IPC C-Platform (2012-2019) Database
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Tank Size A720-01-01 ***x-xxxx-xxxx
# Fuel Senders
# Fuel Tanks
Flex Fuel (FF)
Trans Type (TT)720-01-01 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
# Fuel Tanks
Flex Fuel (FF)
Trans Type (TT)
1=1 Sender, 1 Tank, FF Disabled, TT Manual
2=1 Sender, 1 Tank, FF Enabled, TT Automatic
3=1 Sender, 1 Tank, FF Enabled, TT Manual
4=1 Sender, 2 Tanks, FF Disabled, TT Automatic
5=1 Sender, 2 Tanks, FF Disabled, TT Manual
6=1 Sender, 2 Tanks, FF Enabled, TT Automatic
7=1 Sender, 2 Tanks, FF Enabled, TT Manual
8=2 Senders, 1 Tank, FF Disabled, TT Automatic
9=2 Senders, 1 Tank, FF Disabled, TT Manual
A=2 Senders, 1 Tank, FF Enabled, TT Automatic
B=2 Senders, 1 Tank, FF Enabled, TT Manual
C=2 Senders, 2 Tanks, FF Disabled, TT Automatic
D=2 Senders, 2 Tanks, FF Disabled, TT Manual
E=2 Senders, 2 Tanks, FF Enabled, TT Automatic
F=2 Senders, 2 Tanks, FF Enabled, TT Manual
Adjustable Speed Limiter Device (ASLD)
Eco Speed Control (ESC)
Global Clock (GC)
Hill Start Assist (HSA)720-01-01 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
Eco Speed Control (ESC)
Global Clock (GC)
Hill Start Assist (HSA)
1=ASLD Disabled, ESC Disabled, GC Disabled, HSA Enabled
2=ASLD Disabled, ESC Disabled, GC Enabled, HSA Disabled
3=ASLD Disabled, ESC Disabled, GC Enabled, HSA Enabled
4=ASLD Disabled, ESC Enabled, GC Disabled, HSA Disabled
5=ASLD Disabled, ESC Enabled, GC Disabled, HSA Enabled
6=ASLD Disabled, ESC Enabled, GC Enabled, HSA Disabled
7=ASLD Disabled, ESC Enabled, GC Enabled, HSA Enabled
8=ASLD Enabled, ESC Disabled, GC Disabled, HSA Disabled
9=ASLD Enabled, ESC Disabled, GC Disabled, HSA Enabled
A=ASLD Enabled, ESC Disabled, GC Enabled, HSA Disabled
B=ASLD Enabled, ESC Disabled, GC Enabled, HSA Enabled
C=ASLD Enabled, ESC Enabled, GC Disabled, HSA Disabled
D=ASLD Enabled, ESC Enabled, GC Disabled, HSA Enabled
E=ASLD Enabled, ESC Enabled, GC Enabled, HSA Disabled
F=ASLD Enabled, ESC Enabled, GC Enabled, HSA Enabled
Auto Engine Idle Shutdown (AEIS) Without Override
Auto Engine Idle Shutdown (AEIS) With Override
Perimeter Alarm Reduced Guard (PARG)720-01-01 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
Auto Engine Idle Shutdown (AEIS) With Override
Perimeter Alarm Reduced Guard (PARG)
1=AEIS w/o Override Disabled, AEIS w/Override Disabled, BEV or PHEV, PARG Enabled
2=AEIS w/o Override Disabled, AEIS w/Override Disabled, FHEV, PARG Disabled
3=AEIS w/o Override Disabled, AEIS w/Override Disabled, FHEV, PARG Enabled
4=AEIS w/o Override Disabled, AEIS w/Override Enabled, BEV or PHEV, PARG Disabled
5=AEIS w/o Override Disabled, AEIS w/Override Enabled, BEV or PHEV, PARG Enabled
6=AEIS w/o Override Disabled, AEIS w/Override Enabled, FHEV, PARG Disabled
7=AEIS w/o Override Disabled, AEIS w/Override Enabled, FHEV, PARG Enabled
8=AEIS w/o Override Enabled, AEIS w/Override Disabled, BEV or PHEV, PARG Disabled
9=AEIS w/o Override Enabled, AEIS w/Override Disabled, BEV or PHEV, PARG Enabled
A=AEIS w/o Override Enabled, AEIS w/Override Disabled, FHEV, PARG Disabled
B=AEIS w/o Override Enabled, AEIS w/Override Disabled, FHEV, PARG Enabled
C=AEIS w/o Override Enabled, AEIS w/Override Enabled, BEV or PHEV, PARG Disabled
D=AEIS w/o Override Enabled, AEIS w/Override Enabled, BEV or PHEV, PARG Enabled
E=AEIS w/o Override Enabled, AEIS w/Override Enabled, FHEV, PARG Disabled
F=AEIS w/o Override Enabled, AEIS w/Override Enabled, FHEV, PARG Enabled
Global Clock (GC) 12/24 Hour
EV Enhanced GPS (EGPS)
Low Washer Fluid (LWF) Cfg
Deflation Detection System (DDS)720-01-01 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
EV Enhanced GPS (EGPS)
Low Washer Fluid (LWF) Cfg
Deflation Detection System (DDS)
1=GC 12 Hour, EGPS Disabled, EGPS Disabled, DDS Enabled
2=GC 12 Hour, EGPS Disabled, EGPS Enabled, DDS Disabled
3=GC 12 Hour, EGPS Disabled, EGPS Enabled, DDS Enabled
4=GC 12 Hour, EGPS Enabled, EGPS Disabled, DDS Disabled
5=GC 12 Hour, EGPS Enabled, EGPS Disabled, DDS Enabled
6=GC 12 Hour, EGPS Enabled, EGPS Enabled, DDS Disabled
