, LWF Disabled, BCSR Disabled, HSA Enabled
A=LOT Enabled, LWF Disabled, BCSR Enabled, HSA Disabled
B=LOT Enabled, LWF Disabled, BCSR Enabled, HSA Enabled
C=LOT Enabled, LWF Enabled, BCSR Disabled, HSA Disabled
D=LOT Enabled, LWF Enabled, BCSR Disabled, HSA Enabled
E=LOT Enabled, LWF Enabled, BCSR Enabled, HSA Disabled
F=LOT Enabled, LWF Enabled, BCSR Enabled, HSA Enabled

Mirrors Autofold (MA)
Mirrors Reverse Tilt (MRT)
Multiple Chime (MC)
MyKey Do Not Disturb (DND)
720-02-01 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx


720-02-01: xxxx-*xxx-xxxx


0=MA Disabled, MRT Disabled, MC Single, DND Disabled
1=MA Disabled, MRT Disabled, MC Single, DND Enabled
2=MA Disabled, MRT Disabled, MC Dual, DND Disabled
3=MA Disabled, MRT Disabled, MC Dual, DND Enabled
4=MA Disabled, MRT Enabled, MC Single, DND Disabled
5=MA Disabled, MRT Enabled, MC Single, DND Enabled
6=MA Disabled, MRT Enabled, MC Dual, DND Disabled
7=MA Disabled, MRT Enabled, MC Dual, DND Enabled
8=MA Enabled, MRT Disabled, MC Single, DND Disabled
9=MA Enabled, MRT Disabled, MC Single, DND Enabled
A=MA Enabled, MRT Disabled, MC Dual, DND Disabled
B=MA Enabled, MRT Disabled, MC Dual, DND Enabled
C=MA Enabled, MRT Enabled, MC Single, DND Disabled
D=MA Enabled, MRT Enabled, MC Single, DND Enabled
E=MA Enabled, MRT Enabled, MC Dual, DND Disabled
F=MA Enabled, MRT Enabled, MC Dual, DND Enabled

MyKey Emergency Assist (EA)
MyKey Feature Supported (MFS)
MyKey Report Enabled (MRE)
AutoHold (AH)
720-02-01 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx


720-02-01: xxxx-x*xx-xxxx


0=EA Disabled, MFS Disabled, MRE Disabled, AH Disabled
1=EA Disabled, MFS Disabled, MRE Disabled, AH Enabled
2=EA Disabled, MFS Disabled, MRE Enabled, AH Disabled
3=EA Disabled, MFS Disabled, MRE Enabled, AH Enabled
4=EA Disabled, MFS Enabled, MRE Disabled, AH Disabled
5=EA Disabled, MFS Enabled, MRE Disabled, AH Enabled
6=EA Disabled, MFS Enabled, MRE Enabled, AH Disabled
7=EA Disabled, MFS Enabled, MRE Enabled, AH Enabled
8=EA Enabled, MFS Disabled, MRE Disabled, AH Disabled
9=EA Enabled, MFS Disabled, MRE Disabled, AH Enabled
A=EA Enabled, MFS Disabled, MRE Enabled, AH Disabled
B=EA Enabled, MFS Disabled, MRE Enabled, AH Enabled
C=EA Enabled, MFS Enabled, MRE Disabled, AH Disabled
D=EA Enabled, MFS Enabled, MRE Disabled, AH Enabled
E=EA Enabled, MFS Enabled, MRE Enabled, AH Disabled
F=EA Enabled, MFS Enabled, MRE Enabled, AH Enabled

MyKey Speed Limit Major Market (MSL)
MyKey Volume Limit (MVL)
720-02-01 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx


720-02-01: xxxx-xx*x-xxxx


0=MSL Disabled, MVL Disabled
1=MSL Disabled, MVL Enabled
2=MSL USA, MVL Disabled
3=MSL USA, MVL Enabled
4=MSL Canada/Mexico/SA/AP/Australia/all other, MVL Disabled
5=MSL Canada/Mexico/SA/AP/Australia/all other, MVL Enabled
6=MSL United Kingdom, MVL Disabled
7=MSL United Kingdom, MVL Enabled
8=MSL All Other, MVL Disabled
9=MSL All Other, MVL Enabled
A=MSL Not Used, MVL Disabled
B=MSL Not Used, MVL Enabled
C=MSL Not Used, MVL Disabled
D=MSL Not Used, MVL Enabled
E=MSL Not Used, MVL Disabled
F=MSL Not Used, MVL Enabled

OAT Source (OATS)
Fuel Estimation Method (FEM)
Next Charge (NC)
Neutral Tow (NT)
720-02-01 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx


720-02-01: xxxx-xxx*-xxxx


0=OATS HVAC, FEM Total Distance, NC Disabled, NT Disabled
1=OATS HVAC, FEM Total Distance, NC Disabled, NT Enabled
2=OATS HVAC, FEM Total Distance, NC Enabled, NT Disabled
3=OATS HVAC, FEM Total Distance, NC Enabled, NT Enabled
4=OATS HVAC, FEM 3200 km Saw-Tooth, NC Disabled, NT Disabled
5=OATS HVAC, FEM 3200 km Saw-Tooth, NC Disabled, NT Enabled
6=OATS HVAC, FEM 3200 km Saw-Tooth, NC Enabled, NT Disabled
7=OATS HVAC, FEM 3200 km Saw-Tooth, NC Enabled, NT Enabled
8=OATS FCIM, FEM Total Distance, NC Disabled, NT Disabled
9=OATS FCIM, FEM Total Distance, NC Disabled, NT Enabled
A=OATS FCIM, FEM Total Distance, NC Enabled, NT Disabled
B=OATS FCIM, FEM Total Distance, NC Enabled, NT Enabled
C=OATS FCIM, FEM 3200 km Saw-Tooth, NC Disabled, NT Disabled
D=OATS FCIM, FEM 3200 km Saw-Tooth, NC Disabled, NT Enabled
E=OATS FCIM, FEM 3200 km Saw-Tooth, NC Enabled, NT Disabled
F=OATS FCIM, FEM 3200 km Saw-Tooth, NC Enabled, NT Enabled

PT Hybrid (PTH)
Odometer Delta (OD)
Oil Minder 10k (OM)
720-02-01 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx


720-02-01: xxxx-xxxx-*xxx


0=PTH Non-Hybrid, OD Disabled, OM Disabled
1=PTH Non-Hybrid, OD Disabled, OM Enabled
2=PTH Non-Hybrid, OD Enabled, OM Disabled
3=PTH Non-Hybrid, OD Enabled, OM Enabled
4=PTH BEV, OD Disabled, OM Disabled
5=PTH BEV, OD Disabled, OM Enabled
6=PTH BEV, OD Enabled, OM Disabled
7=PTH BEV, OD Enabled, OM Enabled
8=PTH FHEV, OD Disabled, OM Disabled
9=PTH FHEV, OD Disabled, OM Enabled
A=PTH FHEV, OD Enabled, OM Disabled
B=PTH FHEV, OD Enabled, OM Enabled
C=PTH PHEV, OD Disabled, OM Disabled
D=PTH PHEV, OD Disabled, OM Enabled
E=PTH PHEV, OD Enabled, OM Disabled
F=PTH PHEV, OD Enabled, OM Enabled

Oil Pressure Switch Input (OPS)
One/Two Stage Unlocking (OTSU)
Outside Air Temp (OAT)
GCC Overspeed Warning (GCC)
720-02-01 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx


720-02-01: xxxx-xxxx-x*xx


0=OPS HW, OTSU Disabled, OAT Disabled, GCC Disabled
1=OPS HW, OTSU Disabled, OAT Disabled, GCC Enabled
2=OPS HW, OTSU Disabled, OAT Enabled, GCC Disabled
3=OPS HW, OTSU Disabled, OAT Enabled, GCC Enabled
4=OPS HW, OTSU Enabled, OAT Disabled, GCC Disabled
5=OPS HW, OTSU Enabled, OAT Disabled, GCC Enabled
6=OPS HW, OTSU Enabled, OAT Enabled, GCC Disabled
7=OPS HW, OTSU Enabled, OAT Enabled, GCC Enabled
8=OPS CAN, OTSU Disabled, OAT Disabled, GCC Disabled
9=OPS CAN, OTSU Disabled, OAT Disabled, GCC Enabled
A=OPS CAN, OTSU Disabled, OAT Enabled, GCC Disabled
B=OPS CAN, OTSU Disabled, OAT Enabled, GCC Enabled
C=OPS CAN, OTSU Enabled, OAT Disabled, GCC Disabled
D=OPS CAN, OTSU Enabled, OAT Disabled, GCC Enabled
E=OPS CAN, OTSU Enabled, OAT Enabled, GCC Disabled
F=OPS CAN, OTSU Enabled, OAT Enabled, GCC Enabled

Park Lock Ctrl (PLC)
Perimeter Alarm w/Reduced Guard Ctrl (PARG)
Park Aid Ctrl Front (PACF)
Park Aid Ctrl Rear (PACR)
720-02-02 *xxx-xxxx


