ACM (2011-2012) Database

Missing Message Strategy (MMS)
Internal Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS)
External SDARS
727-01-01 *xxx-xxxx-xxxx


727-01-01: *xxx-xxxx-xxxx


0=MMS non-CGEA, Internal SDARS Disabled, CPM Disabled, External SDARS Disabled
1=MMS non-CGEA, Internal SDARS Disabled, CPM Disabled, External SDARS Enabled
2=MMS non-CGEA, Internal SDARS Disabled, CPM Enabled, External SDARS Disabled
3=MMS non-CGEA, Internal SDARS Disabled, CPM Enabled, External SDARS Enabled
4=MMS non-CGEA, Internal SDARS Enabled, CPM Disabled, External SDARS Disabled
5=MMS non-CGEA, Internal SDARS Enabled, CPM Disabled, External SDARS Enabled
6=MMS non-CGEA, Internal SDARS Enabled, CPM Enabled, External SDARS Disabled
7=MMS non-CGEA, Internal SDARS Enabled, CPM Enabled, External SDARS Enabled
8=MMS CGEA, Internal SDARS Disabled, CPM Disabled, External SDARS Disabled
9=MMS CGEA, Internal SDARS Disabled, CPM Disabled, External SDARS Enabled
A=MMS CGEA, Internal SDARS Disabled, CPM Enabled, External SDARS Disabled
B=MMS CGEA, Internal SDARS Disabled, CPM Enabled, External SDARS Enabled
C=MMS CGEA, Internal SDARS Enabled, CPM Disabled, External SDARS Disabled
D=MMS CGEA, Internal SDARS Enabled, CPM Disabled, External SDARS Enabled
E=MMS CGEA, Internal SDARS Enabled, CPM Enabled, External SDARS Disabled
F=MMS CGEA, Internal SDARS Enabled, CPM Enabled, External SDARS Enabled

Rear Seat Entertainment (RSEM)
Shaker System (SS)
Family Entertainment System (FES)
Smart DSP (SDSP)
727-01-01 x*xx-xxxx-xxxx


727-01-01: x*xx-xxxx-xxxx


0=RSEM Disabled, SS Not Present, FES Disabled, Smart DSP Disabled
1=RSEM Disabled, SS Not Present, FES Disabled, Smart DSP Enabled
2=RSEM Disabled, SS Not Present, FES Enabled, Smart DSP Disabled
3=RSEM Disabled, SS Not Present, FES Enabled, Smart DSP Enabled
4=RSEM Disabled, SS Present, FES Disabled, Smart DSP Disabled
5=RSEM Disabled, SS Present, FES Disabled, Smart DSP Enabled
6=RSEM Disabled, SS Present, FES Enabled, Smart DSP Disabled
7=RSEM Disabled, SS Present, FES Enabled, Smart DSP Enabled
8=RSEM Enabled, SS Not Present, FES Disabled, Smart DSP Disabled
9=RSEM Enabled, SS Not Present, FES Disabled, Smart DSP Enabled
A=RSEM Enabled, SS Not Present, FES Enabled, Smart DSP Disabled
B=RSEM Enabled, SS Not Present, FES Enabled, Smart DSP Enabled
C=RSEM Enabled, SS Present, FES Disabled, Smart DSP Disabled
D=RSEM Enabled, SS Present, FES Disabled, Smart DSP Enabled
E=RSEM Enabled, SS Present, FES Enabled, Smart DSP Disabled
F=RSEM Enabled, SS Present, FES Enabled, Smart DSP Enabled

Center Image (CI)
Convertible [Display1/Display2] (CON)
Compression (COM)
Subwoofer (SUB)
727-01-01 xx*x-xxxx-xxxx


727-01-01: xx*x-xxxx-xxxx


0=CI Present, CON Display1, COM Disabled, SUB Not Present
1=CI Present, CON Display1, COM Disabled, SUB Present
2=CI Present, CON Display1, COM Enabled, SUB Not Present
3=CI Present, CON Display1, COM Enabled, SUB Present
4=CI Present, CON Display2, COM Disabled, SUB Not Present
5=CI Present, CON Display2, COM Disabled, SUB Present
6=CI Present, CON Display2, COM Enabled, SUB Not Present
7=CI Present, CON Display2, COM Enabled, SUB Present
8=CI Not Present, CON Display1, COM Disabled, SUB Not Present
9=CI Not Present, CON Display1, COM Disabled, SUB Present
A=CI Not Present, CON Display1, COM Enabled, SUB Not Present
B=CI Not Present, CON Display1, COM Enabled, SUB Present
C=CI Not Present, CON Display2, COM Disabled, SUB Not Present
D=CI Not Present, CON Display2, COM Disabled, SUB Present
E=CI Not Present, CON Display2, COM Enabled, SUB Not Present
F=CI Not Present, CON Display2, COM Enabled, SUB Present