7=GC 12 Hour, EGPS Enabled, EGPS Enabled, DDS Enabled
8=GC 24 Hour, EGPS Disabled, EGPS Disabled, DDS Disabled
9=GC 24 Hour, EGPS Disabled, EGPS Disabled, DDS Enabled
A=GC 24 Hour, EGPS Disabled, EGPS Enabled, DDS Disabled
B=GC 24 Hour, EGPS Disabled, EGPS Enabled, DDS Enabled
C=GC 24 Hour, EGPS Enabled, EGPS Disabled, DDS Disabled
D=GC 24 Hour, EGPS Enabled, EGPS Disabled, DDS Enabled
E=GC 24 Hour, EGPS Enabled, EGPS Enabled, DDS Disabled
F=GC 24 Hour, EGPS Enabled, EGPS Enabled, DDS Enabled
Rear Fog (RF)
Front Fog (FF)
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS)720-01-01 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
Front Fog (FF)
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS)
1=RF Disabled, FF Disabled, TPMS Disabled, ABS Enabled
2=RF Disabled, FF Disabled, TPMS Enabled, ABS Disabled
3=RF Disabled, FF Disabled, TPMS Enabled, ABS Enabled
4=RF Disabled, FF Enabled, TPMS Disabled, ABS Disabled
5=RF Disabled, FF Enabled, TPMS Disabled, ABS Enabled
6=RF Disabled, FF Enabled, TPMS Enabled, ABS Disabled
7=RF Disabled, FF Enabled, TPMS Enabled, ABS Enabled
8=RF Enabled, FF Disabled, TPMS Disabled, ABS Disabled
9=RF Enabled, FF Disabled, TPMS Disabled, ABS Enabled
A=RF Enabled, FF Disabled, TPMS Enabled, ABS Disabled
B=RF Enabled, FF Disabled, TPMS Enabled, ABS Enabled
C=RF Enabled, FF Enabled, TPMS Disabled, ABS Disabled
D=RF Enabled, FF Enabled, TPMS Disabled, ABS Enabled
E=RF Enabled, FF Enabled, TPMS Enabled, ABS Disabled
F=RF Enabled, FF Enabled, TPMS Enabled, ABS Enabled
Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Present
Chime Generator (CG)
EE Format Menu720-01-01 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
Chime Generator (CG)
EE Format Menu
1=DSP Not Present, CG Cluster only, EE Enabled
2=DSP Not Present, CG Audio Dual, EE Disabled
3=DSP Not Present, CG Audio Dual, EE Enabled
4=DSP Not Present, CG Audio Single, EE Disabled
5=DSP Not Present, CG Audio Single, EE Enabled
6=DSP Not Present, CG Not Used, EE Disabled
7=DSP Not Present, CG Not Used, EE Enabled
8=DSP Present, CG Cluster only, EE Disabled
9=DSP Present, CG Cluster only, EE Enabled
A=DSP Present, CG Audio Dual, EE Disabled
B=DSP Present, CG Audio Dual, EE Enabled
C=DSP Present, CG Audio Single, EE Disabled
D=DSP Present, CG Audio Single, EE Enabled
E=DSP Present, CG Not Used, EE Disabled
F=DSP Present, CG Not Used, EE Enabled
Key In Chime (KIC)
Overspeed (OS)
Backup (BU) (Japan Only)
Roll Stability Control (RSC) Chimes720-01-01 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
Overspeed (OS)
Backup (BU) (Japan Only)
Roll Stability Control (RSC) Chimes
1=KIC Disabled, OS Disabled, BU Disabled, RSC Enabled
2=KIC Disabled, OS Disabled, BU Enabled, RSC Disabled
3=KIC Disabled, OS Disabled, BU Enabled, RSC Enabled
4=KIC Disabled, OS Enabled, BU Disabled, RSC Disabled
5=KIC Disabled, OS Enabled, BU Disabled, RSC Enabled
6=KIC Disabled, OS Enabled, BU Enabled, RSC Disabled
7=KIC Disabled, OS Enabled, BU Enabled, RSC Enabled
8=KIC Enabled, OS Disabled, BU Disabled, RSC Disabled
9=KIC Enabled, OS Disabled, BU Disabled, RSC Enabled
A=KIC Enabled, OS Disabled, BU Enabled, RSC Disabled
B=KIC Enabled, OS Disabled, BU Enabled, RSC Enabled
C=KIC Enabled, OS Enabled, BU Disabled, RSC Disabled
D=KIC Enabled, OS Enabled, BU Disabled, RSC Enabled
E=KIC Enabled, OS Enabled, BU Enabled, RSC Disabled
F=KIC Enabled, OS Enabled, BU Enabled, RSC Enabled
Beltminder (BM)
Passenger Beltminder (PBM)
Mid Passenger Beltminder (MPBM)
Speedometer Cal (SC)720-01-02 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
Passenger Beltminder (PBM)
Mid Passenger Beltminder (MPBM)
Speedometer Cal (SC)
1=BM Disabled, PBM Disabled, MPBM Disabled, SC ECC (EU)
2=BM Disabled, PBM Disabled, MPBM Enabled, SC North America
3=BM Disabled, PBM Disabled, MPBM Enabled, SC ECC (EU)
4=BM Disabled, PBM Enabled, MPBM Disabled, SC North America
5=BM Disabled, PBM Enabled, MPBM Disabled, SC ECC (EU)
6=BM Disabled, PBM Enabled, MPBM Enabled, SC North America
7=BM Disabled, PBM Enabled, MPBM Enabled, SC ECC (EU)