720-02-02: *xxx-xxxx


0=PLC Disabled, PARG Disabled, PACF Disabled, PACR Disabled
1=PLC Disabled, PARG Disabled, PACF Disabled, PACR Enabled
2=PLC Disabled, PARG Disabled, PACF Enabled, PACR Disabled
3=PLC Disabled, PARG Disabled, PACF Enabled, PACR Enabled
4=PLC Disabled, PARG Enabled, PACF Disabled, PACR Disabled
5=PLC Disabled, PARG Enabled, PACF Disabled, PACR Enabled
6=PLC Disabled, PARG Enabled, PACF Enabled, PACR Disabled
7=PLC Disabled, PARG Enabled, PACF Enabled, PACR Enabled
8=PLC Enabled, PARG Disabled, PACF Disabled, PACR Disabled
9=PLC Enabled, PARG Disabled, PACF Disabled, PACR Enabled
A=PLC Enabled, PARG Disabled, PACF Enabled, PACR Disabled
B=PLC Enabled, PARG Disabled, PACF Enabled, PACR Enabled
C=PLC Enabled, PARG Enabled, PACF Disabled, PACR Disabled
D=PLC Enabled, PARG Enabled, PACF Disabled, PACR Enabled
E=PLC Enabled, PARG Enabled, PACF Enabled, PACR Disabled
F=PLC Enabled, PARG Enabled, PACF Enabled, PACR Enabled

Passive Entry Passive Start (PEPS)
Pwr Liftgate Control (PLC)
ParkAid Switch (PS)
Pwr Door Chime Type (DC)
720-02-02 x*xx-xxxx


720-02-02: x*xx-xxxx


0=PEPS Disabled, PLC Disabled, PS Disabled, DC Non-DNA
1=PEPS Disabled, PLC Disabled, PS Disabled, DC DNA
2=PEPS Disabled, PLC Disabled, PS Enabled, DC Non-DNA
3=PEPS Disabled, PLC Disabled, PS Disabled, DC DNA
4=PEPS Disabled, PLC Enabled, PS Disabled, DC Non-DNA
5=PEPS Disabled, PLC Enabled, PS Disabled, DC DNA
6=PEPS Disabled, PLC Enabled, PS Enabled, DC Non-DNA
7=PEPS Disabled, PLC Enabled, PS Enabled, DC DNA
8=PEPS Enabled, PLC Disabled, PS Disabled, DC Non-DNA
9=PEPS Enabled, PLC Disabled, PS Disabled, DC DNA
A=PEPS Enabled, PLC Disabled, PS Enabled, DC Non-DNA
B=PEPS Enabled, PLC Disabled, PS Disabled, DC DNA
C=PEPS Enabled, PLC Enabled, PS Disabled, DC Non-DNA
D=PEPS Enabled, PLC Disabled, PS Disabled, DC DNA
E=PEPS Enabled, PLC Enabled, PS Enabled, DC Non-DNA
F=PEPS Enabled, PLC Enabled, PS Enabled, DC DNA

RBM Seating Layout (RBMSL)
Rear Fog (RF)
Rear Reverse Gear Wipe (RRGW)
720-02-02 xx**-xxxx


720-02-02: xx**-xxxx


00=RBMSL RBM Disabled, RF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
01=RBMSL RBM Disabled, RF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
02=RBMSL RBM Disabled, RF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
03=RBMSL RBM Disabled, RF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
04=RBMSL 2-2-0 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
05=RBMSL 2-2-0 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
06=RBMSL 2-2-0 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
07=RBMSL 2-2-0 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
08=RBMSL 2-3-0 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
09=RBMSL 2-3-0 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
0A=RBMSL 2-3-0 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
0B=RBMSL 2-3-0 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
0C=RBMSL 2-2-3 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
0D=RBMSL 2-2-3 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
0E=RBMSL 2-2-3 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
0F=RBMSL 2-2-3 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
10=RBMSL 2-3-2 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
11=RBMSL 2-3-2 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
12=RBMSL 2-3-2 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
13=RBMSL 2-3-2 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
14=RBMSL 2-3-3 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
15=RBMSL 2-3-3 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
16=RBMSL 2-3-3 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
17=RBMSL 2-3-3 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
18=RBMSL 2-2-2 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
19=RBMSL 2-2-2 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
1A=RBMSL 2-2-2 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
1B=RBMSL 2-2-2 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
1C=RBMSL 3-2-2 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
1D=RBMSL 3-2-2 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
1E=RBMSL 3-2-2 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
1F=RBMSL 3-2-2 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
20=RBMSL 3-3-2 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
21=RBMSL 3-3-2 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
22=RBMSL 3-3-2 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
23=RBMSL 3-3-2 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
24=RBMSL 3-2-3 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
25=RBMSL 3-2-3 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
26=RBMSL 3-2-3 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
27=RBMSL 3-2-3 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
28=RBMSL 3-3-3 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
29=RBMSL 3-3-3 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
2A=RBMSL 3-3-3 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
2B=RBMSL 3-3-3 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
2C=RBMSL 3-2-0 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
2D=RBMSL 3-2-0 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
2E=RBMSL 3-2-0 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
2F=RBMSL 3-2-0 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
30=RBMSL 3-3-0 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
31=RBMSL 3-3-0 seating, RF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
32=RBMSL 3-3-0 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
33=RBMSL 3-3-0 seating, RF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
34=RBMSL Not Used, RF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
35=RBMSL Not Used, RF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
36=RBMSL Not Used, RF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
37=RBMSL Not Used, RF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
38=RBMSL Not Used, RF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
39=RBMSL Not Used, RF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
3A=RBMSL Not Used, RF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
3B=RBMSL Not Used, RF Enabled, RRGW Enabled
3C=RBMSL Not Used, RF Disabled, RRGW Disabled
3D=RBMSL Not Used, RF Disabled, RRGW Enabled
3E=RBMSL Not Used, RF Enabled, RRGW Disabled
3F=RBMSL Not Used, RF Enabled, RRGW Enabled

Rain Sensing Wipers (RSW)
Belt Monitor (RBM) EC Strategy
720-02-02 xx*x-xxxx


720-02-02: xx*x-xxxx


0=RSW Disabled, RBM Disabled
4=RSW Disabled, RBM Enabled
8=RSW Enabled, RBM Disabled
C=RSW Enabled, RBM Enabled

Rem Start - Climate Settings (RSCS)
Rem Start -Driver Seat (RSD)
Rem Start - Feature (RSF)
Rem Start - Pass Seat (RSPS)
720-02-02 xxxx-*xxx


720-02-02: xxxx-*xxx


0=RSCS Disabled, RSD Disabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Disabled
1=RSCS Disabled, RSD Disabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Enabled
2=RSCS Disabled, RSD Disabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Disabled
3=RSCS Disabled, RSD Disabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Enabled
4=RSCS Disabled, RSD Enabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Disabled
5=RSCS Disabled, RSD Enabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Enabled
6=RSCS Disabled, RSD Enabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Disabled
7=RSCS Disabled, RSD Enabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Enabled
8=RSCS Enabled, RSD Disabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Disabled
9=RSCS Enabled, RSD Disabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Enabled
A=RSCS Enabled, RSD Disabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Disabled
B=RSCS Enabled, RSD Disabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Enabled
C=RSCS Enabled, RSD Enabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Disabled
D=RSCS Enabled, RSD Enabled, RSF Disabled, RSPS Enabled
E=RSCS Enabled, RSD Enabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Disabled
F=RSCS Enabled, RSD Enabled, RSF Enabled, RSPS Enabled

Rem Start - Rear Defrost (RSRD)
Rem Start - Steering Wheel (RSSW)
Not In Park (NIP)
720-02-02 xxxx-x*xx


720-02-02: xxxx-x*xx


0=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Disabled, NIP Disabled
1=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Disabled, NIP Enabled
6=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Enabled, NIP Disabled
7=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Enabled, NIP Enabled
9=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Disabled, NIP Disabled
B=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Disabled, NIP Enabled
C=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Enabled, NIP Disabled
D=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Enabled, NIP Enabled

Shift by Wire (SBW)
Side Detect (BSM)
Sidemarker/Position Lamp Telltale (SPLT)
Speedometer Cal (SC)
720-03-01 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx


720-03-01: *xxx-xxxx-xxxx


0=SBW Disabled, BSM Disabled, SPLT Disabled, SC North America
1=SBW Disabled, BSM Disabled, SPLT Disabled, SC ECC (Europe)
2=SBW Disabled, BSM Disabled, SPLT Enabled, SC North America
3=SBW Disabled, BSM Disabled, SPLT Enabled, SC ECC (Europe)
4=SBW Disabled, BSM Enabled, SPLT Disabled, SC North America
5=SBW Disabled, BSM Enabled, SPLT Disabled, SC ECC (Europe)
6=SBW Disabled, BSM Enabled, SPLT Enabled, SC North America
7=SBW Disabled, BSM Enabled, SPLT Enabled, SC ECC (Europe)
8=SBW Enabled, BSM Disabled, SPLT Disabled, SC North America
9=SBW Enabled, BSM Disabled, SPLT Disabled, SC ECC (Europe)
A=SBW Enabled, BSM Disabled, SPLT Enabled, SC North America
B=SBW Enabled, BSM Disabled, SPLT Enabled, SC ECC (Europe)
C=SBW Enabled, BSM Enabled, SPLT Disabled, SC North America
D=SBW Enabled, BSM Enabled, SPLT Disabled, SC ECC (Europe)
E=SBW Enabled, BSM Enabled, SPLT Enabled, SC North America
F=SBW Enabled, BSM Enabled, SPLT Enabled, SC ECC (Europe)

Temperature Curve (TC)
Upshift Indicator
Intelligent Speed Assist (ISA)
720-03-01 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx


720-03-01: x*xx-xxxx-xxxx


0=TC Standard, TSR IOD Disabled, Upshift Indicator Disabled, ISA Disabled
1=TC Standard, TSR IOD Disabled, Upshift Indicator Disabled, ISA Enabled
2=TC Standard, TSR IOD Disabled, Upshift Indicator Enabled, ISA Disabled
3=TC Standard, TSR IOD Disabled, Upshift Indicator Enabled, ISA Enabled
4=TC Standard, TSR IOD Enabled, Upshift Indicator Disabled, ISA Disabled
5=TC Standard, TSR IOD Enabled, Upshift Indicator Disabled, ISA Enabled
6=TC Standard, TSR IOD Enabled, Upshift Indicator Enabled, ISA Disabled
7=TC Standard, TSR IOD Enabled, Upshift Indicator Enabled, ISA Enabled
8=TC Hot, TSR IOD Disabled, Upshift Indicator Disabled, ISA Disabled
9=TC Hot, TSR IOD Disabled, Upshift Indicator Disabled, ISA Enabled
A=TC Hot, TSR IOD Disabled, Upshift Indicator Enabled, ISA Disabled
B=TC Hot, TSR IOD Disabled, Upshift Indicator Enabled, ISA Enabled
C=TC Hot, TSR IOD Enabled, Upshift Indicator Disabled, ISA Disabled
D=TC Hot, TSR IOD Enabled, Upshift Indicator Disabled, ISA Enabled
E=TC Hot, TSR IOD Enabled, Upshift Indicator Enabled, ISA Disabled
F=TC Hot, TSR IOD Enabled, Upshift Indicator Enabled, ISA Enabled

Fuel Tank A size
720-03-01 xx**-**xx-xxxx


720-03-01: xx**-**xx-xxxx


HEX=DEC/10=Litres/3.785=US Gallons

Fuel Tank B size
720-03-01 xxxx-xx**-**xx


720-03-01: xxxx-xx**-**xx


HEX=DEC/10=Litres/3.785=US Gallons

Traction Control (TC)/Interactive Vehicle Dynamics (IVD)/Roll Stability Control (RSC) - (TCIVDRSC)
TCM Present (TCM)
Temporary Mobility Kit (TMK)
720-03-02 *xxx-xxxx


720-03-02: *xxx-xxxx


0=TCIVDRSC Disabled, TCM Disabled (PCM), TMK Disabled
1=TCIVDRSC Disabled, TCM Disabled (PCM), TMK Enabled
2=TCIVDRSC Disabled, TCM Enabled (TCM), TMK Disabled
3=TCIVDRSC Disabled, TCM Enabled (TCM), TMK Enabled
4=TCIVDRSC TC, TCM Disabled (PCM), TMK Disabled
5=TCIVDRSC TC, TCM Disabled (PCM), TMK Enabled
6=TCIVDRSC TC, TCM Enabled (TCM), TMK Disabled
7=TCIVDRSC TC, TCM Enabled (TCM), TMK Enabled
8=TCIVDRSC IVD, TCM Disabled (PCM), TMK Disabled
9=TCIVDRSC IVD, TCM Disabled (PCM), TMK Enabled
A=TCIVDRSC IVD, TCM Enabled (TCM), TMK Disabled
B=TCIVDRSC IVD, TCM Enabled (TCM), TMK Enabled
C=TCIVDRSC RSC, TCM Disabled (PCM), TMK Disabled
D=TCIVDRSC RSC, TCM Disabled (PCM), TMK Enabled
E=TCIVDRSC RSC, TCM Enabled (TCM), TMK Disabled
F=TCIVDRSC RSC, TCM Enabled (TCM), TMK Enabled

TPMS Config (TPC)
TPMS FedReg Config (TPF)
Transmission Type (TT)
# of Fuel Tanks (FT)
720-03-02 x*xx-xxxx


720-03-02: x*xx-xxxx


0=TPC Disabled, TPF FMVSS138, TT Automatic, FT 1
1=TPC Disabled, TPF FMVSS138, TT Automatic, FT 2
2=TPC Disabled, TPF FMVSS138, TT Manual, FT 1
3=TPC Disabled, TPF FMVSS138, TT Manual, FT 2
4=TPC Disabled, TPF ECE64, TT Automatic, FT 1
5=TPC Disabled, TPF ECE64, TT Automatic, FT 2
6=TPC Disabled, TPF ECE64, TT Manual, FT 1
7=TPC Disabled, TPF ECE64, TT Manual, FT 2
8=TPC Enabled, TPF FMVSS138, TT Automatic, FT 1
9=TPC Enabled, TPF FMVSS138, TT Automatic, FT 2
A=TPC Enabled, TPF FMVSS138, TT Manual, FT 1
B=TPC Enabled, TPF FMVSS138, TT Manual, FT 2
C=TPC Enabled, TPF ECE64, TT Automatic, FT 1
D=TPC Enabled, TPF ECE64, TT Automatic, FT 2
E=TPC Enabled, TPF ECE64, TT Manual, FT 1
F=TPC Enabled, TPF ECE64, TT Manual, FT 2

Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR)
Trailer Sway (TS)
Tracking and Blocking System (TBS)
Trip Stats Pause (TSP)
720-03-02 xx*x-xxxx


720-03-02: xx*x-xxxx


0=TSR Disabled, TS Disabled, TBS Disabled, TSP Disabled
1=TSR Disabled, TS Disabled, TBS Disabled, TSP Enabled
2=TSR Disabled, TS Disabled, TBS Enabled, TSP Disabled
3=TSR Disabled, TS Disabled, TBS Enabled, TSP Enabled
4=TSR Disabled, TS Enabled, TBS Disabled, TSP Disabled
5=TSR Disabled, TS Enabled, TBS Disabled, TSP Enabled
6=TSR Disabled, TS Enabled, TBS Enabled, TSP Disabled
7=TSR Disabled, TS Enabled, TBS Enabled, TSP Enabled
8=TSR Enabled, TS Disabled, TBS Disabled, TSP Disabled
9=TSR Enabled, TS Disabled, TBS Disabled, TSP Enabled
A=TSR Enabled, TS Disabled, TBS Enabled, TSP Disabled
B=TSR Enabled, TS Disabled, TBS Enabled, TSP Enabled
C=TSR Enabled, TS Enabled, TBS Disabled, TSP Disabled
D=TSR Enabled, TS Enabled, TBS Disabled, TSP Enabled
E=TSR Enabled, TS Enabled, TBS Enabled, TSP Disabled
F=TSR Enabled, TS Enabled, TBS Enabled, TSP Enabled

Welcome Goodbye Cfg (WGC)
Welcome Ignition Cfg (WIC)
Welcome Farewell Switch Input (WFSI)
Trailer Backup Assist (TBA)
720-03-02 xxx*-xxxx


720-03-02: xxx*-xxxx


0=WGC Disabled, WIC Off During Crank, WFSI Sleep, TBA Disabled
1=WGC Disabled, WIC Off During Crank, WFSI Sleep, TBA Enabled
2=WGC Disabled, WIC Off During Crank, WFSI Awake, TBA Disabled
3=WGC Disabled, WIC Off During Crank, WFSI Awake, TBA Enabled
4=WGC Disabled, WIC On During Crank, WFSI Sleep, TBA Disabled
5=WGC Disabled, WIC On During Crank, WFSI Sleep, TBA Enabled
6=WGC Disabled, WIC On During Crank, WFSI Awake, TBA Disabled
7=WGC Disabled, WIC On During Crank, WFSI Awake, TBA Enabled
8=WGC Enabled, WIC Off During Crank, WFSI Sleep, TBA Disabled
9=WGC Enabled, WIC Off During Crank, WFSI Sleep, TBA Enabled
A=WGC Enabled, WIC Off During Crank, WFSI Awake, TBA Disabled
B=WGC Enabled, WIC Off During Crank, WFSI Awake, TBA Enabled
C=WGC Enabled, WIC On During Crank, WFSI Sleep, TBA Disabled
D=WGC Enabled, WIC On During Crank, WFSI Sleep, TBA Enabled
E=WGC Enabled, WIC On During Crank, WFSI Awake, TBA Disabled
F=WGC Enabled, WIC On During Crank, WFSI Awake, TBA Enabled