Display1=all seats, drivers seat, rear seat
Display2=all seats, drivers seat, convertible

External 4 Speaker Amp (E4SA)
5.1 DSP (DSP)
Aux Jack (AJ)
Subwoofer II (S2)
727-01-01 xxx*-xxxx-xxxx


727-01-01: xxx*-xxxx-xxxx


0=E4SA Present, DSP Present, AJ Not Present, S2 Present
1=E4SA Present, DSP Present, AJ Not Present, S2 Not Present
2=E4SA Present, DSP Present, AJ Present, S2 Present
3=E4SA Present, DSP Present, AJ Present, S2 Not Present
4=E4SA Present, DSP Not Present, AJ Not Present, S2 Present
5=E4SA Present, DSP Not Present, AJ Not Present, S2 Not Present
6=E4SA Present, DSP Not Present, AJ Present, S2 Present
7=E4SA Present, DSP Not Present, AJ Present, S2 Not Present
0=E4SA Not Present, DSP Present, AJ Not Present, S2 Present
1=E4SA Not Present, DSP Present, AJ Not Present, S2 Not Present
2=E4SA Not Present, DSP Present, AJ Present, S2 Present
3=E4SA Not Present, DSP Present, AJ Present, S2 Not Present
4=E4SA Not Present, DSP Not Present, AJ Not Present, S2 Present
5=E4SA Not Present, DSP Not Present, AJ Not Present, S2 Not Present
6=E4SA Not Present, DSP Not Present, AJ Present, S2 Present
7=E4SA Not Present, DSP Not Present, AJ Present, S2 Not Present

Subwoofer II Voltage (S2V)
Subwoofer Voltage (SV)
Crossover Rear Speakers Detection (CRSD)
Crossover Front Speakers Detection (CFSD)
727-01-01 xxxx-*xxx-xxxx


727-01-01: xxxx-*xxx-xxxx


0=S2V 2V, SV 2V, CRSD Enabled, CFSD Enabled
1=S2V 2V, SV 2V, CRSD Enabled, CFSD Disabled
2=S2V 2V, SV 2V, CRSD Disabled, CFSD Enabled
3=S2V 2V, SV 2V, CRSD Disabled, CFSD Disabled
4=S2V 2V, SV 4V, CRSD Enabled, CFSD Enabled
5=S2V 2V, SV 4V, CRSD Enabled, CFSD Disabled
6=S2V 2V, SV 4V, CRSD Disabled, CFSD Enabled
7=S2V 2V, SV 4V, CRSD Disabled, CFSD Disabled
8=S2V 4V, SV 2V, CRSD Enabled, CFSD Enabled
9=S2V 4V, SV 2V, CRSD Enabled, CFSD Disabled
A=S2V 4V, SV 2V, CRSD Disabled, CFSD Enabled
B=S2V 4V, SV 2V, CRSD Disabled, CFSD Disabled
C=S2V 4V, SV 4V, CRSD Enabled, CFSD Enabled
D=S2V 4V, SV 4V, CRSD Enabled, CFSD Disabled
E=S2V 4V, SV 4V, CRSD Disabled, CFSD Enabled
F=S2V 4V, SV 4V, CRSD Disabled, CFSD Disabled

Steering Wheel Controls Pod Type (SPT)
727-01-01 xxxx-x*xx-xxxx


727-01-01: xxxx-x*xx-xxxx


0=Ford, SPT Not Present
1=Ford, SPT 6 position SWC
2=Ford, SPT 5 position SWC
4=Ford functionality, SPT Not Present
5=Ford functionality, SPT 6 position SWC
6=Ford functionality, SPT 5 position SWC
8=Reserved, SPT Not Present
9=Reserved, SPT 6 position SWC
A=Reserved, SPT 5 position SWC
C=Lincoln, SPT Not Present
D=Lincoln, SPT 6 position SWC
E=Lincoln, SPT 5 position SWC