8=BM Enabled, PBM Disabled, MPBM Disabled, SC North America
9=BM Enabled, PBM Disabled, MPBM Disabled, SC ECC (EU)
A=BM Enabled, PBM Disabled, MPBM Enabled, SC North America
B=BM Enabled, PBM Disabled, MPBM Enabled, SC ECC (EU)
C=BM Enabled, PBM Enabled, MPBM Disabled, SC North America
D=BM Enabled, PBM Enabled, MPBM Disabled, SC ECC (EU)
E=BM Enabled, PBM Enabled, MPBM Enabled, SC North America
F=BM Enabled, PBM Enabled, MPBM Enabled, SC ECC (EU)
Traction Control (TC)/Interactive Vehicle Dynamics (IVD)/Roll Stability Control (RSC)
2WD/4x4/AWD720-01-02 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
1=Disabled, 4x4
2=Disabled, AWD
3=Not Used
4=TC, 2WD
5=TC, 4x4
7=Not Used
8=IVD, 2WD
9=IVD, 4x4
B=Not Used
D=RSC, 4x4
F=Not Used
MyKey Feature Supported (MFS)
MyKey Volume Limit (MVL)
Next Charge (NC)
Oil Pressure Switch Input (OPS)720-01-02 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
MyKey Volume Limit (MVL)
Next Charge (NC)
Oil Pressure Switch Input (OPS)
1=MFS Disabled, MVL Disabled, NC Disabled, OPS CAN
2=MFS Disabled, MVL Disabled, NC Enabled, OPS HW
3=MFS Disabled, MVL Disabled, NC Enabled, OPS CAN
4=MFS Disabled, MVL Enabled, NC Disabled, OPS HW
5=MFS Disabled, MVL Enabled, NC Disabled, OPS CAN
6=MFS Disabled, MVL Enabled, NC Enabled, OPS HW
7=MFS Disabled, MVL Enabled, NC Enabled, OPS CAN
8=MFS Enabled, MVL Disabled, NC Disabled, OPS HW
9=MFS Enabled, MVL Disabled, NC Disabled, OPS CAN
A=MFS Enabled, MVL Disabled, NC Enabled, OPS HW
B=MFS Enabled, MVL Disabled, NC Enabled, OPS CAN
C=MFS Enabled, MVL Enabled, NC Disabled, OPS HW
D=MFS Enabled, MVL Enabled, NC Disabled, OPS CAN
E=MFS Enabled, MVL Enabled, NC Enabled, OPS HW
F=MFS Enabled, MVL Enabled, NC Enabled, OPS CAN
Passive Entry Passive Start (PEPS)
Turn by Turn Navigation (TTN)
Program Type (PTY)
TCM Present720-01-02 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
Turn by Turn Navigation (TTN)
Program Type (PTY)
TCM Present
1=PEPS Disabled, TTN Disabled, PTY RBDS (US), TCM Present
2=PEPS Disabled, TTN Disabled, PTY RDS (EU), TCM Not Present
3=PEPS Disabled, TTN Disabled, PTY RDS (EU), TCM Present
4=PEPS Disabled, TTN Enabled, PTY RBDS (US), TCM Not Present
5=PEPS Disabled, TTN Enabled, PTY RBDS (US), TCM Present
6=PEPS Disabled, TTN Enabled, PTY RDS (EU), TCM Not Present
7=PEPS Disabled, TTN Enabled, PTY RDS (EU), TCM Present
8=PEPS Enabled, TTN Disabled, PTY RBDS (US), TCM Not Present
9=PEPS Enabled, TTN Disabled, PTY RBDS (US), TCM Present
A=PEPS Enabled, TTN Disabled, PTY RDS (EU), TCM Not Present
B=PEPS Enabled, TTN Disabled, PTY RDS (EU), TCM Present
C=PEPS Enabled, TTN Enabled, PTY RBDS (US), TCM Not Present
D=PEPS Enabled, TTN Enabled, PTY RBDS (US), TCM Present
E=PEPS Enabled, TTN Enabled, PTY RDS (EU), TCM Not Present
F=PEPS Enabled, TTN Enabled, PTY RDS (EU), TCM Present
Parking Assist Control Module (PAM)-F
Parking Assist Control Module (PAM)-R
PT Hybrid (PTH)720-01-02 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
Parking Assist Control Module (PAM)-R
PT Hybrid (PTH)
1=PAM-F Disabled, PAM-R Disabled, PTH BEV
2=PAM-F Disabled, PAM-R Disabled, PTH FHEV
3=PAM-F Disabled, PAM-R Disabled, PTH PHEV
4=PAM-F Disabled, PAM-R Enabled, PTH Non-Hybrid
5=PAM-F Disabled, PAM-R Enabled, PTH BEV
6=PAM-F Disabled, PAM-R Enabled, PTH FHEV
7=PAM-F Disabled, PAM-R Enabled, PTH PHEV
8=PAM-F Enabled, PAM-R Disabled, PTH Non-Hybrid
9=PAM-F Enabled, PAM-R Disabled, PTH BEV
A=PAM-F Enabled, PAM-R Disabled, PTH FHEV
B=PAM-F Enabled, PAM-R Disabled, PTH PHEV
C=PAM-F Enabled, PAM-R Enabled, PTH Non-Hybrid
D=PAM-F Enabled, PAM-R Enabled, PTH BEV
E=PAM-F Enabled, PAM-R Enabled, PTH FHEV
F=PAM-F Enabled, PAM-R Enabled, PTH PHEV
IFE Fuel Consumed Per Hour Display
Set Speed (SS)
Cruise Control Menu (CCM)
English Metric Display Unit (EMD)720-01-02 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
Set Speed (SS)
Cruise Control Menu (CCM)
English Metric Display Unit (EMD)
1=IFE Disabled, SS Disabled, CCM Disabled, EMD Metric
2=IFE Disabled, SS Disabled, CCM Enabled, EMD English
3=IFE Disabled, SS Disabled, CCM Enabled, EMD Metric