MyView Timeout Timer (s):
720-03-02 xxxx-*xxx


720-03-02: xxxx-*xxx


Value in Seconds

Trailer Lighting:
720-03-02 xxxx-x*xx


720-03-02: xxxx-x*xx



Engine Hour Function (EHF)
Engine Idle Hour Function (EIHF)
Forward Collision Warning - ON Menu (FCW)
IFE Numeric (IFE)
720-04-01 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx


720-04-01: *xxx-xxxx-xxxx


0=EHF Disabled, EIHF Disabled, FCW Disabled, IFE graphical
1=EHF Disabled, EIHF Disabled, FCW Disabled, IFE numerical
2=EHF Disabled, EIHF Disabled, FCW Enabled, IFE graphical
3=EHF Disabled, EIHF Disabled, FCW Enabled, IFE numerical
4=EHF Disabled, EIHF Enabled, FCW Disabled, IFE graphical
5=EHF Disabled, EIHF Enabled, FCW Disabled, IFE numerical
6=EHF Disabled, EIHF Enabled, FCW Enabled, IFE graphical
7=EHF Disabled, EIHF Enabled, FCW Enabled, IFE numerical
8=EHF Enabled, EIHF Disabled, FCW Disabled, IFE graphical
9=EHF Enabled, EIHF Disabled, FCW Disabled, IFE numerical
A=EHF Enabled, EIHF Disabled, FCW Enabled, IFE graphical
B=EHF Enabled, EIHF Disabled, FCW Enabled, IFE numerical
C=EHF Enabled, EIHF Enabled, FCW Disabled, IFE graphical
D=EHF Enabled, EIHF Enabled, FCW Disabled, IFE numerical
E=EHF Enabled, EIHF Enabled, FCW Enabled, IFE graphical
F=EHF Enabled, EIHF Enabled, FCW Enabled, IFE numerical

TPMS By Location (TPMSBL)
Intelligent Access Menu (IAM)
LED Low Beam Fault Indicator (LEDLBFI)
720-04-01 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx


720-04-01: x*xx-xxxx-xxxx


0=TPMSBL Disabled, IAM Disabled, LEDLBFI Disabled
1=TPMSBL Disabled, IAM Disabled, LEDLBFI Enabled
2=TPMSBL Disabled, IAM Enabled, LEDLBFI Disabled
3=TPMSBL Disabled, IAM Enabled, LEDLBFI Enabled
4=TPMSBL Enabled PSI Units, IAM Disabled, LEDLBFI Disabled
5=TPMSBL Enabled PSI Units, IAM Disabled, LEDLBFI Enabled
6=TPMSBL Enabled PSI Units, IAM Enabled, LEDLBFI Disabled
7=TPMSBL Enabled PSI Units, IAM Enabled, LEDLBFI Enabled
8=TPMSBL Enabled kPa Units, IAM Disabled, LEDLBFI Disabled
9=TPMSBL Enabled kPa Units, IAM Disabled, LEDLBFI Enabled
A=TPMSBL Enabled kPa Units, IAM Enabled, LEDLBFI Disabled
B=TPMSBL Enabled kPa Units, IAM Enabled, LEDLBFI Enabled
C=TPMSBL Enabled Bar Units, IAM Disabled, LEDLBFI Disabled
D=TPMSBL Enabled Bar Units, IAM Disabled, LEDLBFI Enabled
E=TPMSBL Enabled Bar Units, IAM Enabled, LEDLBFI Disabled
F=TPMSBL Enabled Bar Units, IAM Enabled, LEDLBFI Enabled

FuelG_InitStep (FGIS)
Silent Mode Control Function (SMCF)
AFE Reset (AFER)
Turn Signal Speed Sensitive Volume (TSSSV)
720-04-01 xx**-xxxx-xxxx


720-04-01: xx**-xxxx-xxxx


00=FGIS Init_Step_0, SMCF Disabled, AFER No Filter, TSSSV Disabled
01=FGIS Init_Step_0, SMCF Disabled, AFER No Filter, TSSSV Enabled
02=FGIS Init_Step_0, SMCF Disabled, AFER Filter using "- -" and RAFE, TSSSV Disabled
03=FGIS Init_Step_0, SMCF Disabled, AFER Filter using "- -" and RAFE, TSSSV Enabled
04=FGIS Init_Step_0, SMCF Enabled, AFER No Filter, TSSSV Disabled
05=FGIS Init_Step_0, SMCF Enabled, AFER No Filter, TSSSV Enabled
06=FGIS Init_Step_0, SMCF Enabled, AFER Filter using "- -" and RAFE, TSSSV Disabled
07=FGIS Init_Step_0, SMCF Enabled, AFER Filter using "- -" and RAFE, TSSSV Enabled
08=FGIS Init_Step_1, SMCF Disabled, AFER No Filter, TSSSV Disabled
09=FGIS Init_Step_1, SMCF Disabled, AFER No Filter, TSSSV Enabled
0A=FGIS Init_Step_1, SMCF Disabled, AFER Filter using "- -" and RAFE, TSSSV Disabled
0B=FGIS Init_Step_1, SMCF Disabled, AFER Filter using "- -" and RAFE, TSSSV Enabled
0C=FGIS Init_Step_1, SMCF Enabled, AFER No Filter, TSSSV Disabled
0D=FGIS Init_Step_1, SMCF Enabled, AFER No Filter, TSSSV Enabled
0E=FGIS Init_Step_1, SMCF Enabled, AFER Filter using "- -" and RAFE, TSSSV Disabled
0F=FGIS Init_Step_1, SMCF Enabled, AFER Filter using "- -" and RAFE, TSSSV Enabled
10=FGIS Init_Step_2, SMCF Disabled, AFER No Filter, TSSSV Disabled
11=FGIS Init_Step_2, SMCF Disabled, AFER No Filter, TSSSV Enabled
12=FGIS Init_Step_2, SMCF Disabled, AFER Filter using "- -" and RAFE, TSSSV Disabled
13=FGIS Init_Step_2, SMCF Disabled, AFER Filter using "- -" and RAFE, TSSSV Enabled
14=FGIS Init_Step_2, SMCF Enabled, AFER No Filter, TSSSV Disabled
15=FGIS Init_Step_2, SMCF Enabled, AFER No Filter, TSSSV Enabled
16=FGIS Init_Step_2, SMCF Enabled, AFER Filter using "- -" and RAFE, TSSSV Disabled
17=FGIS Init_Step_2, SMCF Enabled, AFER Filter using "- -" and RAFE, TSSSV Enabled
18=FGIS Init_Step_3, SMCF Disabled, AFER No Filter, TSSSV Disabled
19=FGIS Init_Step_3, SMCF Disabled, AFER No Filter, TSSSV Enabled
1A=FGIS Init_Step_3, SMCF Disabled, AFER Filter using "- -" and RAFE, TSSSV Disabled
1B=FGIS Init_Step_3, SMCF Disabled, AFER Filter using "- -" and RAFE, TSSSV Enabled
1C=FGIS Init_Step_3, SMCF Enabled, AFER No Filter, TSSSV Disabled
1D=FGIS Init_Step_3, SMCF Enabled, AFER No Filter, TSSSV Enabled
1E=FGIS Init_Step_3, SMCF Enabled, AFER Filter using "- -" and RAFE, TSSSV Disabled
1F=FGIS Init_Step_3, SMCF Enabled, AFER Filter using "- -" and RAFE, TSSSV Enabled

TPMS Placard Pressure Display (TPMSPPD)
FuelG_Delta (FGD)
720-04-01 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx


720-04-01: xx*x-xxxx-xxxx


0=TPMSPPD Disabled, FGD Normal
2=TPMSPPD Disabled, FGD Minimal/UHAUL
8=TPMSPPD Enabled, FGD Normal
A=TPMSPPD Enabled, FGD Minimal/UHAUL

Police Max Speed Selection (PMSS)
720-04-01 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx


720-04-01: xxxx-*xxx-xxxx


0=PMSS Off
1=PMSS Unused
2=PMSS Unused
3=PMSS Unused
4=PMSS Unused
5=PMSS 90 mph
6=PMSS 95 mph
7=PMSS 100 mph
8=PMSS 105 mph
9=PMSS 110 mph
A=PMSS 115 mph
B=PMSS 120 mph
C=PMSS 125 mph
D=PMSS 130 mph
E=PMSS 135 mph
F=PMSS 140 mph

Police Enhanced Feature Speed (PEFS)
Active Front Steering (AFS)
Shift Indication (SI)
FCW - BrakingOnOff (FCWBOO)
720-04-01 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx


720-04-01: xxxx-x*xx-xxxx


0=PEFS Disabled, AFS Disabled, SI Disabled, FCWBOO Disabled
1=PEFS Disabled, AFS Disabled, SI Disabled, FCWBOO Enabled
2=PEFS Disabled, AFS Disabled, SI Enabled, FCWBOO Disabled
3=PEFS Disabled, AFS Disabled, SI Enabled, FCWBOO Enabled
4=PEFS Disabled, AFS Enabled, SI Disabled, FCWBOO Disabled
5=PEFS Disabled, AFS Enabled, SI Disabled, FCWBOO Enabled
6=PEFS Disabled, AFS Enabled, SI Enabled, FCWBOO Disabled
7=PEFS Disabled, AFS Enabled, SI Enabled, FCWBOO Enabled
8=PEFS Enabled, AFS Disabled, SI Disabled, FCWBOO Disabled
9=PEFS Enabled, AFS Disabled, SI Disabled, FCWBOO Enabled
A=PEFS Enabled, AFS Disabled, SI Enabled, FCWBOO Disabled
B=PEFS Enabled, AFS Disabled, SI Enabled, FCWBOO Enabled
C=PEFS Enabled, AFS Enabled, SI Disabled, FCWBOO Disabled
D=PEFS Enabled, AFS Enabled, SI Disabled, FCWBOO Enabled
E=PEFS Enabled, AFS Enabled, SI Enabled, FCWBOO Disabled
F=PEFS Enabled, AFS Enabled, SI Enabled, FCWBOO Enabled

Chime Menu (CM)
TSR Overspeed Chime (TSROC)
PrkLckCtl_D_Allw_Cfg (PLCDAC)
720-04-01 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx


720-04-01: xxxx-xx*x-xxxx



PLC Welcome Dsply (PLCWD)
Electric Park Brake ECE Configuration (EPBECEC)
Compass Sync Gen3 (CSG)
Adaptive Steering Menu (ASM)
720-04-01 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx


720-04-01: xxxx-xxx*-xxxx


0=PLCWD Disabled, EPBECEC Disabled, CSG Not Present, ASM Disabled
1=PLCWD Disabled, EPBECEC Disabled, CSG Not Present, ASM Enabled
2=PLCWD Disabled, EPBECEC Disabled, CSG Present, ASM Disabled
3=PLCWD Disabled, EPBECEC Disabled, CSG Present, ASM Enabled
4=PLCWD Disabled, EPBECEC Enabled, CSG Not Present, ASM Disabled
5=PLCWD Disabled, EPBECEC Enabled, CSG Not Present, ASM Enabled
6=PLCWD Disabled, EPBECEC Enabled, CSG Present, ASM Disabled
7=PLCWD Disabled, EPBECEC Enabled, CSG Present, ASM Enabled
8=PLCWD Enabled, EPBECEC Disabled, CSG Not Present, ASM Disabled
9=PLCWD Enabled, EPBECEC Disabled, CSG Not Present, ASM Enabled
A=PLCWD Enabled, EPBECEC Disabled, CSG Present, ASM Disabled
B=PLCWD Enabled, EPBECEC Disabled, CSG Present, ASM Enabled
C=PLCWD Enabled, EPBECEC Enabled, CSG Not Present, ASM Disabled
D=PLCWD Enabled, EPBECEC Enabled, CSG Not Present, ASM Enabled
E=PLCWD Enabled, EPBECEC Enabled, CSG Present, ASM Disabled
F=PLCWD Enabled, EPBECEC Enabled, CSG Present, ASM Enabled

Not Defined
720-04-01 xxxx-xxxx-**xx


720-04-01: xxxx-xxxx-**xx

Tach Redline
Park Aid Fault Warning Rear and Front (PAFWRF)
Highbeam Telltale Source (HTS)
720-04-02 xxxx-**xx


720-04-02: xxxx-**xx


00=Tach Redline None, LFRDTEV Normal, PAFWRF Disabled, HTS BCM
01=Tach Redline None, LFRDTEV Normal, PAFWRF Disabled, HTS HCM
02=Tach Redline None, LFRDTEV Normal, PAFWRF Enabled, HTS BCM
03=Tach Redline None, LFRDTEV Normal, PAFWRF Enabled, HTS HCM
04=Tach Redline None, LFRDTEV Decreased, PAFWRF Disabled, HTS BCM
05=Tach Redline None, LFRDTEV Decreased, PAFWRF Disabled, HTS HCM
06=Tach Redline None, LFRDTEV Decreased, PAFWRF Enabled, HTS BCM
07=Tach Redline None, LFRDTEV Decreased, PAFWRF Enabled, HTS HCM
08=Tach Redline Range 1, LFRDTEV Normal, PAFWRF Disabled, HTS BCM
09=Tach Redline Range 1, LFRDTEV Normal, PAFWRF Disabled, HTS HCM
0A=Tach Redline Range 1, LFRDTEV Normal, PAFWRF Enabled, HTS BCM
0B=Tach Redline Range 1, LFRDTEV Normal, PAFWRF Enabled, HTS HCM
0C=Tach Redline Range 1, LFRDTEV Decreased, PAFWRF Disabled, HTS BCM
0D=Tach Redline Range 1, LFRDTEV Decreased, PAFWRF Disabled, HTS HCM
0E=Tach Redline Range 1, LFRDTEV Decreased, PAFWRF Enabled, HTS BCM
0F=Tach Redline Range 1, LFRDTEV Decreased, PAFWRF Enabled, HTS HCM
10=Tach Redline Range 2, LFRDTEV Normal, PAFWRF Disabled, HTS BCM
11=Tach Redline Range 2, LFRDTEV Normal, PAFWRF Disabled, HTS HCM
12=Tach Redline Range 2, LFRDTEV Normal, PAFWRF Enabled, HTS BCM
13=Tach Redline Range 2, LFRDTEV Normal, PAFWRF Enabled, HTS HCM
14=Tach Redline Range 2, LFRDTEV Decreased, PAFWRF Disabled, HTS BCM
15=Tach Redline Range 2, LFRDTEV Decreased, PAFWRF Disabled, HTS HCM
16=Tach Redline Range 2, LFRDTEV Decreased, PAFWRF Enabled, HTS BCM
17=Tach Redline Range 2, LFRDTEV Decreased, PAFWRF Enabled, HTS HCM
18=Tach Redline Range 3, LFRDTEV Normal, PAFWRF Disabled, HTS BCM
19=Tach Redline Range 3, LFRDTEV Normal, PAFWRF Disabled, HTS HCM
1A=Tach Redline Range 3, LFRDTEV Normal, PAFWRF Enabled, HTS BCM
1B=Tach Redline Range 3, LFRDTEV Normal, PAFWRF Enabled, HTS HCM
1C=Tach Redline Range 3, LFRDTEV Decreased, PAFWRF Disabled, HTS BCM
1D=Tach Redline Range 3, LFRDTEV Decreased, PAFWRF Disabled, HTS HCM
1E=Tach Redline Range 3, LFRDTEV Decreased, PAFWRF Enabled, HTS BCM
1F=Tach Redline Range 3, LFRDTEV Decreased, PAFWRF Enabled, HTS HCM

Display Unit Selection Function (DUSF)
Police Liftgate Unlocked Indicator (PLUI)
Police Aux Status Indication (PASI)
720-04-02 xxxx-*xxx


720-04-02: xxxx-*xxx


0=DUSF English units, PLUI Disabled, PASI Disabled
2=DUSF English units, PLUI Disabled, PASI Enabled
4=DUSF English units, PLUI Enabled, PASI Disabled
6=DUSF English units, PLUI Enabled, PASI Enabled
8=DUSF Metric units, PLUI Disabled, PASI Disabled
A=DUSF Metric units, PLUI Disabled, PASI Enabled
C=DUSF Metric units, PLUI Enabled, PASI Disabled
E=DUSF Metric units, PLUI Enabled, PASI Enabled

Entertainment Non-Sync Source:
720-05-01 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx


720-05-01: *xxx-xxxx-xxxx


0=ENSSAMFM disabled, ENSSCD disabled, ENSSDAB disabled, ENSSS disabled
1=ENSSAMFM disabled, ENSSCD disabled, ENSSDAB disabled, ENSSS enabled
2=ENSSAMFM disabled, ENSSCD disabled, ENSSDAB enabled, ENSSS disabled
3=ENSSAMFM disabled, ENSSCD disabled, ENSSDAB enabled, ENSSS enabled
4=ENSSAMFM disabled, ENSSCD enabled, ENSSDAB disabled, ENSSS disabled
5=ENSSAMFM disabled, ENSSCD enabled, ENSSDAB disabled, ENSSS enabled
6=ENSSAMFM disabled, ENSSCD enabled, ENSSDAB enabled, ENSSS disabled
7=ENSSAMFM disabled, ENSSCD enabled, ENSSDAB enabled, ENSSS enabled
8=ENSSAMFM enabled, ENSSCD disabled, ENSSDAB disabled, ENSSS disabled
9=ENSSAMFM enabled, ENSSCD disabled, ENSSDAB disabled, ENSSS enabled
A=ENSSAMFM enabled, ENSSCD disabled, ENSSDAB enabled, ENSSS disabled
B=ENSSAMFM enabled, ENSSCD disabled, ENSSDAB enabled, ENSSS enabled
C=ENSSAMFM enabled, ENSSCD enabled, ENSSDAB disabled, ENSSS disabled
D=ENSSAMFM enabled, ENSSCD enabled, ENSSDAB disabled, ENSSS enabled
E=ENSSAMFM enabled, ENSSCD enabled, ENSSDAB enabled, ENSSS disabled
F=ENSSAMFM enabled, ENSSCD enabled, ENSSDAB enabled, ENSSS enabled