Reverse Park Aid (RPA)
Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS)
727-01-01 xxxx-xx*x-xxxx


727-01-01: xxxx-xx*x-xxxx


0=RPA Ignored, VSS Ignored
1=RPA Ignored, VSS hard-wired [MS-CAN Ignored]
2=RPA Ignored, VSS MS-CAN [HW Ignored]
4=RPA Monitored by HW only, VSS Ignored
5=RPA Monitored by HW only, VSS hard-wired [MS-CAN Ignored]
6=RPA Monitored by HW only, VSS MS-CAN [HW Ignored]
8=RPA Monitored by MS-CAN only, VSS Ignored
9=RPA Monitored by MS-CAN only, VSS hard-wired [MS-CAN Ignored]
A=RPA Monitored by MS-CAN only, VSS MS-CAN [HW Ignored]

727-01-01 xxxx-xxx*-xxxx


727-01-01: xxxx-xxx*-xxxx


0=Determined by discrete or MS-CAN
1=Will revert to Hardwired
2=Will revert to MS-CAN

CADS Audio Mute (CAM)
MyKey (MK)
Canadian SDARS Content (CSC)
727-01-01 xxxx-xxxx-*xxx


727-01-01: xxxx-xxxx-*xxx


0=CAM Off, MK Disabled, CSC set to NA
1=CAM Off, MK Disabled, CSC set to Canadian
2=CAM Off, MK Enabled, CSC set to NA
3=CAM Off, MK Enabled, CSC set to Canadian
4=CAM On, MK Disabled, CSC set to NA
5=CAM On, MK Disabled, CSC set to Canadian
6=CAM On, MK Enabled, CSC set to NA
7=CAM On, MK Enabled, CSC set to Canadian

Delayed ACC (DA)
Steering Wheel Control (SWC)
727-01-01 xxxx-xxxx-x*xx


727-01-01: xxxx-xxxx-x*xx


0=DA Relies on Run/ACC only, SWC Ignored
1=DA Relies on Run/ACC only, SWC Monitored via HW
2=DA Relies on Run/ACC only, SWC Monitored via MS-CAN
8=DA Controlled via MS-CAN, SWC Ignored
9=DA Controlled via MS-CAN, SWC Monitored via HW
A=DA Controlled via MS-CAN, SWC Monitored via MS-CAN

EQ Selection #
727-01-02 **xx


727-01-02: **xx


00=EQ Selection #0 (Flat)
01=EQ Selection #1
02=EQ Selection #2
03=EQ Selection #3
04=EQ Selection #4
05=EQ Selection #5
06=EQ Selection #6
07=EQ Selection #7
08=EQ Selection #8
09=EQ Selection #9
0A=EQ Selection #10
0B=EQ Selection #11
0C=EQ Selection #12
0D=EQ Selection #13
0E=EQ Selection #14
0F=EQ Selection #15


EQ settings are vehicle dependent.
Use EQ Selection #0 (Flat) for tone curve with the most bass response across all volume levels.

AM Station for Antenna Test (kHz)
727-02-01 **xx


727-02-01: **xx

AM Signal Strength - Acceptable Value (dBuV)
727-03-01 **xx


727-03-01: **xx

Tuner Region
727-04-01 x*xx


727-04-01: x*xx


0=North America
4=Asia Pacific

AM Presets
727-05-01 xxxx-xxxx-xxxx


727-05-01: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx


Your Specific Presets are Stored in This Location.

FM Presets
727-06-01 xxxx-xxxx-xxxx


727-06-01: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx


Your Specific Presets are Stored in This Location.

FM Presets
727-07-01 xxxx-xxxx-xxxx


727-07-01: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx


Your Specific Presets are Stored in This Location.

SiriusXM/DAB Presets
727-08-01 xxxx-xxxx-xxxx


727-08-01: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx


Your Specific Presets are Stored in This Location.


The data contained in this database applies to Audio Control Module (ACM) for Ford/Lincoln vehicles. There may be differences due to vehicle model, firmware revision, and region.



Ford F-150 Platinum FX-4 (2015)
United States, Canada & Mexico
Electronics/Electrical Engineer, MSEE
Joined 4 July 2020
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