4=IFE Disabled, SS Enabled, CCM Disabled, EMD English
5=IFE Disabled, SS Enabled, CCM Disabled, EMD Metric
6=IFE Disabled, SS Enabled, CCM Enabled, EMD English
7=IFE Disabled, SS Enabled, CCM Enabled, EMD Metric
8=IFE Enabled, SS Disabled, CCM Disabled, EMD English
9=IFE Enabled, SS Disabled, CCM Disabled, EMD Metric
A=IFE Enabled, SS Disabled, CCM Enabled, EMD English
B=IFE Enabled, SS Disabled, CCM Enabled, EMD Metric
C=IFE Enabled, SS Enabled, CCM Disabled, EMD English
D=IFE Enabled, SS Enabled, CCM Disabled, EMD Metric
E=IFE Enabled, SS Enabled, CCM Enabled, EMD English
F=IFE Enabled, SS Enabled, CCM Enabled, EMD Metric
CCC Parameter 93 - Language (L)
Compass Sync (CS)
Welcome and Farewell (WF)
Welcome Ignition Behavior (WIB)720-01-02 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
Compass Sync (CS)
Welcome and Farewell (WF)
Welcome Ignition Behavior (WIB)
1=L English, CS Disabled, WF Disabled, WIB Welcone Scene On During Crank
2=L English, CS Disabled, WF Enabled, WIB Welcone Scene Off During Crank
3=L English, CS Disabled, WF Enabled, WIB Welcone Scene On During Crank
4=L English, CS Enabled, WF Disabled, WIB Welcone Scene Off During Crank
5=L English, CS Enabled, WF Disabled, WIB Welcone Scene On During Crank
6=L English, CS Enabled, WF Enabled, WIB Welcone Scene Off During Crank
7=L English, CS Enabled, WF Enabled, WIB Welcone Scene On During Crank
8=L Non-English, CS Disabled, WF Disabled, WIB Welcone Scene Off During Crank
9=L Non-English, CS Disabled, WF Disabled, WIB Welcone Scene On During Crank
A=L Non-English, CS Disabled, WF Enabled, WIB Welcone Scene Off During Crank
B=L Non-English, CS Disabled, WF Enabled, WIB Welcone Scene On During Crank
C=L Non-English, CS Enabled, WF Disabled, WIB Welcone Scene Off During Crank
D=L Non-English, CS Enabled, WF Disabled, WIB Welcone Scene On During Crank
E=L Non-English, CS Enabled, WF Enabled, WIB Welcone Scene Off During Crank
F=L Non-English, CS Enabled, WF Enabled, WIB Welcone Scene On During Crank
Language (L)
Low Battery Warning Selection (LBW)
Frost Telltale (FT)720-01-02 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
Low Battery Warning Selection (LBW)
Frost Telltale (FT)
1=L English, LBW Disabled, FT Enabled
2=L English, LBW Enabled, FT Disabled
3=L English, LBW Enabled, FT Enabled
4=L Spanish, LBW Disabled, FT Disabled
5=L Spanish, LBW Disabled, FT Enabled
6=L Spanish, LBW Enabled, FT Disabled
7=L Spanish, LBW Enabled, FT Enabled
8=L French, LBW Disabled, FT Disabled
9=L French, LBW Disabled, FT Enabled
A=L French, LBW Enabled, FT Disabled
B=L French, LBW Enabled, FT Enabled
C=L English, LBW Disabled, FT Disabled
D=L English, LBW Disabled, FT Enabled
E=L English, LBW Enabled, FT Disabled
F=L English, LBW Enabled, FT Enabled
Gallon Type (GT)
AFE Metric Type
Outside Air Temperature (OAT)
Oilminder (OM)720-01-02 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
AFE Metric Type
Outside Air Temperature (OAT)
Oilminder (OM)
1=GT US Gallon, AFE L/100km, OAT Disabled, OM Enabled
2=GT US Gallon, AFE L/100km, OAT Enabled, OM Disabled
3=GT US Gallon, AFE L/100km, OAT Enabled, OM Enabled
4=GT US Gallon, AFE km/L, OAT Disabled, OM Disabled
5=GT US Gallon, AFE km/L, OAT Disabled, OM Enabled
6=GT US Gallon, AFE km/L, OAT Enabled, OM Disabled
7=GT US Gallon, AFE km/L, OAT Enabled, OM Enabled
8=GT Imperial Gallon, AFE L/100km, OAT Disabled, OM Disabled
9=GT Imperial Gallon, AFE L/100km, OAT Disabled, OM Enabled
A=GT Imperial Gallon, AFE L/100km, OAT Enabled, OM Disabled
B=GT Imperial Gallon, AFE L/100km, OAT Enabled, OM Enabled
C=GT Imperial Gallon, AFE km/L, OAT Disabled, OM Disabled
D=GT Imperial Gallon, AFE km/L, OAT Disabled, OM Enabled
E=GT Imperial Gallon, AFE km/L, OAT Enabled, OM Disabled
F=GT Imperial Gallon, AFE km/L, OAT Enabled, OM Enabled
Door Content (DC)
Tire Kit (TK)
EPAS720-01-02 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
Tire Kit (TK)
1=DC Door/Rear Cargo Doors, TK Disabled, EPAS Enabled
2=DC Door/Rear Cargo Doors, TK Enabled, EPAS Disabled