HD Radio (HDR)
720-05-01 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx


720-05-01: x*xx-xxxx-xxxx


0=HDR Disabled
8=HDR Enabled

Root Menu Infotainment:
RMI Climate (RMIC)
RMI Emotive (RMIE)
RMI Entertainment (RMIE)
RMI Navigation (RMIN)
720-05-01 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx


720-05-01: xx*x-xxxx-xxxx


0=RMIC Disabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIN Disabled
1=RMIC Disabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIN Enabled
2=RMIC Disabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIN Disabled
3=RMIC Disabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIN Enabled
4=RMIC Disabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIN Disabled
5=RMIC Disabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIN Enabled
6=RMIC Disabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIN Disabled
7=RMIC Disabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIN Enabled
8=RMIC Enabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIN Disabled
9=RMIC Enabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIN Enabled
A=RMIC Enabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIN Disabled
B=RMIC Enabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIN Enabled
C=RMIC Enabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIN Disabled
D=RMIC Enabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIN Enabled
E=RMIC Enabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIN Disabled
F=RMIC Enabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIN Enabled

Root Menu Infotainment:
RMI Phone (RMIP)
720-05-01 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx


720-05-01: xxx*-xxxx-xxxx


0=RMIP Disabled
8=RMIP Enabled

Denso Use Only
720-05-01 xxxx-**xx-xxxx


720-05-01: xxxx-**xx-xxxx

Not Defined
720-05-01 xxxx-xx**-xxxx


720-05-01: xxxx-xx**-xxxx

Conti 1 Use Only
720-05-01 xxxx-xxxx-**xx


720-05-01: xxxx-xxxx-**xx

Conti 2 Use Only
720-05-02 **xx-xxxx


720-05-02: **xx-xxxx

Conti 3 Use Only
720-05-02 xx**-xxxx


720-05-02: xx**-xxxx

Tank Selection
Center Stack (CS)
720-05-02 xxxx-**xx


720-05-02: xxxx-**xx


00=Reserved, CS Non-DM8
01=Reserved, CS DM8
10=Tank 1 (Saddle Tank: CD4.1/CD4.2), CS Non-DM8
11=Tank 1 (Saddle Tank: CD4.1/CD4.2), CS DM8
20=Tank 1 (Single Tank: C489 NA Only), CS Non-DM8
21=Tank 1 (Single Tank: C489 NA Only), CS DM8
30=Reserved, CS Non-DM8
31=Reserved, CS DM8
40=Tank 1 (Single Tank: C489 China Only), CS Non-DM8
41=Tank 1 (Single Tank: C489 China Only), CS DM8
50=Reserved, CS Non-DM8
51=Reserved, CS DM8
60=Reserved, CS Non-DM8
61=Reserved, CS DM8
70=Reserved, CS Non-DM8
71=Reserved, CS DM8
80=Tank 1 (Saddle Tank: U502 Only), CS Non-DM8
81=Tank 1 (Saddle Tank: U502 Only), CS DM8
08=Tank 1 (Single Tank: CD4.1/CD4.2/U502), CS Non-DM8
09=Tank 1 (Single Tank: CD4.1/CD4.2/U502), CS DM8
18=Reserved, CS Non-DM8
19=Reserved, CS DM8
28=Reserved, CS Non-DM8
29=Reserved, CS DM8
38=Reserved, CS Non-DM8
39=Reserved, CS DM8
48=Reserved, CS Non-DM8
49=Reserved, CS DM8
58=Reserved, CS Non-DM8
59=Reserved, CS DM8
68=Reserved, CS Non-DM8
69=Reserved, CS DM8
78=Reserved, CS Non-DM8
79=Reserved, CS DM8
88=Reserved, CS Non-DM8
89=Reserved, CS DM8

S550 Mustang Applications Only
720-06-01 - 720-06-02


720-06-01 - 720-06-02:

Countdown Start (CS)
Acceleration Timer (AT)
Accelerometer Display (AD)
720-06-01 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx


720-06-01: *xxx-xxxx-xxxx


0=CS Pro Tree Style, AT Disabled, AD Disabled
2=CS Pro Tree Style, AT Disabled, AD Enabled
4=CS Pro Tree Style, AT Enabled, AD Disabled
6=CS Pro Tree Style, AT Enabled, AD Enabled
8=CS F1 Style, AT Disabled, AD Disabled
A=CS F1 Style, AT Disabled, AD Enabled
C=CS F1 Style, AT Enabled, AD Disabled
E=CS F1 Style, AT Enabled, AD Enabled

Brake Performance (BP)
Line Lock (LL)
720-06-01 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx


720-06-01: x*xx-xxxx-xxxx


0=BP Disabled, LL Disabled
4=BP Disabled, LL Enabled
8=BP Enabled, LL Disabled
C=BP Enabled, LL Enabled

Virtual Gauges (VG)
Air to Fuel Ratio Gauge (AFRG)
Battery Voltage Display (BVD)
Boost Vac Display (BVD)
720-06-01 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx


720-06-01: xx*x-xxxx-xxxx


0=VG Disabled, AFRG Disabled, BVD Disabled, BVD Disabled
1=VG Disabled, AFRG Disabled, BVD Disabled, BVD Enabled
2=VG Disabled, AFRG Disabled, BVD Enabled, BVD Disabled
3=VG Disabled, AFRG Disabled, BVD Enabled, BVD Enabled
4=VG Disabled, AFRG Enabled, BVD Disabled, BVD Disabled
5=VG Disabled, AFRG Enabled, BVD Disabled, BVD Enabled
6=VG Disabled, AFRG Enabled, BVD Enabled, BVD Disabled
7=VG Disabled, AFRG Enabled, BVD Enabled, BVD Enabled
8=VG Enabled, AFRG Disabled, BVD Disabled, BVD Disabled
9=VG Enabled, AFRG Disabled, BVD Disabled, BVD Enabled
A=VG Enabled, AFRG Disabled, BVD Enabled, BVD Disabled
B=VG Enabled, AFRG Disabled, BVD Enabled, BVD Enabled
C=VG Enabled, AFRG Enabled, BVD Disabled, BVD Disabled
D=VG Enabled, AFRG Enabled, BVD Disabled, BVD Enabled
E=VG Enabled, AFRG Enabled, BVD Enabled, BVD Disabled
F=VG Enabled, AFRG Enabled, BVD Enabled, BVD Enabled

Cylinder Head Temp Display (CHTD)
Inlet Air Temp Display (IATD)
Oil Pressure Display (OPD)
Oil Temp Display (OTD)
720-06-01 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx


720-06-01: xxx*-xxxx-xxxx


0=CHTD Disabled, IATD Disabled, OPD Disabled, OTD Disabled
1=CHTD Disabled, IATD Disabled, OPD Disabled, OTD Enabled
2=CHTD Disabled, IATD Disabled, OPD Enabled, OTD Disabled
3=CHTD Disabled, IATD Disabled, OPD Enabled, OTD Enabled
4=CHTD Disabled, IATD Enabled, OPD Disabled, OTD Disabled
5=CHTD Disabled, IATD Enabled, OPD Disabled, OTD Enabled
6=CHTD Disabled, IATD Enabled, OPD Enabled, OTD Disabled
7=CHTD Disabled, IATD Enabled, OPD Enabled, OTD Enabled
8=CHTD Enabled, IATD Disabled, OPD Disabled, OTD Disabled
9=CHTD Enabled, IATD Disabled, OPD Disabled, OTD Enabled
A=CHTD Enabled, IATD Disabled, OPD Enabled, OTD Disabled
B=CHTD Enabled, IATD Disabled, OPD Enabled, OTD Enabled
C=CHTD Enabled, IATD Enabled, OPD Disabled, OTD Disabled
D=CHTD Enabled, IATD Enabled, OPD Disabled, OTD Enabled
E=CHTD Enabled, IATD Enabled, OPD Enabled, OTD Disabled
F=CHTD Enabled, IATD Enabled, OPD Enabled, OTD Enabled

Transmission Fluid Temp Display (TFT)
720-06-01 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx


720-06-01: xxxx-*xxx-xxxx


0=TFT Disabled
8=TFT Enabled

Not Defined
720-06-01 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx


720-06-01: xxxx-x*xx-xxxx

Not Defined
720-06-01 xxxx-xx**-xxxx


720-06-01: xxxx-xx**-xxxx

Launch Control (LC)
Ceramic Brake Pad Wear Indicator (CBPWI)
720-06-01 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx


720-06-01: xxxx-xxxx-*xxx


0=LC Disabled, CBPWI Disabled, EPASB Disabled
1=LC Disabled, CBPWI Disabled, EPASB Enabled
4=LC Disabled, CBPWI Enabled, EPASB Disabled
5=LC Disabled, CBPWI Enabled, EPASB Enabled
8=LC Enabled, CBPWI Disabled, EPASB Disabled
9=LC Enabled, CBPWI Disabled, EPASB Enabled
C=LC Enabled, CBPWI Enabled, EPASB Disabled
D=LC Enabled, CBPWI Enabled, EPASB Enabled

Selectable Drive Mode (SDM)
720-06-01 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx


720-06-01: xxxx-xxxx-x*xx


0=SDM Disabled
8=SDM Enabled

Not Defined
720-06-02 xxxx-xxxx


720-06-02: xxxx-xxxx

Truck Applications Only
720-07-01 - 720-07-02


720-07-01 - 720-07-02:

E-Locker (EL)
Temperature Curve (TC)
Welcome Farewell Switch Input (WF)
720-07-01 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx


720-07-01: *xxx-xxxx-xxxx


0=EL Disabled, TC Standard, WF do Not keep SCCM Awake
1=EL Disabled, TC Standard, WF Wake/keep Awake SCCM
4=EL Disabled, TC Hot, WF do Not keep SCCM Awake
5=EL Disabled, TC Hot, WF Wake/keep Awake SCCM
8=EL Enabled, TC Standard, WF do Not keep SCCM Awake
9=EL Enabled, TC Standard, WF Wake/keep Awake SCCM
C=EL Enabled, TC Hot, WF do Not keep SCCM Awake
D=EL Enabled, TC Hot, WF Wake/keep Awake SCCM

Next Charge (NC)
4x4 CAN HW (4x4)
Trailer Brake Gain Warning (TBGW)
Trailer Backup Assist (TBA)
720-07-01 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx


720-07-01: x*xx-xxxx-xxxx


0=NC Disabled, 4x4 HW, TBGW Disabled, TBA Disabled
1=NC Disabled, 4x4 HW, TBGW Disabled, TBA Enabled
2=NC Disabled, 4x4 HW, TBGW Enabled, TBA Disabled
3=NC Disabled, 4x4 HW, TBGW Enabled, TBA Enabled
4=NC Disabled, 4x4 CAN, TBGW Disabled, TBA Disabled
5=NC Disabled, 4x4 CAN, TBGW Disabled, TBA Enabled
6=NC Disabled, 4x4 CAN, TBGW Enabled, TBA Disabled
7=NC Disabled, 4x4 CAN, TBGW Enabled, TBA Enabled
8=NC Enabled, 4x4 HW, TBGW Disabled, TBA Disabled
9=NC Enabled, 4x4 HW, TBGW Disabled, TBA Enabled
A=NC Enabled, 4x4 HW, TBGW Enabled, TBA Disabled
B=NC Enabled, 4x4 HW, TBGW Enabled, TBA Enabled
C=NC Enabled, 4x4 CAN, TBGW Disabled, TBA Disabled
D=NC Enabled, 4x4 CAN, TBGW Disabled, TBA Enabled
E=NC Enabled, 4x4 CAN, TBGW Enabled, TBA Disabled
F=NC Enabled, 4x4 CAN, TBGW Enabled, TBA Enabled

Trailer Lighting (TL)
Engine Hour Function (EHF)
Engine Idle Hour Function (EIHF)
Steering Gear Ratio (SGR)
720-07-01 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx


720-07-01: xx*x-xxxx-xxxx


0=TL Disabled, EHF Disabled, EIHF Disabled, SGR 17:1
1=TL Disabled, EHF Disabled, EIHF Disabled, SGR 20:1
2=TL Disabled, EHF Disabled, EIHF Enabled, SGR 17:1
3=TL Disabled, EHF Disabled, EIHF Enabled, SGR 20:1
4=TL Disabled, EHF Enabled, EIHF Disabled, SGR 17:1
5=TL Disabled, EHF Enabled, EIHF Disabled, SGR 20:1
6=TL Disabled, EHF Enabled, EIHF Enabled, SGR 17:1
7=TL Disabled, EHF Enabled, EIHF Enabled, SGR 20:1
8=TL Enabled, EHF Disabled, EIHF Disabled, SGR 17:1
9=TL Enabled, EHF Disabled, EIHF Disabled, SGR 20:1
A=TL Enabled, EHF Disabled, EIHF Enabled, SGR 17:1
B=TL Enabled, EHF Disabled, EIHF Enabled, SGR 20:1
C=TL Enabled, EHF Enabled, EIHF Disabled, SGR 17:1
D=TL Enabled, EHF Enabled, EIHF Disabled, SGR 20:1
E=TL Enabled, EHF Enabled, EIHF Enabled, SGR 17:1
F=TL Enabled, EHF Enabled, EIHF Enabled, SGR 20:1

Running Board Control Function (RBCF)
Daytime Running Lights Control Function (DRLC)
FCW - ON Menu (FCW)
Digital Speedometer Feature (DSF)
720-07-01 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx


720-07-01: xxx*-xxxx-xxxx


0=RBCF Disabled, DRLC Disabled, FCW Disabled, DSF Disabled
1=RBCF Disabled, DRLC Disabled, FCW Disabled, DSF Enabled
2=RBCF Disabled, DRLC Disabled, FCW Enabled, DSF Disabled
3=RBCF Disabled, DRLC Disabled, FCW Enabled, DSF Enabled
4=RBCF Disabled, DRLC Enabled, FCW Disabled, DSF Disabled
5=RBCF Disabled, DRLC Enabled, FCW Disabled, DSF Enabled
6=RBCF Disabled, DRLC Enabled, FCW Enabled, DSF Disabled
7=RBCF Disabled, DRLC Enabled, FCW Enabled, DSF Enabled
8=RBCF Enabled, DRLC Disabled, FCW Disabled, DSF Disabled
9=RBCF Enabled, DRLC Disabled, FCW Disabled, DSF Enabled
A=RBCF Enabled, DRLC Disabled, FCW Enabled, DSF Disabled
B=RBCF Enabled, DRLC Disabled, FCW Enabled, DSF Enabled
C=RBCF Enabled, DRLC Enabled, FCW Disabled, DSF Disabled
D=RBCF Enabled, DRLC Enabled, FCW Disabled, DSF Enabled
E=RBCF Enabled, DRLC Enabled, FCW Enabled, DSF Disabled
F=RBCF Enabled, DRLC Enabled, FCW Enabled, DSF Enabled

Power Distribution Gauge Feature (PDGF)
TPMS by Location (TPMS)
GCC OverSpeed Warning (GCC)
720-07-01 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx


720-07-01: xxxx-*xxx-xxxx


0=PDGF Disabled, TPMS Disabled, GCC Disabled
1=PDGF Disabled, TPMS Disabled, GCC Enabled
2=PDGF Disabled, TPMS Enabled PSI, GCC Disabled
3=PDGF Disabled, TPMS Enabled PSI, GCC Enabled
4=PDGF Disabled, TPMS Enabled kPa, GCC Disabled
5=PDGF Disabled, TPMS Enabled kPa, GCC Enabled
6=PDGF Disabled, TPMS Enabled Bar, GCC Disabled
7=PDGF Disabled, TPMS Enabled Bar, GCC Enabled
8=PDGF Enabled, TPMS Disabled, GCC Disabled
9=PDGF Enabled, TPMS Disabled, GCC Enabled
A=PDGF Enabled, TPMS Enabled PSI, GCC Disabled
B=PDGF Enabled, TPMS Enabled PSI, GCC Enabled
C=PDGF Enabled, TPMS Enabled kPa, GCC Disabled
D=PDGF Enabled, TPMS Enabled kPa, GCC Enabled
E=PDGF Enabled, TPMS Enabled Bar, GCC Disabled
F=PDGF Enabled, TPMS Enabled Bar, GCC Enabled

Trailer Brake Controller (TBC)
Turbo Boost (TB)
Digital Gauge Interface (DGI)
NAV Speed Sign (NSS)
720-07-01 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx


720-07-01: xxxx-x*xx-xxxx


0=TBC Disabled, TB No, DGI Disabled, NSS NA
1=TBC Disabled, TB No, DGI Disabled, NSS ROW
2=TBC Disabled, TB No, DGI Enabled, NSS NA
3=TBC Disabled, TB No, DGI Enabled, NSS ROW
4=TBC Disabled, TB Yes, DGI Disabled, NSS NA
5=TBC Disabled, TB Yes, DGI Disabled, NSS ROW
6=TBC Disabled, TB Yes, DGI Enabled, NSS NA
7=TBC Disabled, TB Yes, DGI Enabled, NSS ROW
8=TBC Enabled, TB No, DGI Disabled, NSS NA
9=TBC Enabled, TB No, DGI Disabled, NSS ROW
A=TBC Enabled, TB No, DGI Enabled, NSS NA
B=TBC Enabled, TB No, DGI Enabled, NSS ROW
C=TBC Enabled, TB Yes, DGI Disabled, NSS NA
D=TBC Enabled, TB Yes, DGI Disabled, NSS ROW
E=TBC Enabled, TB Yes, DGI Enabled, NSS NA
F=TBC Enabled, TB Yes, DGI Enabled, NSS ROW