3=DC Door/Rear Cargo Doors, TK Enabled, EPAS Enabled
4=DC Liftgate/Liftglass, TK Disabled, EPAS Disabled
5=DC Liftgate/Liftglass, TK Disabled, EPAS Enabled
6=DC Liftgate/Liftglass, TK Enabled, EPAS Disabled
7=DC Liftgate/Liftglass, TK Enabled, EPAS Enabled
8=DC Liftgate, TK Disabled, EPAS Disabled
9=DC Liftgate, TK Disabled, EPAS Enabled
A=DC Liftgate, TK Enabled, EPAS Disabled
B=DC Liftgate, TK Enabled, EPAS Enabled
C=DC Trunk, TK Disabled, EPAS Disabled
D=DC Trunk, TK Disabled, EPAS Enabled
E=DC Trunk, TK Enabled, EPAS Disabled
F=DC Trunk, TK Enabled, EPAS Enabled
Advancetrac Control (ATC)
Adaptive Headlamps (AHL)
Auto Highbeam (AHB)
Autolamp Delay (ALD)720-01-03 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx
Adaptive Headlamps (AHL)
Auto Highbeam (AHB)
Autolamp Delay (ALD)
1=ATC Disabled, AHL Disabled, AHB Disabled, ALD Enabled
2=ATC Disabled, AHL Disabled, AHB Enabled, ALD Disabled
3=ATC Disabled, AHL Disabled, AHB Enabled, ALD Enabled
4=ATC Disabled, AHL Enabled, AHB Disabled, ALD Disabled
5=ATC Disabled, AHL Enabled, AHB Disabled, ALD Enabled
6=ATC Disabled, AHL Enabled, AHB Enabled, ALD Disabled
7=ATC Disabled, AHL Enabled, AHB Enabled, ALD Enabled
8=ATC Enabled, AHL Disabled, AHB Disabled, ALD Disabled
9=ATC Enabled, AHL Disabled, AHB Disabled, ALD Enabled
A=ATC Enabled, AHL Disabled, AHB Enabled, ALD Disabled
B=ATC Enabled, AHL Disabled, AHB Enabled, ALD Enabled
C=ATC Enabled, AHL Enabled, AHB Disabled, ALD Disabled
D=ATC Enabled, AHL Enabled, AHB Disabled, ALD Enabled
E=ATC Enabled, AHL Enabled, AHB Enabled, ALD Disabled
F=ATC Enabled, AHL Enabled, AHB Enabled, ALD Enabled
AutoPark (AP)
Easy Entry (EE)
Global Open (GO)
Global Close (GC)720-01-03 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx
Easy Entry (EE)
Global Open (GO)
Global Close (GC)
1=AP Disabled, EE Disabled, GO Disabled, GC Enabled
2=AP Disabled, EE Disabled, GO Enabled, GC Disabled
3=AP Disabled, EE Disabled, GO Enabled, GC Enabled
4=AP Disabled, EE Enabled, GO Disabled, GC Disabled
5=AP Disabled, EE Enabled, GO Disabled, GC Enabled
6=AP Disabled, EE Enabled, GO Enabled, GC Disabled
7=AP Disabled, EE Enabled, GO Enabled, GC Enabled
8=AP Enabled, EE Disabled, GO Disabled, GC Disabled
9=AP Enabled, EE Disabled, GO Disabled, GC Enabled
A=AP Enabled, EE Disabled, GO Enabled, GC Disabled
B=AP Enabled, EE Disabled, GO Enabled, GC Enabled
C=AP Enabled, EE Enabled, GO Disabled, GC Disabled
D=AP Enabled, EE Enabled, GO Disabled, GC Enabled
E=AP Enabled, EE Enabled, GO Enabled, GC Disabled
F=AP Enabled, EE Enabled, GO Enabled, GC Enabled
One/Two Stage Unlocking (OTSU)
Autolock (AL)
Auto Unlock (AUL)
CCC Parameter 62 - Brand720-01-03 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx
Autolock (AL)
Auto Unlock (AUL)
CCC Parameter 62 - Brand
1=OTSU Disabled, AL Disabled, AUL Disabled, Brand Non-FNA
2=OTSU Disabled, AL Disabled, AUL Enabled, Brand Ford North America (FNA)
3=OTSU Disabled, AL Disabled, AUL Enabled, Brand Non-FNA
4=OTSU Disabled, AL Enabled, AUL Disabled, Brand Ford North America (FNA)
5=OTSU Disabled, AL Enabled, AUL Disabled, Brand Non-FNA
6=OTSU Disabled, AL Enabled, AUL Enabled, Brand Ford North America (FNA)
7=OTSU Disabled, AL Enabled, AUL Enabled, Brand Non-FNA
8=OTSU Enabled, AL Disabled, AUL Disabled, Brand Ford North America (FNA)
9=OTSU Enabled, AL Disabled, AUL Disabled, Brand Non-FNA
A=OTSU Enabled, AL Disabled, AUL Enabled, Brand Ford North America (FNA)
B=OTSU Enabled, AL Disabled, AUL Enabled, Brand Non-FNA
C=OTSU Enabled, AL Enabled, AUL Disabled, Brand Ford North America (FNA)
D=OTSU Enabled, AL Enabled, AUL Disabled, Brand Non-FNA
E=OTSU Enabled, AL Enabled, AUL Enabled, Brand Ford North America (FNA)
F=OTSU Enabled, AL Enabled, AUL Enabled, Brand Non-FNA
Courtesy Wipers (CW)
Rain Sensing Wipers (RSW)
Rear Reverse Gear Wiper (RRGW)
Perimeter Alarm (PA)720-01-03 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx
Rain Sensing Wipers (RSW)
Rear Reverse Gear Wiper (RRGW)
Perimeter Alarm (PA)
1=CW Disabled, RSW Disabled, RRGW Disabled, PA Enabled
2=CW Disabled, RSW Disabled, RRGW Enabled, PA Disabled
3=CW Disabled, RSW Disabled, RRGW Enabled, PA Enabled
4=CW Disabled, RSW Enabled, RRGW Disabled, PA Disabled
5=CW Disabled, RSW Enabled, RRGW Disabled, PA Enabled
6=CW Disabled, RSW Enabled, RRGW Enabled, PA Disabled
7=CW Disabled, RSW Enabled, RRGW Enabled, PA Enabled
8=CW Enabled, RSW Disabled, RRGW Disabled, PA Disabled
9=CW Enabled, RSW Disabled, RRGW Disabled, PA Enabled
A=CW Enabled, RSW Disabled, RRGW Enabled, PA Disabled
B=CW Enabled, RSW Disabled, RRGW Enabled, PA Enabled
C=CW Enabled, RSW Enabled, RRGW Disabled, PA Disabled
D=CW Enabled, RSW Enabled, RRGW Disabled, PA Enabled
E=CW Enabled, RSW Enabled, RRGW Enabled, PA Disabled
F=CW Enabled, RSW Enabled, RRGW Enabled, PA Enabled
Rear Camera (RC)
Camera Delay (CD)
Camera Parkaid (CPA)
Camera Zoom (CZ)720-01-03 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
Camera Delay (CD)
Camera Parkaid (CPA)
Camera Zoom (CZ)
1=RC Disabled, CD Disabled, CPA Disabled, CZ Enabled
2=RC Disabled, CD Disabled, CPA Enabled, CZ Disabled
3=RC Disabled, CD Disabled, CPA Enabled, CZ Enabled
4=RC Disabled, CD Enabled, CPA Disabled, CZ Disabled
5=RC Disabled, CD Enabled, CPA Disabled, CZ Enabled
6=RC Disabled, CD Enabled, CPA Enabled, CZ Disabled
7=RC Disabled, CD Enabled, CPA Enabled, CZ Enabled
8=RC Enabled, CD Disabled, CPA Disabled, CZ Disabled
9=RC Enabled, CD Disabled, CPA Disabled, CZ Enabled
A=RC Enabled, CD Disabled, CPA Enabled, CZ Disabled
B=RC Enabled, CD Disabled, CPA Enabled, CZ Enabled
C=RC Enabled, CD Enabled, CPA Disabled, CZ Disabled
D=RC Enabled, CD Enabled, CPA Disabled, CZ Enabled
E=RC Enabled, CD Enabled, CPA Enabled, CZ Disabled
F=RC Enabled, CD Enabled, CPA Enabled, CZ Enabled
Camera Active Guide (CAG)
Neutral Tow (NT)
Position Side Marker (PSM)
RBM FoE Strategy (RBM)720-01-03 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
Neutral Tow (NT)
Position Side Marker (PSM)
RBM FoE Strategy (RBM)
1=CAG Disabled, NT Disabled, PSM Disabled, RBM Enabled
2=CAG Disabled, NT Disabled, PSM Enabled, RBM Disabled
3=CAG Disabled, NT Disabled, PSM Enabled, RBM Enabled
4=CAG Disabled, NT Enabled, PSM Disabled, RBM Disabled
5=CAG Disabled, NT Enabled, PSM Disabled, RBM Enabled
6=CAG Disabled, NT Enabled, PSM Enabled, RBM Disabled
7=CAG Disabled, NT Enabled, PSM Enabled, RBM Enabled
8=CAG Enabled, NT Disabled, PSM Disabled, RBM Disabled
9=CAG Enabled, NT Disabled, PSM Disabled, RBM Enabled
A=CAG Enabled, NT Disabled, PSM Enabled, RBM Disabled
B=CAG Enabled, NT Disabled, PSM Enabled, RBM Enabled
C=CAG Enabled, NT Enabled, PSM Disabled, RBM Disabled
D=CAG Enabled, NT Enabled, PSM Disabled, RBM Enabled
E=CAG Enabled, NT Enabled, PSM Enabled, RBM Disabled
F=CAG Enabled, NT Enabled, PSM Enabled, RBM Enabled
Remote Start - Feature (RS)
Remote Start - Climate Settings (RSC)
Remote Start -Driver Seat (RSD)
Remote Start - Passenger Seat (RSP)720-01-03 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
Remote Start - Climate Settings (RSC)
Remote Start -Driver Seat (RSD)
Remote Start - Passenger Seat (RSP)
1=RS Disabled, RSC Disabled, RSD Disabled, RSP Enabled
2=RS Disabled, RSC Disabled, RSD Enabled, RSP Disabled
3=RS Disabled, RSC Disabled, RSD Enabled, RSP Enabled
4=RS Disabled, RSC Enabled, RSD Disabled, RSP Disabled
5=RS Disabled, RSC Enabled, RSD Disabled, RSP Enabled
6=RS Disabled, RSC Enabled, RSD Enabled, RSP Disabled
7=RS Disabled, RSC Enabled, RSD Enabled, RSP Enabled
8=RS Enabled, RSC Disabled, RSD Disabled, RSP Disabled
9=RS Enabled, RSC Disabled, RSD Disabled, RSP Enabled
A=RS Enabled, RSC Disabled, RSD Enabled, RSP Disabled
B=RS Enabled, RSC Disabled, RSD Enabled, RSP Enabled
C=RS Enabled, RSC Enabled, RSD Disabled, RSP Disabled
D=RS Enabled, RSC Enabled, RSD Disabled, RSP Enabled
E=RS Enabled, RSC Enabled, RSD Enabled, RSP Disabled
F=RS Enabled, RSC Enabled, RSD Enabled, RSP Enabled
Remote Start - Rear Defrost (RSRD)
Remote Start - Steering Wheel (RSSW)
DTE Rate of Change (DTERC)
Fuel Operated Heater (FOH)720-01-03 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
Remote Start - Steering Wheel (RSSW)