Engine Temp Digital (ETD)
Transmission Temp Digital (TTD)
720-07-01 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx


720-07-01: xxxx-xx*x-xxxx


0=ETD Always Off, TTD Always Off
1=ETD Always Off, TTD Always On
2=ETD Always Off, TTD SP1
3=ETD Always Off, TTD SP2
4=ETD Always On, TTD Always Off
5=ETD Always On, TTD Always On
6=ETD Always On, TTD SP1
7=ETD Always On, TTD SP2
8=ETD SP1, TTD Always Off
9=ETD SP1, TTD Always On
C=ETD SP2, TTD Always Off
D=ETD SP2, TTD Always On
E=ETD SP2, TTD always SP1
F=ETD SP2, TTD always SP2

Engine Oil Digital (EOD)
Auto High Beam Telltale (AHBT)
Snow Plow (SP)
720-07-01 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx


720-07-01: xxxx-xxx*-xxxx


0=EOD Always Off, AHBT Disabled, SP Disabled
1=EOD Always Off, AHBT Disabled, SP Enabled
2=EOD Always Off, AHBT Enabled, SP Disabled
3=EOD Always Off, AHBT Enabled, SP Enabled
4=EOD Always On, AHBT Disabled, SP Disabled
5=EOD Always On, AHBT Disabled, SP Enabled
6=EOD Always On, AHBT Enabled, SP Disabled
7=EOD Always On, AHBT Enabled, SP Enabled
8=EOD SP1, AHBT Disabled, SP Disabled
9=EOD SP1, AHBT Disabled, SP Enabled
A=EOD SP1, AHBT Enabled, SP Disabled
B=EOD SP1, AHBT Enabled, SP Enabled
C=EOD SP2, AHBT Disabled, SP Disabled
D=EOD SP2, AHBT Disabled, SP Enabled
E=EOD SP2, AHBT Enabled, SP Disabled
F=EOD SP2, AHBT Enabled, SP Enabled

Splash Screen (SS)
Background Image (BI)
TPMS Placard Tire Pressure Display (TPMS)
720-07-01 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx


720-07-01: xxxx-xxxx-*xxx


0=Mexico No, SS No, BI No, TPMS Disabled
1=Mexico No, SS No, BI No, TPMS Enabled
2=Mexico No, SS No, BI Yes, TPMS Disabled
3=Mexico No, SS No, BI Yes, TPMS Enabled
4=Mexico No, SS Yes, BI No, TPMS Disabled
5=Mexico No, SS Yes, BI No, TPMS Enabled
6=Mexico No, SS Yes, BI Yes, TPMS Disabled
7=Mexico No, SS Yes, BI Yes, TPMS Enabled
8=Mexico Yes, SS No, BI No, TPMS Disabled
9=Mexico Yes, SS No, BI No, TPMS Enabled
A=Mexico Yes, SS No, BI Yes, TPMS Disabled
B=Mexico Yes, SS No, BI Yes, TPMS Enabled
C=Mexico Yes, SS Yes, BI No, TPMS Disabled
D=Mexico Yes, SS Yes, BI No, TPMS Enabled
E=Mexico Yes, SS Yes, BI Yes, TPMS Disabled
F=Mexico Yes, SS Yes, BI Yes, TPMS Enabled

4WD Label (WDL)
Terrain Management System (TMS)
Temperature Curve (TC)
720-07-01 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx


720-07-01: xxxx-xxxx-x*xx


0=WDL No, TMS Disabled, TC Standard Gasoline
1=WDL No, TMS Disabled, TC Hot Gasoline
2=WDL No, TMS Disabled, TC Standard Diesel
3=WDL No, TMS Disabled, TC Cold Diesel (P473)
4=WDL No, TMS Enabled, TC Standard Gasoline
5=WDL No, TMS Enabled, TC Hot Gasoline
6=WDL No, TMS Enabled, TC Standard Diesel
7=WDL No, TMS Enabled, TC Cold Diesel (P473)
8=WDL Yes, TMS Disabled, TC Standard Gasoline
9=WDL Yes, TMS Disabled, TC Hot Gasoline
A=WDL Yes, TMS Disabled, TC Standard Diesel
B=WDL Yes, TMS Disabled, TC Cold Diesel (P473)
C=WDL Yes, TMS Enabled, TC Standard Gasoline
D=WDL Yes, TMS Enabled, TC Hot Gasoline
E=WDL Yes, TMS Enabled, TC Standard Diesel
F=WDL Yes, TMS Enabled, TC Cold Diesel (P473)

Rear Camera Feature (RCF)
Rear Camera Delay (RCD)
Rear Camera Visual Park Aid (RCVPA)
Rear Camera Active Gridlines (RCAG)
720-07-02 *xxx-xxxx


720-07-02: *xxx-xxxx


0=RCF Disabled, RCD Disabled, RCVPA Disabled, RCAG Disabled
1=RCF Disabled, RCD Disabled, RCVPA Disabled, RCAG Enabled
2=RCF Disabled, RCD Disabled, RCVPA Enabled, RCAG Disabled
3=RCF Disabled, RCD Disabled, RCVPA Enabled, RCAG Enabled
4=RCF Disabled, RCD Enabled, RCVPA Disabled, RCAG Disabled
5=RCF Disabled, RCD Enabled, RCVPA Disabled, RCAG Enabled
6=RCF Disabled, RCD Enabled, RCVPA Enabled, RCAG Disabled
7=RCF Disabled, RCD Enabled, RCVPA Enabled, RCAG Enabled
8=RCF Enabled, RCD Disabled, RCVPA Disabled, RCAG Disabled
9=RCF Enabled, RCD Disabled, RCVPA Disabled, RCAG Enabled
A=RCF Enabled, RCD Disabled, RCVPA Enabled, RCAG Disabled
B=RCF Enabled, RCD Disabled, RCVPA Enabled, RCAG Enabled
C=RCF Enabled, RCD Enabled, RCVPA Disabled, RCAG Disabled
D=RCF Enabled, RCD Enabled, RCVPA Disabled, RCAG Enabled
E=RCF Enabled, RCD Enabled, RCVPA Enabled, RCAG Disabled
F=RCF Enabled, RCD Enabled, RCVPA Enabled, RCAG Enabled

ManRegen (MR)
Trailer Lighting Status (TLS)
Off Road Screen (ORS)
Front Camera (FC)
720-07-02 x*xx-xxxx


720-07-02: x*xx-xxxx


0=MR Disabled, TLS Disabled, ORS Disabled, FC Disabled
1=MR Disabled, TLS Disabled, ORS Disabled, FC Enabled
2=MR Disabled, TLS Disabled, ORS Enabled, FC Disabled
3=MR Disabled, TLS Disabled, ORS Enabled, FC Enabled
4=MR Disabled, TLS Enabled, ORS Disabled, FC Disabled
5=MR Disabled, TLS Enabled, ORS Disabled, FC Enabled
6=MR Disabled, TLS Enabled, ORS Enabled, FC Disabled
7=MR Disabled, TLS Enabled, ORS Enabled, FC Enabled
8=MR Enabled, TLS Disabled, ORS Disabled, FC Disabled
9=MR Enabled, TLS Disabled, ORS Disabled, FC Enabled
A=MR Enabled, TLS Disabled, ORS Enabled, FC Disabled
B=MR Enabled, TLS Disabled, ORS Enabled, FC Enabled
C=MR Enabled, TLS Enabled, ORS Disabled, FC Disabled
D=MR Enabled, TLS Enabled, ORS Disabled, FC Enabled
E=MR Enabled, TLS Enabled, ORS Enabled, FC Disabled
F=MR Enabled, TLS Enabled, ORS Enabled, FC Enabled

Auto Zoom
720-07-02 xx*x-xxxx


720-07-02: xx*x-xxxx



Not Defined
720-07-02 xxx*-**xx


720-07-02: xxx*-**xx


The data contained in this database primarily applies to CGEA 1.3 Ford/Lincoln vehicles equipped with the Visteon L3 IPC (****-10849-*).
Instrument Panel Control Module (2014+)
Part Numbers: DS7T-*, GS7T-*, JS7T-AJ, AM, BJ, BM
There may be differences due to vehicle model and region.



Ford F-150 Platinum FX-4 (2015)
United States, Canada & Mexico
Electronics/Electrical Engineer, MSEE
Joined 4 July 2020
Manage Account


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