DTE Rate of Change (DTERC)
Fuel Operated Heater (FOH)
1=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Disabled, DTERC Descending Only, FOH Enabled
2=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Disabled, DTERC Ascending/Descending, FOH Disabled
3=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Disabled, DTERC Ascending/Descending, FOH Enabled
4=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Enabled, DTERC Descending Only, FOH Disabled
5=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Enabled, DTERC Descending Only, FOH Enabled
6=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Enabled, DTERC Ascending/Descending, FOH Disabled
7=RSRD Disabled, RSSW Enabled, DTERC Ascending/Descending, FOH Enabled
8=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Disabled, DTERC Descending Only, FOH Disabled
9=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Disabled, DTERC Descending Only, FOH Enabled
A=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Disabled, DTERC Ascending/Descending, FOH Disabled
B=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Disabled, DTERC Ascending/Descending, FOH Enabled
C=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Enabled, DTERC Descending Only, FOH Disabled
D=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Enabled, DTERC Descending Only, FOH Enabled
E=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Enabled, DTERC Ascending/Descending, FOH Disabled
F=RSRD Enabled, RSSW Enabled, DTERC Ascending/Descending, FOH Enabled
MyView Timeout Timer (sec)720-01-03 xxxx-xxxx-**xx
Entertainment Non-Sync Source - ENSS AM/FM (ENSSAMFM)720-01-03 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx
1=ENSSAMFM Enabled
Entertainment Non-Sync Source - ENSS CD (ENSSCD)
Root Menu Infotainment - RMI Climate (RMIC)720-01-04 *xxx
Root Menu Infotainment - RMI Climate (RMIC)
1=ENSSCD Disabled, ENSSDAB Disabled, ENSSS Disabled, RMIC Enabled
2=ENSSCD Disabled, ENSSDAB Disabled, ENSSS Enabled, RMIC Disabled
3=ENSSCD Disabled, ENSSDAB Disabled, ENSSS Enabled, RMIC Enabled
4=ENSSCD Disabled, ENSSDAB Enabled, ENSSS Disabled, RMIC Disabled
5=ENSSCD Disabled, ENSSDAB Enabled, ENSSS Disabled, RMIC Enabled
6=ENSSCD Disabled, ENSSDAB Enabled, ENSSS Enabled, RMIC Disabled
7=ENSSCD Disabled, ENSSDAB Enabled, ENSSS Enabled, RMIC Enabled
8=ENSSCD Enabled, ENSSDAB Disabled, ENSSS Disabled, RMIC Disabled
9=ENSSCD Enabled, ENSSDAB Disabled, ENSSS Disabled, RMIC Enabled
A=ENSSCD Enabled, ENSSDAB Disabled, ENSSS Enabled, RMIC Disabled
B=ENSSCD Enabled, ENSSDAB Disabled, ENSSS Enabled, RMIC Enabled
C=ENSSCD Enabled, ENSSDAB Enabled, ENSSS Disabled, RMIC Disabled
D=ENSSCD Enabled, ENSSDAB Enabled, ENSSS Disabled, RMIC Enabled
E=ENSSCD Enabled, ENSSDAB Enabled, ENSSS Enabled, RMIC Disabled
F=ENSSCD Enabled, ENSSDAB Enabled, ENSSS Enabled, RMIC Enabled
Root Menu Infotainment - RMI Emotive (RMIE)
RMI Entertainment (RMIE)
RMI Navigation (RMIN)
RMI Phone (RMIP)720-01-04 x*xx
RMI Entertainment (RMIE)
RMI Navigation (RMIN)
RMI Phone (RMIP)
1=RMIE Disabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIN Disabled, RMIP Enabled
2=RMIE Disabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIN Enabled, RMIP Disabled
3=RMIE Disabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIN Enabled, RMIP Enabled
4=RMIE Disabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIN Disabled, RMIP Disabled
5=RMIE Disabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIN Disabled, RMIP Enabled
6=RMIE Disabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIN Enabled, RMIP Disabled
7=RMIE Disabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIN Enabled, RMIP Enabled
8=RMIE Enabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIN Disabled, RMIP Disabled
9=RMIE Enabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIN Disabled, RMIP Enabled
A=RMIE Enabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIN Enabled, RMIP Disabled
B=RMIE Enabled, RMIE Disabled, RMIN Enabled, RMIP Enabled
C=RMIE Enabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIN Disabled, RMIP Disabled
D=RMIE Enabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIN Disabled, RMIP Enabled
E=RMIE Enabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIN Enabled, RMIP Disabled
F=RMIE Enabled, RMIE Enabled, RMIN Enabled, RMIP Enabled
Language Country Code720-02-01 ****-xxxx-xxxx
Select a country to get your AsBuilt value
HD Radio (HDR)
IFE Numeric
TPMS FedReg Cfg720-02-01 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx
IFE Numeric
TPMS FedReg Cfg
1=HDR Disabled, Non-Europe, IFE Graphical, TPMS ECE64
2=HDR Disabled, Non-Europe, IFE Numerical, TPMS FMVSS138
3=HDR Disabled, Non-Europe, IFE Numerical, TPMS ECE64
4=HDR Disabled, Europe, IFE Graphical, TPMS FMVSS138
5=HDR Disabled, Europe, IFE Graphical, TPMS ECE64
6=HDR Disabled, Europe, IFE Numerical, TPMS FMVSS138
7=HDR Disabled, Europe, IFE Numerical, TPMS ECE64
8=HDR Enabled, Non-Europe, IFE Graphical, TPMS FMVSS138
9=HDR Enabled, Non-Europe, IFE Graphical, TPMS ECE64
A=HDR Enabled, Non-Europe, IFE Numerical, TPMS FMVSS138
B=HDR Enabled, Non-Europe, IFE Numerical, TPMS ECE64
C=HDR Enabled, Europe, IFE Graphical, TPMS FMVSS138
D=HDR Enabled, Europe, IFE Graphical, TPMS ECE64
E=HDR Enabled, Europe, IFE Numerical, TPMS FMVSS138
F=HDR Enabled, Europe, IFE Numerical, TPMS ECE64
Daytime Running Lamps Control Function (DRLCF)
Home Range Warning (HRW)
Fuel History Display (FHD)
Eco Mode RTT720-02-01 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx
Home Range Warning (HRW)
Fuel History Display (FHD)
Eco Mode RTT
1=DRLCF Disabled, HRW Disabled, FHD Disabled, RTT Enabled
2=DRLCF Disabled, HRW Disabled, FHD Enabled, RTT Disabled
3=DRLCF Disabled, HRW Disabled, FHD Enabled, RTT Enabled
4=DRLCF Disabled, HRW Enabled, FHD Disabled, RTT Disabled
5=DRLCF Disabled, HRW Enabled, FHD Disabled, RTT Enabled
6=DRLCF Disabled, HRW Enabled, FHD Enabled, RTT Disabled
7=DRLCF Disabled, HRW Enabled, FHD Enabled, RTT Enabled
8=DRLCF Enabled, HRW Disabled, FHD Disabled, RTT Disabled
9=DRLCF Enabled, HRW Disabled, FHD Disabled, RTT Enabled
A=DRLCF Enabled, HRW Disabled, FHD Enabled, RTT Disabled
B=DRLCF Enabled, HRW Disabled, FHD Enabled, RTT Enabled
C=DRLCF Enabled, HRW Enabled, FHD Disabled, RTT Disabled
D=DRLCF Enabled, HRW Enabled, FHD Disabled, RTT Enabled
E=DRLCF Enabled, HRW Enabled, FHD Enabled, RTT Disabled
F=DRLCF Enabled, HRW Enabled, FHD Enabled, RTT Enabled
Grade Assist Menu (GA)
Next Full Charge Screen (NC)
Cross Traffic (CT)
Side Detect (SD)720-02-01 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx
Next Full Charge Screen (NC)
Cross Traffic (CT)
Side Detect (SD)
1=GA Disabled, NC Disabled, CT Disabled, SD Enabled
2=GA Disabled, NC Disabled, CT Enabled, SD Disabled
3=GA Disabled, NC Disabled, CT Enabled, SD Enabled
4=GA Disabled, NC Enabled, CT Disabled, SD Disabled
5=GA Disabled, NC Enabled, CT Disabled, SD Enabled
6=GA Disabled, NC Enabled, CT Enabled, SD Disabled
7=GA Disabled, NC Enabled, CT Enabled, SD Enabled
8=GA Enabled, NC Disabled, CT Disabled, SD Disabled
9=GA Enabled, NC Disabled, CT Disabled, SD Enabled
A=GA Enabled, NC Disabled, CT Enabled, SD Disabled
B=GA Enabled, NC Disabled, CT Enabled, SD Enabled
C=GA Enabled, NC Enabled, CT Disabled, SD Disabled
D=GA Enabled, NC Enabled, CT Disabled, SD Enabled
E=GA Enabled, NC Enabled, CT Enabled, SD Disabled
F=GA Enabled, NC Enabled, CT Enabled, SD Enabled
Compass Sync Gen3 (CS)720-02-01 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx
1=CS Present
Approach Detection Control Function (ADCF)720-02-01 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx
1=ADCF Enabled
The data contained in this database primarily applies to C1CMA Global C-Platform vehicles.
Instrument Panel Control Module (2012 – 2019)
Part Numbers: DM5T-A*, FM5T-*, GM5T-*, HM5T-*, H1ET-*
There may be differences due to vehicle model and region.
C1CMA Global C-Platform vehicles:
2011–2019 Ford C-Max (C344) and Grand C-Max
2012–2018 Ford Focus
2013–2019 Ford Escape / Kuga (C520)
2015–2019 Lincoln MKC
2013–present Ford Transit Connect
2015–present Ford Escort (China)